Sunday, December 18, 2016

Outside The Box Writing Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Affirmations for Today
The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

I honor my dreams.
I value my time and energy. I am a unique and valuable person.
I have many new thoughts, insights, and experiences.
Outside The Box Writing Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Some Sources I Used For This Story
Unlocking Destinies From The Courts of Heaven kindlebook by Robert Henderson

Imogen was in the throes of striving to figure out what title she needs to give her book in order for it to reach a wide audience. Imogen was also thinking of the plot to the story when the songs Doctor Doctor by the Thompson Twins came on during one of her personalized radio stations and then the song Why Can’t I Be You by The Cure. Imogen was realizing that such a plot is going to have to need rich and complex enough characters including some crazy plot thrown in in the mix. Right as Imogen thinks of the title of the book and how to theme it the song Just Like Heaven by the Cure Comes On.

Less than ten seconds later, Imogen wakes up on some pink and blue steps outside of a garden outside. A male spirit comes up close to her dressed in a shimmery orange and blue robe complete with a pink mask.  Without further delay, the spirit tells Imogen to just call her Guy, as he is a spirit that is training under one of her main male spirit guides. Guy raises his hands and instantly they are transported into another room that is fluorescent yellow, purple, and blue colored.

Imogen gets up and notices a whole room of library books in front of her (what looks to be at least 50 bookshelfs) around her. Through another room 20 yards away, Imogen sees a succession of at least 30 spirits going into a classroom. Before Imogen could even ask Guy what is going on, Guy gently places a book called Unlocking Destinies From The Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson. Imogen patiently explains, but Guy I admit that I straddle more along the worlds of  the occult andor new age rather than just Christian. Guy explains Imogen I know but I was given orders by your main spirit guide to tell you that you are not to use this book for what you think. Rather you must study this author’s writing style and turn parts of the story into a modern day love story that is set in space where the characters triumph. I was told by your main spirit guide that this going to help you with your creativity as well as fleshing out your character’s personality traits and their worlds. However, you must write this story in the privacy of your own apartment and away from an online platform for spiritual and karmic reasons.

Guy then wrote an example on his chalkboard; The passage on location 1513 of the kindlebook says Abraham’s fear caused him to place Sarah in a very perilous position as they entered different nations and kingdoms. You Imogen are to rewrite it as Abraham’s hope helped him move Sarah to a more beneficial position as they traveled to friendly planets and worlds in the Milky Way galaxies harboring celestial alien worlds unknown to most men except among the most psychic. Those spirits that you saw walking into the classroom are among your allies available to help you with this but you must do this as a tool to help strengthen your imagination and your unlimited potential to transform challenges into tools for greater spiritual evolution. Before Imogen can ask more questions Guy hugs her and says until we meet again and Imogen wakes up with her face on the notebook (she figures that she must have fell asleep when she sat on the couch to ponder one of the songs).

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