Sunday, December 25, 2016

World In Motion Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

World In Motion Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Affirmations For Today
I recognize love or the need for love behind every word that is spoken to me. I always respond with love.
My path and life's work are my highest priorities.
I trust my intuition.
I receive answers and guidance from my dreams.
I create delight and joy in my life.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.

            Nora and Theo Lloyd are a close and loving married couple who have been living in the Norfolk Virginia area for over 6 years. They have multiple friends who live on various parts of the east coast of the U.S.A  (the Washington D.C. Area, The Hampton Roads/Norfolk Virginia area, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Alabama etc.). Some of these friends are married themselves with kids and others are child-free. Some friends are single and others are in relationships, you get the picture. The friends range in various occupations; freelance writer, copywriter, public relations specialist, cook, chef, event planner, college travel specialist, theme park vacation planner, grocery store manager, housekeeping supervisor etc.
            Nora and Theo Lloyd work as television presenters in the Norfolk Virginia area. They have a rich and good life, but there are times when they have been tested. For instance, even Nora’s charisma and popularity could not shield her from rumors surrounding her marriage from rivals, critics, and sometimes supporters who project their own marital lives on how they think Nora’s marriage is with her husband Theo. They have even endured through a 3 year long distance marriage and Theo having three children by three different women at this time. Nora’s personal and professional critics lambasted her and her husband Theo for staying married. However, Nora knew that they were meant to stay married.
Nora is also a writer and she actually had a strange dream where she noticed one person in real-life using the names of one of her story characters as usernames in their online comments less than a week after she posted one of her stories. Another person even posted a comment under a username pertaining to one of Theo’s favorite television shows. For whatever reason, Nora was watching this from a television screen in a blue room and she intuitively understood that this woman had harm-free intentions and was threat-free when it came to the longevity of Nora’s marriage with Theo-despite the crush on her husband. Nora’s spirit was allowing her to see this dream as a way to remind her that she is writing for both her supporters and critics as well as for herself. Before waking up from that dream, Nora also felt the presence of a benevolent but mysterious spirit guide who telepathically sent her the message that he was allowing her to remember and see this dream as one of the multiple reasons why she keeps being encouraged to write at least three times a week.
The mysterious male spirit guide showed Nora another television screen image that explained one of the reasons for her unconventional lifestyle and of  Theo’s.  The male spirit guide explained that he is not allowed to confirm to Nora who is going to die first. All he is allowed to say is that Nora is indirectly helping to prepare Theo for a life of a marriage to a millionaire woman. However, Theo’s spirit guide team is trying to decide from at least 10 females that Theo has not yet met, with some of them already being self-made millionaires and others already being born into wealthy families.  Nora’s male spirit guide in this dream explained to her that he is not yet allowed to tell further details but only that she (Nora) ensures that her marriage to Theo is the only marriage she has in her current lifetime for reasons relating to her life purpose he must keep hidden until after she dies. The male spirit guide also gently warns Nora that others in her life are going to inflict great harsh judgment on her for upholding the choice to stay married to Theo for the rest of her current lifetime and for him to be the only husband she has regardless of who dies first. However, Nora’s male spirit guide makes it clear that he is allowed to intervene to communicate with celestial forces to help their marriage be lasting and close despite external forces/tests since she has shown a willingness to pay attention to her dreams and other spiritual omens.
Fast forward a year after that dream, the marriage between Nora and Theo is stronger as one of her main male spirit guides predicted. Nora is getting out of her cozy bubble bath and is about to join her husband Theo for sleep when one of her female friends calls her. The female friend named Effie works as a factory worker and had called her a half hour ago for at least a five song playlist of rock and pop songs that she can use in a homework assignment during her meal break for a songwriting class. One reason for this is because Effie’s boyfriend is visiting her during lunch break and he wants to use his experience (playing in a rock music group in his free time) in helping write some edgy songs. Effie and Nora met in this songwriting class and she did promise Effie a playlist less than an hour ago. However, Nora does not want to keep her husband Theo waiting. Additionally, Nora has to think of something quick because Effie only has a half hour lunch break. As a result, Nora gives Effie the following six song playlist for Effie in a hurry by getting the idea to pull six most recent songs from her iheartradio listening history;
Stellar by Incubus
Guilty by Gravity Kills
American Bad ### by Kid Rock
Your Body is A Wonderland by John Mayer
Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer
Clocks by Coldplay
After giving Effie the playlist, Nora is about to throw on her red robe and tell Theo that she is about to join him in the bedroom. However, Theo boldly opens up the door and tells her that Nora actually has ten more minutes because he has to take a call from his mother, it seems urgent. Nora understands this because his mother even treats her like her own daughter. For safety reasons, Nora decides to keep her cell phone containing a playlist she made for her and Theo in the bedroom until he gets back. Nora then heads back into the bathroom to get back into her bubble bath for what she figures will be just ten minutes.
A short time later, Nora is on a colorful  train filled with golden star, triangle,and heart shapes on some train filled with people wearing different colors of costumes from different places and time periods. Nora finds herself sitting in a comfortable velvet chair looking outside a sunny window when she turns to her left to find what she senses to be a male spirit dressed in a midnight blue cloak and a cherry red mask. Despite the surprise, Nora senses this spirit to be benevolent and he telepathically sends her a message that he is training under one of her main male spirit guides. He communicates to Nora to just call him Boris. Boris explains that he was a fitness instructor during his most recent earth lifetime and Nora attracted him via permission from her main spirit guide, because of her own fitness goals.
            Anyhow, Boris reaches out to hug Nora which causes her to unexpectedly close her eyes. A short time later, Nora opens her eyes and ends up being in awe because both her and Boris are standing in front of some hybrid theme park and department store. However, Nora asks Boris why she is being shown a theme park that is about the size of almost Walt Disney World/Walt Disney Land/Universal Studios Hollywood and yet the large futuristic department store next to this theme park seems to be neither a Target, Walmart, or K-mart.  Nora wonders if maybe it is a more futuristic and larger version of Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. Boris then explains that he can only confirm at this time that this structure is actually going to be built by the year 2200 or sooner.  Before Nora could ask if the large department store is going to be sponsored by what is now or Costco, Boris patiently explains that he will tell her more details that he is allowed to soon yet he needs to show Nora one more thing.
For whatever reason, she hears Boris say appear and he right away comes behind Nora and gently touches her hips/waist area to turn her around. Nora is a heart centered person who would not discount the idea of pushing someone to the ground or nearest wall in real-life for self-defense reasons if she was approached like that without her consent. However, despite Nora being taken aback, being in the realm that she finds herself in tells her that she can feel safe with Boris plus she is astonished by the 6 building structure that is only fifty yards from her (yet also right across the theme park/department store hybrid).

The 6 building structure has a golden sign on each of them labeled Norfolk Virginia 4 colleges and 2 universities by the year 2200.  She sees that the earth time is 11 pm and yet notices that the buildings have a train transportation system with a sign reading (Virginia to California in less than 3 hours). Nearby are some people playing in a building that houses tennis courts, a bowling alley, and a golf course in one. Additionally, she sees both students and the general public being served food. Much to Nora’s surprise, everyone seems fine with interacting this late despite the timeframe.
Boris then gives Nora a cell phone video that shows multiple universities in the Washington D.C. area doing the same thing (serving students and the general public food at night, complete with parties and the public transportation options that she saw for the Norfolk Virginia campuses, also set to be built by the year 2200 or sooner). Boris then calmly communicates to Nora to please turn her attention to what he is about to show her once Nora notices two of the employees making out in one of the buildings nearby that is playing club music (and playing the song Dirty Talk by Wynter Gordon). On a positive note, people walking by this couple walk right past them and seem euphorically indifferent to this exhibit where in Nora’s current time period and waking life there would be at least one person saying “Get A Room”. Nora can’t help but laugh. However, Nora promises Boris to keep a secret of the physical descriptions of who she saw, both due to the high visibility of the jobs of the two people she saw making out and because they are descendants of very conservative people that are alive today.
What Nora then sees astounds her even further. Nora sees a red, orange, green, gold, and pink building labeled Writing Institute-We welcome all age groups of aspiring writers, scriptwriters, songwriters and other types of writers birthed by the future. Nora intuitively understands that this too is going to be built by the year 2200 or sooner. Nora then asks Boris if this writing institute is going to be based in the Norfolk, Virginia area or the Washington D.C. area. Boris then communicates to Nora “Both Locations, in addition to your afterlife existence”. Nora politely asks Boris to tell her more to which he simply replies with a smile through his mask, “Nora you tell me”. What I Can tell You from the Heart is that the Back to the Future 2 film, while fictional symbolizes that a person is capable of traveling to the future via their sleep and mind if they just ask for help, much like prayer can petition the help of heaven. Boris, in a friendly tone, tells Nora keep this in mind for both your career and writing. Nora then gets the idea that she could travel to what she had just seen for answers to other areas of her life. However, before she can ask Boris more questions, Theo lovingly wakes Nora up in the bathtub as the song Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 plays. Theo gently and lovingly puts Nora in her bathrobe before he gently yet firmly says, “Come with me to bed because you know that this robe is not going to stay on you for very long” as the following playlist plays from when Theo turned on Nora’s cellphone before waking her up;

Drive By by Train
Bang Bang by Jessie J feat. Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj-
.Lucky Strike by Maroon 5
Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran
Right Here Right Now by Giorgio Moroder feat. Kylie Minogue
SWV Right Here
Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
Keeps Getting Better by Christina Aguilera
Feel Good by Robin Thicke
Glamorous by Fergie feat. Ludacris
Like A Prayer by Madonna
Just Can’t Get Enough by The Black Eyed Peas
Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel
World In My Eyes by Depeche Mode
Awaken by Jes

Resources Used
I googled random name generator

I googled random occupation generator

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