Friday, October 30, 2015

Fortune Favors The Bold Freelance Story by Stella Carrier

Destiny is married to a great man named Sunny and they have successfully been married for over 30 years now.  They met each other when they were in their 20’s and finally have a paid for house in a nice military community and a paid for car.  Destiny and Sunny avoided blaming others for how their lives would turn out, but they were careful to attend to strengthening both their financial lives and their marital lives . This is because both Destiny and Sunny were always aware that, especially when they were honest to others about their life, there would always be people, many who don’t even know them in person who would secretly make bets on how long their marriage would last based on their financial pictures.  Undeterred, Sunny and Destiny stayed determined in growing their financial net worth as well as their marriage.
The year is now 2035 and They are now both in their 50’s, own their own completely paid for 75,000 dollar house, a paid off mazda 3, a ten year financial freedom fund of $440,000 dollars and are completely debt-free including their student loans.  They are both grateful that they now have 888,000 dollars in stock market investments/retirement income,  $550,000 in liquid savings, and rental income that generates them at least 7500 dollars per month after taxes. Destiny and Sunny got their hands on whatever resource they could when it came to the stock market and/or growing their money. Destiny would carefully budget their money as well as take on side freelance projects to grow their savings. She studied stock market wizards who were younger than her, those who were about the same age as her, and those who were older.  Additionally, both Destiny and Sunny found ways to still enjoy their favorite music and movies online and at discounted prices. For instance, Destiny’s membership with an online retailer allowed her to indulge her love for music, movies, and writing for free and/or discounted prices. 

Fortunately, Sunny and Destiny are also super supportive of each other’s professional and personal goals. For instance, 20 years ago, Destiny made the difficult decision of moving away from a metropolitan area she loved to an area in a nearby state that had lower cost of living but less frequent public transportation. On the plus side, Destiny was able to save at least 20-30 percent of her income despite making minimum wage. Less than 18 months later, Destiny built up a six month financial cushion and her husband was able to successfully follow her less than two years to the day that she moved. On the bright side, since they still live around 195 miles from Washington D.C. they are able to easily stay a weekend in any of their favorite spots in the Washington D.C. area at least once a month. At the beginning, when Destiny moved away to the Washington D.C. area more than 20 years ago she was only able to visit once every 2-3 months because she had to both request the time off at her job in order to visit the D.C. area , which would allow enough time for both her and her husband to save up.  Now they are able to easily enjoy the sights and sounds of both the areas where they now live as well as the Washington D.C. area. For instance, for their recent 30 year anniversary they stayed at a nice hotel in Arlington, Virginia. For her husband’s birthday they are staying somewhere in Bethesda and then staying at a nice place in Virginia Beach, Virginia the following weekend.

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