Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spirit Guide Selection Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Affirmations For Today
I know the essence of what I want and I get it.
I trust my inner guidance.
My psychic and telepathic abilities are opening up.
I have abundance in every area of my life.
I support the success and happiness of everyone I know.
Other people support my success.
I find time everyday to exercise.
I choose the probable reality I want to experience.
I receive all the nurturing touch I need to feel alive and connected.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

I take time to think before I act.

I am creating heaven on earth
I think outside the box when coming up with creative solutions andor uncovering fruitful mysteries.
My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Start time after writing and gathering resources, affirmations, coming up with Freestyle Story Title Spirit Guide Selection Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Start time 657 am
End time 802 am
            Olivia Wilkinson has been dead for over 90 years now. She actually lives in a happier realm that was not that much different from the one she left behind in California during the 1920s. During that lifetime, she was born with reddish orange hair and dark brown eyes.  She met her husband Bradley Wilkinson by accident as a 17 year old when she was trying to inquire at a catering event certain prices for reserving certain halls for her parents (she was an only child).
            Brad happened to be there because he too was coming to inquire about a meeting hall reservation for his parents. Olivia looked back at a scene in a comfortable garden like room where she and Brad started to discuss how they were both around 17 years old and came from similar backgrounds. Olivia remembered how they got married and how they ended up having two females who became successful college secretaries at the University of California Los Angeles college campus. The two daughters both ended up being great grandmothers to 2 women and 2 men who owned their own chain of Carmax stores across certain parts of California, and certain areas in Virginia.
            Olivia heads to a library near the house she made her home over 70 years ago and is visiting in one of the libraries of the world she resides in that has a spirit guide training area.  She asks one of the spirits who calls herself Skye overseeing the library area what the qualifications are for being a spirit guide not so much out of seriousness yet rather out of how spirit guides are selected.
            Skye explains that first Olivia would need to look into the type of person she would want to be a spirit guide to in order to get the help necessary to whoever she is overseeing. Next thing, is that Olivia would have to agree with actually postponing reincarnating back on earth even in the next 500 years due to karmic reasons overseeing the person she selects. Olivia is in no hurry anyhow to reincarnate especially after coming from a society and lifetime where it is not so popular to discuss reincarnation back on earth  in new age circles.
            Skye shows Oliva at least three different females that she could choose to be a mentor/spirit guide to. The first is a female spirit who is about to be born in less than a year to a 23 year old single mother who lives in London England named Maxine. The mother is a lookalike of the charismatic Mary J Blige in the Just Fine song who is due to give birth within the next 3 months who is studying to become a nurse. Additionally, both of Maxine’s parents are popular and prosperous butchers in the London area. However, Olivia notices that the unborn baby is going to need emotional help because Maxine’s parents for whatever reason are only slated to live for 15 more years. Additionally, the father of Maxine’s child is married to another woman on top of 3 other barely just above legal age lovers that he has on the side (not one of them is older than 24). For karmic reasons, Olivia is not able to glean more details on Maxine’s  situation unless she agree to be her spirit guide. The only other detail she is able to see is that Maxine has a soulmate in New Zealand who is a part-time psychic and hotel manager who looks like Adam Levine in the Animals video.
            The second case scenario of a person who Olivia could oversee if she chose to is an author and creative writing college instructor named Ian Ali in the Los Angeles, California who also happens to like the song Best Day of My Life by the American Authors.  There is a new vacancy for a new spirit guide to move in and help Ian Ali navigate his newfound fame as an author while juggling his love life with a public relations specialist who works at the same college that he teaches creative writing at.
            The third case scenario has Olivia sensing the energy of a 39 year old woman who has only been back in the military for a year but has done very well in her job as a culinary specialist in the U.S. Navy to where she is now eligible for getting transferred to a staff position that would have her cook for a large number of civilians and military people on a military sealift command ship. Olivia tries to see if this female is married, has kids, andor even what physical appearance the female has but the mirror she is looking through does not have that. She only sees that this particular person managed to use writing, keeping track of her schedule, drawing, and keeping an orderly environment to her advantage when it comes to her goals. The only thing that Olivia is allowed to see is that this life on a military sealift command ship would create a love life that mirrors the songs Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift and Timber by Pitbull feat. Kesha (due to the writing of these songs being written in Olivia’s library book) but on the positive side put this female on the ship in contact with hundreds of other military female chefs and female U.S. government sector chefs across all of the military branches. Before, Olivia could ask Skye guidelines on deciding, all Skye could say is that all three of her clients know about the Hollywood letter chief aim exercise as it relates to Bruce Lee’s life. It is just that for one of the three people, one of the person’s goals may actually manifest in 2 years or less due to 4 years. Just then, one of Olivia’s spirit guides asks her if she wants to volunteer as a spirit guide within the 1400 years that she prefers to spend in the various heaven based worlds before she voluntarily reincarnates back on earth. Olivia also notices that one of her spirit guides is holding a book labeled creativity with pictures of the words pure imagination, blueprint studios,1400 years, and the words politician husband.
From One of My Husbands most recent dreams less than 30 days ago
A sweater that I had seen a female wearing labeled UCLA this past Friday night after my husband and I got done doing some grocery shopping at Costco inside the Wheaton Mall.
Wildest Dreams Song by Taylor Swift
Fine by Mary J Blige
Timber by Kesha and Pitbull
Animals by Maroon 5
Best Day of My Life by American Authors
Idea of a spirit guide training university from author Annie Stillwater Gray in her book Education of a Guardian Angel
Celebrate Pure Imagination with Blueprint Studios
Top women chefs around the world

I googled secrets of creativity

10 Secrets For A More Creative Life

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