Saturday, November 14, 2015

Magical umbrella of books by Stella carrier

Magical umbrella of books by Stella carrier

Song inspiration that my higher self-guided for me to share for this story;
Fergalicious by Fergie
Affirmation; my creativity And vision expand more and more each day
 my creative vision serves me well

The time period is November 14 2035 and both lucky And her husband Are hosting A party in one of the most popular nightclubs in the Virginia Beach Area.  Lucky And her husband harmony Are both grateful because they Also now have A completely paid for house And 13 years of living expenses. Additionally, they have friends from various walks of life. They both actually have a tough job of sometimes having to decide which party and/or event invitations to politely decline because they have so many friends And Acquaintances in the Area.
Lucky drives A 2034 Mazda 3 that only have ten thousand miles on it while her husband drives a 2033 mustang.  People close to lucky And harmony wonder how they became so prosperous And popular in such a short period of time because back in November 2015 it Appeared that being Able to stay in An Apartment of their own was the best that lucky And her husband harmony were going to be Able to do.
Well for starters, while listening to the Fergalicious song by Fergie An idea came up lucky to see how to use the imagery And words from books As launching board ideas towards successful manifestation in her reality. For instance, she noticed that many of the positive success stories from many of her books Also came true in her own life when she took the time to visualize And belief in them.  This became even more stronger And clear one she wrote A story About A woman And her husband who started to make At least ten thousand dollars per month After taxes in under 18 months After writing A story on A woman who would read positive books And have many of the positive happenings from those books come true in her own life. Much to Lucky’s surprise her income had went from being around 1000 dollars per month after taxes in December 2015 to over 3000 dollars per month after taxes by July 2017. A similar success story happened with her husband.  This was Amazing in the fact that this simply came About by them visualizing many things coming true in their lives just by imagining what was possible from the multiple books that lucky And harmony bought. whatever lucky And harmony imagined from the books to come true in their lives became Activated in less than 24 hours simply by them placing the books under Any umbrella they owned for AT least 24 hours After purchasing them.

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