Sunday, April 9, 2017

Super Secrets Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Songs For Today’s Story
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down
Animals by Maroon 5
Lucky Star by Madonna
Buddy Holly by Weezer
A State of Trance 500 by Cosmic Gate
Keep Me In Mind by the Zac Brown Band
I am creating heaven on earth
My psychic and intuitive abilities expand each day.
I am in the process of learning to see things in a clear and distortion free lense
I successfully took my day off from work this past Friday and Saturday and intend to do so on other days (both off and work days) to strategize my bright future and other plans with my amazing husband
I am in the process of learning how to stand up for myself and be self-confident in various areas of my life both present and future.
Both what I am able to do in the present and planned long-term goals/projects are equally essential regardless of what some of my most influential, highly intelligent andor persuasive critics think.
I am in the process of rising above various challenges in my life to create a more powerful life for myself and my husband.
I am on the right track in various areas of my life.
I am more than prepared and fully capable of taking on various tasks in my life.
I am both connected  and in tune both with getting data/ideas that I need as well as creating some of my own.

The veils are lifting. My inner eyes are opening.
I know the will of my soul.
I take actions that create the greatest results for the energy expended.
I have many wonderful things to do everyday. I love my life.
I find the light and good in any situation.
The Universe is always working for me and with me.
 I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Super Secrets Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Start time 403 am
Finish time 455 am
          Food Analyst Pauline Russell  who resembles Madonna from the Lucky Star video and naval architect Iris Alexander who resembles the love interest in Maroon 5’s Animal video are some of the dinner guest supper party attendees at a supper club that is being held near a college in the Los Angeles California area. Both Pauline and Iris are friends who have come along to this supper club  as support while their husbands are working late shifts in the day. Pauline’s husband Lester is a college professor of psychology at a community college in Los Angeles while Iris’s husband Lloyd is entertaining guests later in the evening as a successful real estate agent selling houses to various people from different walks of life living in the Los Angeles California area.
          Both Pauline and Iris also notice two couples visiting from Canada sitting right across from them at the table. Both couples are visiting from Vancouver Canada with one of the guys resembling the lead singer of the band Weezer in the Buddy Holly video and another guy resembling the lead singer in the video Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down. Out of curiosity, both Pauline and Iris try to get a glimpse of the women sitting next to the men but both women are disguising themselves with matching purple, red, and orange dresses and red masks (the only noticeable feature that Pauline and Iris notice on both women are the long hairstyles of both women with one of the women have long dark brown hair and the second woman having long red and blonde colored hair). Before Pauline and Iris could make conversation with the women two women come out with large trays of tomato and mozzarella pizza and 4 pieces of mushroom and truffle butter steak pieces divided up into 12 cuts. The two women named Judy and Linette bringing out the food resemble singer Keyshia Cole from the Heaven sent video and Mary J Blige from Just Fine. Pauline and Iris right away figure out that Judy and Linette organized the supper club as the two women explain to the dinner party guests some of the food.
          Once all of the guests are drinking from glasses of strawberry wine, both Judy and Linette explain that they have a complementary special surprise for the guests before they come out with further food and clear the dishes and drinks away for the guests. Suddenly, a man named Brandon Johnson, who resembles the lead singer of the Zac Brown band with such songs as Keep Me In Mind introduces himself as a psychic channeler and hypnotist to the whole supper club party group. Before Brandon Johnson sits down with the rest of the supperclub guests he turns on the 77 minute version of A State of Trance by the Cosmic Club in order to get the group to relax as he also lights 4 candles on the table with red, orange, yellow, and purple colors.

          Brandon Johnson starts the meditation/intuitive session with telling the group you are learning to be calm and have inner peace. Suddenly, each of the 6 members of the Supper Club find themselves on each of their own personalized comfortable peach and magenta colored sofa seats outside among some colorful orange and pink trees overlooking a clear aqua blue lake. The group are transfixed in their sofa seats but feel safe as Brandon Johnson has them meet one of his past clients, who is still living, who has lost over 170 pounds by walking at least three miles each way to and from work. Brandon then goes to a bright blue, green, and violet table to speak to his celestial spirit ally team about opening a portal way for benevolent spirits to come through in order to show his fellow dinner party guests certain gems of secrets that are common among some of the most successful people on earth, just not everyone.
          Just then, the table of Brandon Johnson’s celestial spirit committee temporarily disappears including the picnic table and he notices that all six members of the group are in front of the campfire. All of a sudden Brandon gets an intuitive insight on him to ask each group member to take a stick or two but no more than two sticks per person. Fortunately, each of the group members comply with Brandon Johnson’s idea sensing his harm-free intent. Brandon Johnson then asks each group to read what it says on their stick as each member is gathered around a circle.
          Pauline is sitting comfortably in the circle as she sees and says that her stick reads advice to eventually finalize where she would prefer her and her husband to reside long-term for clear and faster law of attraction results. Pauline also sees on her second stick the words keep military bases, colleges, grade schools, and middle schools in mind for where to invest moneywise. Pauline hands over the stick to Iris who sees the advice that it would be more beneficial for her to connect to her higher self addressed from a place of the higher self being in the future already in the afterlife and a more heavenly realm. Iris then tries to gently nudge one of the males next to her in the summer like camp to see what their stick stays but for whatever reason, the male spirit glows a bright orange, reaches out to hug Iris, and merges into her spirit body as she telepathically gets the feeling that she needs to keep more of her sleeptime dreams secret for reasons she must avoid disclosing for at least 4 more months. Iris then remembers an inspiring student loan story that she found earlier about someone who repaid their student loans in three years. Iris new that a more realistic option would involve at least 14-15 years yet her intent around this would inspire more creative prosperity ideas from her subconscious. However, before Iris could address any of the supper party guest members, she is woken by her husband who wanted to cuddle a little bit after getting home from work. Iris realizes that the supper club party must have been a dream as well.

Idea that I obtained from my husband today after he showed me a news feature on tv involving a very controversial situation between a person who designs ships and Bolivia pertaining to what my husband was initially thinking marine architect, which gave me the idea to research that which eventually gave me these links

ideas used in the story

Finalizing location
Investing near schools andor military bases
Writing letter to future self addressed to future self in heaven/afterlife in a secret email
Keep dreams secret for time being
Timeline for repayment


14 years from now to repay my student loans is more realistic for someone like me, yet my intuition is guiding me to keep this story anyhow.


How One Woman Paid Off $68,000 of Debt in 3 Years

Read more:

A sexy new supper club encourages you to feed strangers
Year End charts 2008

Nutrition Special Runner’s World April 2017 page 72 and page 96 profile on food analyst Robyn O’Brien
Special Edition People Magazine Half Their Size (listed on front of magazine display until 06/30/2017 page 42 a man who has lost weight via walking

exciting places to go

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea that commenting will give a credit into our website.
