Sunday, March 27, 2016

Adventures of Vohamanah’s New Life In The Heavenly/Celestial Realms-1st Entry of a Series

Adventures of Vohamanah’s New Life In The Heavenly/Celestial Realms-1st Entry of a Series
Vohamanah was relaxing to the Elle Henderson Glow song as she was silently giving spiritual thanks to her  higher self and team of celestial helpers for helping her to legally make twice the income after taxes that she made at her job.  It had been over 7 months since she was last working at her job but fortunately Vohamanah is making enough money to both help out her husband in paying the bills but to also repay back at the least the minimum on her student loans in addition being able to save at least twenty five percent of her savings in 2 checking and 2 savings accounts.  Vohamanah is extremely grateful that her intuition and her divine celestial support team gave her intuitive guidance and ideas on money making opportunities to where she is able to legally help others even with working outside the traditional employment marketplace and more towards being her own boss. As a matter of fact, Vohamanah’s income has increased to the point to where her and her husband are able to eat at better restaurants and they now live in a better neighborhood. She even ran into her former coworker who put her through so much adversity at her previous workplace when her and her husband were seated just two tables from the former coworker and what looked like another former coworker but subordinate(by this time this did not faze Vohamanah to see the person who professionally discriminated against her because she was now easily making over at least 1200 dollars a month after taxes to 2900 dollars a month or more after taxes through her new bosses and moneymaking ideas which were at least over 2-3 times more than what her previous employer/company paid her). The former coworker was actually surprised that Vohamanah let it go and avoided saying a word to him considering that she caught him sitting at the table with a subordinate that he could get into trouble for eating dinner with outside of work (i.e. getting fired and/or demoted for).  Still, Vohamanah did forgive the former coworker (even with Vohama hearing through the grapevine that he was secretly wishing that Vohama would never be hired anywhere else in the private or government sector again)but Vohama was still relieved when the former coworker abruptly decided to leave the restaurant with the subordinate shortly after Vohama and her husband got seated which gave Vohamanah and her amazing husband peace of mind to enjoy their delicious dinner of various cooked meats in abundant harmony and peace.

People Watching Vohamanah and her husband both online and offline have been wondering how she has been able to make more money than ever before when just two months earlier she looked to be a likely candidate for being on welfare and foodstamps for at least the next two years and/or a tent city resident in the state of California. Disclaimer-I definitely do not see myself any superior or better than someone on welfare and foodstamps and/or living on a tent city in California but I added those details in there for added effect to try to paint how Vohamanah’s financial situation improved and to set the background for describing Vohamanah as an American born female who sees the benefits of being alive and enjoying living in the U.S. regardless of how much money she makes and/or regardless of wherever the character of Vohamanah is employed at.   Anyhow, Vohamanah and her husband go home to watch two of the Harry Potter movies from her dvd set when the feelings of needing to go to sleep come over her.  She listens to a meditation cd from one of the authors that she follows on connecting to her higher self and connecting to the heavenly/celestial realms (focusing heavenward has helped Vohamanah hone her intuition in an even more expanded way and increase her wisdom around legal opportunities for making money regardless of when she is employed through the traditional employment market). Vohamanah is grateful to be an American born female because she knows that her shelter and food needs are going to be taken care of for the rest of her current lifetime and that of her husband’s because they are both American citizens. However, one of the reasons why Vohamanah strives for better financially even though she is grateful for what she has-is due to the fact that her conscience is guiding her to strive to repay the student loans within a 19-20 year timeframe instead of just passively accepting that the student loans die with her (since Vohamanah is lucky to not have a cosigner who would have to pay her student loans if she unexpectedly dies young). Anyhow, Vohamanah’s focus heavenward, despite longing for a long life is to help her spiritually as well as professionally.  Each trip that Vohamanah makes to heaven helps increase her intuitive insights even further and she is pleasantly surprised when she sees her double in a colorful garden less than 3 minutes after she laid down in her bed to meditate.
Vohamanah’s double explains to her I’m here in response as an answer to your prayers to keep your focus heavenward in order to integrate your true self while also tapping into the best money making opportunities for you while simultaneously overcoming age discrimination and physical appearance discrimination in doing so. Vohamanah is then transported to a beautiful garden filled with the most colorful flowers and the peaceful song I Knew That I Loved You by Savage Garden played. Vohamanah’s after life double introduces her to the friends in heaven that she is going to meet after she makes the transition to the heavenly world that she created with her imagination upon her death. Vohamanah is pleasantly surprised to see that she has 33 friends just within 6 months of her passing away on earth.  Vohamanah asks her higher self/afterlife double what name she prefers to go by. With that Vohamanah’s future self in the afterlife says just call me Optimism for now.
Less than 20 seconds later, Optimism takes Vohamanah to a sunny and glowing lane of 20 trees that have various bright colors, including colors that Vohamanah has not yet seen on earth.  Vohamanah sees the brightly colored blue tree titled wisdom on the front part of the trunk, a red tree is titled intuition, an aqua blue tree is titled wealth, and a bright gold tree is titled powerful imagination/resilience.  Vohamanah sees four of her friends drawing pictures with a combination of crayons and paints that she has not yet seen on earth.  Vohamanah asks Optimism what they are doing.  Optimism explains to Vohamanah that it is true that vision boarding is still a powerful tool for manifestation but that she also wants Vohamanah to incorporate drawing, painting, and coloring in coloring books for  tools towards stimulating the creativity areas that help Vohamanah in coming up with money making ideas. Before Vohamanah can ask further Optimism and two other friends draw images of Vohamanah depositing certain check amounts from her money making ideas and giving a child and their parents a free meal after she overhears the mother explaining at a grocery store how she wants to give her daughter a certain cake and food item for her birthday but she is not sure if her food stamps and the welfare money will cover the overall balance.  Vohamanah did not plan to do so but notices that the mother and her daughter are close to paying for the food but she just needs fifteen more dollars.  Vohamanah is now making more money compared to her previous job but she still has to watch her spending and so she is tempted to avoid getting involved but the little girl (who is no older than 5 years old) looks up at Vohamanah with watery glass eyes and so Vohamanah gives on and politely insists to the mother to take it with no strings attached not for charity but because she actually felt the sadness of the little girl’s emotions when the mother was going to have to put back the birthday cake,juice, salad, and pizza. Before Vohamanah can ask Optimism anymore, Optimism throws leaves from the trees of wisdom, intuition, and imagination to let Vohamanah know that she is invoking these gifts to her to grow in increasing amounts each day and that she must start to implement the tools of painting, drawing, and the trend of coloring books in her manifestation practices regardless of concern for recognition and/or obscurity and regardless of whether she is ridiculed or praised. Optimism emphasizes to Vohamanah that on future visits she is going to show and discuss with her on how her trips to libraries and museums are pivotal to both her writing and her spiritual growth-both on earth and in the heavenly worlds.
Before, Vohamanah can ask Optimism any more questions, her husband Remliel politely wakes her up to ask her for a massage and asks Vohamanah if she can stop by the grocery store two blocks away to get some milk, juice, and hot dogs for his work picnic that he  and Vohamanah are going to after he gets off work. Strangely enough, Vohamanah reaches the checkout lane and draws a person in her notepad out of curiosity. Less than 55 seconds after Vohamanah finishes drawing the person, she notices a customer walking through the front entrance who resembles the drawing of the person that she just doodled in the pocketsize green moleskin notepad. Vohamanah tries to go in the normal register where the cashier scans the groceries but right when it is Vohamanah’s turn the cashier apologizes that she has to close down because a manager and an hr person was just let go for stealing money meant for employee bonuses and employee pay -an independent company investigation found unaccounted for missing monies and payments- she (the cashier) was now required to assume the fired manager’s job while they search for a new human resources person. This particular company was careful on holding managers and human resource people to a high standard because they started out being just an online company from the 1990’s and were determined to keep up the success of their newly opened brick and mortar businesses in addition to their established online business dealings (due to both their online and brick and mortar businesses being highly regarded by both the general public customers and the employees). 
Anyhow, lo and behold Vohamanah is ushered by the cashier soon to be manager- to the self-checkout with only the mother and a daughter in front of her. Sure enough, Vohamanah knew that she was going to have to do as Optimism guided her to do when the little girl understandably looked sad when the mother was about to put back the baskin robbin style birthday cake, pizza, and juice.  It wasn’t at first easy for Vohamanah to even offer the money because she wasn’t sure how the mother would act. So what Vohamanah did was explain how the little girl reminded her of how she was as a child and from that place she wanted to make sure that she did not have to miss out on pizza and birthday cake for her birthday. Fortunately, the mother saw that Vohamanah’s intent was ulterior motive free and benevolent  and while waiting to scan her own groceries Vohamanah wrote in 25 dollars check made out to her. Less than 30 seconds later, Vohamanah was going to go to the nearby convenience store to buy a lottery ticket but something guided her to go to another store for some fruits and beauty products (the store that she just came from). By the time Vohamanah bought ten dollars worth of items from this store, the system generated a 25 dollars off coupon on her next shopping trip as a reward for her past purchases (the company’s debit card system recognized her account from the past purchases she made with her debit card online). The funny part is the image of the 25 dollars off closely resembled what Vohamanah wrote down in her moleskin notepad.
On Vohamanah’s walk back home she listens to songs such as Radioactive by Imagine Dragons and Everywhere by Michelle Branch as she comes up with an additional idea for making money. Less than five seconds later, Vohamanah’s husband Remliel calls out of curiosity to see when she is headed home. That night Vohamanah had a dream to where she was put in charge of a hybrid museum/library in a heavenly/celestial realm.
Links that I intend to use in the future as part of this series and/or links that my conscience is guiding me to share to give proper credit references
Name generator that helped me to come up with the Vohamanah/ Remliel names
Vohamanah is listed to be the angel of Optimism
One Thousand Museum

The Samling

Lauren Santo Domingo’s $7.25 Million Industrial Loft Is for Sale

See Kesha’s Modern Nashville Retreat Before It Goes Off the Market

How Former Director of Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts Acquired His Most Coveted Art Piece - See more at:
Remliel Angel of Awakening
more information on Remliel Angel of Awakening

Intuitively Inspired Action Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Intuitively Inspired Action Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Orphion is getting ready for her daily meditation to connect with her higher self/spirit. She has religiously done so now for the past three months but she intuitively realizes that she must fine-tune her intuition to see what steps she is missing in her professional life.  She has followed the logical and spiritual principles related to taking action in her professional but either the jobs that she applies to get cancelled or the employer at least has the courtesy to let her know that she does qualify but that they chose someone more qualified. At least 8 of the jobs that she knew were hers due to her qualifications went to younger people with less experience but to their credit are influential and/or popular among relationships within their family member, friends, and/or professional circles.  Orphion realizes that she must take a look at where in the action part that she needs to fix because she is taking action as she is supposed to but the jobs that she gets close to getting despite taking massive action often go to others that she knows project more self-confidence and social saavy. Orphion is not afraid of a sudden death owing student loans, but she knows teachers who tell her to take action-which she does- mean well but do not see that she takes abundant action towards her professional goals but unintentionally attracts situations where she applies to jobs that open her up to being bypassed either for her age, perceived national origin (even though is a native citizen of the country that she applies to), and spiritual beliefs.  She had a dream one night to where her actions finally paid off in getting a job that simultenously paid her student loans while helping her to save up money to purchase a house outright for her and her husband. However, Orphion tried to contact her dream future self to find out what she can do to have fruitful action towards making what she sees as reality instead of action that leads to further discrimination and/or ridicule while simply going after employment to help her try to repay her student loans before she dies. However, before she could tug on the thinner body or waist length long hair of her future self some strange man stops her from making contact with even her future dream self and simply states who I am to you does not matter right now but simply call me Dolno.  I Dolno have known you in both many of your afterlives and incarnations of your time between incarnations. I Dolno have been sent to help you get in further touch with your intuition.

As Dolno, an assistant to one of your main spirit guides, I have been selected to help you continue to strengthen your intuition as well as to expand your connection with your higher self further. We (I Dolno and other members of your spirit team) are proud of the actions that you are trying to take in achieving your professional goals. However, as Dolno one of your spirit team helpers, I have been sent to help you Orphion understand that the reason why your actions towards your professional/job search goals have been fruitless is because you have been taking frequent and massive action in the wrong places and you obviously need to still continue to take action as you have been doing but to begin to already imagine yourself as a highly intuitive person knocking on the right professional doors.  Many of your current law of attraction teachers mean well with their advice and countless books that emphasize action for goals, which is definitely the case. However, the level of a person’s intuition is what sets many apart from why some people easily achieve their professional goals and/or are given abundant chances for new jobs even when they are let go from other jobs (regardless of whether it was their fault and/or discriminatory elements) when taking action. However, you fall into the category of someone who has been frequently taking action and knocking on the right opportunities in the right neighborhoods, but you have unintentionally knocked on professional doors to houses that are the wrong opportunities for you-metaphorically speaking- and you have been bypassing the glorious mansions of professional opportunities of employers that would give you an employment chance at helping you to repay your student loans and purchase a house in a discrimination free manner. 

Before Orphion could ask Dolno about what she has intuitively been missing in regards to the actions she has been taking in her jobs Dolno transports Orphion to the beautiful mansion that she had dreamed about less than 2-3 days ago.  2-3 days prior Orphion had dreamed that she unexpectedly died and went to heaven less than 2-3 years after her intuitively inspired actions finally came to bear in great professional opportunities and financial wealth for her and her husband. Upon Orphion’s sudden death in an accident she was transported to a beautiful opulent mansion with bright and large chandelier lights,  gold doors and even gold in the walls.  Two of her guides (who she also  remembered as colleagues at a university that they worked together around 300 years prior) jokingly even let Orphion think that she was going to turn off one of the lights in her new mansion viewing unplugging the lights and she laughed along with them when she discovered that these were heaven/celestial lights that stay on since they are part of her new mansion in heaven. While having the flashback Dolno gently but firmly told Orpheon awake my dear yes that mansion is going to be for you and your husband and you are going to die before him but be worry-free about it and trust that both you and your husband are going to be looked after by many benevolent spirit helpers and your higher selves who reside here in the celestial realms.

Dolno then clapped his hands and they were transported to a room which was in a university- less than a block away from Orpheon’s mansion- where a teacher was holding a class with newly arrived spirits on earth who were being shown on how photography, dolls, and miniature houses/cars can be fun tools for manifestation purposes both in the heavenly realms and on earth.  Orphion inquisitively asked Dolno what does this have to do with me.  Dolno smiled at her and led her to the teacher who explained to the class that Orpheon is a dreamtime visitor from heaven who is going to be a guest in the class today on some of the manifestation exercises/tools. With that both Dolno and the teacher led Orpheon to a table containing a miniature house, a miniature car, and over 55 different Barbie dolls and other types of dolls representing both genders and from various countries around the world. They even showed her some dolls that were not yet introduced yet on earth but were hybrids from the earth world and other worlds that they were not allowed to tell her for spiritual and karmic reasons.  Orpheon’s attention was captivated of a doll created in the image of her and surrounded by 30 other dolls in a party like setting filled in a miniature house filled with images of art and photography on her walls. Intuitively, an image picked up on a reality where Orpheon is living out the reality of what she is seeing in the table on earth-the house she is living in on earth, the art, the photography, and even the people all look like the miniatures that were on the table and heaven. Before Orpheon asks how this is possible Dolno shows Orpheon her astral double who has been constructing this during her dream-time and explains that a lot of billionaires and millionaires on earth actually use the tools of photography, miniature houses, dolls, and collecting art in their houses as manifestations efforts and abundance but many of them keep it a secret for fear of being publicly shamed, ridiculed, and/or being made social pariahs.  Dolno explains how Orpheon could use these tools both in her job search on earth so that her actions bear fruit and intuitively attract her vibrationally to employers who are discrimination free when hiring and keeping employees. Olno even gives her five websites to where Orpheon can discreetly order these things and he shows her an image of two of the books that Orpheon currently owns back on earth that would help her employment aspects.  Dolno emphasizes to Orpheon; follow these instructions with an open heart and you can have a job again within the next 20-30 weeks to 18 months from now- I was approved by your main spirit guide to help you because these tools are going to help you harness your intuition in your job and money goals so that your actions can began to finally bear fruit in your waking life.  Dolno then explains Orpheon I’m placing these metaphoric gold and purple Queen’s crown on your head so that you may remember this information in your being for the rest of your current lifetime and for you to write down in one of your stories.  This is only the beginning of your rewards for having a spiritual brave heart towards taking action on your goals despite being ridiculed and harshly judged from some of the popular people in both the new age spiritual communities and outside of the spiritual communities.  You may even be publicly made fun of for sharing that some of the wealthiest people in the world secretly use miniature houses, miniature cars, other miniature objects, dolls, photography,and art as tools for their manifestation by some of those same people that secretly/discreetly utilize those tools. However, you must publish and write what we just said to you with a trusting heart without concern for regard and/or recognition especially because what you just wrote is going to be extremely helpful even if obscure for whoever secretly looks at this entry both during this century and 300 years from now and beyond.  Before Orpheon could ask Dolno if there is a teacher that she could discreetly ask this about she wakes up to one of her favorite songs to the alarm clock radio which is Intuition by Jewel.

link i used for the name generator for the female character

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Healing Past, Present, and Future Karma Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Healing Past, Present, and Future Karma Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Diamond starts to yawn as she awakens to a bright sunny day filled with much rest and a sense of elating happiness. She gets up to eat some strawberry yogurt, bananas, and drinks a couple of bottled waters.  She hops in the shower and listens to some great chillout music from one of her cd collections. Less than 30 minutes out of the shower she decides to sit down and watch some tv.

She decides to fill out about 13 job applications online and calls 5 to see if anyone is hiring. Suddenly, she gets an idea to watch a tv show that zooms up on million dollar homes.  Less than 60 seconds later, she is looking up at someone walking pass the tv screen. The person looks around Diamond’s age but does not look like someone that she met before. Who Are You Diamond replies and how did you get into my apartment without the door opening.  I hope that I’m not hallucinating. Less than 7 seconds later, the person replies Diamond I’m someone that you knew 3-4 lifetimes ago but I’m not allowed to reveal my identity but go ahead and call me Amethyst and with that Amethyst puts her arms up towards the ceiling and suddenly her and Diamond are inside of a blue and purple building.
Where Am I? Diamond asks Amethyst. Amethyst replies; I’m not allowed to give you the exact location for your spiritual protection reasons. However, I’m allowed to mention that I’m in the home of one of the occultists that you knew 5 lifetimes ago. He gave me permission to tell you that he is with you when you write your stories and some of his friends that he has met in the spiritual worlds of light and some from his past lifetimes gather with him in an undisclosed room at a table inside of his house. He is watching you through a glass window of this house that he resides in along with other members of their group, but he is allowed to see you but due to spiritual reasons you are not allowed to see them just yet. Be worry-free about this as you are going to see them once the time is right.
Diamond is then told that even the occultist’s name must currently be kept secret but that he was one of the writers of 20 of the books that were eventually burned in the Library of Alexandria in Alexandria Egypt before the whole library itself burned down many centuries ago. Amethyst summoned Diamond to the occultist’s mansion because he wants her to have 4 books worth of information that she can access in her dreams and that will manifest in books that she is drawn to during various points of her lifetime.  Amethyst gives Diamond a pencil and a notebook and explains that she wants her to write down what she can as she reads the first book aloud to her.
In a firm but loving voice, Amethyst reads the first passage from the book;
You have unintentionally made some enemies of at least 5 millionaires and one billionaire connected to your previous place of employment but who you have not yet met in your current lifetime.  They have attempted to discredit you by spreading rumors about your psychological health but much to their surprise this has actually made you spiritually stronger in ways that we have to avoid disclosing for now.  However, they, with the exception of one of them, have been surprised at how quickly you have grown your spiritual resilience and so now they are studying everything that you are interested in and people connected to you in order to try to mess with you and undermine your professionally. The positives; They have unintentionally helped with your goals of increasing your intuition, creativity, and logic when making the best choices for yourself in terms of your work goals, where you live, and even your spiritual goals.  The cons;  Please be guilt-free about this but myself and all of the occult members watching you in this house have all noticed certain images in your brain as you have taken both practical actions and spiritual measures to protect yourself against any jealousies and/or psychic attacks.  This has helped you to strengthen your connection to your higher self, but the dark/karmic energy that your enemies have tried to thrown at you is rebounding back to them and is not only affecting them but is also affecting their close friends and/or family members, even grandchildren who are unaware of what they are doing.  You yourself have suffered some heavy karma from what your ancestors from 100-200 years ago have done but we must not get into that for now.  What I want you to do is to continue to protect yourself but add in an important focus that will help both you and your enemies in the long-term.

First I understand why you feel the way you do but continue to completely work on forgiving your professional enemies and be worry-free about repaying your student loans. You do not have any cosigners on your student loans and so that student loan debt is going to die along with you and/or be paid off at least 10 years or more  before you die (I’m not allowed to tell you which it is). However to help ensure that the karma is cleared between you and your professional enemies (including the remnants of psychic attack warfare) research what you can on how to handle any jealousy directed at you and focus on not only creating heaven on earth for yourself and those surround you but also begin to imagine today the fulfilling and exciting life that you are going to have in a heavenly world after you die. Yes, I know that this sounds crazy but there are many things known in heaven when it comes to helping a person change their life for the happier that is not yet common knowledge on earth even among some of the most talented psychics and/or occultists. You may be publicly mocked and/or judged by some of your enemies and/or rivals for focusing on creating heaven on earth for yourself and those who surround you as well as imagining the type of life you are going to enjoy in your heavenly afterlife. However, I and the occultists watching you from behind this mansion’s glass window are imploring you to do this as it is going to help you change your life, heal the heavy karma between you and the 6 wealthy people trying to send dark magic your way, and focusing on the type of heavenly afterlife that awaits you is actually going to help you take wiser and more spiritually illumined actions in your current life to both change and heal your life.
Another vital point, As you may have guessed it, please continue to write and publish your writings at least once a week regardless of any recognition, public ridicule/judgement and/or any other spiritual test that you encounter as a result of you deciding to continue with your writing. Remember, you agreed before coming to earth that you are going to write stories and be a storyteller regardless of doing so under fame or obscurity.  Additionally, you also agreed to allow many of your writings to be borrowed and seen by others because it also helps you as well as them (in ways that we are not allowed to discuss right now). Additionally, continue to indulge in your love of music and all music genres as well as movies,even if they are not from the same culture and/or socio-economic background that you are currently in and/or came from. The reason; You are going to be shown within 2-3 months of this astral visit why it is important that you allow yourself to look at various books, magazines, music, tv shows, movies, and/or various forms of music even if you are harshly judged and/or mocked by others for supposedly not being true enough to yourself. We actually know who you are in terms of what is technically harm-free to other people on earth. However, the reason why you are shielded from not fully knowing your true self is actually not something to be ashamed about, even if other people make you feel that way for doing so. Rather, your spirit and your external environment have actually combined to make it harder for you to not know your true self and be the mainstream view of not fully being who you are not to punish you but more of our awareness that you may unintentionally harm others that you were not trying to harm if the true you was unveiled and expressed today. However, please know that the spiritual payback for you going through this as well as the public judgement of you hiding your true self is actually assisting you to grow your wisdom and your intuition as well as logic.  The writing process you are doing is also helping you to unlock strengths that have been dormant in your being due to you residing in an environment where it would actually cause too much chaos and you potentially inflicting too much unchecked revenge on your enemies if your strengths were allowed to be unleashed too soon.  Your one main tool that you must focus and utilize as soon as possible is vision boarding, make time to do that as soon as you can, and set aside time to walk at least 1-3 hours 5-6 times a week, as well as drink at least 90-120 ounces of water (these practices will help you to integrate your being closer to the thoughts of your soul as well as both your wisdom and intuition).  Less than 8 seconds later, Amethyst taps Diamond’s shoulder and Diamond is awoke by her loving husband calling her on the cell phone and she notices 2 missed phone calls from one of the employers she tried to call earlier. It turns out Diamond unexpectedly fell asleep while watching the million dollar home tv show not because of the show not being good enough but because she remembered watching a music video right before she was going to watch the tv show (a certain music video put her to sleep as she was laying on the couch).

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Brief But Eventful Life Freestyle Short Story by Stella Carrier

Theodora thought that she would catch a small nap on her way to jury duty. However, she had to be careful about falling asleep too deeply on her way to catching the metro stop that she needed to be on time for her jury duty assignment.  She successfully walked 2.5 miles to one of the metro stops in order to save money on transit costs. However, her body now required her to take a 15 minute nap on the metro train on her way to the jury duty assignment.
Less than 20-30 seconds later, an atmosphere that is bright blue, with a multi-colored sun shines on her face unlike anything that she has seen during her lifetime on earth.  Where Am I Theodora wonders, but she tries to make herself wake up in order to not miss her stop.  Just then an astral double of Theodora comes up to her.  Who Are You Theodora asks? Oh hi, I’m Your Future Self in the Afterlife and I have been sent to give you the choice of two books in front of you on how you would like the rest of your life to be. These books do not reveal all of what is going to happen in your life for certain karmic reasons, but I’m going to give you five minutes to choose.  I’ll make it worth your while by allowing both books to flash in front of you and download the options in front of you. To speed up the process of which book you choose just jump in front of it and then hug it. This is going to show myself, your higher self, and your team of heavenly/celestial allies as well as the karmic lords assigned to your case which choice you make.  I intend to reveal more details to you within 2-3 months of our meeting. 
Just Then, a red book with orange lettering pops up as to Theodora’s first option. This option allows Theodora to live healthfully and joyfully until 29 days after her 103rd birthday. The pros; more leisure time to enjoy her life and both her and her amazing husband will transition to a heavenly realm together at  about the same time (one 24 hours before the other, but the book keeps it a mystery as to who goes first). The 2nd pro is that she is going to finally be recognized for her writing creativity and get recognized and credit for her writings as well as increased financial fortune for her writing by the time she is around 60 years old. The 3rd pro; The longer she is alive the more other people are going to love her and she is going to enjoy more popularity as time goes on, which decreases the amount of people who are going to be jealous of her and psychic wish her ill will. The cons; Both her psychic abilities and her ability to manifest wealth are not going to activate until she is after 60 years old, resulting in years of financial hardship regardless of which law of attraction technique or psychic that she turns to.  2nd con; Theodora sees in the book that she is only going to finally repay her student loans and pay off her house by the time she is between 55-60 years old but not before. 3rd con; Because of her financial hardships, she is going to be a social pariah not just among her family members but also any spiritual communities (whether new age or traditional religion) that she is part of, which may make her feel alone and/or close her heart to anyone who is not her husband and/or mother in law.
Then a 2nd book with purple, gold, and black lettering comes up laying out three options and three pros.  The first pro that this book shows if she chooses the life presented to her in the book; More employment chances granted to her via other employers as well as opportunities for self-employment. Regardless of what she chooses, her actions will be blessed with good fortune and the reality of financial freedom and being debt-free are going to grace the life of both Theodora and her husband within the next 11 years (which is going to bless them with financial abundance to last them until they are at least 110 years old in their current lifetimes and for at least 2-3 generations after them)regardless of whoever tries to professionally and/or spiritually undermine her (even if they are among her most influential professional enemies/rivals). The 2nd pro; She is going to be able to make more friends easily and strengthen her family ties, as a matter of fact the book shows Theodora organizing some exciting parties for her many friends, including friends from her professional life who she has helped mentor and provide professional training to.  The 3rd pro;  Her creativity, psychic skills, emotional intelligence, and intellectual brilliance are going to skyrocket in a shorter timeframe from the increased opportunities that she has been granted. As a positive side effect, she is always going to achieve a slender frame in a short amount of time and maintain it for the rest of her current lifetime as well as have a more attractive physical appearance and feel more beautiful and full of unlimited potential regardless of how she is judged by others. The 3 major cons to choosing the purple gold and lettering book for this life option; 1-Theodora is going to die well before her husband, and she sees the timeframe being somewhere between her 55th to 60th birthday.  2-Theodora is going to stay obscure the rest of her current lifetime for the protection of her safety and those around her, therefore many people are going to look at her online writings as in the first book but will secretly use them for themselves and she is never going to be recognized for her writings during her lifetime, no fortune or recognition but finally a mention and her work distributed to the mainstream American public 200-300 years after her death when a professor and an archaeologist from the future uncovers her written work.  3-By choosing the life of quicker financial ease and freedom the other drawback is that more people from both inside and outside the spiritual communities are going to be jealous of both her and her husband. Theodora’s marriage is still going to last but there are going to more women swarming Theodora’s husband for money with the possibility of 3-5 extramarital babies (even with 2 of the 8 women being financially wealthier than Theodora and her husband because they want to ensure money for their children’s educations and trust funds). The marriage between Theodora and her husband is still going to be strong and survive, as well as enjoy positive closeness as the years go on but Theodora and her husband will have less leisure time as a result of working together to provide for the 8 extramarital children.

Much to Theodora’s surprise, she jumps up and grabs the 2nd book with purple, gold, and black lettering (even though she is only going to die at 60 years of age or younger and predecease her husband) because she feels that it is more essential to secure the financial safety and security for both her and her husband on earth. Theodora knows that she can emotionally and spiritually handle any judgement and/or gossip that other people from both outside and inside the spiritual communities throw at her. Less than 20-30 seconds after making her decision Theodora fortunately wakes up to the stop that she has to get off the train for, for her jury duty. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Roses Are Red Heaven’s Violets Are Blue Free Style short Story by Stella Carrier

Roses Are Red Heaven’s Violets Are Blue Free Style short Story by Stella Carrier
Shekinah wakes up to a beautiful bright green lawn lush with bright sunlight and a scenery of a column of schools and colleges unlike anything that she has seen browsing online pictures on earth. Shekinah notices that her caramel complexion is shining even brighter and more illuminating in this song unlike anything that she has seen on earth. As a matter of fact, Shekinah becomes intuitively aware that wherever  currently is, she happens to be in a place where fortunately race and the way a person looks externally matters little to the other residents.  Where Am I Shekinah wonders? Just then a porcelain white complexioned woman with hair the length cascading past her waist and blue-green eyes comes up to Shekinah. Hi Shekinah, I’m Alexandria, you are currently in a heavenly spiritual world of light that is actually of your imagination but just one of many splendid worlds that your higher self set up for you to visit in your afterlife preceding what is going to be a long but powerful and magical rest of your current lifetime on earth.  My name is Alexandria and I have some advice and important details to share with you.
Alexandria transports Shekinah to a tv/giant movie looking structure near one of the Celestial universities that are created by the union of Shekinah’s imagination and higher self. Shekinah is shown a movie where she has been allowed to create three of her own magical schools/universities in within the heavenly realms.  These schools are designed both to assist visitors from earth and the residents of the afterlife/heavenly worlds to be able to study the ways of increasing the powers of their imagination, creativity, honing their magical abilities even further to attract and create the like minded communities to connect with in their newfound afterlife. They are also designed for spirits of those universities who volunteer themselves to help occultists back on earth manifest various spiritual and professional goals while on earth. For instance, Alexandria showed Shekinah a scene where a job seeker on earth is connecting with the heavenly/celestial realm for unconventional help in growing the connection to both her higher and intuition to grow more expanded and deeper.  Two of the male professors and female professors enrolled in the occult university also happens to know the female job seeker knew from a past lifetime at least 2-3 lifetimes ago university. He is transmitting information/ideas to the earth-based job seeker on how she can increase both her income and intuition through both the online resources that the female accesses and some of the messages coming from both her critics and allies/supporters. The female job seeker gets an idea on how she can logically and legally make more income regardless of how long it takes her to get employed again, but she understands that she must keep it secret. The two professors also helped the female jobseeker to forge an even deeper connection to her spiritual heavenly guides as well as her higher self. The spirit team is helping her to learn stronger spiritual protection techniques which are working and coming in handy (important because at least 3 professional critics tied to her professional past have fortunately been blocked from being able to send negative and dark magic vibes). The job seeker, through her stronger spiritual faith and connection to heaven, has also been able to figure out how to harness the dark magic/energy and transform into to heavenly spiritual light energy for the greater good of herself and others (she even figured out how to create symbols out of 23 of the thoughtforms for positive heavenly/celestial magick and a deeper connection to her intuition/higher self from 5 former non-management coworkers and 3 manager level professionals who are stalking her online).

Alexandria then stops the viewing screen and explain “Shekinah this may come as a shock to you but I’m actually the spirit of your daughter that you miscarried when you were 16 years old!”  Shekinah feels a sense of wow at Alexandria’s admission but she intuitively knew that Alexandria is telling the truth because Alexandria looks very much like Shekinah in the face but with the smoother hair texture and the fair skin complexion of the man that she had a brief fling with when she was 16 years old.  Before Shekinah could ask any further, Alexandria telepathically picks up on her thoughts and explains that she was conceived when Shekinah and Alexandria’s father were engaging in intimate relations outside near a male friend of the man’s house but far away enough to where nobody could see them. However,Alexandria could not remember which time it was because her and this man had met for secret flings at least 32 times before they agreed to mutually end their romantic affair, with at least 12 of those times being near the man’s friend’s house and 11 of those times being in both cheap motels and overnight campgrounds in tents (only 9 of those times were inside the man’s house because they mutually agreed to keep their romantic but controversial affair a secret from the man’s roommates who also happened to be some of his professional coworkers because of his age) .  Alexandria then proceeded to explain that for her protection and to keep the man’s identity a secret that she must avoid explaining the precise encounter and date when she was conceived.  Alexandria then told Shekinah that she only wanted to tell her to help Shekinah understand why Alexandria knew her so well.

Alexandria then starts the screen again for Shekinah to watch.  Through the screen, Shekinah sees an occult circle that she is gathering and leading with 33 other spirits in the afterlife. They are all banding together to help an occultist back on earth who is leading a coven of his own and is petitioning their help to manifest greater prosperity and greater spiritual intuition for himself and his other coven members.  Shekinah and the group are gathered near one of the Universities that she is operating.  Less than 28 seconds after concluding the magic ceremony Shekinah and at least 3 of the other spirits in the group peer  through five windows simultaneously and see 2 of the couples engaged in a passionate embrace and taking each other’s clothes off and 3 other couples inside the occult university building already engaged in intimate acts (with one of those unions being what would be considered a taboo/controversial union on earth because of their physical appearances and roles on earth but not a big deal in heaven).  Shekinah and her fellow occultists start laughing and Shekinah wonders why these couples do not go to their own private places to engage in their passionate but controversial romantic affairs because Shekinah intuitively understands that they are in a realm where they can actually create their own houses just with their thoughts.  Alexandria telepathically picks up on Shekinah’s thoughts and then explains that she is meeting with Shekinah to encourage her to continue with her writing because it is actually part of her life contract and for her to write and post online at least 3-4 times per week.  However, certain themes must be reserved for Shekinah’s offline and/or published book work under a username while other themes can be covered in her online writings.  Shekinah is then given information from Alexandria that the couples that she saw in the university building agreed ahead of time to play certain roles in order to show Shekinah that couples do engage in romantic and intimate relations in the higher afterlife heavenly/celestial realms as well as relationships that are considered very taboo on earth (she picked up on this as Alexandria gave Shekinah three photos simultaneously as she was explaining why Shekinah saw what she did in the occult university building). One photo showed a male spirit who was a major celebrity on earth engaged in an erotic act with two of the women that he knew on earth, both of them were his wives when he was alive but one died young and the other woman this man met after his wife died, the second photo showed a female celebrity who is also well-loved and remembered on earth completely without clothes in one of the university rooms engaged in an erotic pose also with two men (one was a husband from her most recent lifetime and another was a husband from her past life that was at least over 4 of her lifetimes ago), and the third was a photo of four people who knew each other from the same earth-based lifetime but did not act on any feelings due to being leaders of a church that would have outcasted them and made them social pariahs if they acted on their feelings and were exposed (Alexandria showed Shekinah this photo with the promise that she would not divulge details of who they were). Less than 10 seconds later, Shekinah was filled with an intuitive awareness of why she was given information that spirits also engage in romantic yet  controversial affairs in addition to the traditional ones that most people alive on earth know about in relation to her writings and she was given an intuitive reminder to continue to pursue her work as a writer for the rest of her current lifetime even if she has to do the writing/scriptwriting on the side and/or as a famous and/or obscure author. With that psychic awareness, Shekinah woke up from her meditation that unexpectedly put her to sleep to her alarm clock radio to the song Roses Are Red by the Eurodance group Aqua.