Thursday, December 29, 2016

Live To Tell Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Live To Tell Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Inspired by My Musical Interest in Madonna

Affirmations For Today’s Freestyle Story;

I’m learning to be in charge of my life regardless of what decisions others make in my life that affect me.
I wisely prioritize what is important in my life regardless of how others judge my level of putting my needs ahead of theirs
I become and get luckier each day.
My psychic abilities increase more and more each day.
I use the element of surprise to my advantage regardless of whether others consider my current endeavors mysterious.
I successfully venture down a path new to me as I uncover hidden information to my positive advantage.
I wisely know what to keep under wraps regardless of whether I’m working on something that others are interested in.
I successfully see through distortions and intentional/unintentional deceptions to wisely see what is important, true, andor previously hidden knowledge.
I shrewdly improvise and bend the rules to my advantage in all areas of my life.
Regardless of what critics say, it is important to sometimes put the needs of myself before others, especially when it comes to personal goals such as weight loss, moderating/reducing my facebook usage etc.
I understand that the most powerful people in the world carefully strike a balance between putting their own needs as top priority while wisely deciding which of the needs of others to reasonably fulfill.

Camille Campbell, Evie Jenkins, and Carly Harrison are women in their  mid-40’s and live in  the Washington D.C. area. Carly Harrison lives in College Park Maryland, Evie Jenkins lives in Bethesda Maryland, and Camille Campbell currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia.  Carly Harrison and Evie Jenkins met each other at a Toastmster’s Club when working to improve their speaking skills. Camille Campbell met both Carly and Evie at a support group for unemployed women and they all became fast friends. These women would sometimes bond at one of the public libraries in the area, one of the D.C. area coffeehouses, andor at various places across the Washington D.C. area (Smithsonian American Indian museum, Smithsonian Naval Air and Space museum,  Smithsonian National Postal museum etc. However, each of the three women were facing an important crossroads because their unemployment benefits were running out in a month.

Each of the three women tried to find new jobs in the Washington D.C. area to no avail. For instance, Camille Campbell almost got hired at the new MGM Harbor hotel as a housekeeper. The caveat was that the hiring manager claimed that they were not yet hiring due to a hiring freeze. However, she unintentionally met a thinner woman at a bus stop less than a mile away from the place who had been hired after her, with that job offer being the second job that she had in her lifetime (despite the mystery woman  being a year older than Camille). Camille Campbell decided to avoid wasting her time filing a legal claim after the mystery woman admitted that she has not had to work much over the years because she had a husband who worked as a manager for over 25 years who took care of them both, including their children. Sadly, the husband ran off with another woman who was truthfully no prettier than the now single mother and even had kids herself, the woman just happened to be smarter with her money. Camille Campbell was child-free and had an amazing husband who treated her like a queen despite her weight. Additionally, not so much because of her being childfree but more because of their personality compatibility, Camille Campbell was certain that her marriage with her husband Harry was going to last. However, despite the MGM hiring setback, Camille decided to take meeting this single mother as a warning from the universe to put herself in a position to avoid putting her husband Harry in an unfair position of always having to financially carry them both. Fortunately, Camille Campbell had already started putting away money in her savings and was going to have a talk with her husband Harry on their future together involving their job and living residence goals.

               Evie Jenkins and Carly Harrison were also married and child-free. Evie Jenkins has a husband who works as an adjunct professor at Montgomery College. Evie Jenkins discovered that her husband does not mind paying her way for one more year on the condition that she follow him to his job at Santa Monica college in Santa Monica California. Camille Campbell finds out on the same day as her MGM meeting with the single mother that Evie Jenkins is following her husband to Santa Monica College. On the plus side, Evie Jenkins finds a job as an administrative assistant at Santa Monica College and is able to easily enroll in classes for free at the college. Camille Campbell is happy for Evie Jenkins and prays to find a better way in her situation. This is because Camille Campbell is figuring out that she has to figure out what she is meant to do more than just her passions. Yes, some people are fortunate to have their life passions intersect with their life’s work. However, Camille knows not to just allow others to tell her what her purpose is because some of their well-meaning suggestions come from a classist place (supporters who tried to persuade her to go back to previous employment that viewed their employees as disposable and did not hesitate to allow the public  to put them down for the company that they were employed at) or a sexist place (one well meaning and highly intelligent supporter honestly said what was wrong with her just allowing her husband to support her since they do not have children).

               Carly Harrison was also child-free and married but her husband admitted that he may be forced to take a job overseas or outside the Washington D.C. area if Carly did not secure employment in time (due to the high cost of living in the Washington D.C. area). The idea of Carly Harrison living with any of her family members was not a good or healthy option because she was treated like a black sheep in her family. Carly Harrison made the call to Camille that she was leaving the Washington D.C. area for Norfolk Virginia. Camille was concerned for Carly because she was moving with just 1000 dollars to her name and no lined up job offer at the moment. However, Camille wished Carly well because she knew how it felt to have even just reachable dreams and to only have just a few friends andor family members to turn to for support andor understanding.

               Two months later, Camille receives a call from Carly that she has found a job working in one of the cafeterias (the military calls it a galley) on the Norfolk Naval Base. The money allowed her enough money to move to an apartment within 2 miles of the Norfolk Naval Base and enroll in classes at Tidewater Community College. Carly is doing so financially well to the point that she is able to visit her husband in the Washington D.C. area once every two weeks and sometimes once a week. Camille is happy for Carly and even giggled when Carly admitted that she booked a stay at the Watergate Hotel in the next month for both her and her husband. Carly is also now in the tough but enviable position of getting accepted to both an online program at the University of Maryland College Park which would allow her to stay in Virginia but the only caveat is that she would have to pay more out of pocket money. Carly has also been offered admission to an online program at Old Dominion University in Norfolk Virginia but with more money offered to pay for her tuition, including a campus work study opportunity. Camille recommends that Carly talk to a mutual friend enrolled in Georgetown University’s Public Relations & Corporate Communications Program. Camille gives Carly her number with the gentle suggestion to admit that she got the number from her and explain why she is calling. Carly is happy for this advice and makes it clear to Camille that she enjoyed talking with her. However, she has to go because she has tickets to go to a Madonna concert with a female professor friend at Old Dominion University that same night. Rumor has it that Madonna is going to perform multiple hits from her Celebration Cd that night such as Revolver feat. Lil Wayne, Dress You Up, Celebration, 4 Minutes etc.

               Camille Campbell goes back to the College Park apartment that night relieved that her husband Aaron wants to stay in the Washington D.C. area but he is supportive of her taking a job outside the Washington D.C. area if she feels the need to. That same night, Camille Campbell has a dream that one of Aaron’s relatives wait until just two months after Camille’s unemployment benefits to run out to entice Aaron to move in with them. Sadly, her and Aaron bicker over it in this confrontational dream and feels betrayed by Aaron’s family member to the point where she still loves the family member as family but is too scared to ever confide in the family member when it comes to something important. Camille intuitively understands even in this dream that moving in with the family member would be too risky for the marriage and her job prospects especially in the occasions that Camille would dare to assert herself. In the dream, Aaron gets offered the job but is surprised when Camille acts surprisingly calm in the dream when she sees a Canada Dry truck in the dream.

 In this dream, Camille dares to go ahead and move to Canada within a month after seeing the truck. Moving and adjusting there is hard for the first year as she strives to make a living in Toronto Canada. However, she feels renewed bravery in not allowing critics to stop her because she is a natural born American who can always fall back on her American citizenship. In the dream, Camille enrolls in public relations courses as Centennial College and is even given a paid stipend to study in Jacobs University in Germany and finds extra money doing plus size modeling and a cashier at a food court inside one of the shopping malls at a military base in Germany. Camille sees herself lifting herself back up by applying and using some principles in the Ask and It Is Given book, various Inc. magazine articles, and she is even invited to a Ted Event (the invitation arrives in her mailbox in Canada from a mysterious donor).  Camille’s dream even shows her how her new life in Canada is going to also help her make new and multiple friends from various occupations and walks of life; politician, labourer, party planner, community worker, gamekeeper, software consultant, tour guide etc.

               Camille wakes up to her alarm clock and joyfully to the song Vogue by Madonna. Her husband was already up because he was understandably getting ready for work that was less than a 40 minute walk to his job. Camille figures that it is now or never to approach him as to how he feels and luckily they have five minutes to talk. Camille confides to Aaron the part of the dream where Aaron’s family member lures him away from the Washington D.C. area with a prosperous job offer. Aaron, in a kind tone, confesses that her dream is giving a true clue as to what is happening but he did not want to tell her sooner to hurt or anger her. Aaron even has the courage to admit that Camille should not take it personally because he would actually move other places (not just where the family member lives) if the price is right, but only if the money offer is right because he enjoys his job a lot in College Park, Maryland. Aaron is surprised that Camille admits that although she is surprised both of their happiness and well-being is more important to her than allowing an unnecessary fight to erupt, especially before the start of his workday. Camille is pleasantly surprised that Aaron gives his blessing for her to move if necessary and for his understanding why she would prefer to avoid following him to where the family member lives and why Camille would want to chart her own course. They lovingly hug each other and kiss as Camille waves to him one last time through their apartment window. Camille has now run out of her unemployment benefits but fortunately she has over 1500 saved from being resourceful with her unemployment benefits and legal side gigs. However, Camille now knows that she must push herself to make up her mind in the next 24 hours if she needs to follow a joyful dream to take a chance on life in Canada or maybe follow her friend Carly Harrison to Norfolk, Virginia.

I know what I love to do and I do it.

I enjoy my job.

Losing weight is easier than I thought.

My clairvoyant sight is opening.

I am in a state of inner listening and focused awareness in all I do.

My life purpose guides me in all that I do.

I experience many positive, uplifting thoughts.

I am one with my soul.

The cd I used in this story;

Celebration by Madonna

My past Amazon Review for Madonna’s Celebration Cd (fortunately I had the chance to purchase it on Amazon on October 22, 2009)

ByStella Carrieron January 27, 2011
As many others who enjoy Madonna's music, I have pretty much grew up listening to many of Madonna's songs. One of the first songs that I can recall hearing of hers was "Like a Virgin". I admit that I was definitely under 10 years old before being exposed to her music, but I found her music good to listen to then and I still do now. With this said, I have to agree with others who say that more of her hits could have been included in this collection. Every Madonna fan has their favorite songs that could have been included. For me, I wish that the songs "Fever"(from her Erotica album), "Rain"(from her Erotica album) and "I'll Remember"(for the film "With Honors") would have been included in the "Celebration" collection. I would respectfully say that she has had enough hits to at least have warranted a three cd set collection, rather than just two. However, I still feel that this collection is worth owning because of the diversity of songs included in the "Celebration" collection. For instance, the music listener is treated to her daring 80's side with the catchy songs of "Dress You Up"(a song about wanting to express one's desire for who they are attracted to) and "Burning Up"(a musical track about having intense emotions for someone). There is also a diversity of good songs showcased from the 90's such as "Vogue" and "Ray of Light". Madonna then put out some more music in the 2000's, which gave some good songs such as "Music" and "Beautiful Stranger"(song provided for the film Austin Powers:The Spy Who Shagged Me). The best way to determine if you are going to feel good from owning the "Celebration" collection is if you enjoy any of her music from the 80's, 90's, and the 2000's (due to the fact that music from these time periods are organized throughout the two cds).

Other Resources Used
17 Inspiring Women to Watch in 2017

12 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Say
17 Inspiring Women to Watch in 2017

Toronto: Getting Here & Around

Part-time Programs

Welcome to Santa Monica College!
My husband and I use to live in Norfolk Virginia from part of 2008 until part of 2009.I’m using this link pertaining to Norfolk Virginia for one of my freestyle stories today.
Tidewater Community College Norfolk Virginia

Our Vote for the Best Hotel Inauguration Packages in Washington, D.C.

I admit that I am using this link for my freestyle story today as well.

Sleek casino with Bob Dylan art opening outside Washington

This is how a world champion of public speaking prepares for presentations

14 Best Places to Live in Virginia


University of Maryland


Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work

6 Powerful Steps to Rewrite Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

On-Campus & Online Formats


The book Ask and It Is Given; Learning To Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks

3 Ways to Succeed as a Woman Entrepreneur (They're Not What You Think)

8 Productive Things to Do Over Your Holiday Break

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The American Dream New Zealand Style Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The American Dream New Zealand Style Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I release any negative or fearful self-images.
I receive impressions from my soul and higher self.
I open to receive light and energy from my soul. It strengthens my physical body.
I know who I am. My vision of my potential and myself expands every day.
I ask for and receive higher guidance.
The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Rose Driscoll, Tina Miller, Angela Rogers, and Dawn Reid are all American born women now living in New Zealand. All four of them are in their 30’s with 9 children among the four of them. Rose has four children, Tina has two children, Angela has one child, and Dawn has three children. The four women met each other  on a Middle Earth Hobbitt themed trip sponsored by the website 100% New Zealand. They happened to meet at the same time because of their jobs sponsoring a 3 day and 4 night summer retreat in New Zealand. All four women talked over a campfire one night and each of them discovered that they decided to start their lives over in New Zealand after their career and educational goals transpired differently than expected. With the exception of Angela Rogers, each of the other three women turned to the option of starting over their lives in New Zealand in the hopes of dealing with their student loan situations.  The reason; For whatever reason, each of the three women experienced a major upheaval before they got close to securing enough money to repay their student loans. With the exception of Dawn Reid, each of the women had husbands and children who were going to join them in 6 months or less.

               For instance, Rose Driscoll and Tina Miller were let go from their jobs before they were close enough to making enough money to financially put a dent on their student loans. Because they both had good conduct on their jobs and they were let go as part of their company’s business decisions, both women qualified for unemployment benefits and temporary government assistance. However, their unemployment pay was only enough to help them pay for their food and shelter and not their student loans. Each woman tried their hands at finding new jobs but were being bypassed for women who were younger or women in their 30’s who were much prettier than they. Rose was living in California and Tina was living in Washington D.C. when they decided to make clean breaks for relocating to  New Zealand.
               Dawn Reid was fortunate to be employed at a place that rarely laid off or fired people when she was doing fine and living the good life with her children and husband in Maryland. However, her husband ran off with a woman far wealthier than Dawn Reid. Dawn Reid’s husband also gained custody of their two kids because he now had more money than his wife with his new girlfriend being wealthy. What complicated matters was that Dawn’s husband did not want to divorce Dawn even with him expecting a child with his new girlfriend. However, Dawn tried in vain to also secure employment in the Washington D.C. area as a weird and fat looking woman in her 30’s and needed a way to pay back her student loans. A dream about flourishing in New Zealand prompted her to start over in New Zealand while her husband was making about his mind on what he wanted to do.

               Additionally, each of the women had a weakness that shaped their personality in some way. Despite leaving their military lifestyle behind less than 10 years ago, both Tina Miller and Angela Rogers enjoyed watching military themed tv shows, movies, books etc. They had been living New Zealand for less than a year when they decided to take a four day and five night trip to visit the Norfolk Virginia area and they used the  book Hampton’s Guide to Hampton Roads, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Newport News by Anthony Germanotta. There were some games and events going on at Old Dominion University one September that they visited and both women used part of their time to meet up with their husbands and children, as well as visiting some of their classmates and friends during that time. They even watched a Hockey Game with their husbands featuring the Norfolk Admirals.

               Angela Rogers had an intense fascination with celebrities, yet she also knew how to creatively channel that fascination into her writing. She would save up money to sometimes conveniently “show up” at the same time that other celebrities would for movie screenings, events etc. For instance, celebrity Dustin Hoffman was making a feature cameo performance in an animation movie that was screening in Auckland New Zealand. Angela Rogers was working as a maid to a wealthy Architect who is very popular in Auckland New Zealand. Angela slyly parlayed her employer’s connection with her architect employer to show up at a party where he will be at.
               However, Angela Rogers has a heart of gold too. Celebrity Sean Connery was making an appearance for a creative author friend who was writing a book on the world of Las Vegas showgirls and how it intersected with the lives of multiple prominent Washington D.C. area politicians. With permission and paid time off (three days)from her employer, Angela flew in her husband and three kids to meet Sean Connery at a party that her employer was throwing for multiple celebrities (in addition to Sean Connery and at least 37 other various celebrities popular in America, Europe, Canada, Australia, andor New Zealand). Angela successfully persuaded Sean Connery to pose in a picture of her husband and three kids after they discussed his movie League of Extraordinary Gentleman.

               Despite Dawn Reid’s physical unattractiveness and weird personality, she was able to secure employment as an administrative assistant at Raffles International School in New Zealand. From a stroke of good luck for Dawn Reid, the female hiring manager named Audrey Davies recognized Dawn Reid from following her online from time to time. Audrey Davies was hesitant about giving Dawn Reid a chance as well and needed a psychic to think it over. Fortunately, Dawn Reid was hired for the position at Raffles International School after Audrey Davies consulted in her psychic about the hiring decision (without Dawn Reid knowing) and despite initial skepticism from other employees/staff at Raffles International School.
               It was a rocky start for Dawn Reid at Raffles International School but within 9 months of starting work in the school administration department, Reid flourished by her 6th month there. Things were looking up to the point where Dawn Reid’s pay increased and she was sometimes called to be a teacher’s assistant/helper with the school offering to repay her student loans and pay for one class at a time to study school administration.
               While this happened, a 17 year old male volunteer at the school kept on sexually coming on to Dawn Reid. Due to her own marital life and the attractiveness of the student, Dawn Reid honestly felt flattered but she knew that it would be too risky as a 37 year old woman to reciprocate the 17 year old’s affections even though he was about to turn 18 years old in two weeks. She did not want to have him removed or fired because she knew of close female adult friend who was let go from her job for showing a romantic attraction that was too taboo to put in words. The female adult friend rebounded with a job that paid her three times what she was getting paid previously (in addition to paid housing and a car courtesy of the new company who hired the heartbroken female adult friend). However, Dawn Reid did not want to mess up the students life before it began even with him being the one to came on strongly on a sexual level.
               Less than 3 days after praying, the answer came to her when the 17 year old student’s father named Zachary came up to the Raffles International School, introduced himself as the 17 year olds father, and asked Dawn Reid to show him to one of the head advisors at the school. Before showing him the way, Dawn Reid explained to the father what was going on and asked him if he could have a talk with his son (whose name was Max). Fortunately, Max got the hint and moved on to a female his age who he met at a Jackie Evancho concert that was held in Auckland New Zealand.
               However, Dawn Reid’s saga was far from over. On the bright side, Raffles International School was paying her enough money to pay her student loans from  the bachelor’s degree she got in Maryland, Raffles International school was also paying for her classes to study school administration, and she also had more than enough money to pay for a nice apartment in New Zealand, and she was even close to saving up for her dream mazda3 car. Dawn Reid was even thinking of visiting her husband, her three kids, and even making nice with her husband’s new wealthy girlfriend just to be able to see her three children. Additionally, Dawn Reid was excited to know that she now has over 18,000 U.S. dollars saved which puts her at an important benchmark of being close to achieving a piece of the American Dream pie while residing in New Zealand.However, Dawn Reid also heard of a Robin Thicke concert that was coming to town courtesy of her coworkers. As a result, Dawn Reid decided to purchase a ticket the last minute concert that was being held at a venue near one of the malls in Auckland New Zealand.
               The concert goes off without a hitch and Robin Thicke gave a good musical performance as he same many of his songs for the Auckland New Zealand crowd from his Blurred Lines Deluxe album. Dawn Reid is enjoying herself despite being alone at the concert (the coworker who told her about the concert left early after being persuaded to go home by a college crush on her past). Dawn Reid still dances and enjoys herself to such steamy songs as Ooo La La and Take It Easy On Me. However, Dawn Reid’s pulse unexpectedly raises when Zachary unexpectedly bumps into her at the concert as he is dancing to Robin Thicke’s music too.  Dawn Reid and Zachary just laugh and take it in stride when this happens and bond over their shared musical interest in Robin Thicke.  Dawn Reid finds out that Zachary is a pilot at one of the airports near New Zealand and teaches college courses related to piloting part of the time for extra money. Even with being born in New Zealand and being proud to live in New Zealand, Zachary has a love for America especially due to the fact that he has flown aircraft with a multiple number of U.S. Naval Officers and military enlisted men and women in Norfolk Virginia.
               The song Feel Good by Robin Thicke comes on as Zachary dances up close to Dawn Reid. She is flattered by this attention because it had been over 5 years since she was able to successfully persuade her husband to go to any concerts with her (either due to conflicts with their schedules, money, andor his honest understandable interest in other hobbies). However, what happens to her next takes her surprise because Zachary starts to get a little aggressive with her by pulling her dress and her into a corner where nobody can see them. Dawn Reid is romantically attracted to Zachary but does feel guilty and a little slutty for liking what Zachary is doing. The song Glad You Came by the Wanted comes on to signal a break and intermission for Robin Thicke’s performance before he comes back out to perform more songs. Both Zachary and Dawn understand that they must stop making out and get out of the corner soon before other people see them. Dawn Reid only has less than 40 seconds to decide if she is going to leave the Robin Thicke concert and go all the way with Zachary when  Zachary even repeats part of the lyrics from the Glad You Came song by the Wanted “Let’s Go Somewhere Else No One Else Can See You and Me”.
               Resources Used For This Story

16 signs you've 'made it' in America
               Glad You Came Song by The Wanted

Insiders' Guide® to Hampton Roads: Virginia Beach, Norfolk & Newport News (Insiders' Guide Series) Paperback  by Anthony Germanotta (page 165)

The book Terry O'Neill: Every Picture Tells a Story (pages 53 and 89 features on Sean Connery and Dustin Hoffman)

Blurred Lines (Deluxe) [Explicit]



Monday, December 26, 2016

The Best of Both Worlds Involving Travel and School Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The Best of Both Worlds Involving Travel and School Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
Everything I do serves and empowers others.
I am linked with the higher forces of the universe.
I am a world server.
My psychic abilities are expanding everyday.
The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

               Clarissa age 26 and Liam Russell age 28, both from the Washington D.C. area are enjoying their new jobs in Iceland as bank manager (Clarissa) and barrister (Liam) less than a few miles where Naval Air Station Keflavik use to be based.  Clarissa and Liam Russell have three kids that are going to join them within a week (Clarissa has to get their house ready). They are far from alone and are already friends with one expatriate American couple and one local couple in Iceland despite having only been there for a week. There is Evelyn and Angus Reese. Evelyn age 30 is from Los Angeles California and works as a makeup artist at one of the major malls in Iceland while Angus age 32 (also from Hollywood California) lives off the financial proceeds that he made as an author (his books have helped him and Evelyn make over 3 million after taxes). Evelyn and Angus Reese have two kids who are going to join their parents in a month. The third couple that is part of the friendship circle is Heidi age 25 and Oscar Adams age 27. Oscar is part Icelandic from his mother’s side and his father was an American Naval Officer who met his mother at the base Wendy’s when she was getting food for a friend one late night. Eerily, one of the first things that Oscar noticed about Heidi was her eerie resemblance to the female that he saw feature as the Wendy’s woman in some of the commercials.
Oscar and Heidi Adams have two children, aged 8 and 10 who are now in boarding school . Oscar’s Naval Officer father named Jackson has a generous retirement pension from a 30 year U.S. Navy Career (3000 dollars a month after taxes, plus over 18 million in savings after taxes from well timed and shrewd money investments). Jackson, who is now 60 years old, has more than enough money to cover himself, Oscar’s mom, and his grandkids until he is 110 years old. As a result, Jackson offered to pay boarding school for Oscar and Heidi’s two kids not just for grade school, but also middle and high school. Both Oscar and Heidi Adams agreed, especially because they plan on only having two kids anyhow. They have nothing against children. However, Heidi got pregnant with her first child around the age of 16 while Liam was 18. Their first child was conceived on Liam’s senior year prom night and the life that they survived and made together is the victorious stuff for another story.

               Oscar met Heidi in one of the high schools that have military children enrolled in their high schools, which pretty much makes them high school sweethearts. Oscar and Heidi Adams are both builders and live in a house that is less than a mile away from the houses of   the Russells and the Rees’s. All three couples are expected to meet tomorrow at the Russell house to coordinate how they are going to fly to California together due to a trip that all of them won which allows them to hang out with the housewives cast from each of the following four cities (Atlanta, Orange County, New York City, Potomac). The caveat is that the contest has not yet expanded to include all four areas at the same time so a meeting must be convened for all three couples to agree on the city.

               Clarissa Russell wants to join the meeting in an hour but she comes down with a crazy headache that she chalks to maybe a drink that she ingested at her bank job that her body may not have yet been use to. Liam Russell believes his wife and asks her opinion on which region to ask to visit (for the Housewives show) before he tucks her in bed and kisses her good night.  Liam keeps Clarissa’s suggestion in mind and gives her the following music playlist to sleep too before he helps her get comfortable in their bed and heads off to the meeting
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Irresistible by Fall Out Boy feat. Demi Lovato
Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
Feel by Robbie Williams
Paradise by Coldplay
Steady As She Goes by The Raconteurs
Things Can Only Get Better by Howard Jones
The Good Life One Republic
The Promise by When In Rome
Clarissa Russell feels like it has only been seconds since she was kissed by her husband and she finds herself in some unfamiliar restaurant with some brunch food in front of her. Clarissa does not eat the food because she does not feel hungry and is excited at the party of people starting to dance and march into what looks like a door labeled writing class. She marches into this mystery room unlike what she has seen before with what looks to be at least 18 other souls.
Before Clarissa could look around at the other students, a person in a purple and gold robe catches her attention by beating a red wand against a blue chalkboard. Clarissa is in awe because the spirit in the purple and gold robe is a thinner size 2 version of her size 14 frame. Right away, the spirit in the purple and gold robe says to Clarissa to just address her by her future self. Clarissa’s future self lets her know from the get go that she is allowed to ask any questions in a safe environment because the masked spirits around her are all part of her celestial spirit ally team. The only caveat is that Clarissa can only ask five or six questions without knowing how much time that she has to do so.
As a result, Clarissa does not hesitate to ask the first question
Clarissa’s first question; I have noticed that sometimes other people have came into my dreams and were influenced to try to implant images in my mind similar to the Inception movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. On a positive note, I have learned to take these occurrences and tap into using the outside interferences for vehicles for greater creativity and spiritual growth, especially if I sense a female spirit involved whether she is a supporter, critic, andor rival.  What is the best way I can continue to use these occurrences for greater wisdom and spiritual evolution.

My future self’s answer; Clarissa anytime you sense an outside influence in your dreams (whether from another human, male or female or another source) look at the signs of the hidden gift may be. For instance, somebody implanting an image in your dream of someone outside (even if it is people you prefer to avoid seeing) could also be your spirit/soul’s way of telling you that you need to get outside more and increase your running andor walking routine. Sensing a female influencing your dream could be a sign from your soul/spirit to believe in your own unlimited potential andor beauty. Sensing a male spirit could be a gentle reminder to show more attention andor belief in your own self-confidence andor ability to positively change etc. Additionally, sensing other spirits pulling an Inception film inspired number in your dream is also your spirit/soul’s way of getting you to study more about lucid dreaming and traveling to parallel universes in your sleep andor even imagining it during your meditations.
Clarissa’s second question; What Do I most need to know to create my soul’s desires;
Clarissa’s Future Self Answer; Study whatever lists (whether via the internet, offline) you can involving music and tv (whether they come from yourself or other people). These movie lists involving songs andor movies are going to help you in your work as a writer and also give you ideas on your goals relating to your money and creativity. For instance, music playlists involving certain music genres (country) or certain themes help you tap into your creativity and vehicles for self-discovery in all areas of your life as long as you also follow your logic on when to avoid posting said links in certain places online. These links are going to also help give you drawing, art, and future ideas which brings me to the following vision;
Clarissa’s future self waves her wand at the chalkboard and a vision manifesting of universities that are hybrids of universities, theme parks, and airports are shown. However, what catches Clarissa’s attention is that she is shown futuristic images of certain colleges such as Old Dominion University in Norfolk Virginia and University of Maryland College Park not just having theme parks and department stores within a half mile of them, it is something else. Clarissa already knew about the potential of universities combined with theme parks and department store within the next 190 years or less due to her best friend Nora.
Less, than a year ago, Clarissa was visiting her friend Nora at a paid for home that was within three miles of the Norfolk Virginia Naval Base. Clarissa noticed two gorgeous and colorful drawings that were less than three feet from a picture of Nora and her husband. Clarissa noticed that one of the pictures had a picture of University of Maryland College Park complete with a theme park, department store, a high speed transit system that can take a person by train from Virginia to California within 2 hours.  Clarissa noticed the same for the Old Dominion University drawing that Nora did, complete with theme park, transit system and 6 other colleges/universities that are to be built in the area. Both said by the year 2200 by then. Nora admitted that she would understand if Clarissa thought she was crazy but she was inspired by her dreams to create the drawing, even if this potentially takes places years after she dies.
Clarissa changed the subject not because she disagreed with Nora. Rather because she did not want to think of Nora dying anytime soon since they are both close like sisters.
Anyhow, Clarissa notices that her future self is showing similar images with the only difference being is that there are going to be airports, similar to the Regan National Airport, that are less than a quarter mile from the University campus buildings. Clarissa’s future self even shows her images through the chalkboard of university chefs/cooks being divided up into who cooks midnight meals for the students and who are going to cook meals for the people flying in by the campus at 1am. Clarissa is trying to also figure out how to make out the vision of even some event planners organizing at 1130 pm for a joint birthday bash being held for the college president and his naval officer brother in law (due to this party bash occupying the equivalent of half of one of the University campuses and part of this newly built airport).
Clarissa even notices that there is a large building built just for both the airport and university public relations specialists (in both the Washington D.C. area and the Norfolk Virginia area). There is also a separate building for visiting celebrities to the area, that can also be shared by communication directors who have worked in politics (for both University of Maryland College Park in the Washington D.C. area and Old Dominion University in the Norfolk Virginia area). Clarissa then notices her future self writing on the chalkboard to take place in the Washington D.C. area and Norfolk Virginia by the year 2230. Clarissa’s future self explains that she is being allowed to see the images to maybe draw what she has seen just as her friend Nora has and to help her understand that theme parks, universities, and airports are good financial vehicles for her to keep in mind (even if Clarissa is still in the process of learning to be a money wizard and would call herself multiple labels other than urban planner).

Clarissa’s future self then compassionately explains that she can only answer one more question because she understood that Clarissa originally wanted to ask five questions. Clarissa senses that there is a reason for this timeframe so she saves her most controversial question for last and explains her last question to her future self;

It is hard for Clarissa to admit this yet she had a dream of chasing someone in a theme park at least twice to rape them. The person’s identity was so blurry to her in the dream and hidden to the point to where it was hard for Clarissa to decipher if it was her husband or another man. The only thing she can sense is that this person is an adult like her. The third time she aggressively came up to them in a bowling alley  that she hadn’t been at before and their identity was still a blur in that dream too. As the song Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 was playing, Clarissa aggressively went after them for whatever reason. Clarissa even pushed a mysterious man out of the way who was trying to block her from him, dragged the blurred identity person outside of the bowling building, and literally picked him up and flew away with him to a place of colorful houses that she hadn’t been at before. Clarissa felt so evil to admit this but in her dream she even derived immense erotic pleasure from this to where she noticed the sun and blue clouds come up as time went on and then she woke up when the mysterious person grabbed both of her arms to consent back. Clarissa felt so slutty/whorish admitting such a dream both because she could not tell if she was doing this to her husband Liam or if it was a mystery man. This is especially because in waking life Clarissa knows that a woman raping a man is just as evil as the other way around regardless of whether it is a stranger, a man she knows, or even her husband.

Much to Clarissa’s surprise, her future self was true to her word of being non-judgmental and explained the meaning of the dream with Clarissa’s other spirit guides looking on;
Clarissa, that dream has a very repressed part of you acting out in your dreams because there are some goals in your waking life that you need to pursue more aggressively. Look at me Clarissa and tell me three things that you like about me, your future self.
To which Clarissa explains, well it may sound superficial but you are at an ideal size, I see the title of the book against the chalkboard that I plan to write and submit for publication, and you know exactly what to say to my questions. Clarissa’s future self then explains, you have already seen your future through me that it is possible to have your ideal body, become a published author, and become even more intuitive than you already are. However, I advise you of these things; Do whatever you have to do in your online or offline schedule to strive to make a published book your reality within the next 18 months or less while you work your bank job. For karmic reasons, and because I recommend that you write under a username, your book may not get the attention it deserves until well after your death on earth. However, writing your book that is brewing in your head is part of your life purpose and could still make you magnetic you to at least $100,000.00 or more after taxes so please get down to it because unless you are in the U.S. military, you have no excuse to make your own schedule fit time to work both your full time bank job and complete the book brewing in your mind for eventual publication. Additionally, I as your future self share that my expanded wisdom and intuitive insight has been honed by making time in my schedule for the same 18 books over a set time period and making time to spend outside (which has helped manifest the body that you see now). Last, but not least, log your musical/song interests. Logging your song, musical interests, and tv interests on a blog(blogs) is important regardless of how you are going to be judged for doing so. You are going to understand why this is important within 4 years or less from now, especially the reason for logging your musical interests. As a result, you are to also save up to have your own website within the next 4 years or less while also saving your blogs even after you buy and start your own website. Before Clarissa can ask her future self more questions, Liam lovingly wakes Clarissa up to tell her which Real Housewives tv show that the group agreed to visit in the United States.

Resources Used In This Freestyle Story
Pages 200-201 of Meet Your Future Self from the book Feel I Real by Denise Coates
Page 171 of A Writer’s Guide to Persistence by Jordan Rosenfeld
Page 265 of The Map by Boni Lonnsburry
Ronald Reagan National Airport site
Naughty Travel Is the $20 Billion Industry You Never Knew Existed
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