Friday, March 11, 2016

Roses Are Red Heaven’s Violets Are Blue Free Style short Story by Stella Carrier

Roses Are Red Heaven’s Violets Are Blue Free Style short Story by Stella Carrier
Shekinah wakes up to a beautiful bright green lawn lush with bright sunlight and a scenery of a column of schools and colleges unlike anything that she has seen browsing online pictures on earth. Shekinah notices that her caramel complexion is shining even brighter and more illuminating in this song unlike anything that she has seen on earth. As a matter of fact, Shekinah becomes intuitively aware that wherever  currently is, she happens to be in a place where fortunately race and the way a person looks externally matters little to the other residents.  Where Am I Shekinah wonders? Just then a porcelain white complexioned woman with hair the length cascading past her waist and blue-green eyes comes up to Shekinah. Hi Shekinah, I’m Alexandria, you are currently in a heavenly spiritual world of light that is actually of your imagination but just one of many splendid worlds that your higher self set up for you to visit in your afterlife preceding what is going to be a long but powerful and magical rest of your current lifetime on earth.  My name is Alexandria and I have some advice and important details to share with you.
Alexandria transports Shekinah to a tv/giant movie looking structure near one of the Celestial universities that are created by the union of Shekinah’s imagination and higher self. Shekinah is shown a movie where she has been allowed to create three of her own magical schools/universities in within the heavenly realms.  These schools are designed both to assist visitors from earth and the residents of the afterlife/heavenly worlds to be able to study the ways of increasing the powers of their imagination, creativity, honing their magical abilities even further to attract and create the like minded communities to connect with in their newfound afterlife. They are also designed for spirits of those universities who volunteer themselves to help occultists back on earth manifest various spiritual and professional goals while on earth. For instance, Alexandria showed Shekinah a scene where a job seeker on earth is connecting with the heavenly/celestial realm for unconventional help in growing the connection to both her higher and intuition to grow more expanded and deeper.  Two of the male professors and female professors enrolled in the occult university also happens to know the female job seeker knew from a past lifetime at least 2-3 lifetimes ago university. He is transmitting information/ideas to the earth-based job seeker on how she can increase both her income and intuition through both the online resources that the female accesses and some of the messages coming from both her critics and allies/supporters. The female job seeker gets an idea on how she can logically and legally make more income regardless of how long it takes her to get employed again, but she understands that she must keep it secret. The two professors also helped the female jobseeker to forge an even deeper connection to her spiritual heavenly guides as well as her higher self. The spirit team is helping her to learn stronger spiritual protection techniques which are working and coming in handy (important because at least 3 professional critics tied to her professional past have fortunately been blocked from being able to send negative and dark magic vibes). The job seeker, through her stronger spiritual faith and connection to heaven, has also been able to figure out how to harness the dark magic/energy and transform into to heavenly spiritual light energy for the greater good of herself and others (she even figured out how to create symbols out of 23 of the thoughtforms for positive heavenly/celestial magick and a deeper connection to her intuition/higher self from 5 former non-management coworkers and 3 manager level professionals who are stalking her online).

Alexandria then stops the viewing screen and explain “Shekinah this may come as a shock to you but I’m actually the spirit of your daughter that you miscarried when you were 16 years old!”  Shekinah feels a sense of wow at Alexandria’s admission but she intuitively knew that Alexandria is telling the truth because Alexandria looks very much like Shekinah in the face but with the smoother hair texture and the fair skin complexion of the man that she had a brief fling with when she was 16 years old.  Before Shekinah could ask any further, Alexandria telepathically picks up on her thoughts and explains that she was conceived when Shekinah and Alexandria’s father were engaging in intimate relations outside near a male friend of the man’s house but far away enough to where nobody could see them. However,Alexandria could not remember which time it was because her and this man had met for secret flings at least 32 times before they agreed to mutually end their romantic affair, with at least 12 of those times being near the man’s friend’s house and 11 of those times being in both cheap motels and overnight campgrounds in tents (only 9 of those times were inside the man’s house because they mutually agreed to keep their romantic but controversial affair a secret from the man’s roommates who also happened to be some of his professional coworkers because of his age) .  Alexandria then proceeded to explain that for her protection and to keep the man’s identity a secret that she must avoid explaining the precise encounter and date when she was conceived.  Alexandria then told Shekinah that she only wanted to tell her to help Shekinah understand why Alexandria knew her so well.

Alexandria then starts the screen again for Shekinah to watch.  Through the screen, Shekinah sees an occult circle that she is gathering and leading with 33 other spirits in the afterlife. They are all banding together to help an occultist back on earth who is leading a coven of his own and is petitioning their help to manifest greater prosperity and greater spiritual intuition for himself and his other coven members.  Shekinah and the group are gathered near one of the Universities that she is operating.  Less than 28 seconds after concluding the magic ceremony Shekinah and at least 3 of the other spirits in the group peer  through five windows simultaneously and see 2 of the couples engaged in a passionate embrace and taking each other’s clothes off and 3 other couples inside the occult university building already engaged in intimate acts (with one of those unions being what would be considered a taboo/controversial union on earth because of their physical appearances and roles on earth but not a big deal in heaven).  Shekinah and her fellow occultists start laughing and Shekinah wonders why these couples do not go to their own private places to engage in their passionate but controversial romantic affairs because Shekinah intuitively understands that they are in a realm where they can actually create their own houses just with their thoughts.  Alexandria telepathically picks up on Shekinah’s thoughts and then explains that she is meeting with Shekinah to encourage her to continue with her writing because it is actually part of her life contract and for her to write and post online at least 3-4 times per week.  However, certain themes must be reserved for Shekinah’s offline and/or published book work under a username while other themes can be covered in her online writings.  Shekinah is then given information from Alexandria that the couples that she saw in the university building agreed ahead of time to play certain roles in order to show Shekinah that couples do engage in romantic and intimate relations in the higher afterlife heavenly/celestial realms as well as relationships that are considered very taboo on earth (she picked up on this as Alexandria gave Shekinah three photos simultaneously as she was explaining why Shekinah saw what she did in the occult university building). One photo showed a male spirit who was a major celebrity on earth engaged in an erotic act with two of the women that he knew on earth, both of them were his wives when he was alive but one died young and the other woman this man met after his wife died, the second photo showed a female celebrity who is also well-loved and remembered on earth completely without clothes in one of the university rooms engaged in an erotic pose also with two men (one was a husband from her most recent lifetime and another was a husband from her past life that was at least over 4 of her lifetimes ago), and the third was a photo of four people who knew each other from the same earth-based lifetime but did not act on any feelings due to being leaders of a church that would have outcasted them and made them social pariahs if they acted on their feelings and were exposed (Alexandria showed Shekinah this photo with the promise that she would not divulge details of who they were). Less than 10 seconds later, Shekinah was filled with an intuitive awareness of why she was given information that spirits also engage in romantic yet  controversial affairs in addition to the traditional ones that most people alive on earth know about in relation to her writings and she was given an intuitive reminder to continue to pursue her work as a writer for the rest of her current lifetime even if she has to do the writing/scriptwriting on the side and/or as a famous and/or obscure author. With that psychic awareness, Shekinah woke up from her meditation that unexpectedly put her to sleep to her alarm clock radio to the song Roses Are Red by the Eurodance group Aqua.

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