Sunday, March 27, 2016

Adventures of Vohamanah’s New Life In The Heavenly/Celestial Realms-1st Entry of a Series

Adventures of Vohamanah’s New Life In The Heavenly/Celestial Realms-1st Entry of a Series
Vohamanah was relaxing to the Elle Henderson Glow song as she was silently giving spiritual thanks to her  higher self and team of celestial helpers for helping her to legally make twice the income after taxes that she made at her job.  It had been over 7 months since she was last working at her job but fortunately Vohamanah is making enough money to both help out her husband in paying the bills but to also repay back at the least the minimum on her student loans in addition being able to save at least twenty five percent of her savings in 2 checking and 2 savings accounts.  Vohamanah is extremely grateful that her intuition and her divine celestial support team gave her intuitive guidance and ideas on money making opportunities to where she is able to legally help others even with working outside the traditional employment marketplace and more towards being her own boss. As a matter of fact, Vohamanah’s income has increased to the point to where her and her husband are able to eat at better restaurants and they now live in a better neighborhood. She even ran into her former coworker who put her through so much adversity at her previous workplace when her and her husband were seated just two tables from the former coworker and what looked like another former coworker but subordinate(by this time this did not faze Vohamanah to see the person who professionally discriminated against her because she was now easily making over at least 1200 dollars a month after taxes to 2900 dollars a month or more after taxes through her new bosses and moneymaking ideas which were at least over 2-3 times more than what her previous employer/company paid her). The former coworker was actually surprised that Vohamanah let it go and avoided saying a word to him considering that she caught him sitting at the table with a subordinate that he could get into trouble for eating dinner with outside of work (i.e. getting fired and/or demoted for).  Still, Vohamanah did forgive the former coworker (even with Vohama hearing through the grapevine that he was secretly wishing that Vohama would never be hired anywhere else in the private or government sector again)but Vohama was still relieved when the former coworker abruptly decided to leave the restaurant with the subordinate shortly after Vohama and her husband got seated which gave Vohamanah and her amazing husband peace of mind to enjoy their delicious dinner of various cooked meats in abundant harmony and peace.

People Watching Vohamanah and her husband both online and offline have been wondering how she has been able to make more money than ever before when just two months earlier she looked to be a likely candidate for being on welfare and foodstamps for at least the next two years and/or a tent city resident in the state of California. Disclaimer-I definitely do not see myself any superior or better than someone on welfare and foodstamps and/or living on a tent city in California but I added those details in there for added effect to try to paint how Vohamanah’s financial situation improved and to set the background for describing Vohamanah as an American born female who sees the benefits of being alive and enjoying living in the U.S. regardless of how much money she makes and/or regardless of wherever the character of Vohamanah is employed at.   Anyhow, Vohamanah and her husband go home to watch two of the Harry Potter movies from her dvd set when the feelings of needing to go to sleep come over her.  She listens to a meditation cd from one of the authors that she follows on connecting to her higher self and connecting to the heavenly/celestial realms (focusing heavenward has helped Vohamanah hone her intuition in an even more expanded way and increase her wisdom around legal opportunities for making money regardless of when she is employed through the traditional employment market). Vohamanah is grateful to be an American born female because she knows that her shelter and food needs are going to be taken care of for the rest of her current lifetime and that of her husband’s because they are both American citizens. However, one of the reasons why Vohamanah strives for better financially even though she is grateful for what she has-is due to the fact that her conscience is guiding her to strive to repay the student loans within a 19-20 year timeframe instead of just passively accepting that the student loans die with her (since Vohamanah is lucky to not have a cosigner who would have to pay her student loans if she unexpectedly dies young). Anyhow, Vohamanah’s focus heavenward, despite longing for a long life is to help her spiritually as well as professionally.  Each trip that Vohamanah makes to heaven helps increase her intuitive insights even further and she is pleasantly surprised when she sees her double in a colorful garden less than 3 minutes after she laid down in her bed to meditate.
Vohamanah’s double explains to her I’m here in response as an answer to your prayers to keep your focus heavenward in order to integrate your true self while also tapping into the best money making opportunities for you while simultaneously overcoming age discrimination and physical appearance discrimination in doing so. Vohamanah is then transported to a beautiful garden filled with the most colorful flowers and the peaceful song I Knew That I Loved You by Savage Garden played. Vohamanah’s after life double introduces her to the friends in heaven that she is going to meet after she makes the transition to the heavenly world that she created with her imagination upon her death. Vohamanah is pleasantly surprised to see that she has 33 friends just within 6 months of her passing away on earth.  Vohamanah asks her higher self/afterlife double what name she prefers to go by. With that Vohamanah’s future self in the afterlife says just call me Optimism for now.
Less than 20 seconds later, Optimism takes Vohamanah to a sunny and glowing lane of 20 trees that have various bright colors, including colors that Vohamanah has not yet seen on earth.  Vohamanah sees the brightly colored blue tree titled wisdom on the front part of the trunk, a red tree is titled intuition, an aqua blue tree is titled wealth, and a bright gold tree is titled powerful imagination/resilience.  Vohamanah sees four of her friends drawing pictures with a combination of crayons and paints that she has not yet seen on earth.  Vohamanah asks Optimism what they are doing.  Optimism explains to Vohamanah that it is true that vision boarding is still a powerful tool for manifestation but that she also wants Vohamanah to incorporate drawing, painting, and coloring in coloring books for  tools towards stimulating the creativity areas that help Vohamanah in coming up with money making ideas. Before Vohamanah can ask further Optimism and two other friends draw images of Vohamanah depositing certain check amounts from her money making ideas and giving a child and their parents a free meal after she overhears the mother explaining at a grocery store how she wants to give her daughter a certain cake and food item for her birthday but she is not sure if her food stamps and the welfare money will cover the overall balance.  Vohamanah did not plan to do so but notices that the mother and her daughter are close to paying for the food but she just needs fifteen more dollars.  Vohamanah is now making more money compared to her previous job but she still has to watch her spending and so she is tempted to avoid getting involved but the little girl (who is no older than 5 years old) looks up at Vohamanah with watery glass eyes and so Vohamanah gives on and politely insists to the mother to take it with no strings attached not for charity but because she actually felt the sadness of the little girl’s emotions when the mother was going to have to put back the birthday cake,juice, salad, and pizza. Before Vohamanah can ask Optimism anymore, Optimism throws leaves from the trees of wisdom, intuition, and imagination to let Vohamanah know that she is invoking these gifts to her to grow in increasing amounts each day and that she must start to implement the tools of painting, drawing, and the trend of coloring books in her manifestation practices regardless of concern for recognition and/or obscurity and regardless of whether she is ridiculed or praised. Optimism emphasizes to Vohamanah that on future visits she is going to show and discuss with her on how her trips to libraries and museums are pivotal to both her writing and her spiritual growth-both on earth and in the heavenly worlds.
Before, Vohamanah can ask Optimism any more questions, her husband Remliel politely wakes her up to ask her for a massage and asks Vohamanah if she can stop by the grocery store two blocks away to get some milk, juice, and hot dogs for his work picnic that he  and Vohamanah are going to after he gets off work. Strangely enough, Vohamanah reaches the checkout lane and draws a person in her notepad out of curiosity. Less than 55 seconds after Vohamanah finishes drawing the person, she notices a customer walking through the front entrance who resembles the drawing of the person that she just doodled in the pocketsize green moleskin notepad. Vohamanah tries to go in the normal register where the cashier scans the groceries but right when it is Vohamanah’s turn the cashier apologizes that she has to close down because a manager and an hr person was just let go for stealing money meant for employee bonuses and employee pay -an independent company investigation found unaccounted for missing monies and payments- she (the cashier) was now required to assume the fired manager’s job while they search for a new human resources person. This particular company was careful on holding managers and human resource people to a high standard because they started out being just an online company from the 1990’s and were determined to keep up the success of their newly opened brick and mortar businesses in addition to their established online business dealings (due to both their online and brick and mortar businesses being highly regarded by both the general public customers and the employees). 
Anyhow, lo and behold Vohamanah is ushered by the cashier soon to be manager- to the self-checkout with only the mother and a daughter in front of her. Sure enough, Vohamanah knew that she was going to have to do as Optimism guided her to do when the little girl understandably looked sad when the mother was about to put back the baskin robbin style birthday cake, pizza, and juice.  It wasn’t at first easy for Vohamanah to even offer the money because she wasn’t sure how the mother would act. So what Vohamanah did was explain how the little girl reminded her of how she was as a child and from that place she wanted to make sure that she did not have to miss out on pizza and birthday cake for her birthday. Fortunately, the mother saw that Vohamanah’s intent was ulterior motive free and benevolent  and while waiting to scan her own groceries Vohamanah wrote in 25 dollars check made out to her. Less than 30 seconds later, Vohamanah was going to go to the nearby convenience store to buy a lottery ticket but something guided her to go to another store for some fruits and beauty products (the store that she just came from). By the time Vohamanah bought ten dollars worth of items from this store, the system generated a 25 dollars off coupon on her next shopping trip as a reward for her past purchases (the company’s debit card system recognized her account from the past purchases she made with her debit card online). The funny part is the image of the 25 dollars off closely resembled what Vohamanah wrote down in her moleskin notepad.
On Vohamanah’s walk back home she listens to songs such as Radioactive by Imagine Dragons and Everywhere by Michelle Branch as she comes up with an additional idea for making money. Less than five seconds later, Vohamanah’s husband Remliel calls out of curiosity to see when she is headed home. That night Vohamanah had a dream to where she was put in charge of a hybrid museum/library in a heavenly/celestial realm.
Links that I intend to use in the future as part of this series and/or links that my conscience is guiding me to share to give proper credit references
Name generator that helped me to come up with the Vohamanah/ Remliel names
Vohamanah is listed to be the angel of Optimism
One Thousand Museum

The Samling

Lauren Santo Domingo’s $7.25 Million Industrial Loft Is for Sale

See Kesha’s Modern Nashville Retreat Before It Goes Off the Market

How Former Director of Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts Acquired His Most Coveted Art Piece - See more at:
Remliel Angel of Awakening
more information on Remliel Angel of Awakening

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