Sunday, March 27, 2016

Intuitively Inspired Action Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Intuitively Inspired Action Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Orphion is getting ready for her daily meditation to connect with her higher self/spirit. She has religiously done so now for the past three months but she intuitively realizes that she must fine-tune her intuition to see what steps she is missing in her professional life.  She has followed the logical and spiritual principles related to taking action in her professional but either the jobs that she applies to get cancelled or the employer at least has the courtesy to let her know that she does qualify but that they chose someone more qualified. At least 8 of the jobs that she knew were hers due to her qualifications went to younger people with less experience but to their credit are influential and/or popular among relationships within their family member, friends, and/or professional circles.  Orphion realizes that she must take a look at where in the action part that she needs to fix because she is taking action as she is supposed to but the jobs that she gets close to getting despite taking massive action often go to others that she knows project more self-confidence and social saavy. Orphion is not afraid of a sudden death owing student loans, but she knows teachers who tell her to take action-which she does- mean well but do not see that she takes abundant action towards her professional goals but unintentionally attracts situations where she applies to jobs that open her up to being bypassed either for her age, perceived national origin (even though is a native citizen of the country that she applies to), and spiritual beliefs.  She had a dream one night to where her actions finally paid off in getting a job that simultenously paid her student loans while helping her to save up money to purchase a house outright for her and her husband. However, Orphion tried to contact her dream future self to find out what she can do to have fruitful action towards making what she sees as reality instead of action that leads to further discrimination and/or ridicule while simply going after employment to help her try to repay her student loans before she dies. However, before she could tug on the thinner body or waist length long hair of her future self some strange man stops her from making contact with even her future dream self and simply states who I am to you does not matter right now but simply call me Dolno.  I Dolno have known you in both many of your afterlives and incarnations of your time between incarnations. I Dolno have been sent to help you get in further touch with your intuition.

As Dolno, an assistant to one of your main spirit guides, I have been selected to help you continue to strengthen your intuition as well as to expand your connection with your higher self further. We (I Dolno and other members of your spirit team) are proud of the actions that you are trying to take in achieving your professional goals. However, as Dolno one of your spirit team helpers, I have been sent to help you Orphion understand that the reason why your actions towards your professional/job search goals have been fruitless is because you have been taking frequent and massive action in the wrong places and you obviously need to still continue to take action as you have been doing but to begin to already imagine yourself as a highly intuitive person knocking on the right professional doors.  Many of your current law of attraction teachers mean well with their advice and countless books that emphasize action for goals, which is definitely the case. However, the level of a person’s intuition is what sets many apart from why some people easily achieve their professional goals and/or are given abundant chances for new jobs even when they are let go from other jobs (regardless of whether it was their fault and/or discriminatory elements) when taking action. However, you fall into the category of someone who has been frequently taking action and knocking on the right opportunities in the right neighborhoods, but you have unintentionally knocked on professional doors to houses that are the wrong opportunities for you-metaphorically speaking- and you have been bypassing the glorious mansions of professional opportunities of employers that would give you an employment chance at helping you to repay your student loans and purchase a house in a discrimination free manner. 

Before Orphion could ask Dolno about what she has intuitively been missing in regards to the actions she has been taking in her jobs Dolno transports Orphion to the beautiful mansion that she had dreamed about less than 2-3 days ago.  2-3 days prior Orphion had dreamed that she unexpectedly died and went to heaven less than 2-3 years after her intuitively inspired actions finally came to bear in great professional opportunities and financial wealth for her and her husband. Upon Orphion’s sudden death in an accident she was transported to a beautiful opulent mansion with bright and large chandelier lights,  gold doors and even gold in the walls.  Two of her guides (who she also  remembered as colleagues at a university that they worked together around 300 years prior) jokingly even let Orphion think that she was going to turn off one of the lights in her new mansion viewing unplugging the lights and she laughed along with them when she discovered that these were heaven/celestial lights that stay on since they are part of her new mansion in heaven. While having the flashback Dolno gently but firmly told Orpheon awake my dear yes that mansion is going to be for you and your husband and you are going to die before him but be worry-free about it and trust that both you and your husband are going to be looked after by many benevolent spirit helpers and your higher selves who reside here in the celestial realms.

Dolno then clapped his hands and they were transported to a room which was in a university- less than a block away from Orpheon’s mansion- where a teacher was holding a class with newly arrived spirits on earth who were being shown on how photography, dolls, and miniature houses/cars can be fun tools for manifestation purposes both in the heavenly realms and on earth.  Orphion inquisitively asked Dolno what does this have to do with me.  Dolno smiled at her and led her to the teacher who explained to the class that Orpheon is a dreamtime visitor from heaven who is going to be a guest in the class today on some of the manifestation exercises/tools. With that both Dolno and the teacher led Orpheon to a table containing a miniature house, a miniature car, and over 55 different Barbie dolls and other types of dolls representing both genders and from various countries around the world. They even showed her some dolls that were not yet introduced yet on earth but were hybrids from the earth world and other worlds that they were not allowed to tell her for spiritual and karmic reasons.  Orpheon’s attention was captivated of a doll created in the image of her and surrounded by 30 other dolls in a party like setting filled in a miniature house filled with images of art and photography on her walls. Intuitively, an image picked up on a reality where Orpheon is living out the reality of what she is seeing in the table on earth-the house she is living in on earth, the art, the photography, and even the people all look like the miniatures that were on the table and heaven. Before Orpheon asks how this is possible Dolno shows Orpheon her astral double who has been constructing this during her dream-time and explains that a lot of billionaires and millionaires on earth actually use the tools of photography, miniature houses, dolls, and collecting art in their houses as manifestations efforts and abundance but many of them keep it a secret for fear of being publicly shamed, ridiculed, and/or being made social pariahs.  Dolno explains how Orpheon could use these tools both in her job search on earth so that her actions bear fruit and intuitively attract her vibrationally to employers who are discrimination free when hiring and keeping employees. Olno even gives her five websites to where Orpheon can discreetly order these things and he shows her an image of two of the books that Orpheon currently owns back on earth that would help her employment aspects.  Dolno emphasizes to Orpheon; follow these instructions with an open heart and you can have a job again within the next 20-30 weeks to 18 months from now- I was approved by your main spirit guide to help you because these tools are going to help you harness your intuition in your job and money goals so that your actions can began to finally bear fruit in your waking life.  Dolno then explains Orpheon I’m placing these metaphoric gold and purple Queen’s crown on your head so that you may remember this information in your being for the rest of your current lifetime and for you to write down in one of your stories.  This is only the beginning of your rewards for having a spiritual brave heart towards taking action on your goals despite being ridiculed and harshly judged from some of the popular people in both the new age spiritual communities and outside of the spiritual communities.  You may even be publicly made fun of for sharing that some of the wealthiest people in the world secretly use miniature houses, miniature cars, other miniature objects, dolls, photography,and art as tools for their manifestation by some of those same people that secretly/discreetly utilize those tools. However, you must publish and write what we just said to you with a trusting heart without concern for regard and/or recognition especially because what you just wrote is going to be extremely helpful even if obscure for whoever secretly looks at this entry both during this century and 300 years from now and beyond.  Before Orpheon could ask Dolno if there is a teacher that she could discreetly ask this about she wakes up to one of her favorite songs to the alarm clock radio which is Intuition by Jewel.

link i used for the name generator for the female character

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