Monday, March 14, 2016

A Brief But Eventful Life Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Theodora thought that she would catch a small nap on her way to jury duty. However, she had to be careful about falling asleep too deeply on her way to catching the metro stop that she needed to be on time for her jury duty assignment.  She successfully walked 2.5 miles to one of the metro stops in order to save money on transit costs. However, her body now required her to take a 15 minute nap on the metro train on her way to the jury duty assignment.
Less than 20-30 seconds later, an atmosphere that is bright blue, with a multi-colored sun shines on her face unlike anything that she has seen during her lifetime on earth.  Where Am I Theodora wonders, but she tries to make herself wake up in order to not miss her stop.  Just then an astral double of Theodora comes up to her.  Who Are You Theodora asks? Oh hi, I’m Your Future Self in the Afterlife and I have been sent to give you the choice of two books in front of you on how you would like the rest of your life to be. These books do not reveal all of what is going to happen in your life for certain karmic reasons, but I’m going to give you five minutes to choose.  I’ll make it worth your while by allowing both books to flash in front of you and download the options in front of you. To speed up the process of which book you choose just jump in front of it and then hug it. This is going to show myself, your higher self, and your team of heavenly/celestial allies as well as the karmic lords assigned to your case which choice you make.  I intend to reveal more details to you within 2-3 months of our meeting. 
Just Then, a red book with orange lettering pops up as to Theodora’s first option. This option allows Theodora to live healthfully and joyfully until 29 days after her 103rd birthday. The pros; more leisure time to enjoy her life and both her and her amazing husband will transition to a heavenly realm together at  about the same time (one 24 hours before the other, but the book keeps it a mystery as to who goes first). The 2nd pro is that she is going to finally be recognized for her writing creativity and get recognized and credit for her writings as well as increased financial fortune for her writing by the time she is around 60 years old. The 3rd pro; The longer she is alive the more other people are going to love her and she is going to enjoy more popularity as time goes on, which decreases the amount of people who are going to be jealous of her and psychic wish her ill will. The cons; Both her psychic abilities and her ability to manifest wealth are not going to activate until she is after 60 years old, resulting in years of financial hardship regardless of which law of attraction technique or psychic that she turns to.  2nd con; Theodora sees in the book that she is only going to finally repay her student loans and pay off her house by the time she is between 55-60 years old but not before. 3rd con; Because of her financial hardships, she is going to be a social pariah not just among her family members but also any spiritual communities (whether new age or traditional religion) that she is part of, which may make her feel alone and/or close her heart to anyone who is not her husband and/or mother in law.
Then a 2nd book with purple, gold, and black lettering comes up laying out three options and three pros.  The first pro that this book shows if she chooses the life presented to her in the book; More employment chances granted to her via other employers as well as opportunities for self-employment. Regardless of what she chooses, her actions will be blessed with good fortune and the reality of financial freedom and being debt-free are going to grace the life of both Theodora and her husband within the next 11 years (which is going to bless them with financial abundance to last them until they are at least 110 years old in their current lifetimes and for at least 2-3 generations after them)regardless of whoever tries to professionally and/or spiritually undermine her (even if they are among her most influential professional enemies/rivals). The 2nd pro; She is going to be able to make more friends easily and strengthen her family ties, as a matter of fact the book shows Theodora organizing some exciting parties for her many friends, including friends from her professional life who she has helped mentor and provide professional training to.  The 3rd pro;  Her creativity, psychic skills, emotional intelligence, and intellectual brilliance are going to skyrocket in a shorter timeframe from the increased opportunities that she has been granted. As a positive side effect, she is always going to achieve a slender frame in a short amount of time and maintain it for the rest of her current lifetime as well as have a more attractive physical appearance and feel more beautiful and full of unlimited potential regardless of how she is judged by others. The 3 major cons to choosing the purple gold and lettering book for this life option; 1-Theodora is going to die well before her husband, and she sees the timeframe being somewhere between her 55th to 60th birthday.  2-Theodora is going to stay obscure the rest of her current lifetime for the protection of her safety and those around her, therefore many people are going to look at her online writings as in the first book but will secretly use them for themselves and she is never going to be recognized for her writings during her lifetime, no fortune or recognition but finally a mention and her work distributed to the mainstream American public 200-300 years after her death when a professor and an archaeologist from the future uncovers her written work.  3-By choosing the life of quicker financial ease and freedom the other drawback is that more people from both inside and outside the spiritual communities are going to be jealous of both her and her husband. Theodora’s marriage is still going to last but there are going to more women swarming Theodora’s husband for money with the possibility of 3-5 extramarital babies (even with 2 of the 8 women being financially wealthier than Theodora and her husband because they want to ensure money for their children’s educations and trust funds). The marriage between Theodora and her husband is still going to be strong and survive, as well as enjoy positive closeness as the years go on but Theodora and her husband will have less leisure time as a result of working together to provide for the 8 extramarital children.

Much to Theodora’s surprise, she jumps up and grabs the 2nd book with purple, gold, and black lettering (even though she is only going to die at 60 years of age or younger and predecease her husband) because she feels that it is more essential to secure the financial safety and security for both her and her husband on earth. Theodora knows that she can emotionally and spiritually handle any judgement and/or gossip that other people from both outside and inside the spiritual communities throw at her. Less than 20-30 seconds after making her decision Theodora fortunately wakes up to the stop that she has to get off the train for, for her jury duty. 

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