Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mini Freestyle story of Saturday November 28, 2015 titled A New Body To Go With A Charmed Life by Stella Carrier including inspirational website links

Mini Freestyle story of Saturday November 28, 2015 titled A New Body To Go With A Charmed Life by Stella Carrier including inspirational website links
Affirmation; My Imagination grows richer with ideas each day.

Faith And her husband wisdom have A loving marriage that only grows better with time.  She is now successfully starting to also save more money in her bank Account more than a year ago.  The focus on increasing her savings has helped heal her insomnia to where now she can easily sleep for At least 5-6 hours compared to just 3-4 hours eighteen months Ago.
One day she decides to make the most of her off time by meditating and deciding what could be holding her back in the way of getting a second job for extra money. It has been over 3 years since faith And her husband wisdom have sworn off credit cards And All forms of debt in order to be debt-free for the rest of their current lifetimes.  They have both been able to easily make their student loan payments as well as having 25 thousand dollars in savings. 
During her meditation, Faith discovers that many of the most open-minded employers have been hesitant to offer her a job due to her being overweight but due to legal reasons something else is said. instead of feeling sorry for herself, Faith gets to work on her weight loss goals by not only writing down what she eats And her exercise regimen but Also keeping A realistic meal plan often preparing many of her meals right when she gets home from work to eat After she gets off work. She does not give up many of her favorite foods but loses weight by carefully portioning many of her foods And keeping A pic of herself when she was A size 2 As well As A picture of A celeb with her goal body type.
Soon, Faith goes down to a size 4 and gets flooded with opportunities that are going to help give her the second job that she seeks.  Just two nights ago, Faith actually met her future self in a dream and one of the lessons given to her was to abandon any concern of becoming popular and to instead focus more on listening to the intuitive impulses of her higher self.  She is very grateful to now be weighing 103 pounds after being a size 16 just a year before.   Now, Faith has to decide how best to share her story on her blog and Instagram to her most supportive followers who prefer some details as to how she got where she did.

Please know that as with other links, I definitely do not claim myself to be a guru and/or implying any sense of superiority.  I’m more or less sharing these links as a way to share the links that have been inspiring me to increase my personal savings Account And to be fearless in eventually moving to my chosen lower cost of living place even if it means giving up living in the Washington D.C. Area (AN Area which I love living in, but I’m grateful that my husband is emotionally supportive of my relocation ideas). However,  before posting these links I must Again emphasize that I intend to still reside in this Area for At least the next 6-8 months And would put in the Appropriate notice (At least 2-3 weeks in Advance)before leaving my current job to relocate.

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