Saturday, October 15, 2016

Unique Advice To Encourage Momentum Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Unique Advice To Encourage Momentum Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Norma is relaxing to the Spirit in the Sky Song by Norman Greenbaum. Her parents enjoyed the song so much that they named her after the first name of the singer. Norma is now 60 years old and has been happily married to her sweet husband for over 35 years. Today she is at a Spiritualist/Religious Science Church hybrid class of 22 people that has asked Norma to read a  passage of a book she self-published to great success. Norma and her husband have had a completely paid for home for over 10 years now, and have kept at least five years of financial savings in the bank with enough money to help them last until they are both 110 years old from shrewd investments that both her and her husband made in multiple businesses and stock market investments both domestic and internationally.
However, most people looking at Norma and her husband Mercury would not have guessed when they were in their 30’s that they would have over ten years of savings in the bank, completely debt-free counting their student loans by the time they were in their 60’s much less a paid for home.  However, Norma knew that both her and Mercury have a chance to turn things around by staying on their own. She did not judge people who lived with family members to make it on their own. However, she had seen examples in her own life of people who had every intention of making it on their own without the help of parents but found it either too challenging andor too tempting to break away. Plus, Norma’s parents who had been happily married for over 40 years before passing away together in their sleep in their 90’s appeared in Norma’s dreams every now and then to let her know that she and Mercury have a bright future ahead of them continuing to live on their own regardless of what others think of them for doing so.

Norma would meet them at an orange and red table and explained to her that her life can change quicker if she makes it a priority each day to get her living space ready as if she is about to move for a job paying at least ten percent what she makes now whether she stays where she is living now or relocates. Norma’s parents explain to her that they got this idea from watching an excerpt from the Secret book by Rhonda Byrne who was trying to help someone become ready for a promotion. Norma’s parents then show her an embarrassing episode where she finds a receipt for Bath and Body works Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume from the summer before and a full bottle of the perfume that she forgot that she had.  Norma’s parents compassionately explain that she might not see the immediate benefits in her life to continually keep this up at first. However, they emphasize that her and her husband are going to see positive results to this around 90-120 days after she commits to a commitment of organized and clutter-free living for at least 30 days and that continual adherence of this is going to help her connect with her higher self and celestial spirit ally team more but they are not yet allowed to explain more the why.
         Then Norma’s parents introduce her to parents from a most recent past life who were both cooks for a royal court where they divided their time between England and Switzerland. Norma tries to ask both parents what time period yet they explain that they have to avoid explaining why for now for the sake of both her and her husband. However, they show Norma a table of apple recipes and another table of soup and salad recipes. The past life royal cook parents explain to Norma that she is doing a good job saving at least over 30 percent of her income for her and husband towards greater prosperity.
         The mother emphasizes to Norma that they are showing her both the gallery of apple, soup, and salad recipes to help her see the connection between what she is putting in her body and how it ties into her connection with her higher self, her celestial ally team, and her prosperity. Norma then explains that she understand where her past life mom is coming from but she is trying to work things out with eating better while still saving money and time. However, Norma is determined to find a way to make the advice work especially after seeing an image of Cheesy Cauliflower soup and Apple Squash Soup.
Suddenly, Norma felt a gentle tug on her back. It turns out that she was actually dreaming and her loving husband was gently cuddling her while sleeping.

Some of the Resources that I Used for this Story that My Spirit Guided Me To Share

The discussion regarding organization in living spaces on pages 12-13 from the book Life On the Causal Plane; A Glimpse of Heaven by Marian Eileen Charlton

Fruit for Thought: 25 Creative Ways to Enjoy Apples

Fruit for Thought: 25 Creative Ways to Enjoy Apples

Cheesy Cauliflower Soup Recipe

50 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs

Features Rhonda Byrne of the Secret Book and documentary

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