Thursday, March 16, 2017

Each Day Gets Better Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

I put forth my best efforts and creative output each day with little concern to external appreciation andor praise.
I successfully figure out how to make the best of both of my today, tomorrow, and the future with little concern as to external reward and I use any harsh judgments to my creative andor spiritual advantage.
I have been giving helpful and unique advice in regards to the goals I have for my future. I wisely and strategically take action and create blueprint plans to the timeless guidance I have been given.
I look beyond appearances to know what is real.
My third eye is opening.
I ask for and receive higher guidance.
My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
Songs for today
Pain by Three Days Grace
Good To Be Alive by Andy Grammer
State of My Head by Shinedown
I Can’t Stay Away by The Veronicas
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by The Eurythmics
Each Day Gets Better Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Start time 117 pm
End time 155 pm
Jasmine Alexander is having a lot of fun setting up an event for some grade school children at a park that she agreed to be a volunteer for. Jasmine notices that many of the parents dropping of their kids are dressed in outfits that are very fashionable for the Hollywood, California that they are residing in. Some of the parents that dropped off their 8 year old kids look like stars themselves even though they are grade school teachers. Just a few hours ago, a father named Bernard McLaughlin who is a successful real estate investor in the area (and looks like the lead singer of Shinedown who created the song State of My Head)dropped off his 9 year old daughter with a 25 year old looking female named Violet Watson (her name tag was on the dress) who resembled the Veronica Sisters (who have created such songs as Stay Away, Take Me On The Floor).
A 45 year old woman named Mona Hughes (who looks like Annie Lennox in the Eurythmics music video for Sweet dreams) comes over to Jasmine. Mona tells Jasmine that she could go ahead and go home for the day as she is her relief for the day for the remaining 4 hours.  Jasmine goes ahead to leave and walks around the nearby houses in the area to look at where she might want live in for herself, her husband, and her two 10 year old twin nieces named Annabel and Selene.
She looks at three website resources on various houses across the world, a successful story of a person who succeeded in paying off their house early, and a third story  of a man who imagined paying his mortgage before he succeeded in paying off his house. Jasmine realizes that she would love to have a house that her family members and friends could come to visit her in. She feels blessed for the apartment that she shares with her husband, but it is too small to frequently have more than one extra person to visit at (not to mention rising rent prices that has her thinking that she might as well look into buying a house within the next 10 years or less).
Jasmine borrows the car from her sister named Lillian Wood to pick up her nieces Annabel and Selene. Lillian Wood is a popular and charismatic professor at one of the colleges that is close to the school of her daughters. Once at the school, one of the teachers lets Jasmine know that she is actually 2 hours early but that she will call her once the girls are ready to get picked up. Jasmine gets a special pass to allow herself to nap in the car before she is called by either the teacher or his sister that the girls are ready.
For whatever reason, Jasmine notices that she must be already asleep when she is in a scene where a positive scene is replayed to where she talks to a spiritual/psychic mentor that she trusts that helps her confirm some of the plans that she has, which also helps her intellectually believe in her capabilities to achieve her dreams regardless of what some well-meaning critics may tell her. The blue robin that her psychic mentor sees after the session for whatever reason turns into a green train in front of Jasmine. Jasmine flashes back to that dream where she sees two people that she has not yet met in her real-life on some type of luxury train that has nice beds and large windows that show the bright sunlight outside. A female named Florence that Jasmine has not yet met appears up beside her and politely asks her to avoid disclosing what she sees the two people doing even though she has not yet met them. Jasmine is only allowed to share that the male looked like the lead singer of Three Days Grace and that the female looked like one of the models in the Pain by Three Days Grace music video. Then  Jasmine asks this female what this has to do with her. With compassion, the female tells Jasmine that she actually brought this couple together in one of her past dreams even though she may have initially forget; the words a spiritual dreamwork love matchmaker pop up in front of Jasmine in gold. Jasmine then asks the female spirit what her qualifications are to have even been selected for this and an image is shown where Jasmine was much younger.  Jasmine was only 21 years old and acted a little too bold in pursuing a guy named Freddie Baker that she liked that she was sure was interested in another type of female.
However, Jasmine decided to move on by using the prototype of that guy for the next guy that she pursued with success named Stanley Parker. Freddie Baker somehow found out about Jasmine’s new love interest and joked with her that she found a 2.0 version of him. Jasmine asked Baker why he even cared because he seemed interested in another type of woman. Baker admitted to Jasmine that he actually was interested in her but was only trying to “challenge” her to prove her romantic interest in him and he felt the need to admit this once he found out that she moved on and slept with Parker.  Jasmine admitted to Freddie that she was only following her intuition because she does not believe in stalking a guy fatal attraction style or spending too much time on a guy if she is unsure of his interest in her. Florence then woke Jasmine up from the image and explained that this was why her celestial guides have selected her to be a dream shift matchmaker. Before Jasmine could ask Florence about her dreamtime role, she is woken up by her cell phone and the ring tone Good to Be Alive by Andy Grammer. It turns out that  her nieces Annabel and Selene are ready to be picked up.
Various Resources
A wild dream that I had less than 6 hours ago involving a train
I admit that I was inspired to share this link after spotting it in my linkedin profile account less than four minutes ago and due to some unexpected dream that I had involving a train less than 6 hours ago.

All Aboard: 5 New Luxury Trains to Book This Year

The World’s Most Incredible Homes

After paying off my $255,000 mortgage by age 30, here are the 5 best pieces of advice I can give you by Sean Cooper contributor


The one thing everyone should do (but no one does) before buying a house by Jim Wang

A healing session that I had with a psychic mentor/author
You can cultivate new beliefs that will help you accumulate money. For instance, the belief that you can make a living doing what you love might motivate you to be more creative. You might want to believe that money is something to be enjoyed, something that will contribute to your higher purpose and help you make a contribution to humanity.
Accelerating your spiritual growth comes from accepting and loving yourself as you are right now. Some of you think that you will love yourself better when you have become evolved and perfect. Many of you are too critical and hard on yourselves. Spiritual growth comes from loving yourself as you are now, not from making yourself wrong because you haven't reached some imaginary ideal of perfection. You are perfect as you are now.
How does it feel to channel? Channeling states feel as if you have become very wise. The channeling state creates subtle changes in your perception of reality. Answers to questions may come easily, and they may seem simple or obvious. At first it may even seem as if you are imagining or making up the words and thoughts. You might feel as if you are concentrating. You do not want to push your mind away; actively use it to help you reach higher.
If you are working toward quantum leaps that have not yet occurred, be aware that everything you are doing right now in your life is getting you closer. Go inward for a moment and ask "What quantum leap am I in the process of taking? And how could something that happened in the last week or even today be preparing me to have it?"

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