Thursday, December 3, 2015

From Financial Uncertainty to Financial Prosperity by Stella Carrier

From Financial Uncertainty to Financial Prosperity by Stella Carrier

Advocata had a great life with An Awesome husband and the chance to live in a city that they both loved. Despite other people gossiping about their marriage, both Advocata and Wisdom were close in their marriage.  Advocata was even truly grateful for her one job that allowed her to help her and her husband live in Bethesda Maryland. However, one major problem, Advocata had one job that paid her just enough money to help her husband pay rent, utilities, and groceries. Any wants that she got were from her husband kindly letting her use 2 percent of her after tax income, with a maxi of four percent each month.  Her student loans were coming up due and even the four percent left after her paycheck was not going to cover the required amount to make a dent in her loans. Sure, there was talk about loan forgiveness in the media but advocate knew that students, regardless of their age, are going to always owe on their student loans. Unlike what was sometimes stereotyped About her, Advocata Always knew that she is going to have to repay her student loans And that Any trailer And/or house she gets would have to be paid for in cash And cost less than 75,000 dollars in total to purchase due to her situation. She always secretly laughs At the Article writers who would assume that anyone like her would ever take out another loan and/or other personal debt after her situation.  This is especially because both advocata and her husband wisdom made a pact to avoid any other debt for the rest of their current lifetimes and to instead focus on building yearlong financial cushions towards their financial freedom.

Anyhow, Advocata And her husband wisdom both work in different rival retail companies And keep different hours. Advocate works at An off the path retail store overnight while her husband wisdom works At A retail store Attached to A popular shopping mall. Anyhow, one day Advocata comes home from work expecting to spend one of her off days with her husband wisdom since they both have what is their first matched off day together in what has been over 11 months. However, wisdom admits that he is moving out at the end of their lease because he met a wealthy older woman who asked him to move in with her. Advocata stays calm and asks what she could have done to prevent this from happening.
Advocata’s husband wisdom is surprised that she still seems to want to stay married even though he has been having An Affair with A wealthier woman. Wisdom Admits to Advocata that she has been A good wife to him, Almost perfect but Admits that the money does not come close to the money that the wealthier mistress brings home.  As wisdom packs his bags to leave, Advocata Asks what the name of his wealthy sugar mama is.  Wisdom is concerned that Advocata may stalk and/or hunt wisdom down so he just says woman zero. 
Advocata tries to find a second job before getting evicted since wisdom moved out. The apartment manager does sympathize with her but makes it clear that Advocata has 60 days to vacate before becoming in danger of falling behind in rent. Advocata puts in as many hours as she legally can in case she has to relocate from the Area earlier than she expects. Advocata tries to find a second job but to no avail.  She goes ahead and gives her two week notice and two days before her rent would have been overdue she buys a plane ticket to move out of the Washington D.C. Area.  Many of Advocata’s family members do not agree with her staying married to wisdom and some even disown her for not leaving him and feeling insulted that she wants to continue to stay independent. Luckily, some of Advocata’s family members And friends stick by her And show their support even though some of them may not Agree with the move that she is About to make, especially with leaving the comfort of the Bethesda Maryland suburbs that her and her husband have grown to love, including their Bethesda Maryland Apartment.

Much to Advocata’s surprise, she is confronted by woman zero at the greyhound station right before she leaves for California. Woman zero tries to pay Advocata to divorce her husband and against her better judgement declines woman zero’s 50 thousand dollar offer.  Woman zero can afford this money because she is a prominent public relations manager in a prestigious D.C. Area business connected with many of the Area’s top universities/colleges.  Much to Advocata’s surprise, woman zero has A man beside her who she Admits is an ex-lover. Advocata recognizes him As A former employee of one of the Area’s colleges that she knew about and starts to laugh at both of them.  Again against Advocata’s judgement she tells woman zero to keep her money and gets on her greyhound bus headed for California

Once in California, Advocata finds a student hostel to put herself into and tries to find another job.  Many of them state they are not yet hiring.  This goes on for a month before Advocata reluctantly decides to move into a tent city that she hears about.  She cries the first night that she is at the tent city due to both her love And financial life but she is determined to At least make sure that she is always prosperous for the rest of her lifetime and that she always has her own place to live in.  Fast forward a month at the tent city she finds out about some job openings at a nearby theme park.  Advocate gets hired as a maid at one of the theme parks and two months later has enough money to move into a shared living space that holds 8 other woman.

Fast forward 18 months later and not only does advocate have enough saved to buy a 25 thousand dollar trailer back east, but she also has 9 months living expenses saved up that would give her some breathing room while she finds a job.  She enjoys where she is living in California but knows that her long term future is on her own back in the eastern part of the U.S.  Her roommates throw advocate a going away pizza party the night before she heads back east on the greyhound.
Back in the eastern United States region she has made her new place of residence, Advocata is able to purchase a 23,000 thousand trailer in cash and still have 10 months living expenses in a state on the eastern side of the united states.  Three months in, advocate finds a job that pays her at least 2000 dollars a month after taxes.  Advocate thanks heaven, God and her spiritual helpers/higher self  for helping her get independent as well as not having enough money increase her savings account and at least pay 25 dollars over the minimum amount on her student loans as agreed on her 20 year income based repayment plan. 

8 months after relocating back to the eastern part of the United States in her paid for trailer, advocate is casually playing the field and dating three guys at once. One guy is a military veteran successful in the real estate business and made his first 50,000 dollars less than 6 months after leaving a comfortable 8 year military career. Another guy she is dating is an accountant at one of the local colleges who is impressed by her independence And Ability to turn her life around in such a short period of time. A third guy she is dating is AN employee of at one of the local event planning companies who also owns his own paid for trailer. He feels safe with Advocata because they both rely on public transportation and so he knows that she enjoys his company for the person he is. 

                Advocata is waiting on one of the local transit buses to head back home to her paid off trailer when she sees a familiar face at the bus stop.  She sees her husband and boldly asks him what he is doing there when she thought he would never want to relocate out of the Washington D.C. Area even if it meant giving up owning a paid off/completely paid for home or trailer.  Wisdom Admitted that he felt that way, even initially when his wealthy sugar mama woman zero kicked him to the curb because she went back to her ex-boyfriend who made A lot of money from the college he worked At And was much wealthier than both her And him (wisdom).  Wisdom Admitted to remembering what Advocata said about where she would relocate and decided to spend part of his Accrued 15 days’ vacation looking for her. He admitted that he was only using 7 of those days to do so and this was now the 6th day he was on the verge of giving up before heading back to D.C.Wisdom was surprised that Advocata did not relish in that karma And Asked does that mean she is willing to take him back and go back with him to D.C.  Advocata made it clear and truthfully admitted that she is not about to give up where she now lives especially with now having a paid off trailer and enough money to now fund at least 13 months living expenses.  She made it clear that she still loves wisdom which is why she did not divorce him even when wisdom’s former wealthy sugar mama woman zero offered advocate money for doing so.  Advocate made it clear that reconciliation would have to be on her terms of staying in the area she is now residing in with a paid off trailer and that is even if she agrees to take him back. Advocata only says this because although she loves wisdom she needs reassurance that wisdom would not move back in with woman zero even if woman zero’s highly educated college employee boyfriend moves on from her again. Will advocate take wisdom back? That is only something to answer in a future story.

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