Saturday, December 3, 2016

Life Works in Mysterious Ways Part Two Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Life Works in Mysterious Ways Part Two Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier



I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Affirmations for today;
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I radiate my soul's light wherever I go.
I radiate peace and serenity no matter what is going on around me.
I now live in higher purpose.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
I have many moments of feeling energetic.
I release all images others hold of me. I choose my own self-image.
I send peaceful, loving thoughts to other people.
I follow my inner guidance over other people's advice.
I take time to get quiet and connect with my guide.
I am becoming more psychic every day.
I trust the insights I receive. My soul is my authority above all else.
Every day I experience more love in my life.
I have the right to use my time and energy as I please.
Songs For Today
Paradise by Coldplay
Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden
Hall of Fame by Script feat.
Rock DJ by Robbie Williams
Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas
All Summer Long by Kid Rock
When I Grow Up by the PussyCat Dolls

               Aera is understandably nervous as she approaches the table of clients that she has to do a psychic reading for. Another music deejay begins their playlist with Feel So Close by Calvin Harris as Aera walks towards the clients. The first client that Aera decides to read for is the couple consisting of the woman who looks like Baby Spice from the Spice Girls and her husband wearing a gold mask and a black hat to conceal his identity. Aera figured out that the husband is concealing his physical appearance and even his name to test Aera’s psychic abilities even further. It turns out that the Baby Spice looking woman is also named Geri but her husband has a different name. Aera discovers that the reason why the book Monogamy With Benefits by Geri and Jay Hart came to her mind when seeing this couple. It is not because the two people are the ones who wrote the book. Rather, these two people are living a lifestyle similar to what is described in this Amazon kindlebook.
               As Aera begins to read Geri and her husband the song Paradise by Coldplay plays and for whatever reason a female spirit guide comes through to Aera to tell Geri and her husband an important message. The female spirit guide was Geri’s sister in a past life and a nanny to Geri’s husband. Aera asks the female spirit guide what message she has for the couple. The song Stellar by Incubus comes to mind as Aera realizes that the female spirit guide gives the following message; Geri you and your husband are to write a love story of a couple who ended up in what is considered the lower realms in one of your past lives due to karmic reasons. Start off the story by sharing how you both worked your way up into  one of the higher worlds of heaven where you both met. For whatever reason Aera blurted out, Brandon make sure that you share how you and Geri unexpectedly met after you both reincarnated back on earth during your current lifetimes. Geri’s husband was flabbergasted because Aera had no way of previously knowing his name. As for Geri she smiled and told Aera that she has been thinking of writing this book for some time but that her and Brandon must go abruptly due to a couple from across the room beckoning to them. Before they trail off, Geri smiles and makes it clear that Aera intrigued her enough to schedule a future reading. Geri gives Aera one of her personalized business cards before her and Brandon rush across the room to a couple that Aera can tell shares a strong spiritual as well as romantic connection to them.
               Less than 15 seconds later, the singer client named Lovina somehow figures out that it is ok to come up to Aera. By this time, the songs Touch Peel and Stand by Days of the New and Cradle of Love by Billy  Idol is played by the Music Deejay. For whatever reason, Aera feels compelled to tell Lovina to be on the lookout for a Billy Idol lookalike because he is about to shake up her life in exciting ways. Aera is surprised by the abruptness in her voice  as she bluntly shares this message. Lovina asks Aera to tell her more and Aera tells her this one thing as the Touch Peel and Stand by Days of the New comes to mind; This Billy Idol Lookalike likes the Fifty Shades of Gray movie, books, and music series. He may go ahead and invite you to a Fifty Shades of Grey themed party that one of his coworkers is organizing. Please do not hesitate to say yes because not only will you have a good time but also you and this Billy Idol lookalike have a positive karmic connection. Aera is about to ask the singer/songwriter Lovina if she wants to sit with her for five minutes when lo and behold one of Lovina’s female friends comes up to her during the reading. Lovina’s female friend Paula is a publicist who has freelanced for both military related companies and various musicians in the Hollywood California area. Paula has been given an invite to a surprise birthday party for a popular blonde male who is a fifty shades of grey fan that is expected to have various enlisted and officer military people. The only catch is that Paula has to leave the party in less than 5 minutes to catch a ride in the limousine waiting outside the mansion. The song Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden plays in the background while Lovina smiles at Aera’s  accurate prediction as she leaves with Paula as Aera wishes her good luck with the Billy Idol lookalike.

The song All Summer Long by Kid Rock then plays as the third woman (who is happily married and childfree)sits by Aera at the table. The third woman asks Aera to just call her Secretive.Without delay the song Lampshades on Fire by Modest Mouse plays as Aera compassionately tells Secretive that she must go by her chosen alias moniker to keep all future erotic dreams for notebooks that she is to keep in her apartment and future house but to keep them away from being written about online. Aera also gets a message from Secretive’s male spirit guide to avoid even telling other psychics about any future erotic dreams she has for karmic reasons to protect the men in them. Aera bluntly tells Secretive that the person in her dreams that she is fighting her passionate feelings about already knows how she feels about him. He even knows about Secretive telling Aera about the dream over the phone. The song When I Grow Up by the Pussycat Dolls plays as Aera tells Secretive to forgive herself for even telling her the dream because she is after all a psychic who has to honor confidentiality rules. However, Aera bluntly tells Secretive that these increasing erotic dreams are being allowed by one of her main spirit guides to help her accept her sensual self that she has been trying to repress. However, her main spirit guide makes it clear to Aera that he can only help Secretive discover her sensual safe in a fun and safe way if she keeps all future erotic dreams secretly offline. Aera than tells Secretive that it is ok to tell her husband who it was in the dream but only if he asks and she is doubtful that Secretive’s husband is going to care to ask. Aera then tells Secretive to proceed with caution before deciding to tell the crush who was in her dream due to the fact that there are at least four other women who are lusting after the same man that was in Secretive’s dreams.
Aera compassionately tells Secretive to avoid telling anyone outside of her husband no matter how nice they seem of the identity of the person in her dream who was passionately kissing her. Secretive is to instead focus on the positive qualities in that person that her higher self is encouraging her to develop within herself to benefit all areas of her life for the present and future such as her crush’s creativity and self-confidence. Aera also gives Secretive helpful advice to use this dream as gentle encouragement to follow her dreams of visiting Harry Potter World in  Hollywood California for leisure, travel and writing ideas, as well as visiting Canada and New Zealand. The Hall of Fame song by Script feat. William comes on as Aera also gives Secretive important advice to start using the act of saving internet links towards what she wants to allow in her future and to start looking at youtube music videos of women who already have the bodytype that she is dreaming about (such as Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls in the When I Grow Up and Don’t Cha music videos, Rihanna in the Who’s That Girl Video with David Guetta, Beyonce in the Dreams music video etc.).

Aera drives back home in her car and listens to a music playlist of songs that she organized in Spotify which was recommended to her by a coworker. The coworker likes Spotify a lot which gave Aera an idea to listen to the following playlist as she drove home; Rock DJ by Robbie Williams, Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas, All Summer Long by Kid Rock. Aera then decides to take some of her own advice that she gave to her client Secretive to maybe book a trip to the Kaboo music festival in Del Mar California with her husband Napoleon within the next month or two.

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