Tuesday, March 28, 2017

40 Reasons “Why Do You Write?” Challenge from Bryan Hutchinson’s Blog and website http://positivewriter.com/reasons-why-write-challenge/ Stella Carrier imagination Stories belief scriptwriter/screenwriter links

 40 Reasons “Why Do You Write?” Challenge from Bryan Hutchinson’s Blog and website http://positivewriter.com/reasons-why-write-challenge/


I am creating heaven on earth.

My psychic and intuitive abilities expand each day.


I follow my life purpose as it unfolds from moment to moment. I choose my highest path each moment.

I receive revelations. I recognize and honor them when they come into my mind.

I choose to live an abundant life.


I and my higher self are in charge of my destiny.


I meant to complete it earlier, but I went to sleep/rest for a little while with my sweet husband who is understandably trying to get some sleep as he gets up much earlier for work than I do. I then woke back up by 125 am and I’m now by 158 am about to resume completing the challenge


Time start of 40 reasons why I write start time: 158 am on Tuesday March 28, 2017

1.    The first reason why I write has to do with the fact that writing helps me merge my eclectic interest in music with potential stories that I could create out of songs that I listen to online.

2.    What I mean by this merging of storytelling with my songwriting; Dreams by Van Halen can symbolize a story of a person overcoming their challenges despite great odds stacked against them. The mashup of Encore and JayZ of Numb creates a whole different persona out of the original Linkin Park song. It can be assumed that a story around such a mashup song can be about someone who lives out their life in accordance to what they feel is expected of them. However, a person must not assume that another person’s objectives are only there because of the influence of others. It is important to avoid stereotyping and assuming that a person is not capable of formulating their own goals from within their own subconscious. The songs Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer and Amazed by Lonestar symbolize the various facets of being in love. While songs such as Life’s Been Good by Joe Walsh and Angel on my Shoulder by Kaskade feat. Tamra can give writing inspiration under feel good themes. The Voice song by the Moody Blues could give me a storytelling idea of a person who is going through various stages of spiritual evolution, which gives me another reason within this post.

3.    As  an aspiring fiction writer, writing and the discovery of various website resources can help me creatively  harness  ideas for extra storytelling. Writing helps me organize these ideas together in a cohesive manner.

4.    Writing gives me artistic permission to freely explore geographic andor socio-economic parameters  beyond my own background. For instance, writing from the inspiration of Southern California’s Top 100 Events and the recent George Lucas/Melody Hobson scholarship story would give an author such as myself an idea to do explorative writing around a character/characters who maybe work as a popular andor charismatic event planner while attending courses at the University of Southern California.

5.    I enjoy writing because it also helps me integrate my storytelling around some of the activities that I already do and blend them in writing form with some of the dreams/goals that I have for my husband and I. For instance,  Popsugar articles pertaining to Costco and chefs, aBusiness insider articles to homebuying plus saving money, and a Williamsburg, Virginia Garden party article can either be one story or two stories. For example, I can write one story about a Costco food court worker who eventually becomes a chef and decides to purchase a home in Williamsburg Virginia while attending a summer party where they either come across a business idea andor meet friends at a summer garden party. Just from the articles that I described a story could also be made of a Costco store manager and a chef who lives and works in Williamsburg Virginia who are friends and unexpectedly meet at a summer garden party etc., the abundant of novel possibilities in just a few links.

6.    Another Reason I enjoy writing has to do with the fact that I can channel my spirituality through my writing.

7.    Writing has helped me channel and archive important intuitive insights that I sense are coming through my higher self/soul that I can archive andor refer back to at a later time.

8.    I write to grow and connect with the unlimited creativity of my imagination as well as to further develop it. I have been fortunate in coming across an abundance of resources on how to increase the potential of my imagination, and writing helps me solidify some of these ideas for reference/usage in both my stories and for my own personal spiritual evolution.

9.    I also write to channel my dreams in a constructive and fun manner. I understand that some dreams are better left private, but the writing helps give me an outlet to cope with some of the intense dreams that have been happening the deeper I get into my writing.

10.I write to help further tap into my intuition. I notice that the more I write, that the more I come across articles, synchronicities in my offline life, and other miracles that I understand can be experience by both good and evil people. However, to be fair, I have figured out that some of the happiest andor most successful people who would probably honestly admit that they are not the nicest people are also ones who happen to be gifted in following their intuition andor harnessing their imagination into what some skeptics would just call correct/wise decision making andor some spiritually minded people call well-timed andor strategic/well placed action.

11.Writing allows me to further develop my wisdom and gives me greater access to an abundance of help and resources that were previously scarce andor unavailable before I begin to write more prolifically.  I am coming across and organizing an abundance of information related to what I was looking for just a few years ago and it is as if my increased writing has been sort of a metaphorical key to help open the door/doors to greater opportunities/more expanded information.

12.I write to give myself a voice because even I understand, as Madonna says in one of her songs Iconic, that other people will speak for you if you do not use your voice to speak up for yourself. I have seen this frequently in my own life when I intuitively andor logically pick up on some well-meaning people who may think that they know what I plan on doing in my professional andor career life. This can sometimes be done with harm-free intent. However, using writing to build my voice also helps me to be a more self-confident and happier wife for my sweet husband, who is actually super supportive of my writing habits.

13.Writing helps me channel my sensual nature that I sometimes try to keep hidden andor suppressed for karmic andor spiritual reasons. However, try as I might, anything I strive to suppress makes its way into my dreams. As a result, writing has helped me organize writings related to what I try to suppress but what I successfully keep private for offline writing as compared to other types of emotions that I strive to suppress versus other dream inspirations that I can channel online but I must still use discretion about (some dreams are related to situations andor people that I intuitively figured out that I needed to forgive for my own spiritual sake).

14.Writing helps me get in touch with my aim to become wiser. I notice that the more I write, that the more frequent information on how I can be a wiser andor emotionally stronger person flows my way. Additionally, writing has helped me be more discerning as to what to look at and what to leave alone for someone else to look at.

15.I write to channel some of my energy when I walk outside, which leads me to my next reason.

16.I write to remember aha and unique moments. Writing has helped me to sometimes integrate some of the creative ideas and insights that have spontaneously came to me just by walking.

17.I write to also resourcefully combine some of my goals into avenues both for understanding myself and making peace with my reality even when things go differently than expected. Writing has been a spiritual saving grace for me even when I know that doing so has attracted to me public judgement andor gossip because I happen to live differently from what someone expected of me (i.e. a challenge to someone’s paradigm or balance of how a woman such as myself should live).

18.I write to constructively channel any harsh criticism andor unexpected challenges into beneficial opportunities for further positive growth andor to attract answers/solutions to knowledge that I seek.

19.I write to successfully create winning game plans to navigate both familiar and unfamiliar scenarios. There are many times where writing has helped me figure out where andor who to victoriously turn to for help andor unbiased/bias-free guidance/advice.

20.I write to uncover ways to do things differently that help me change various areas of my life in a joyful manner.

21.I write to successfully help me to remember to trust my instincts and remember what some of my mentors have taught me when there are no defined answers to certain areas of my life.

22.I write to help me think outside the box when it comes to what others consider both realistic and unrealistic. Writing helps me uncover new pathways/discoveries that can be found in both familiar and unfamiliar settings. This is because writing has helped reinforce my understanding that the happiest paths/choices to take in life are not always so transparent and sometimes the best options involve what is less than obvious andor outrageous.

23.I sometimes write to help me further understand andor carry out what it takes to thrive even more in my life. Many blessings andor miracles in my life are because I used the power of focus, writing, and intent to attract the resources for money and other needs even in the face of other persuasive andor influential critics gossiping about me and my life. The focus, intent, and writing has helped me to be a stronger magnet to supporters, miracles, and other unexpected beneficial situations that have helped reinforce my belief in a bright future for myself and my husband.

24.I write in order to brainstorm ways of making preparation and working smarter help get me what I want. Writing has helped me emerge victorious andor spiritual stronger even when things were more challenging than I previously imagined. On a positive note, these challenges have helped sharpen both my creativity and intuition.

25.I write to integrate the areas of my logic, listening to my heart, and being aware of what I must do in all areas of my life. Writing helps remind me that a balance of these three are what is needed in both my storytelling and in various other areas of my life.

26.I write to become receptive and increase my understanding of the multiple options available to me in both my storytelling and other areas of my life. This understanding is also beneficial to me because I actually understand what is best for me even when I keep an open mind to listening to others. However, the practice of writing helps me spot and be discerning to bias-free advice/information that is either better than what I can come up with andor is in line with what I intuitively know feels joyful.

27.I write because it helps me be concern-free when it comes to obscurity, recognition, andor fame. I clearly understand that there are often good reasons to the benefit of a writer whether they are experiencing obscurity, judgement, recognition, andor fame.

28.I write to also help me experience both in my storytelling and my real life my intuitive understanding that I must follow my passion when it comes to choosing where I want to both temporarily and permanently live when it comes to places of residence for my husband and I regardless of approval from both supporters and well-meaning critics on our choices (in regards to where we live). This is because I am blessed to understand that I can be flexible when it comes to the type of job that I hold but that I am satisfied deep down and in the best position to spiritually evolve if I am living where I prefer and choose to live regardless if it is on a temporary or long-term basis.

29.I write to also help me shrewdly/wisely keep in mind the arena of goal setting in both storytelling and various areas of my life. When I have fun writing, I am reminded to be careful of how much I strive to do at one time/a short timeframe. I wisely pace myself and prioritize.

30.I write to also tailor my storytelling and various goals in my lfie towards my own preferences and desires. This helps me become aware of when to follow my own ideas even when it is the opposite of what some are saying or when to listen to others when the advice is bias-free andor a happier option than what I may have initially came up with on my own. This controversial practice helps me sharpen my intuition, logic, and wisdom.

31.I write to see the unlimited potential in myself regardless of how I am perceived for doing so. As a woman, (which probably affects some men too), I’m all too aware that my assessment as a writer is going to be filtered through my age, physical appearance, and economic/financial income status (young men and women do matter but our society worships youth to the point where so many people are actually surprised when a scandal comes up of an older adult and a younger person, no I do not condone some of the stories I have seen but I find it incredulous that there is mainstream media surprise when some article is published on a teacher and student scandal). Anyhow, writing helps me filter out some things that are best left alone and writing helps me focus on what I intuitively sense matters more to my spiritual evolution and expansion of wisdom.

32.I write to also help remind me of some of the areas in my storytelling that could benefit from becoming a more prominent priority as well as in my life. I recently came across a good article titled Want to Reward Your Brain, Get off the Couch by Arthur Kramer Ph.D. that obviously gives me brilliant creative ideas on maybe a freestyle story around characters who achieve impressive body transformation in relation to what is described in this article. However, even in my own life as a writer, the article helps remind me how making my consistent walking routine a consistent priority would ensure both eventual success in both my weight loss goals and expanded creativity in my writing.

33.I write because I do feel that being a writer is in alignment with my divine life purpose. I’m well aware that some influential andor persuasive people may scoff at this because my background may be different from a woman that would be expected to have a passion for writing. However, my passion for writing helps sustain me during both good times and challenging times of my life. Additionally, I can easily see myself writing both during my current lifetime and beyond regardless of whether I experience recognition, obscurity, being harshly judged/gossiped about andor fame.

34.I write to also integrate both my mystic experiences and synchronicities that have been occurring in greater frequency in my life.

35.I write to also integrate some of the books and other literary resources that come my way.

Speaking of writing to integrate books and literary resources, writing helps me try on different career roles for storytelling. For instance in the book White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen by Andrew Friedman and Walter Scheib feature a best laid plans feature on pages 120-121. This could give a writer ideas for writing a fiction story through the point of view of a White House chef who puts various events and meal plans together for the White House (pages 120-121)(I purchased this White House Chef book on December 22, 2015).

36.I write to also integrate understanding and ideas from the people who know me andor accept me. What I mean by this is that one of my sister in laws today kindly responding to one of my facebook posts by mentioning that she likes Costco as well. Additionally, I found a great recipe to make canned tuna tastier from a salad recipe featuring tuna that one of my maternal aunts was kind enough to share on facebook. This could give me ideas both as a blog writer of keeping certain recipes to share with others for future reference as well as maybe story ideas of a person who runs their own restaurant  andor food truck with certain type of foods that they specialize in.

37.I write because I have a strong desire to write regardless of the outcome that I attract for pursuing a writer career. Of course, this indirectly influences in a positive way why I have a strong intent around knowing what I want when it comes to both temporary and long-term places where I plan on my husband and I living as well as other areas of my life. On a positive note, my writing practice has built both  clarity and conviction on some of the ideas I have a strong faith and self-confidence in,

38.I write to also help reinforce some of my goals in other key areas. For instance, collecting saving money articles to reference in my storytelling helps remind me of my own goals to put saving money as a priority high up with my walking routine, in my case at least 25 percent of my after tax income each month.

39.I write to also listen to my soul on what makes my heart sing. Ever since I have started to write, I have fortunately become more sensitive to some of the things I need to increase my focus on in order to be happier in all areas of my life.

40.I write to also enjoy an activity that helps me appreciate and understand my amazing husband even more. I am lucky in the sense that my husband is encouraging of my writing habit and he introduces to me things that he likes more often the longer we are married which both helps me understand his inner world and expands my horizons and viewpoints as a writer. I am also fortunate in the fact that my husband patiently helps me in my intent to nurture and grow my self-confidence both as a writer and a woman. I avoid taking this for granted because I am aware that sometimes other people may expect to be around a person who is already highly self-confident.


The book White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen Hardcover – January 17, 2007

by Andrew Friedman  (Author), Walter Scheib  (Author)-I purchased this book on Amazon on December 22, 2015

A realtor explains how to set yourself up as a homebuyer long before you ever start shopping


This Is How All Your Favorite Chefs Cook Steak

The Best Frozen Items From Costco

I save half my income, and it's not because I'm frugal


I have pride in where my husband and I currently work regardless of how I am judged for doing so. However, I admit that this article caught my interest because of it pertaining to George Lucas and his wife Melody Hobson donating to an educational program that fosters storytelling. Additionally, I admit that I wrote a freestyle story on a few of my blogs about characters living in California and working at the University of Southern California less than 12 hours before I unexpectedly discovered this article tonight.

George Lucas Family Foundation Donates An Additional $10M To USC In Support of Student Diversity

As a woman who enjoys writing, I have seen this article in my google email inbox but have not yet taken and completed the writing challenge of the 40 Reasons Why You Write by Bryan Hutchinson. However, I intend to do so for fun within the next hour or less.  I probably will post in the comments blog of the website that the article is connected with once I am done. Something within me guided me to share this article for anyone else who has fun writing andor knows someone who enjoys writing.

Take the 40 Reasons “Why Do You Write?” Challenge

By Bryan Hutchinson

Want To Reward Your Brain? Get Off The Couch

Arthur Kramer, PhD

This Avocado Tuna Recipe is courtesy of my maternal Aunt Maria Doxtator Alfaro (her and her twin sister Michelle Marie Doxtator are related to my late biological mother Jolene Nieves).

Avocado Tuna Salad Recipe

I intend to use this link  Southern California's Top 100 Events 2017 for the 40 reasons writing challenge that I intend to complete by 130 am or sooner.

The list of the meetings, parties, and industry gatherings that make the most impact in Southern California year after year.

By Alesandra Dubin March 21, 2017, 3:00 AM EDT

Southern California's Top 100 Events 2017

I googled secrets of self-confident people

9 Little-Known Habits of Confident People

By Susie Moore
Songs I heard on iheartradio less than 8 hours ago that I also intend to put on my Amazon storytelling playlist
Dreams by Van Halen
Amazed by Lone Star
Encore by Jayz And Linkin Park
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer
Life’s Been Good by Joe Walsh
Angel on my shoulder by Kaskade and Tamra
The Voice by the Moody Blues

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