Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The American Dream New Zealand Style Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The American Dream New Zealand Style Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I release any negative or fearful self-images.
I receive impressions from my soul and higher self.
I open to receive light and energy from my soul. It strengthens my physical body.
I know who I am. My vision of my potential and myself expands every day.
I ask for and receive higher guidance.
The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Rose Driscoll, Tina Miller, Angela Rogers, and Dawn Reid are all American born women now living in New Zealand. All four of them are in their 30’s with 9 children among the four of them. Rose has four children, Tina has two children, Angela has one child, and Dawn has three children. The four women met each other  on a Middle Earth Hobbitt themed trip sponsored by the website 100% New Zealand. They happened to meet at the same time because of their jobs sponsoring a 3 day and 4 night summer retreat in New Zealand. All four women talked over a campfire one night and each of them discovered that they decided to start their lives over in New Zealand after their career and educational goals transpired differently than expected. With the exception of Angela Rogers, each of the other three women turned to the option of starting over their lives in New Zealand in the hopes of dealing with their student loan situations.  The reason; For whatever reason, each of the three women experienced a major upheaval before they got close to securing enough money to repay their student loans. With the exception of Dawn Reid, each of the women had husbands and children who were going to join them in 6 months or less.

               For instance, Rose Driscoll and Tina Miller were let go from their jobs before they were close enough to making enough money to financially put a dent on their student loans. Because they both had good conduct on their jobs and they were let go as part of their company’s business decisions, both women qualified for unemployment benefits and temporary government assistance. However, their unemployment pay was only enough to help them pay for their food and shelter and not their student loans. Each woman tried their hands at finding new jobs but were being bypassed for women who were younger or women in their 30’s who were much prettier than they. Rose was living in California and Tina was living in Washington D.C. when they decided to make clean breaks for relocating to  New Zealand.
               Dawn Reid was fortunate to be employed at a place that rarely laid off or fired people when she was doing fine and living the good life with her children and husband in Maryland. However, her husband ran off with a woman far wealthier than Dawn Reid. Dawn Reid’s husband also gained custody of their two kids because he now had more money than his wife with his new girlfriend being wealthy. What complicated matters was that Dawn’s husband did not want to divorce Dawn even with him expecting a child with his new girlfriend. However, Dawn tried in vain to also secure employment in the Washington D.C. area as a weird and fat looking woman in her 30’s and needed a way to pay back her student loans. A dream about flourishing in New Zealand prompted her to start over in New Zealand while her husband was making about his mind on what he wanted to do.

               Additionally, each of the women had a weakness that shaped their personality in some way. Despite leaving their military lifestyle behind less than 10 years ago, both Tina Miller and Angela Rogers enjoyed watching military themed tv shows, movies, books etc. They had been living New Zealand for less than a year when they decided to take a four day and five night trip to visit the Norfolk Virginia area and they used the  book Hampton’s Guide to Hampton Roads, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Newport News by Anthony Germanotta. There were some games and events going on at Old Dominion University one September that they visited and both women used part of their time to meet up with their husbands and children, as well as visiting some of their classmates and friends during that time. They even watched a Hockey Game with their husbands featuring the Norfolk Admirals.

               Angela Rogers had an intense fascination with celebrities, yet she also knew how to creatively channel that fascination into her writing. She would save up money to sometimes conveniently “show up” at the same time that other celebrities would for movie screenings, events etc. For instance, celebrity Dustin Hoffman was making a feature cameo performance in an animation movie that was screening in Auckland New Zealand. Angela Rogers was working as a maid to a wealthy Architect who is very popular in Auckland New Zealand. Angela slyly parlayed her employer’s connection with her architect employer to show up at a party where he will be at.
               However, Angela Rogers has a heart of gold too. Celebrity Sean Connery was making an appearance for a creative author friend who was writing a book on the world of Las Vegas showgirls and how it intersected with the lives of multiple prominent Washington D.C. area politicians. With permission and paid time off (three days)from her employer, Angela flew in her husband and three kids to meet Sean Connery at a party that her employer was throwing for multiple celebrities (in addition to Sean Connery and at least 37 other various celebrities popular in America, Europe, Canada, Australia, andor New Zealand). Angela successfully persuaded Sean Connery to pose in a picture of her husband and three kids after they discussed his movie League of Extraordinary Gentleman.

               Despite Dawn Reid’s physical unattractiveness and weird personality, she was able to secure employment as an administrative assistant at Raffles International School in New Zealand. From a stroke of good luck for Dawn Reid, the female hiring manager named Audrey Davies recognized Dawn Reid from following her online from time to time. Audrey Davies was hesitant about giving Dawn Reid a chance as well and needed a psychic to think it over. Fortunately, Dawn Reid was hired for the position at Raffles International School after Audrey Davies consulted in her psychic about the hiring decision (without Dawn Reid knowing) and despite initial skepticism from other employees/staff at Raffles International School.
               It was a rocky start for Dawn Reid at Raffles International School but within 9 months of starting work in the school administration department, Reid flourished by her 6th month there. Things were looking up to the point where Dawn Reid’s pay increased and she was sometimes called to be a teacher’s assistant/helper with the school offering to repay her student loans and pay for one class at a time to study school administration.
               While this happened, a 17 year old male volunteer at the school kept on sexually coming on to Dawn Reid. Due to her own marital life and the attractiveness of the student, Dawn Reid honestly felt flattered but she knew that it would be too risky as a 37 year old woman to reciprocate the 17 year old’s affections even though he was about to turn 18 years old in two weeks. She did not want to have him removed or fired because she knew of close female adult friend who was let go from her job for showing a romantic attraction that was too taboo to put in words. The female adult friend rebounded with a job that paid her three times what she was getting paid previously (in addition to paid housing and a car courtesy of the new company who hired the heartbroken female adult friend). However, Dawn Reid did not want to mess up the students life before it began even with him being the one to came on strongly on a sexual level.
               Less than 3 days after praying, the answer came to her when the 17 year old student’s father named Zachary came up to the Raffles International School, introduced himself as the 17 year olds father, and asked Dawn Reid to show him to one of the head advisors at the school. Before showing him the way, Dawn Reid explained to the father what was going on and asked him if he could have a talk with his son (whose name was Max). Fortunately, Max got the hint and moved on to a female his age who he met at a Jackie Evancho concert that was held in Auckland New Zealand.
               However, Dawn Reid’s saga was far from over. On the bright side, Raffles International School was paying her enough money to pay her student loans from  the bachelor’s degree she got in Maryland, Raffles International school was also paying for her classes to study school administration, and she also had more than enough money to pay for a nice apartment in New Zealand, and she was even close to saving up for her dream mazda3 car. Dawn Reid was even thinking of visiting her husband, her three kids, and even making nice with her husband’s new wealthy girlfriend just to be able to see her three children. Additionally, Dawn Reid was excited to know that she now has over 18,000 U.S. dollars saved which puts her at an important benchmark of being close to achieving a piece of the American Dream pie while residing in New Zealand.However, Dawn Reid also heard of a Robin Thicke concert that was coming to town courtesy of her coworkers. As a result, Dawn Reid decided to purchase a ticket the last minute concert that was being held at a venue near one of the malls in Auckland New Zealand.
               The concert goes off without a hitch and Robin Thicke gave a good musical performance as he same many of his songs for the Auckland New Zealand crowd from his Blurred Lines Deluxe album. Dawn Reid is enjoying herself despite being alone at the concert (the coworker who told her about the concert left early after being persuaded to go home by a college crush on her past). Dawn Reid still dances and enjoys herself to such steamy songs as Ooo La La and Take It Easy On Me. However, Dawn Reid’s pulse unexpectedly raises when Zachary unexpectedly bumps into her at the concert as he is dancing to Robin Thicke’s music too.  Dawn Reid and Zachary just laugh and take it in stride when this happens and bond over their shared musical interest in Robin Thicke.  Dawn Reid finds out that Zachary is a pilot at one of the airports near New Zealand and teaches college courses related to piloting part of the time for extra money. Even with being born in New Zealand and being proud to live in New Zealand, Zachary has a love for America especially due to the fact that he has flown aircraft with a multiple number of U.S. Naval Officers and military enlisted men and women in Norfolk Virginia.
               The song Feel Good by Robin Thicke comes on as Zachary dances up close to Dawn Reid. She is flattered by this attention because it had been over 5 years since she was able to successfully persuade her husband to go to any concerts with her (either due to conflicts with their schedules, money, andor his honest understandable interest in other hobbies). However, what happens to her next takes her surprise because Zachary starts to get a little aggressive with her by pulling her dress and her into a corner where nobody can see them. Dawn Reid is romantically attracted to Zachary but does feel guilty and a little slutty for liking what Zachary is doing. The song Glad You Came by the Wanted comes on to signal a break and intermission for Robin Thicke’s performance before he comes back out to perform more songs. Both Zachary and Dawn understand that they must stop making out and get out of the corner soon before other people see them. Dawn Reid only has less than 40 seconds to decide if she is going to leave the Robin Thicke concert and go all the way with Zachary when  Zachary even repeats part of the lyrics from the Glad You Came song by the Wanted “Let’s Go Somewhere Else No One Else Can See You and Me”.
               Resources Used For This Story

16 signs you've 'made it' in America
               Glad You Came Song by The Wanted

Insiders' Guide® to Hampton Roads: Virginia Beach, Norfolk & Newport News (Insiders' Guide Series) Paperback  by Anthony Germanotta (page 165)

The book Terry O'Neill: Every Picture Tells a Story (pages 53 and 89 features on Sean Connery and Dustin Hoffman)

Blurred Lines (Deluxe) [Explicit]



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