Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Code for Genius Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

The Code for Genius Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Neela can’t believe the good news when she finds out that she has been promoted from kitchen cook to catering. However, Neela is trying to also figure out how to fit in her new schedule with 2 kids to look after. Neela’s fiancĂ© is often busy in his accountant job. On the plus side, they both make enough money to afford a full-time babysitter for their kids. Sometimes Neela also gets help babysitting her kids either from one of her child-free siblings andor friends. Fortunately, the answer to Neela’s prayers unexpectedly comes through a Great Bake off article via the Sunday Express.
It just dawned on Neela that two of her friends are also fans of the shows. One of the friends has three kids of their own and another friend is childfree. The friend with three kids operates her own daycare center and the other friend who is childfree works as a nanny to a well-known political couple in the Washington D.C. area. Neela drives home from work and gets the idea to ask one of them for their babysitting services as the songs Fireproof by Coleman Hell, Imagination by Jes and Heaven by Jes play in the background.
Neela suddenly gets an idea to stop by the beach on her way  home to work to at least have a few minutes before she picks her kids up from the daycare that is just a mile away. Neela reassures herself that it is ok to pull over for a half hour to sleep because her children are not due to be picked up from their daycare until an hour from now.  After Neela parks her affordable and paid for Kia, she decides to look through the Martha Stewart book Entertaining that was recently given to her as a birthday gift. Before Neela turns the page, she sets her cell phone alarm to ensure that she is woken up 35 minutes from now. Neela then decides to thumb through the Entertaining book by Martha Stewart and spots recipes on page 91 for Creamed Spinach omelettes, Swiss cheese omelettes, and red caviar and sour cream omelettes. Neela then gets the idea to maybe make these omelets along with some French toast and bacon on her day off tomorrow.
               Less than a few minutes later, she overhears an argument outside of her car from two people who are on the opposite ends of the political spectrum. Both are in their bikinis on the beach arguing over whether it is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton who will win the Presidency on November 8. The Donald Trump supporter tries to argue about Trump being anti-establishment by emphasizing Clinton and her daughter’s wealth. The Hillary Clinton supporter feels that the particular argument is unfair considering that there is nothing wrong with being wealthy and that biased logic overlooks that the Trump family is also part of the same establishment as she shows the bankrate article of the networth of the kids of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The Trump supporter and Hillary Clinton supporter start to push and shove each other for whatever reason even though they were both supposed to be just lounging on their beach towels and enjoying the remaining warm weather of October.
Neela is frustrated because she just wants to get a little nap in on the beach before having to pick up her kids from the daycare. The argument has reduced her nap time potential from 35 minutes to 30 minutes. Finally, relief comes from a mutual male friend coming up to the two girls with four articles that are going to give them ideas both in their public relations/advertising/marketing work and their novel/storytelling ideas. The mutual male friend shares the Yahoo and Msn news articles of Meghan Markle who is rumored to be one of Prince Harry’s new love interests. The mutual male friend then states that  they need to come up with ideas for their Halloween party tomorrow and shares with them the Msn and Yahoo News articles that feature celebrity Halloween costumes and celebrity Halloween parties. The Trump and Clinton supporters realize that it is a little much to be arguing and fighting each other over the Presidential election.
Neela breathes a sigh of relief that things are now quiet outside of her kia car parked near the beach. Neela started to get concerned that she was going to have to be the unofficial mediator and is now relieved that she at least has 28 minutes for a nap.
Right as Neela pushes back the car seat to nap, she notices her car radio advertising Georgetown University’s Global Strategic Communications and Integrated Marketing Communications programs. Neela also hears brief yet also memorable radio ads for Old Dominion University and La Quinta Inn and Suites. Neela could have sworn that she turned off the car radio just two minutes ago and reaches for the car radio once more. Just then, the radio turns into a large silver hand that pulls her into it.
Before Neela can feel any fear, she notices that there is both a bonfire party and some tents laid out on the beach as Ordinary World by Duran Duran begins to play. However, it is a beach that she has not been to yet and notices that there is a sign a foot away from her where 11 members of Hollywood’s Mensa are about to give demonstrations of a drink that they discovered could increase the intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and psychic/creative abilities of anyone that drinks the drink. Neela notices that the drink resembles one of her favorite apple/grape/cherry Sangria alcohol-free Sangria drinks. A lady with hybrid brown and red hair explains that this drink is going to be released to the general public within the next two years and is going to heal income inequality and bring heaven on earth quicker. Neela senses that there is a catch and asks what is the caveat to this drink. Just then an unidentified voice in the background explains that the price is going to be at first out of reach for a person who is middle class or of more modest means and that the drink has to be ingested everyday and at least once every 12 hours at first before a more permanent elixir will manifest.
Before Neela can ask more, some robot resembling R2D2 from Star Wars comes to usher out both a male and female with the words IQ 95 stamped on both of their forwards. Both the male and female take the drinks and are then shown through a tv screen to be temporarily escorted back to where they live. For what seems like only fifteen minutes, the male is shown following his intuition to buy a lottery ticket that ends up actually being a winning ticket for $100,000 dollars after he was unemployed for over eighteen months. The woman, who happens to be also looking for work after being let go from her job, is shown following her hunch via walking to a place of employment that is actually looking for her qualifications and doubles her income from the previous job after she had been looking for over 7 months. Neela tries to see if the couple taking this drink has children just as she does. For some reason, Neela also remembers that the female is now employed in one of the jobs featured in the article 7 Unique Dream Jobs You Can Only Find in the South by Southern Living Magazine. Before Neela could ask if and how she could duplicate the drink the wakes up to the ending of the song Ordinary World by Duran Duran and the beginning of the song Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics. It turns out that Neela is awake five minutes before the alarm and somehow fell asleep after thinking of the ways to make the omelettes after the Martha Stewart book. Neela then obviously  drives away to pick up her children from the daycare and thinks of maybe taking herself, the kids, and her fiancĂ©e to either Tacobell or Ihop. As the song Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics continues to play on the radio Neela starts to wonder why she had that dream where an intelligence/wealth booster drink was made reality yet only initially affordable for only a few people of the general public at first rather than more people. Even though Neela is a cook, the dream has her concocting up ideas. After the song ends, Neela decides to listen to a Ted Talks Business podcast that she saved on her smartphone to listen to in the car.

Website Links and Songs Used in the Code for Genius Freestyle Story

The book Entertaining by Martha Stewart

Prince Harry Reportedly Dating 'Suits' Actress Meghan Markle

Celebrity Halloween Costumes 2016

Who Is Meghan Markle? 5 Things to Know About Prince Harry’s Rumored New Flame

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from “Suits” are maybe dating, and obvs we are fangirling

11 Genius Celebs Who Are Mensa Members

Integrated Marketing Communications Webinar

7 Unique Dream Jobs You Can Only Find in the South

Old Dominion University Norfolk Virginia

Global Strategic Communications Webinar

Kylie Jenner is 'Dirrty'-era Xtina, plus more stars celebrating Halloween 2016

100 podcasts that will make you smarter and more successful

100 podcasts that will make you smarter and more successful

The Great British Bake’s off but don’t mourn yet, says Neela Debnath

Heaven (Myon Remix) by Jes
Imagination (Myon Remix)by Jes
Fireproof by Coleman Hell
Ordinary World by Duran Duran
Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics

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