Monday, April 3, 2017

Happiness Turned on its head freestyle story

Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran
Higher Love by Steve Winwood
West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys
Fly Like An Eagle by The Steve Miller Band
The Joker by The Steve Miller Band
This Side of Me by Savage Garden
I Want You by Savage Garden
Just What I Needed by The Cars
Dvds watching tv show
2 law of attraction books
Aiming for when you were most prosperous
Music, shows, media when you were your most prosperous
I saw iheartradio featuring this article today

I have a bright future ahead of me.
I am creating heaven on earth.
My psychic and intuitive abilities expand each day.
I successfully manage my schedule and time wisely
I create a schedule in line with my life purpose and being in the right place at the right time
I learn to create and make the best of opportunities both seen and unseen in front of me.
I am aware of the open doors saying while still keeping in mind the importance of creating my own doors in life.
I move with self-confidence/resilience in all areas of my life both present and future regardless of how I’m perceived/judged
I have many wonderful things to do everyday. I love my life.
I’m in the process of doing what I love from moment to moment.
My consciousness is expanding everyday
My soul always responds when I ask it for more clarity. I am clear.
My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.
I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.
Start time 1137 pm
        50 year old Janet Mills lives in a gorgeous two bedroom house in Australia and she is so excited to attend Arthur Findlay College in a few days.  Fortunately, her husband Liam Mills approved for her to go to this college with two of her friends from work. Both Janet Mills and her husband Liam Mills work as teachers (Janet Mills is a preschool teacher while Liam Mills is a high school history teacher).  They have two children (a boy and a girl) who are 32 years old and 34 and successfully live on their own in Canada. As a result, this upcoming time for Janet Mills and Liam Mills is completely theirs.   Janet and Liam cuddle on the couch while watching the Get Smart movie and then they drink hot tea as they listen to the songs No One Like You by the Scorpions and Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran as they strategize who is going to pack for their upcoming stay at Arthur Findlay College.

        Janet looks over one of the  Amazon kindlebooks that she purchased after finding out about it unexpectedly after searching for the Get Smart movie. Janet looks through the Get Smart book by Brian Tracy and wonders how she can at least regain the income that she had around 8-9 years ago. Janet looks up to ask Liam a question and notices that she is no longer on the couch that she was cuddling next to Liam in. All of a sudden, Janet finds herself in the front seat of her dream car with a television screen showing scenes from the We Are Your Friends film and playing the Just What I Needed song by the Cars. Before Janet could ask the interpretation of the song, she notices a food supply truck pass her by that looks like something that belongs to one of her long distance friends back in the U.S.  more than where her and Liam reside.  Janet silently wonders in her mind just why she is dreaming all of this when a spirit that admits to posing as her husband who is not her husband sits right next to her. The spirit explains to Janet that he is a trainee named Finlay who is apprenticing  from the instruction of one of her spirit guides. Finlay is temporarily shapeshifting in the form of her husband to relay the following messages via a paper that Finlay places on Janet’s Lap before she wakes up that contains the following;

Dvds watching tv show-Start carving a little time to watch dvds andor films that closely relate to some of the goals that you are striving to manifest in your life even if others question you for looking at something that they typically would expect differently for someone of your background.
2 law of attraction books-Strive to only use 2 books out of 15 each day to maximize successful results
Aiming for when you were most prosperous-Aim for a money amount that you made when you felt your most prosperous financially
Music, shows, media when you were your most prosperous-Take 2-3 of the years you were most financially prosperous and listen andor watch music, media andor shows from that time

Get Smart Movie
Get Smart book by Brian Tracy
We Are Your Friends film
The Arthur Findlay College
Reference from my income of when I honorably left the U.S. Navy in 2009 making over 3 thousand a month after taxes

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