Saturday, November 7, 2015

FreeStyle Story of Spiritual Lucky Hair Color Trends by Stella Carrier

The year and date is July 4, 2040 in Los Angeles, California. A 60 year old woman by the name of Lucky is admiring with appreciation all of the blessings that she has. For starters, she has a strong heavenly connection with her guardian angels, spirit guides, and other heavenly benevolent masters who have helped her to further connect with her spirit. She also has a strong and impeccable balance of strong logic and intuitive abilities, both have which sharpened the longer that she has been alive.  Sometimes, Lucky wishes that she would have known some of the things that she knew now in even her early to mid thirties. However, she now sees why everything has had to happen the way that is has and strong believes in the adage, Everything happens for a reason (good reasons that is) as she looks upon her pool party filled with people from various walks of life professionally. Many of the guests are also enjoying the food and music that is being organized by the some of the most talented DJ’s, food caterers, and chefs that are recognized both in Los Angeles (and some in other parts of the U.S. and on a global basis). Lucky herself owns a chain of franchise burger restaurants, but she started out as a minimum wage worker burger employee when she first moved to Los Angeles 25 years ago. You would not be able to easily tell this as she weighs around 120-125 pounds, has her naturally curly hair dyed blonde with the hair length down to her waist.  Lucky has successfully learned how to keep the peace in both her professional and personal life. Additionally, she has set up her dreams to come true in both the future and has also done so in her past. 
One piece of evidence that shows her good fortune is the fact that her party is celebrating the launching ofvher hair dye brand that now allows women of various races and hair textures to  directly dye their hair blond the intended color without having to strip it first. Lucky sold her formula to many hair color companies and enjoys the profit from that venture. Additionally, Lucky is now also enjoying success as an author of a book for curly hair women of type 4, type 3, and type 2 curly hair from various backgrounds regarding the different curling and twisting styles using various curlers and styles she learned from both online tutorials  and some practice on her own hair. In her 30’s she tried to go to different hair salons (one that was even certified for natural curly hair) for ideas on how to use various curlers for heat-free curly enhancement. Many of the salons turned her away because they admitted that they are unable to do such a thing for women with type 3 or type 4 curly hair. Lucky knew then that she had to eventually teach herself and gather as much information as she can because she knew from the previous experience of another stylist doing her hair that it can be done. Lucky’s book has already sold 50 million copies in a month because the book features both do it yourself braid styles and styles using curling rollers an other type fo curlers for curly hair (even for type 3 like hers and type 4). Lucky’s hair has managed to grow so long even with her coloring her hair blonde because she only colors her hair once every 6 months and even knows how to trim her own hair to maintain its waist length.

Many of Lucky’s friends, including herself, are paid what they are worth  and have been able to successfully expand their skill set.  Lucky also lives in a five bedroom house completely paid for and with a built in library that was just added less than 10 years ago. Lucky was able to get ideas for both her hair color line an book from a dream she had where she visited on of the happy afterlife worlds in her sleep and made contact with a spirit who was answering her request to help her grow both spiritually and financially. The spirit showed Lucky to a classroom that was sort of like a college for souls who were learning to increase their manifestation skills on earth. Many of them figured out a a way of tapping into this while still alive and the Spirit who called herself Serenity just handed her a book and cheerfully explained that this book contains the material for her next book and part of her life’s work. This took Lucky two months because she had to piece together all of the details from her dream and the curly hair style book as well as the formula for the expanded hair color dye took 3 years to put out to the public.  On the plus side, by the 2040’s it became less taboo for people of various skin complexions and hair textures to dye their hair blonde and red. As a matter of fact, it is now more common for  many people within the U.S. (who have type 3 and type 4 curly hair) to lighten their hair blond and/or red. These are some of the things that were just the beginning to take hold in Lucky’s life as she learned to carefully learn from and even financially capitalize on them while being simultaneously aligned with her intuition an soul’s/higher self’s nature.

One Resource My Higher Self/Soul Guided Me To Reference For This Freelance Story of Spiritual Lucky Hair Color Trends;

The book Vistas of Infinity by Jurgen Ziewe

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