Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Picking Concert Companions Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier on Wednesday October 12, 2016

Picking Concert Companions  Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier on Wednesday October 12, 2016

The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Petra is excited about her upcoming project. She is a public relations specialist working at a university that coordinates many events with the schools and works with various businesses in the area. She scored 6 tickets to go to an upcoming Pet Shop Boys concert that is going to be held at the University. Petra’s free tickets came as an extra perk for her job with an awareness that she is going to bring a large entourage. Petra is thrilled about these tickets because of a long distance friend named Ronan from England explaining to her that he had a chance to watch the Pet Shop Boys perform at the 2012 London Olympics. Ronan explained that the performance was brilliant and he only wished that their concert segment lasted a little longer.

Anyhow, Petra thinks of inviting some of her friends who work in food service at the University and 3 who are in the military. She invites a chef who works at the University and a cook who has been at the university less than three months but found out about the concert through another coworker who was attending the Pet Shop Boys concert with her husband of 12.5 years. Petra’s two military attendees involve one female who works in mass communications field for the U.S. Navy, another female who works as a culinary specialist for the U.S. Navy, and a third female who is contract specialist for the U.S. Air National Guard. This leaves Petra with deciding where her other four attendees are going to come from.

Petra decides to eat at one of the food court places on the University Campus that is a short walk from her campus. She unexpectedly runs into a female who she interviewed for a job and recognized her by the distinctive voice she had. Petra for some reason unintentionally sees the female come up to her because one of the cashiers that the female got her food from asked her to get Petra for her. Before Petra turns to go to the cashier she asks Diamond if she cares for a free Pet Shop Boys ticket. Diamond asks Petra how much, to which Petra says negotiate. Diamond offers to go to the atm to give 35 dollars to which Petra says is fair. Petra knows that technically the tickets are meant for only her and her entourage but she figures that she could bend the rules a little bit.

After Petra gets some salad and cut brisk met, Petra is still left deciding who to give the remaining 2 tickets to. Petra gets in her car and decides to give herself 24 hours to think about it. She has to allow herself some time to stop by one of the nearby hotels opening near the college that is related to one of her work accounts that she is doing. Petra also wants to contact one of her long distance friends who has had the chance to go to both The Royal Opera House in London for both the Pet Shop Boys and as cliché as it sounds this friend also had seen the classic rock group the Eagles in California (cliché I know due to the Hotel California song).

One of the links for the story that my intuition is guiding me to share that helped give me some ideas for the story and other credits;

Return of the electro pop kings: The big hair may have gone but the Pet Shop Boys are still going strong 30 years after their debut album, writes ADRIAN THRILLS 

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The song Hotel California by the Eagles that played on iheartradio less than five minutes ago
Hearing music from the Pet Shop boys radio station less than 30 minutes ago

Wind Beneath My Wings song that I heard from both iheartradio and part of the time from my Amazon Prime account today.

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