Thursday, March 17, 2016

Healing Past, Present, and Future Karma Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Healing Past, Present, and Future Karma Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Diamond starts to yawn as she awakens to a bright sunny day filled with much rest and a sense of elating happiness. She gets up to eat some strawberry yogurt, bananas, and drinks a couple of bottled waters.  She hops in the shower and listens to some great chillout music from one of her cd collections. Less than 30 minutes out of the shower she decides to sit down and watch some tv.

She decides to fill out about 13 job applications online and calls 5 to see if anyone is hiring. Suddenly, she gets an idea to watch a tv show that zooms up on million dollar homes.  Less than 60 seconds later, she is looking up at someone walking pass the tv screen. The person looks around Diamond’s age but does not look like someone that she met before. Who Are You Diamond replies and how did you get into my apartment without the door opening.  I hope that I’m not hallucinating. Less than 7 seconds later, the person replies Diamond I’m someone that you knew 3-4 lifetimes ago but I’m not allowed to reveal my identity but go ahead and call me Amethyst and with that Amethyst puts her arms up towards the ceiling and suddenly her and Diamond are inside of a blue and purple building.
Where Am I? Diamond asks Amethyst. Amethyst replies; I’m not allowed to give you the exact location for your spiritual protection reasons. However, I’m allowed to mention that I’m in the home of one of the occultists that you knew 5 lifetimes ago. He gave me permission to tell you that he is with you when you write your stories and some of his friends that he has met in the spiritual worlds of light and some from his past lifetimes gather with him in an undisclosed room at a table inside of his house. He is watching you through a glass window of this house that he resides in along with other members of their group, but he is allowed to see you but due to spiritual reasons you are not allowed to see them just yet. Be worry-free about this as you are going to see them once the time is right.
Diamond is then told that even the occultist’s name must currently be kept secret but that he was one of the writers of 20 of the books that were eventually burned in the Library of Alexandria in Alexandria Egypt before the whole library itself burned down many centuries ago. Amethyst summoned Diamond to the occultist’s mansion because he wants her to have 4 books worth of information that she can access in her dreams and that will manifest in books that she is drawn to during various points of her lifetime.  Amethyst gives Diamond a pencil and a notebook and explains that she wants her to write down what she can as she reads the first book aloud to her.
In a firm but loving voice, Amethyst reads the first passage from the book;
You have unintentionally made some enemies of at least 5 millionaires and one billionaire connected to your previous place of employment but who you have not yet met in your current lifetime.  They have attempted to discredit you by spreading rumors about your psychological health but much to their surprise this has actually made you spiritually stronger in ways that we have to avoid disclosing for now.  However, they, with the exception of one of them, have been surprised at how quickly you have grown your spiritual resilience and so now they are studying everything that you are interested in and people connected to you in order to try to mess with you and undermine your professionally. The positives; They have unintentionally helped with your goals of increasing your intuition, creativity, and logic when making the best choices for yourself in terms of your work goals, where you live, and even your spiritual goals.  The cons;  Please be guilt-free about this but myself and all of the occult members watching you in this house have all noticed certain images in your brain as you have taken both practical actions and spiritual measures to protect yourself against any jealousies and/or psychic attacks.  This has helped you to strengthen your connection to your higher self, but the dark/karmic energy that your enemies have tried to thrown at you is rebounding back to them and is not only affecting them but is also affecting their close friends and/or family members, even grandchildren who are unaware of what they are doing.  You yourself have suffered some heavy karma from what your ancestors from 100-200 years ago have done but we must not get into that for now.  What I want you to do is to continue to protect yourself but add in an important focus that will help both you and your enemies in the long-term.

First I understand why you feel the way you do but continue to completely work on forgiving your professional enemies and be worry-free about repaying your student loans. You do not have any cosigners on your student loans and so that student loan debt is going to die along with you and/or be paid off at least 10 years or more  before you die (I’m not allowed to tell you which it is). However to help ensure that the karma is cleared between you and your professional enemies (including the remnants of psychic attack warfare) research what you can on how to handle any jealousy directed at you and focus on not only creating heaven on earth for yourself and those surround you but also begin to imagine today the fulfilling and exciting life that you are going to have in a heavenly world after you die. Yes, I know that this sounds crazy but there are many things known in heaven when it comes to helping a person change their life for the happier that is not yet common knowledge on earth even among some of the most talented psychics and/or occultists. You may be publicly mocked and/or judged by some of your enemies and/or rivals for focusing on creating heaven on earth for yourself and those who surround you as well as imagining the type of life you are going to enjoy in your heavenly afterlife. However, I and the occultists watching you from behind this mansion’s glass window are imploring you to do this as it is going to help you change your life, heal the heavy karma between you and the 6 wealthy people trying to send dark magic your way, and focusing on the type of heavenly afterlife that awaits you is actually going to help you take wiser and more spiritually illumined actions in your current life to both change and heal your life.
Another vital point, As you may have guessed it, please continue to write and publish your writings at least once a week regardless of any recognition, public ridicule/judgement and/or any other spiritual test that you encounter as a result of you deciding to continue with your writing. Remember, you agreed before coming to earth that you are going to write stories and be a storyteller regardless of doing so under fame or obscurity.  Additionally, you also agreed to allow many of your writings to be borrowed and seen by others because it also helps you as well as them (in ways that we are not allowed to discuss right now). Additionally, continue to indulge in your love of music and all music genres as well as movies,even if they are not from the same culture and/or socio-economic background that you are currently in and/or came from. The reason; You are going to be shown within 2-3 months of this astral visit why it is important that you allow yourself to look at various books, magazines, music, tv shows, movies, and/or various forms of music even if you are harshly judged and/or mocked by others for supposedly not being true enough to yourself. We actually know who you are in terms of what is technically harm-free to other people on earth. However, the reason why you are shielded from not fully knowing your true self is actually not something to be ashamed about, even if other people make you feel that way for doing so. Rather, your spirit and your external environment have actually combined to make it harder for you to not know your true self and be the mainstream view of not fully being who you are not to punish you but more of our awareness that you may unintentionally harm others that you were not trying to harm if the true you was unveiled and expressed today. However, please know that the spiritual payback for you going through this as well as the public judgement of you hiding your true self is actually assisting you to grow your wisdom and your intuition as well as logic.  The writing process you are doing is also helping you to unlock strengths that have been dormant in your being due to you residing in an environment where it would actually cause too much chaos and you potentially inflicting too much unchecked revenge on your enemies if your strengths were allowed to be unleashed too soon.  Your one main tool that you must focus and utilize as soon as possible is vision boarding, make time to do that as soon as you can, and set aside time to walk at least 1-3 hours 5-6 times a week, as well as drink at least 90-120 ounces of water (these practices will help you to integrate your being closer to the thoughts of your soul as well as both your wisdom and intuition).  Less than 8 seconds later, Amethyst taps Diamond’s shoulder and Diamond is awoke by her loving husband calling her on the cell phone and she notices 2 missed phone calls from one of the employers she tried to call earlier. It turns out Diamond unexpectedly fell asleep while watching the million dollar home tv show not because of the show not being good enough but because she remembered watching a music video right before she was going to watch the tv show (a certain music video put her to sleep as she was laying on the couch).

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