Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rich Blonde Ambition Freelance Story by Stella Carrier

Rich Blonde Ambition Freelance Story by Stella Carrier
Harmony is a heart centered  person who gets along well with many people in both her professional and personal life.  She has mocha colored skin and hair halfway down to her back.  One day she decides to go the drastic route and let go off using a relaxer.  This is a tough decision to make because the relaxer smoothens her hair.  However, she is preparing for her life ahead of time where she knows that by the time she reaches 55-65 she is going to have to choose between relaxer or permanent haircolor. She knows herself enough to known that she would want her hair to be colored even in her 90’s. Harmony is also gossiped about and the focus of both positive and negative attention regardless of how she acts or how good her life goes.  As a result, this sets her free to go ahead and keep her hair curly but to dye ut sunlight blonde.

As to be expected, Harmony gets both positive and negative attention from both strangers in public and those in both her work and professional life for coloring her hair blonde. However, she only plans to color her hair once every 6 months regardless of how others may view her ombre look. Anyhow, Harmony feels like a new woman with her blonde hair. As a matter of fact, her natural curls are enhanced even more with her new blonde hair color and even the star wars themed makeup that she tries with the new look complements her blonde curls beautifully. 

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