Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Curveball to the Left Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

I honor my connection to my guide with my words and actions.
I remember my dreams. They show me answers and solutions.
Divine Will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.
I believe in myself and my path.
I believe I can grow instantly, and I do.
My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
Start time 12:44 pm
End time 143 pm
Songs for Today;
Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey
Vogue by Madonna
A View to a Kill by Duran Duran
Cake by the Ocean by DNCE
The Climb by Miley Cyrus
She Will be Loved by Maroon 5
I Wanna Be Bad by Willa Ford
Love On Top by Beyonce
Curveball to the Left Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Bertha Johnston is an outgoing and attractive lookable of singer Willa Ford famous for the I Wanna Be Bad song. Bertha Johnson is currently 28 years old and has a vivacious lookalike 12 year old daughter named Dora who is currently in private school in Los Angeles California. She has been married to charismatic Adam Levine lookalike from Maroon 5 Evan Johnston since the she was 20 years old and he was 19 years old. Evan Johnson looks similar to how Adam Levine did in his music video for She Will Be Loved except with cropped and naturally orangish red hair.Yes, you heard that right and here is how they met.
Evan Johnson joined the U.S. Navy as a mass communications specialist less than a month after graduating high school. He was inspired to work in a public relations capacity while having his college paid for after spotting an article online his freshman year of college that involved White House spokesman Josh Earnest explain the wiretapping controversy involving recent President Barack Obama and current President Donald Trump.  Both Evan Johnston’s parents lived, along with Evan in the Hollywood, California area and were supportive of him going into the military as they had both worked in the CIA and were rooting for him to build a leadership foundation early in his life. As a matter of fact, one of their recent dinnertime conversations stemmed around a Business Insider article about CIA director Michael Hayden.
Anyhow, Evan Johnston won tickets to see Beyonce  through a local radio contest at his college and he met Bertha at one of the Beyonce concerts held at the college. They ended up bonding during the Love On Top song and yes they managed to stay together long-term despite the fact that Bertha Johnston did not wait until their wedding night 3 months later to be intimate with Evan. Bertha’s daughter was already 3 years old when Bertha and Evan got married. Fortunately, Evan did not seem to mind Bertha being a single mother when they met. However, to this day, Bertha does not like to talk about how Dora was conceived the night of her 16th birthday due to the fact that the conception happened in the bleachers of her Montana high school gymnasium with a teacher from a neighboring high school while the song Cake by the Ocean by DNCE played in the background. Bertha only found out the teacher was married after his wife confronted them both at a Miley Cyrus concert while the song Climb was playing. Instantly, Bertha was disowned by everyone in her family including both of her parents who were pastors at the same church as the teacher’s wife.
Fortunately, Bertha rebounded by moving to Washington D.C., getting approved for section 8 housing being a single mother, and getting a job as a secretary at one of the local grade schools where she eventually met Evan at the concert. Anyhow, fast forward 8 years later and Evan Johnston found out that he has been selected to study public relations through the Navy’s officer program and Bertha has been given a job interview to a position that gives her a 500 dollar a month pay jump from her previous job due to her overseeing other school secretaries at a private school in the Washington D.C. area. This is important because Bertha had previously been unemployed for the past 9 months.
Bertha comes to Evan excited to share the news of her promotion and plays the song Vogue by Madonna plays on the local car radio that her and Evan share. Bertha first calls her daughter Dora who is still in private school but they agree to get together to celebrate in July as it is now still January. As for Evan, Bertha comes into the three bedroom house to tell him the news but she finds a letter on the fridge with him writing that he left her for a woman he met at work named Veronica Cooper.
Bertha remembers that name Veronica Cooper because she too works in the public relations sector as her husband but is a civilian employee. Bertha remembers her husband admitting to her that Veronica got the job because her father is a wealthy retired navy officer who is friends with one female  officers at his job. However, never did she suspect that Veronica had designs on her husband because of Veronica being married to a successful real estate investor who is known to make at least 5 million dollars a year after taxes and Veronica herself is worth 2 million dollars after taxes. This was not to say that Evan was not good enough for Veronica. Rather, even now Bertha believed Evan to be a gem, but she thought Veronica would go for someone else close in wealth. Bertha knew that she could not compete with Veronica’s wealth and knew that she had to do something fast as she had been unemployed for nearly 9 months now and going on 10 months.
Less than a week later, Bertha found out that she could not be selected for that job because a car was necessary and she was required to give it back to Evan as part of their separation agreement. Bertha’s friends did not understand why she did not go after Evan for what he did andor tell his navy supervisors what was going on. Bertha found these ideas to be not worth the time and decided to make a fresh start in California in the cold of January after reading about Los Angeles in a Business Insider article and noticing in another Business Insider article that one of the richest people listed has a strong connection to California.
Friends and Family in Bertha’s life were shocked and did not agree with Bertha moving to California without a job offer. Even Bertha’s husband wanted her to wait two months to see if the previous job  in the Washington D.C. area that laid her off over 9 months ago would take her back. However, Bertha had a good feeling about the risk she was taking even though her first 6 months were filled with much job adversity and heartbreak (she fell in love with 2 different men in this 6 month period who were military officers (one from the Airforce and another a Navy officer)who had sex with her on the rebound but dumped her the moment their girlfriends took them back). However, a positive breakthrough came for Bertha when she took a manager’s job in a Family Dollar store that was opening in the Los Angeles area with a hybrid grocery store/produce section in it. Bertha is also offered a copywriting assignment job to fit around her current job after someone online spots an article she wrote about an Alabama Governor and his girlfriend who is also a mother.
Bertha also had a dream one month into her new job where she was in a beautiful outdoors setting complete with colorful castles, two golden suns, and the song Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey was playing. Bertha moved closer to one of the Castles and noticed that she was peering a lifetime where a female was a combination of a space military officer on a flying ship and later in that same life a Professor at a college set aside for creative writing for both kids and adults (different classes depending on the age group). Bertha is trying to understand what she is seeing especially since the Professor female in that scene is playing the song A View to A Kill song by Duran Duran and holding up a dvd copy of the Captain Phillips dvd starring Tom Hanks. None of this makes sense to Bertha until a masked spirit in a red and blue robe and pink mask explains to Bertha that she can tap into her future college Professor self that is even smarter, more psychic, and happier than she is now to continue to move towards her brighter future. Bertha asks the spirit how many years from now will this be from now to which the spirit replies 1500 years from now. Before she can ask the spirit more questions, she is awakened by a cell phone call of her husband Evan who admitted that he got her phone number from their daughter Dora. Evan admits that Veronica dumped him and returned to her much wealthier husband and that he wishes that he would not have abandoned her when she trusted him the most. In other words, he was wanting her to come back but she would have to leave California. Bertha wonders if it is wise to take him back, even though she loves Evan and he has at least been a good father to Dora even though Dora is not his biological daughter.

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden slams pro-Trump media for peddling 'illegitimate' and 'non-fact-based worldview' by Oliver Darcy
·        Emmie Martin and Tanza Loudenback
·        Mar. 5, 2017, 12:15 PM
·        129,191

The 18 richest people in America

I still believe that it is highly important that I aim for a place to live that is best for my husband and I long-term regardless of any list(in terms of being able to eventually buy a house, cost of living, job/economic outlook etc.).  However, I obviously understand that others may find this list helpful.
·        Tanza Loudenback and Emmie Martin

The 22 best places to live in America if you want to make a lot of money

I originally found this story on Rebekah Mason and Robert Brentley less than 5 hours ago via an msn article connected to NBC.
However, I prefer to avoid judging harshly because I understand that people sometimes cannot help who they fall in love with. However, I feel compelled to say this, obviously as a non-manager employee I must stay away from saying what I would do as a manager or boss. However, if I was ever a close friend of a subordinate in that situation described in these two articles andor the subordinate in such a dangerous scenario then I would gently advise that the non-manager employee prepare to find another job andor have an exit date on when you would leave said job regardless of a guaranteed job offer if you are sexually intimate with a person in such a high person (as well as be honest that this is what you would do to said person that you are breaking the workplace rules with).  I understand that there may be people looking at this comment who are already in that situation andor cannot obviously do this if they are in the military andor a job that requires a mandatory contract. However, the reason why I feel that the non-manager/boss employee needs to find another job andor have a definitive exit date after the first sexual encounter rather than waiting much time later has to do with practical reasons. In a hypothetical scenario of a female sleeping with boss but staying on the job, that female could unfairly use her influence to get other female employees laid off, fired, andor blocked from receiving promotions if she finds another female andor other females a threat romantically andor professional wise ( she may also do this to male employees who would  also pose a threat).  This would create a hostile environment where only the friends andor family members of the female employee sleeping with the boss could be promoted andor retained in their jobs. In the case of Rebekah Mason and Robert Bentley, I do not know either one of them and would obviously have to give Rebekah Mason the benefit of the doubt that she would have used her romantic influence with the boss in the past to keep other female andor male employees from being promoted at her job andor retained at the job. However, any good friend of Rebekah Mason could have warned her to eventually leave her job and allow her husband to stay at the job immediately after the first moment that Mason and Bentley were sexually intimate and well before any fallout between Bentley and his former friend Collier. However, it appears that Rebekah Mason did what could have been done some time ago (before Spencer Collier was let go) and now both Rebekah Mason and Alabama Governor Robert Bentley are in some controversial and uncomfortable national media spotlight.

Alabama Lawmakers Preparing to Impeach ‘Love Gov’ Robert Bentley

Alabama’s governor was recorded having a sexually explicit conversation. Is impeachment next? By Amy B Wang and Amber Phillips

'This may come as a surprise to the current occupant of the Oval Office': Former Obama press secretary blasts Trump wiretap claims

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