Thursday, March 9, 2017

Present and Future Unite Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Songs for Today (Also added on my Storytelling Playlist through my music account)
Gooey by Glass Animals
Love Lockdown by Kanye West
Cherry Blossom Girl by Air
Crush by Jennifer Paige
Lydia by Highly Suspect
Most Girls by Pink
Womanizer by Britney Spears
Bodywork by Morgan Page feat. Tegan and Sara
Heaven (Radio Edit)by Jes
Heaven (Myron Remix) by Jes
Say You’ll Haunt Me by Stone Sour
Love Rollercoaster by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Affirmations For Today
I get the most out of my day.
I stay grounded and on task.
I can get things done in a memorable way while staying focused with little concern as to how others react.
I think outside the box when coming up with creative solutions andor uncovering fruitful mysteries.
My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release itself from me.
I strengthen people by sending them loving thoughts.
I ask for and receive answers through my dreams.
My psychic abilities expand everyday.
My channeling empowers me and others to find our own inner wisdom.
I know what I came to earth to do, and I am now doing it.
At every moment I am becoming a more perfect light.
All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness.
I am on the perfect path for me right now.
Will 3: I listen within. I know the answers to my questions are within me.
I support the success and happiness of everyone I know.
Other people support my success.
I find time everyday to exercise.
Present and Future Unite Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Jane Foster is a 25 year old female with waist length platinum blond hair and a five year old girl named Alison who lives in Pasadena California. Friends of Jane Foster have joked with her about her physical appearance to the charismatic twin sisters Tegan and Sara in the Body Work song with Morgan Page (which Jane happens to like). Her husband Randolph Foster works in the Yellow Shoes program at Walt Disneyland. Today, Randolph Foster is going on a three day business trip to Tokyo Disneyland. He also has work dealing with a business deal that his advertising agency made with the music group Air known for such songs as Cherry Blossom Girl.  
Jane Foster’s mother Myra Mills works as a baker at a college less than 20 miles from where Jane Foster and her husband reside. Myra Mills is taking Alison to a live musical based on the song Most Girls by Pink. Myra Mills and her daughter Jane Foster are extremely close but Myra wants to start indoctrinating Alison early to be a woman later in life always having her own job, car, and enough money from her own after tax income to pay rent.  Jane and Randolph Foster first met at a Glass Animals concert and connected during the Gooey song.  Eventually, Myra is going to have to decide whether she wants to admit to her daughter Alison (When Alison is at least 12 years old or older)that she was conceived the night of a Kanye West concert that closed the concert with the song Love Lockdown. Myra sees that Jane Foster and her husband Randolph Foster are going to stay married for the rest of her current lifetime yet is concerned that Jane still has to recoup the income she made before leaving the world of plus-sized modeling to give birth to Alison.  Myra is concerned as to how Jane will make it if she and Randolph predecease her (Jane is both a blacksheep and social pariah in the rest of her family partially due to her harm-free but eccentric personality so it is not an option for her to live with other family members as most mainstream media articles strive to push on the millennial generation). Additionally, even if Jane became the golden sheep of her family tomorrow, most of her family members live in economically disadvantaged areas where even finding a fast food job/minimum wage job andor decent paying job paying comparable to a U.S. government job is like winning the lottery. Jane intuitively and logically knows that it is actually her destiny to stay independent and live on her own with her husband and daughter Alison regardless of how others judge her for choosing to do so. However, yesterday, Jane Foster got a lucky break when a modeling photographer approached her about doing a plus size modeling shoot when she was just having fun singing the lyrics to Say You’ll Haunt Me by Stone Sour during one of their concerts less than 20 minutes from where she lived. This modeling assignment gave her an extra 1000 dollars after tax income for just 8 hours on a San Diego beach, so naturally Jane is hopeful that she can maybe garner more plus size modeling assignments.
 Myra also works as a psychic part-time and has various clients across the U.S. and abroad. Myra even sees trips for Jane and Randolph to such places as New Zealand (and going on a Middle Earth themed trip), Australia, Iceland, and England. Myra even intuitively sees that Jane and Randolph are going to be able to go on a sightseeing trip that has to do with photography and the life of Jackie and John Kennedy. Myra, even as a psychic, wants Jackie to get public relations work assisting doctors who perform weight loss surgeries for various celebrities (such as the headline case involving Gadbourey Sidibe). This is because Myra sees that Jane Foster’s job as a public relations assistant is going to indirectly lead into work freelancing for companies such as Business Insider who would pay her daughter to travel to various countries for research (such as the case of a recent Business Insider article listing various places for women to live).
Jane, for her part has been successfully working as a human resources assistant that helps temp agencies place laid off andor fired employees into food service jobs at various hospitals and universities. Many of the people that Jane Foster has helped place have succeeded in eventually being selected in permanent positions as cooks at various hospitals, colleges, high schools,and grade schools across the United States and some places in Canada. The only people that were not permanently placed in permanent positions were people that worked at the temp food service jobs until they relocated abroad (various places across Europe, New Zealand, Asia, Australia, Canada, U.S. government agencies in Africa etc.)andor joined/rejoined the various active duty branches of the U.S. military (Airforce, Navy, Coastguard, Marines, Army etc.). Jane does the best job that she can as a human resources employee with little concern as to if her actions would garner her credit, promotion, andor advancement. However, Jane does concern herself with job security because one of her hardworking coworkers named Bridgett Scott who was forced out of her job after clashing with another female coworker Adrienne Owen. One of  Adrienne Owen’s past boyfriends/lovers named Freddie Richards who she still had a crush on sexually propositioned Bridgett in front of Adrienne. Bridgett Scott found his attempts funny but gently rebuffed his advances as Freddie is just not her romantic type, maybe more as a friend. However, Adrienne still felt threatened because Bridgett Scott was starting to attract more attention from other people that she would use to mainly get. As a result, Adrienne made up some gossip about Bridget Scott and convinced a coworker friend named Louis Hall to convince his friend who made the decisions on who to cut people Lester Mason to drum up a bogus reason to force out Bridgett.
      Fortunately, Bridgett Scott found another human resources manager job through Irene Price in Virginia Beach Virginia. Irene Price  was also forced out in a similar manner as Bridget Scott except at a popular business chain in California. Much to the surprise of many, Irene rebounded with another job that was much better than the one she was forced out of due to another female letting her professional and romantic insecurities overrule her. However, circumstances forced Irene Price to take a gamble on Virginia Beach Virginia as a cook at a hospital in the Virginia Beach area. Fortunately, Irene got help in getting this job after meeting Jane at a business trip/job fair that the company was holding at a hotel.  Jane connected Irene to a human resource employee at the hospital named Adrian Matthews. Adrian Matthews  was a retired Navy Officer who had remembered first meeting Jane at a rock concert in Virginia Beach by the Highly Suspect music group known for their song Lydia.Due to Jane’s past help, Irene Price used her insider status as a now supervisor cook at a hospital to help Bridget Scott get a human resources job at the hospital she was at.
      After work, Jane Foster called Irene Price for another favor. Jane and Irene were discussing the stories about some of the Marine troops deploying to Syria and what that meant for the military side of the economy across the U.S. (as both women use to be in the military). They also joked about one of the recent People magazine stories involving Hunter Biden’s love life. Jane Foster admitted that she missed her time in the Airforce and wondered to Irene about if this yearning means that it would be a good idea to try to rejoin the Airforce. Irene Price admitted that she understood how Jane felt but she would need time to get back to her on looking about job leads for her in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake Virginia area. Less than five minutes after their phone conversation ends, Irene Price heads rest because she is scheduled to work from 7am to 2pm the next day in addition to being selected to speak for a half hour at a community college less than a 15 minute drive away. Irene Price follows her intuition to meditate and follow into a peaceful sleep by first playing the radio edit of Heaven by Jes and then the Myon Remix of Heaven by Jes which she ends up falling asleep to.
      Right away, Irene finds herself in one of the libraries that is a conglomerate of two Business Insider articles that she had recently seen in regards to various top libraries around the world and futuristic libraries. Irene reaches for the golden and orange door in the room, but she is stopped by a benevolent yet playfully mischievous female spirit who resembles the singer Jennifer Paige of the Crush song. Please let me pass, Irene gently says to this female spirit. However, before anything else  is said by this spirit who tells Irene to call her Susan, a pink, blue, and yellow book lands at Irene’s feet that says open me please. Irene opens the book and first the image of the music video of Womanizer by Britney Spears pops up with the following words in gold; Less than a week from today, you are to use these images for fun to write in your past blog entries different roles that you would have loved to play in your life but for karmic reasons title Fiction Truth is Stranger Than Fiction Scripting for reasons you are to understand three months from now but date some of those entries from your past of at least over 8 months or more ago for karmic reasons. Before, Irene could ask Susan more, the song Rollercoaster by Red Hot Chili Peppers plays in the background and naturally Irene looks around. Susan then tells Irene eyes on your book for at least a little while longer please as the words in the next page read; This symbolizes both a clue for your California friend and the work you are to do when it comes to scripting one of your future lifetimes about 1475 years from now dealing with you working as an intellectually gifted and highly intuitive urban planner and part-time college Professor who combines theme parks, colleges, grade schools, and shopping centers within a five mile radius. Susan then tells Irene to write about her future lifetimes in past blog entries as well predating 9 months before or longer while bringing forth the older entries for supporters to compare and analyze. Irene also intuitively instantly realizes that she must ask Jane Foster if she has applied to human resource assistant positions at Busch Gardens Williamsburg or the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia (even in the dream she remembers a coworker talking about these opportunities that were advertised online but Irene was fine with her head cook job at the hospital and she was trying to figure out why she was hearing about them.). Before Irene asks Susan how to handle andor deal with any public judgment that comes as a result of her doing this blogging, she is giving the advice to pray, trust in her intuition, and make time to exercise walking at least 6 miles a day before she instantly wakes up.

From One of My Husbands most recent dreams less than 8 days ago
JFK and Jackie Kennedy’s Life as Newlyweds Captured in New Auction Photos
10 of the most incredible home libraries around the world

Libraries of the future are going to change in some unexpected ways

I am giving myself until the year November 2020 before resorting to getting the type of surgery that Gabourey Sidibe did. This is partially because I intend and am determined to do what I can to achieve my weight loss goals by November 2018 or sooner (and I have practical reasons why I must save the surgery as a last resort that have little to do with money). However, I think it is a brave thing for Gabourey Sidibe to go public and admit what is helping her lose the weight. Fortunately, my weight loss efforts are starting to pay off, but I am glad that I came across this article because it helps remind me to avoid comparing yourself to how fast you lose weight in relation to how long it takes other people to reach their weight loss objectives.  Even if my opinion is in the minority, I feel that it is ok to want to get skinnier to enhance your appearance even though it is popular for other people to be shamed for doing so when admitting. I feel that many other people (with some obvious exceptions) who shame others for admitting to losing weight to enhance their looks do not know how it feels to have been prejudged as a female when it comes to physical appearance. In other words, a male can get away with being overweight in the workplace and not be held back in their future job opportunities andor income based on weight. However, it is far from the same as a female who works outside of Hollywood andor the U.S. government jobs regardless of what other people try to say. I admit that losing weight to enhance my appearance is not the only reason why I am successfully losing weight. I am in great physical health but I have a major important reason that is tied into my income that I am intuitively aware ties into both my physical appearance and being a female that I feel that I do not have to go into discussing right now.
Gabourey Sidibe Opens Up About Weight-Loss Surgery for the First Time: ‘I Love My Body Now’
Eva Mendes Eats This Same Meal for Lunch and Dinner: ‘I’m a Creature of Habit’

Why are so many grocery stores coming to Virginia Beach? What the influx could mean for you

In world first, Iceland to require firms to prove equal pay

The 9 best countries in the world for working women, as voted by expats by Lianna Brinded

U.S.-led coalition confirms Marines deploy to Syria
Regardless of the judgment I may face for saying an opinion that runs contrary to popular mainstream opinion, family friend Rob Buccini can say all the he wants about how Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden are meant to be together. However, it is still scandalous and controversial how Hunter and Hallie Biden got romantically involved because he (Hunter Biden)is her late husband’s brother who happens to have still been married at the time of them getting together. I can understand if Hunter Biden was legally separated andor divorced from this wife Kathleen Biden at the time of getting romantically involved with Hallie Biden. I can even understand more if Hallie Biden got involved with one of her late husband’s friends in the aftermath. However, this controversial pairing of Hallie Biden getting involved with her late husband’s brother (again I can even understand if it was a friend of her late husband yet she (Hallie Biden) is definitely getting herself into deep soap opera drama by getting romantically attached to a man (Hunter Biden) that may mean well with good intentions, but has left unresolved/unfinished business with his wife Kathleen Biden. Last, but not least, of course Hunter Biden’s friends Rob Buccini and Lea Carpenter are going to defend this new and soap opera/tabloid magazine fodder relationship (because that is what true friends do that stand by their friends through positive and challenging times).
Love After Pain: How Hunter Biden and His Sister-in-Law Hallie ‘Were Really a Team’ During Beau’s Cancer Battle by Char Adams, Michelle Tauber, and Rose Minutaglio
15 Year Anniversary of New Zealand as Middle-earth Tour

Take a walk in Disney’s Yellow Shoes

Disney’s in-house creative shop creates ads that includes things like Darth Vader as a cupcake to promote Walt Disney World
·        — 3 FEB, 2015

Disney wins big at this year’s Annie Awards

Disney takes home 10 Annies for their achievements in "Gravity Falls", "Big Hero 6" and more
·        — 3 FEB, 2015

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