Saturday, November 21, 2015

three short stories for today song magic by stella carrier, unexpected life mission project by stella carrier, drawing manifestations to life by stella carrier

It is the year 2038 and both hart and her husband are getting ready to host their housewarming party. Their retirement accounts are flush with 850,000 dollars in savings and both their houses and cars are completely paid for.  Additionally, they have a 175,000 dollar liquid savings account.  As they are cooking their dinner for the housewarming party both hart and her husband Gabriel are discussing if they want to at least take 25,000 dollars of their savings to invest in stock options and/or a trailer rental.

Twenty years ago, even most of their supportive family members and even some friends would have never have guessed that their lives of good fortune would happen the way they did. As a matter of fact, many of harts family members were understanding of her dreams but some of them secretly wondered if she was aiming too high and/or being unrealistic.  Hart was actually showing evidence of her spiritual golden Midas touch from praying to heaven and her spirit helpers for prosperity and her prayers would be answered in the form of her money from her job going farther for the necessities that her and Gabriel needed. Additionally, bot h hart and Gabriel’s money even after a 25 percent tax rate after each paycheck were fortunately increasing. It is just that many of hart’s closest family members were concerned that she was aiming too high because of the student loans that both her and her husband were working to repay.

Fortunately, her reversal to good fortune happened through synchronized song playlists that came to her in the form of her intuition and other ideas.  She was at a kings of Leon concert one night with her husband hart when she overhead a conversation from another concert goer on how their romantic life turned around when they started to create a romantic playlist-with sex on fire by kings of Leon being one of them-and took intuitive inspired action in their romantic life.  Hart wondered if she could apply this to her financial life for her husband as well.

Hart start using the song playlist ideas to improve her financial life from the book directing your destiny by Jennifer grace. She also started using the script ideas from the book towards help in obtaining legal extra help in attracting extra money.  Hart knew there had to be a better way after she took practical action towards her goals and even some of the job interviewers sympathized with her wanting to keep her current job so that she could have a 2nd job. However, many of the jobs preferred a candidate that had full job availability (candidates who wanted to keep their current jobs and wanted just a 2nd job need not apply). As a result, hart became frustrated when many of the gurus that she admired would talk about taking practical action, and she would silently agree but feel frustrated because she was taking practical action but going through closed doors. Fortunately, the principles from directing your destiny by Jennifer grace helped her attract opportunities to make extra money that allowed her to keep her current job and live in the area that her and her husband loved.
It is now the year 2040 and both charisma and her husband celestial have gotten back from an iheartradio concert that feature many of her favorite artists.  Both charisma and her husband now have a net worth of 5 million dollars in addition to have a paid for home, 750,000 dollars in liquid savings, and 800,000 dollars in retirement, stock options stored in banks both within the united states and in parts of Europe such as England, Iceland, Switzerland, new Zealand, Australia, in Canada etc. additionally, both charisma and her husband celestial are completely debt-free.  To this day, many of the songs and music that charisma and her husband listen to are both from artists of past decades and current. For instance, one of her uplifting song playlists include things can only get better by Howard jones, jump by Madonna, and a slew of artists from the 2020s. 2030,s 2040s, early 2000’s. 1990’s, 1980s, and some from earlier decades.  Anyhow, charisma and her husband are boarding a train leaving from Orlando Florida that is going to help them get back to their paid for home in Virginia in less than 3 hours. Public transportation has now become a reality for everyone across the nation.  In 2015, it use to be that you had to live in the Washington dc. area, new York city, los Angeles or other certain metropolitan areas in order to take public transportation to and from work, to do groceries, go out etc. now , public transportation has been more prominently made available all across the united states to where even residents living in Iowa, west Virginia, Wyoming, north Dakota, south Dakota, Utah other all other states in the united states now have the option of if they still want to use a car or just simply use public transit. It use to be mandatory and even necessary across the United States to take a car.

Many of charisma’s and celestial’s  surviving family members and friends have wondered how they have gotten so wealthy since  the time they remembered them  repaying back their student loans in 2015.One of the ways that charisma and her husband  have gotten so wealthy during their lifetime. It turns out that charisma and her husband celestial decided to simply draw out what they want  from the book doodle your destiny by meera Lester and feel it real by Denise Coates. It took some time, but many of the diagrams and drawings that both charisma and her husband celestial came true some in as short as 30 days, some took 15 years. Charisma picked up that the pace at which many of these goals came into fruition depended how they lined up with both the soul and life contracts of her and her husband celestial as well as their belief systems.  Of course, charisma and celestial shared some of their secrets with their drawings to open –minded and supportive friends and family members.


Sky’s life and that of her friends is both charmed and has taken a turn for the better ever since they have discovered how to meet their body doubles via traveling in other worlds-via their sleep.  It all started one morning on one of sky’s days off from work.  Her husband Charles was playing in another room on his computer with an online video game. Sky did not feel like surfing the internet,, using Facebook, or even watching tv. For some reason, she felt compelled to go ahead with following through on her intent to meditate at least twice a day for at least 25 minutes each.
 10 minutes into her meditation, sky fell asleep and awoke into a futurist world set on a planet in space that has not yet been documented by the scientists back on earth. However, sky looks up and sees the year 2080 on the sign.  Additionally, she finds herself awoke in an elegant bed in some type of luxurious house in this unknown world.  A woman by the name of courage awakes her and asks her sky is ok. Sky tries to explain to courage where she is actually from and courage already tells her that she knows.

Courage goes to introduce sky to some of the guests at her party downstairs, sky right away notices how happy everyone is and notices that both the clothes and the people, while they look similar to humans on earth Are not dressed the same As everyone from the 2000’s And many of them have not just the usual blue, green, And dark brown eyes but purple, violet, And other colors of eyes. Sky tries to ask courage why she is here and what is going on.

Right Away, courage blinks her eyes and transports both her and sky to a secluded mountain house next to the mansion. Courage does At least tell her that both her and sky Are in A futuristic replica of Switzerland except it is not on earth. courage promises to give sky more details At A later visit but emphasizes that she must tell her story before sky wakes up within the next 25 minutes.

It turns out that the courage knows a female whose life mirrored one of the characters in the horror flick angel heart. What happened was that a creole woman named topaz was a highly paid escort who was murdered by one of her clients in a similar gruesome way as one of the characters in the Angel heart.  Topaz’s client name was actually named diamond. Diamond tried to tell police And the prosecuting team that he did not mean to murder topaz and was actually possessed by AN evil spirit when he did it.  There was evidence to support that he actually loved her and was even thinking about marrying her. However, the jury did not buy his defense and he was eventually executed with witnesses close to diamond mentioning that he complained of still being visited by the same spirit At times before he went to sleep.
Anyhow, courage told sky about topaz’s daughter emerald who actually has the Ability communicate with both her mother topaz and her father emerald.  It turns out that both topaz And diamond Are reunited together in A happy, And higher heavenly world.  They are communicating with emerald in order to help her Along with her magical studies so that she can eventually share them with the world. Courage made contact with sky in order for sky to make contact with emerald so that they can write this book together.  Both topaz And diamond Are sharing certain spiritual lessons with their daughter topaz to include in her book to the world (on earth) lessons they picked up from rich people who passed on who wish to help others create their versions of heaven on earth for themselves and others who surround them.  The catch-emerald may believe sky’s story on how she knows of both her parents diamond And topaz but emerald is extremely hesitant to share what her parents are telling her not out of selfishness, but out of concern on what others would think.  It turns out that emerald has a highly visible and prestigious position at a public relations company that has done business with both Walmart and its competitor Costco.  Emerald is naturally concerned as to how both her co-workers and her boss are going to view her, not to mention future employers if she ever had to search for another public relations job in the near future.  Courage mentions to sky that she is about to wake up but promises to tell her more within the next 15 days but in order to help her help Emerald she is going to have to make time to meditate as well as sleep for at least 5 hours within the next 15 days, Sky was chosen by courage because she has carefully mastered the Art of writing compelling stories under certain usernames.
Bibliography resources
Works by jurgen ziewe-vistas of infinity book, William buhlham-adventures in the afterlife, afterlife knowledge guidebook bruce moen
Directing your destiny book by Jennifer grace
Doodle your destiny meera lester
Moving through parallel worlds to achieve your dreams by kevin l Michel

Angelheart  horror movie

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