Saturday, November 5, 2016

300 Creative Ideas Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

300 Creative Ideas Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Some Songs of inspiration for today;

Just Like Heaven by the Cure
Come Sail Away by the Styx and more songs

               Izrail and Radueriel have a close and loving marriage. There are people on the outside looking in love to speculate on their marriage because because many men and women are surprised that they met in the way that they did and early stage of their lives. However, Izrail and Radueriel understand that they were actually destined to meet and marry each other. This is especially the case when Izrail found out that she was actually in Radueriel’s dreams when he was around 12 years old but that is for another story.
               Something is nipping at Izrail’s mind lately and she makes up her mind to make a firm decision after hearing the song Ordinary World by Duran Duran as she folds her clothes and that of her husband’s in the quaint apartment that they share. Izrail found out recently that a family member from Radueriel’s side of the family has been imposing their will and working to intervene on trying to get Radueriel a job outside of the area where he and Izrail currently live. Izrail intuitively understands exactly what is going on and is extremely frustrated because that same family member talked her out of talking an employment position with high job security while attempting to covertly convince Raduriel to take a different job in an area that Izrail knows would be too risky for their marriage.
               Radueriel did not get the job, and Izrail guesses that it might have had something to do with either the timing andor them needing to see a job sample from Radueriel (rather than his solid qualifications). Nonetheless, that same family member on Radueriel is at it again in striving to interfere and aggressively impose their will once again and Izrail knows that something must be done sooner rather than later. The songs Let Me Blow Your Mind by Eve feat. Gwen Stefani and the beginning of Irresistible by Fall Out Boy by Demi Lovato plays as Izrail looks at an adorable picture of one of her youner siblings with their child and another picture of Radueriel’s two nieces she realizes that something must be done and a decision made sooner rather than later. However, Izrail logically and intuitively knows that care must be taken because she would have to give her employer at least a three week notice and possibly a four week notice in the case with the understanding that she would not be able to take back her notice and that being able to work two weeks after giving notice is a luxury and not a guarantee.
               Izrail starts sweeping and mopping around her apartment as the song Just Like Heaven by the Cure plays. For whatever reason, she realizes that she must avoid intervening in the outside of the area job situation involving Radueriel and their dominant family member no matter how tempting for karmic reasons. The song Footsteps by Pop Evil plays when for whatever reason Izrail remembers a dream that she had the previous night where she was at some Halloween Ball party being held in some colorful forest filled with several columned houses. It was not like anywhere else that she had seen on earth yet because this forest had colors of both sky blue and some type of pink and purple in the background mixed with two bright suns. Additionally, everyone dancing in the town square of this idyllic village were wearing various colorful masks as some couples were dancing to music in the background while others were having some type of colorful drinks at a makeshift table that also doubled as some type of witchcraft séance.
               However, Izrail also remembers seeing some strange adult like activities that it is known that couples partake in on earth during this strange occult ritual for heightening the creative imagination for all of the residents of this forest as well as all of the coven members. Izrail also intuitively figures out that the ritual is meant to generate at least over 300 creative story ideas for the afterlife couples of the coven as well as the other coven members strangely looking on and painting pictures of the whole scene. These storytelling ideas are also destined to turn into imagination increasing and higher self connecting vehicles/spiritual tools.  It turns out that they were all lived as storytellers/authors on the earth plane before but all lived either obscure and unrecognized lives in the writing. However, they each have more time to write even more stories in the afterlife and all (including the couple) have been given benevolent/celestial assistance to share much of what they are learning in the way of knowledge to various men and women still alive on the earth plane.  For whatever reason, Izrael feels compelled to look away when she notices one of the red hooded  and red haired masked spirits catches her looking at the stage of the ritual where one of the couples engages in an erotic activity for the occult ritual that is supposed to only occur behind closed doors during her waking earth life. Izrail somehow intuitively figured out that both of them died around the same time on the earth plane (the only difference was that one spirit came from the U.S. while the other spirit came from Canada but Izrail could not determine which country was connected to the male and female spirits). The two spirits that Izrail saw engaged in a very R rated acts for the occult rituals in the afterlife  (and in front of the other magician-like dressed spirits)have known each other for a year in earth time and had met each other just three days after their spouses had moved on to other partners as well. Their spouses left on earth moved on to wealthier spouses that respected their time period to mourn and preferred to wait until at least three months after the funerals to propose to the widowed spouses. Before Izrail could try to figure out the masked couples identities from the previous night’s dream, the song Come Sail Away by Styx plays as the cell phone beeps in that Raduriel is calling.

               Izrail drops her mop to answer the phone because she knows that Raduriel must have got off from work by now. However, Izrail figures out that she must have fall asleep somehow when the phone she tries to answer pulls her inside of it and the song Wizard by Martin Garrix and Jay Hardaway plays as she goes through a rainbow colored tunnel and rolls into the same bedroom that looks like the bedroom from REM’s Losing My Religion song and the same red hooded masked spirit catches Izrail as she rolls into the window and gently stands her up against the wall. Izrail does not know the spirit’s intentions at first when what she intuitively figures out to be a male spirit walks towards her and melds himself into her spirit. She feels a sense of unconditional love and images flash into her mind in a scene of three flashcards that read the following; You are facing an important test to your marriage that actually has the ability to make it stronger so please do the following; I come as one of your occult mentors from one of your previous lifetimes in Switzerland. I implore you to please be supportive in whatever your husband decides to do but make a firm decision on when you are going to relocate to your place of choice no matter what and please be procrastination-free about it. Please start writing offline in a secret notebook within four days of our meeting, 23 pages with 11 ideally in the morning and 12 at night even if you have to change your online writing schedule to do so. 4 pages for your future, 6 pages in heaven 3 for your future in heaven and 3 for present adventures involving heaven, 4 pages for your past, 3-4 pages for your prosperity, 3-4 pages past, and remaining pages keep a secret. Some of your online mentors have been messengers of my communications to you such as; make your weight loss and keep fitness goals high priority even if you have to alter other plans to do so and it is ok to be selfish in this pursuit as long as it is in a harm-free way to others, exercise and eat within three hours of less of waking up within three days or less of this meeting. I must keep the meaning of the Halloween Ball dream secret to allow you to decode for reasons you are to understand after your current lifetime on earth ends.
               Before Izrail could ask any questions she hears the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and the beginning of the song I Alone by Live that of loving voice of her husband Radueriel waking her up to eat a taco meal together that he picked up for them. It turns out that Izrail went to sleep when she sat on the chair near her kitchen when she decided to take a brief rest from mopping the living room and kitchen floors and left the music playing as well from her personalized favorites iheartradio station.

A link that I felt guided to use

Website I used for name generator, eventually I plan to purchase a cheap name book yet until then

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