Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This Is My Time Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

This Is My Time Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

My intuition and spirit help me create writings that are far more uplifting than the norm.
My amazing husband provides the emotional and spiritual encouragement my soul craves as I successfully reach a major milestone in my life today.
I intend to follow my wisdom and intuition when it comes to improving on my writing and speaking skills.
I am creating heaven on earth.
Each Day,I am reaching closer towards my fitness and weight goals.
Each Day I Am Becoming A More Creative Writer.
I carefully listen to my intuition when going public today about the knowledgeable books I intend to release to make room/a spiritual/celestial vacuum for even more expansive sources of knowledge and references to come in.
I do my best and follow my passion regardless of how my efforts are judged.
I offer the best creativity that comes from my true unlimited potential soul in my writings regardless of how many people feel I am offering something of great value.
Each day, I am becoming closer to achieving my career objectives, my educational/college objectives, my housebuying objectives, and my objectives as it relates to my chosen long-term place of residence for my husband and I.
What matters more to my personal development as an author and other areas of my life is the shaping process itself.
My vision for the future is vibrant.
The clay is mine to shape.
I successfully meet the challenge of translating abstract ideas into reality in all areas of my life both present and future.
I am in the process of metaphorically making the world my oyster.
I obtain satisfaction/fulfillment from molding raw ideas into a finished freestyle story regardless of how perfect it is.
I imagine my desired outcome towards achieving my goals, channel grit to make progress by accessing my spiritual power and then make a wish come true.
I carefully release both today and tomorrow what I plan on releasing today.
I proceed without validation from others, even if it means drawing from my spiritual practice to feel at peace.
I believe in my ambition and professional aspirations.
I Follow my wisdom when it comes to prioritizing which goals to focus towards my bright future.
More affirmations
I am creating heaven on earth.
My psychic and intuitive abilities expand each day.
I am a good person. I acknowledge all the goodness within me.
I now create my wonderful, ideal life.
I am aware of my feelings. I trust the impressions I receive.
Everything I do contributes to the higher good of myself and others.
I have a clear connection to my guide.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
My psychic and telepathic abilities are opening up.
Songs For Me To Use;
I Think We’re Alone Now by Tiffany
Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton
Some Like It Hot by Power Station
Heaven Is A Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle
Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen
Music by Madonna
Roc Me Out by Rihanna

Start time by 1229 am after assembling songs, affirmations,resources etc.
End time 123 am
               Sharon Cooper was happy to have finished coming from an exciting concert that involved both Madonna who sang ended with one of her hit songs Music and Rihanna who shared the spotlight with Madonna at the beginning of the concert for the Roc Me Out song. Both women are famous and well-known in their own right, yet Sharon is happy to have scored tickets to the concert through her job as a public relations specialist for a military cafeteria that serves various people on a military base in San Diego California.  Sharon Cooper is about to visit one of her friends Paula Ali, who is a lookalike of Belinda Carlisle in the Heaven on Earth video.
               As a matter of fact, Sharon Cooper and Paula Ali met on a modeling assignment that they were doing in Los Angeles on account of their good looks (Sharon Cooper is a lookalike of the singer Tiffany in her I Think We’re Alone Now music video). Both women bonded over having 5 year old twin girls that each eerily gave birth to on their 20th birthdays and both of their husbands are military officers (Sharon’s husband Hayden is a military officer stationed in Japan through the Navy while Paula’s husband is an U.S. Airforce military officer temporarily based in Guam.  Paula frequently works around accomplished and highly self-confident actresses who become more self-confident and intuitive the older they get due to her success in making a living as a screenwriter. Many of these actresses/famous celebrities have even made the list of women who look younger for their age. Paula is well aware of how any woman, regardless of her field, must grow her self-confidence as she gets older to combat age discrimination. However, working around many of these women from various backgrounds who are both happy and have confidence in themselves and their careers help Paula understand what is possible on a positive level.
Sharon is checking up on Paula Ali for emotional support and encouragement for both Paula Ali and her sister Courtney. Courtney Kelly is not as pretty or self-confident as Paula but makes up for it in her creativity, determination, and emotional strength. Much to Paula’s surprise, Courtney was able to successfully create a successful career re-invention by opening her own taco food truck despite the number of both successful and financially abundant taco restaurants in the San Diego California area. A dream that Courtney had inspired her to name her taco truck business the Taco Mall and a dream inspired her to even name one of the 13 signature tacos that she carries names such as Some Like It Hot and Hungry Eyes (after she had a dream where she was serving tacos to concertgoers who were attending an 80s theme concert that featured various 80s artists such as Eric Carmen, Power Station, The Cure, Depeche Mode performing their 80s song, Duran Duran performing their 80s songs etc.). Courtney was fortunate in having access to a number of courses, websites and resource links both in starting her successful business while juggling a hospitality degree due to the encouragement that her husband Jack shared in his work as a creative writing instructor at a nearby San Diego Community College.
Courtney is able to juggle having her own taco business with balancing a social and marital life because her taco business only stays open from 9am to 3pm Mondays to Fridays. Courtney has even had time to tend to two children that she adopted with Jack and be a writer on the side. Courtney recently received a windfall of 33,300 U.S. dollars after taxes for one of the stories that she self-published under a pen name in Canada. Courtney Kelly was inspired to self-publish one of her stories under a pen name in Canada and New Zealand after she saw the music video for Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, and Ray Dalton just 8 months ago and noticed the theme of traveling. The annual income of 900,000 dollars after taxes from her taco business plus the 33,300 dollar windfall has helped give Courtney and her husband nearly at least 20 years of living expenses on just that income alone not counting money she made from her story.
Sharon, Paula, and Courtney all have their kids with babysitters for another three hours and so they decide to stop by their local new age church less than five miles from the taco truck before heading back to their homes. A meditation service is about to start at this church and fortunately all three women arrive in time right before the meditation starts.
Less than five minutes into the meditation, Courtney Kelly notices that she is in an athletic field outside on a sunny day but it is tricky for her to make out the location as she does not yet recall having worked there or volunteered where she is standing. Courtney Kelly does  weigh 160 pounds from the 217 that she weighed 9 months ago on her five foot and 4 inch height and knows that she has to put forth her best at continuing to lose weight. She has been getting feelings that she needs to step outside of her comfort zone and volunteer more often in athletic and event settings to help both her social skills and weight but she wonders if it is selfish to go out a lot more without her husband Jack and leaving him at home more often to watch their two adopted kids. Courtney Kelly notices that Paula and Sharon running with the players in the field outside and happy but she is not able to reach them due to a glass barrier in front of her. Right when she shatters the barrier, Courtney is gently woken by Paula and Sharon. It turns out during the dream that Courtney had, both Paula and Sharon also unexpectedly went to sleep and had to be jolted from their sleep from another fellow church goer. It turns out Paula was given guidance to prepare for more money in her career by letting go of excess items in her leaving space and be guilt-free about searching for an apartment closer to her heart’s desire for herself, her husband, and her kids. Paula was told by one of the players in the dream that it is common knowledge in heaven that where a person lives and their apartment/home greatly influences their manifestation efforts but this is not yet widely known in the new age community yet, but it will be within the next 100 years or less. The player acknowledged to Paula that it is true that it is already widely known in the new age community that creating a vacuum through becoming more organized and clutter free (letting go of excess items) can bring positive transformation in other areas of a person’s life whether educational, personal, professional even when their life is already good or even if a person’s life is highly challenging. The player in the dream (out in the field) explained to Paula that it is currently not as yet well-known that there are times where a person can accelerate this positive transformation either by changing around their current place of residence (feng shui) or simply switching to a home or apartment that matches their new energy/vibration.
Sharon explained that in her dream a player dressed in a yellow and purple  outfit simply explained to her that she has access to life-changing guides at her usage but she needs to narrow them down to 15 and make time to use them everyday even if it means that she has to change the frequency of her activities online. Sharon and Paula then ask Courtney if she was also given advice in her dreams. Before Courtney discloses her realization that her dream of being out watching among a crowd of people out in a sunny field while music was playing was a gently nudge for her to go out much more than she has been doing and at least volunteer at least once or twice a week even if that is the only going out she is doing outside of work and exercising.  Before Courtney could joyfully share more and acknowledge that Sharon’s and Paula’s advice also applies to her both women tell Courtney that they think they know what she is going to tell them.


Some of my recent dreams
Sleep On It Technique by Lynn Robinson

15 Celebrities Who Look Decades Younger Than They Actually Are
For me to definitely keep in mind for the rest of my current lifetime on earth


25 Websites That Will Make You Smarter


10 Strategies Quick Learners Use To Pick Up Anything


27 Tips For Mastering Anything

7 Morning Habits Creative Leaders Swear By by Wanda Thibodeaux


18 places to learn critical skills that will change your life by Larry Kim, Inc.


15 podcasts that will make you smarter



Women in their 20s and 30s making between $30,000 and $150,000 explain how they spend and save by Business Insider



21 Millennial Women Making $30K To $150K Explain How They Spend And Save Their Money


Millennials are Buying Their First Homes, and Here’s What They Want


Women in their 20s and 30s making between $30,000 and $150,000 explain how they spend and save

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