Sunday, October 16, 2016

Answers Found Through Words Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Disclaimer; I’m flattered by some of the online references implying that I do this freestyle writing as a paid writer. However, this writing is creative writing therapy for me but I would love to keep open the potential of growing into a paid writer for both my present and future. However, I intend to keep my creative writing hobby regardless of the outcomes in all areas of my life.

A song that my intuition guided me to use for the story:
Awaken by Jess

Answers Found Through Words Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Jes is in the process of changing directions in various areas of her life and knows that regardless of what some of her well-meaning critics say that some of her ideas actually have the potential to change multiple areas of her life. Jes is starting to realize that her positive thinking actually carries more power than she realizes. Jes is starting to become more aware of what consumes her mind that indirectly affects her life. Jes is also starting to see that many of her dreams are becoming reality because she is putting her passion and higher self into it. On the positive side, Jes is also learning to transform her weaknesses into vehicles for further spiritual growth and stronger gifts. Jes’s existing talents are helping her connect with her intuition, self-determination, and the power of her imagination. The way that Jes is able to tell this stems from some of the dreams that she is having.
One of the dreams that Jes has involves being in an environment that has a gold and orange sign labeled Heaven’s Warehouse and she notices that she is in an outside background type of setting with some trains sponsored by the Amazon company. Jes then asks where she is at and a voice in the background explains to her that she is in a prototype of environment where the trains take the passengers to various worlds of heavenly spiritual light in the afterlife realms. The Heaven’s Warehouse is there to remind her that she could picture many of her requests being fulfilled in this warehouse even if she is trying to decide if they line up with her life purpose. One request that Jes sees is being fulfilled through a television screen image is her dream of being able to have a completely paid for home for both her and her husband Sun in a location that she sees is great for both of them. The voice explains to her that she must be patient but take action by a timeline/deadline that she has set for herself regardless of what some of her most persuasive critics tell her. Before she has a chance to ask more questions, her loving husband Sun gently wakes her up before leaving for work to help ensure that she has time for her walking routine before she starts work later on in the day.
Jes is married to an amazing man named Sun who has an eclectic taste in music via listening to such artists as Boys of Summer by Don Henley, Come Sail Away by Styx, Selena Gomex, Lady Gaga, Madonna stemming from the influence of his wife etc. Jes’s husband Sun went to get Thai noodle soup from a place called Pho 75 for both her and him when she decides to scroll the internet for a little bit.  She finds an inspiring article through news on guys that have lost a lot of weight and are sharing tips to help others.
10 Guys Share the Life-Changing Tips That Helped Them Finally Lose Weight
Steal their practical strategies for weight-loss success

By Brielle Gregory

Jes then finds another link about celebrity Bella Thorne who manages to keep a consistent workout routine despite her busy schedule. Jes easily sees that this is a message from both her intuition and higher self that her walking and eventual running routine must stay high priority regardless of how busy her schedule gets.

Bella Thorne's Gym Instagrams Are The Most Motivating Things You'll See All Week

As Jes waits for her husband to bring the food she spots the story of HGTV’s Chip and Joanna Gaines through her subscription via the Washington Post. Jes can easily see both her and Sun in a completely paid for home within the next 10 years or less and sees this as a sign of both the message that she got in one of her past dreams to take action towards setting a deadline on when action is going to be taken to relocate regardless of how she is judged for doing so. However, Jes is wise enough to know that this must be discreetly planned out at least 6-8 months out in advance at a minimum and to only implement an emergency backup plan if necessary. Jes looks up information on Chip and Joanna Gaines through the Washington Post and this is one of the links that pops out at her right away.
What does an expert on the human brain have to say about reality TV?
Jes makes note to watch more of Chip and Joanna Gaines in the future to get house furnishing ideas for both her husband and herself. She decides to save the Washington Post article for further research.
For some reason she looks away from the computer to spot a red and gold building titled Writing Academy sponsored by University of Maryland College Park of College Park Maryland and Old Dominion University of Norfolk Virginia.
Jes goes inside the building to a packed classroom filled with what looks to be 70-80 spirits in various colored robes and various doll masks as the song Awaken by Jes plays. The spirits are in red and turquoise blue chairs staring at me in a peaceful manner yet also silent. Jes tries to look around to see if there is an instructor at the front of this classroom as the classroom has a bright and colorful background akin to various bright flowers and shapes that Jes has not yet seen before. On what looks to be a peach and orange board the following is written;
You are inside a Writing Academy Created by the power of your creative imagination. You are going to tap into the essence of passion and excitement in all areas of your life for both you and your husband Sun with your writing regardless of the outcome. Please continue to do so even if others question if what you are doing is for naught, with little concern for whether your writing attracts judgement, obscurity andor fame. Make use of music, pictures, and the power of drawing/art to also help add structure to not just this Celestial Writing Academy being created but also for your writing goals, your weight loss/fitness goals, your blessed marriage and other areas of your life. Before Jes could ask further questions Jes feels a gentle tap on her shoulder. Sun awakens Jes after she fell asleep on the couch after looking at a Parade magazine edition feature of Chip and Joanna Gaines of the Fixer Upper tv show that caught her attention.

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