Monday, December 12, 2016

Wilder And More Than What She Seems Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Wilder And More Than What She Seems Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Affirmations For Today


I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

I am a lucid dreamer.
I have positive memories. I remember times when I succeeded.
I focus on what is good in people, thus assisting them in achieving it.
Everything I do adds beauty, harmony, order, and light to the universe.

Karael and Naomi are extremely close sisters. One sister works as an event planner who often organizes writers conferences. Naomi is a part time freelance copywriter who is learning from Karael on how to work in catering (since Karael has friends in catering). Naomi’s job sometimes takes her and Karael to free andor discounted music festivals.

Today both Naomi and Karael happen to be working at the same event that is going to be a hybrid of a writer’s conference with a music festival held less than a half mile away from the building hosting the writer’s conference. Both Naomi and Karael are tasked with coordinating with wine suppliers for the events. Naomi and Karael meet for lunch because the customers at the events may be slightly different from others.

For instance, Naomi has to organize an event where in the music festival where Annagrace (who is known for singing the song You Make Me Feel) is to open the music festival. Naomi has to also make sure that one of the buildings that Annagrace is staying in also has a thoroughly warmed building. This is because the building that Annagrace will be staying in is within 2 miles of a University in Northern Canada. A friend connected to Annagrace tells Naomi that they are working with a supplier in Austria to see if some wine can be flown in the next day for one of the events involving a dance party contest that Annagrace is holding. The friend connected to Annagrace shows Naomi some of the following information on the wine that she is going to order; 17 Reasons Why Wine Lovers Will Love Vienna

Naomi just does not know what to say when Annagrace’s friend shows her a bottle of Michaelene Busico that arrived in the mail a few hours before and is questioned why she will not drink it. Well for starters, Naomi does not care to drink because she is expecting twin babies in 7 months but has yet to tell her employer. Both Naomi and the father of the twins have manifested a financial windfall of over 7 million dollars after taxes so it is not like money is the reason why she has not yet told the employer.

Rather Naomi happens to have a complicated situation where the father of her child is actually an university administrator in Northern Canada married to a heiress to one of the major grocery stores in Canada that is a rival to Walmart. As for Naomi, she too is also married to one of the high level public relation specialists of Naomi’s husband and Naomi’s father in law bought stock in Amazon back in the early 90’s so it was not like money was the reason for Naomi having an affair with the university administrator. However, Naomi is trying to figure out what to tell one of Annagrace’s diplomatically without giving herself away when Karael saves the day.
Karael actually knows that Naomi is pregnant and even the controversial detail on when Naomi and her university administrator lover might have conceived the child. When Karael moved from the U.S. to Canada she politely told Naomi a warning and dream that she had where Naomi would enter in a passionate love affair with someone connected to a Canadian University that could actually get her pregnant unless she goes on birth control andor gets a tubal ligation. It was not the passionate love affair that Karael saw as a problem rather the complicated issue of knowing Naomi was not yet ready to be a mother. Naomi laughed off these concerns because she was able to take many lovers in the U.S. before moving to Canada and only getting pregnant twice and having two children.

However, it did not give Karael any satisfaction to have Naomi tell her that she wishes that she would have listened to her about going on birth control or undergoing a tubal ligation. This is especially because Naomi’s 2 other children are living with the two different fathers back in California and now even Naomi sees that her unborn child will more likely be care for by her university administrator lover and his girlfriend ( due to the fact that the administrator came from a rich family and married into a rich family). Yet, Naomi makes up her mind to keep the unborn baby girl. This is because it is against Naomi’s spiritual beliefs to have an abortion but she knows that her university administrator lover is going to continue to have multiple lovers for the rest of his life (it is hard for him to resist the throngs of charismatic, self-confident,andor beautiful women that throw themselves at him). Karael has had far more lovers than her very beautiful sister Naomi (Karael allows the public to have a perception of her that she is celibate). Naomi psychically knows how sexually wild her sister Karael is outside of public view but due to karmic reasons also allows the rumor to hide Karael’s sexually uninhibited lifestyle.Some of Karael’s relatives, some of Karael’s rivals/critics and acquaintances that knew her in the U.S. spread rumors that she was celibate but this was far from the truth.  Karael went ahead and let the rumors fly that she was celibate because as far as she was concerned, it was no one else’s business about her love life except for whoever she is intimate with. However, Karael has managed to voluntarily stay child-free because she underwent a tubal ligation in the United States before immigrating to Canada.
               Speaking of kids, before they could coordinate the events. Karael points Naomi to a plane that is touching down in backyard of the next building near where they are standing. Out of a Cirrus looking airplane pops 12 kids, what looks to be 3 different parents, and 8 different nannies. The plane looks similar to the one on the following website
Cirrus One Step Closer to Launching Its First Jet Aircraft

Two of the assistants flanking the entourage of the 3 parents, nannies, and children look like the women pictured in this pop sugar article

Here's Where You Can Get Your Hands on Some Affordable (Yet Tasty) Bottles of Bubbly

For whatever reason, someone in the office decided to play Cradle of Love by Billy Idol when the two sisters Karael and Naomi decide who is going to approach the assistants first. Karael and Naomi get the idea to ask the assistants if they knew where to get some wine once everyone coming out of the Cirrus plane has a chance to get their bearings, lodging, and food.

name generator used in the story

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