Sunday, April 16, 2017

Five Times The Muse Inspiration From Heaven Visits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Five Times The Muse Inspiration From Heaven Visits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Time started once I continued to finish the story after referencing Angela’s parents and more on them later 1240 pm
End Time;
            Angela Collins is enjoying volunteering with helping the cooks and chefs at Coachella make different food creations that were featured in the Delish website that also made its way through msn mainstream news and gave her and everyone involved with those creations national media coverage. She was actually surprised when a modeling agent also approached her and offered her a modeling shoot once the Coachella festival is over. Angela asked the modeling agent named Miles what caught his attention about her and he said it was the fact that she resembled the female singer Saabi in the music video for You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship feat. Saabi. Angela found this entertaining because her husband Charlie James was happy for her when he found out the good news. They both are temporarily living in Los Angeles for the summer before they head back to Northern Virginia to volunteer and go to work for Angela’s biological parents-more on them later.
            Angela’s husband also understood because he himself was also a model part time as he was discovered by a modeling scout that liked that Charlie James looked like one of the actors featured in the music video for Counting Stars by One Republic. Charlie James was going to meet Angela for breakfast in the morning before she heads back to volunteer on the 2nd day for Coachella. As Angela retires to her tent on the campsite of Coachella and grabs stuff for the shower. However, 8 minutes later after walking to the shower and stripping herself for the shower,Angela goes back to her tent and realizes that she forget her hair conditioner to take to the shower. She is less than a few feet from the front of her tent when she hears and sees the silhouette woman laying down on the tent with her knees up, feet seemingly planted from the floor and moaning from a neighboring tent despite the song Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars blaring loud. Angela then notices a silhouette of a male figure leaning forward towards the female figure and decides to leave them alone but hopes that they will quiet it down by the time she is finished with her shower and back to her tent.
            During the shower, Angela plays one of the local radio stations that play the songs California Girls by the Beach Boys as she remembers what brought her to California at least temporarily in the first place. Angela Collins is 31 years old and is fortunate to have parents that have been married for 33 years. Angela Collins was actually born 9 months after her parents first year wedding anniversary, so it is pretty much little mystery when she was conceived. Angela Collins father   Dean Murphy is a 50 year old intelligence specialist officer in the U.S. Navy and stationed in Virginia Beach Virginia. Dean Murphy is a prior-enlisted officer who got his bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University and his master’s degree from Georgetown University in Applied Intelligence. Dawn Thomas is a 49 year old former navy culinary specialist turned public affairs officer who is also prior-enlisted. With Dean’s support, she temporarily left the U.S. Navy when Angela was 8 years old and obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Merchant Marines academy and even served in the Merchant Marines for two years. However, Dawn missed the Navy and eventually went back into the U.S. Navy  before her 39th birthday and obtained a Master’s Degree in Global Strategic Public Relations at Georgetown. The Navy also paid for her to attend a week long course at the Robert H. Smith Business School at the University of Maryland College Park campus.
As a result, it is little surprise that Angela’s parents have high expectations for her. Lucky for Angela, her mom Dawn was able to help her get the volunteer opportunity with Coachella and a paid for temporary position at two of the Smithsonian museums in D.C. after Angela is finished with her volunteer stint at the Coachella music festival. As Angela enjoys her music in the shower, she understands that she is fortunate to have parents who set the bar high for her as she has known women who society andor family/friends around them do not take seriously when they discuss their school and career plans. Angela is even close friends with a 41 year old female named Mary who rejoined the military after being out for some time and came from a family where women were only allowed to belong to the family if they agreed to be homemakers andor stay at home mothers (there is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be a stay at home or a homemaker but not every woman would be happy living that way). Mary saw her stay at home mother miserable and miss her work life after giving up her dreams to be a homemaker and Mary promised herself that she would live life on her own terms when she reaches her 18th birthday and as the years go by regardless of what her family andor her critics think. It helps that Angela shared with Mary how her own mother Dawn successfully juggled a navy career and motherhood while seeming happy and fulfilled despite the challenges that came with it.
            Less than 18 minutes after the shower, Angela steps out of the shower and notices a female with waist length long hair and insists to Angela that she call her Joy O’Neill up on a makeshift stage created near the tents, with the front of her tent being one of them. Angela is even more puzzled because all types of flowers sprang up near the tent and the sun is back up when she could have sworn that the sun was starting to set when she went to take a shower.
            Before Angela could ask any questions, she notices five spirits dressed in various colored robes on stage with peach masks. The first spirit dressed in a blue aqua robe waves a neon white saying five urgent reality creation ideas; as he walks up to Angela and gives her two books by I.C. Robledo and Bergat Bogner titled imagination ideas. The second spirit dressed in a yellow robe and peach mask gives her a paper from the Multi-millionaires Spending Game of pages 122-123 of the Feel it Real book by Denise Coates, except this paper shows three spending games of 1500 dollars after taxes each month representing the words, secret email, public blog, and the words outside work life 2 months. The third spirit comes up to her in a purple robe and peach mask and touches Angela’s arms as she remembers a collage project that she did in high school where she also charted words close to what excited her enough to dream yet still have some realistic elements under it and much of the stuff she put for fun in it came to pass and she intuitively realizes that she must do this both offline and on a blog online. The fourth spirit comes up to Angela off the music stage in an orange robe with the words etched on his robe fictional dream journal nine years ago as he gives her a hug. Instantly, Angela realizes that she must start a fictional dream journal with the first entry on her blog when she senses very few people are watching online with the first entry being a little bit of what actually happened over ten years ago while keeping her current work life out of it. The fifth spirit, dressed in a pink and light green robe also touches her arm and she remembers an article she read about a stay home dad who has a popular blog that is popular with many people. Angela intuitively realizes that this spirit is gently suggesting to her that she must try to set aside time to look at some of the well-known blogs to give her ideas for her own writing and law of attraction activities.
            The female spirit who told Angela to call her Joy O’Neill gently explains to Angela that she is a creative muse from one of the happy realms who was also one of multiple benevolent spirits who provided creative writing inspiration for the following songs; This is What You Came for by Calvin Harris and Rihanna, Sugar by Robin Schultz and Francesco Yates including the song versions of Sugar by Baby Bash,  and Shelter by Madeon and Porter Robinson. Joy O’Neill then lovingly explains that Angela could also utilize her for both her writing work and assistance in using law of attraction principles. Joy O’Neill then gives a flashcard to Angela titled Volunteer before she wakes up and wakes up in the shower as she realizes that she accidently went to sleep when she laid on a nearby picnic beach after her shower near the tents as she was deciding to wait for the couple in the tent next to her to finish with their intimate activities before she was going to head to sleep in her tent.


Songs for todays Freestyle Story; From the Dance Hits playlist of Amazon; Sugar by Robin Schultz from Francesco Yates, Shelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon, This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna, from Amazon Classic Hits Radio Station; You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship feat. Saabi, California Girls by The Beach Boys, From Pandora Venus Make You Move radio station; Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars,Counting Stars by One Republic

Affirmations For Today
I have extra time that I fill productively and in line with my life purpose
I intuitively pay attention to both the questions and answers that are given to me.
I wisely pick my starting time as I have everything I need to get a certain job done and under budget.
I contribute my best creatively to a collaborative project regardless of the outcome of obscurity or fame.
I can utilize the most powerful environmental influences to my advantage.
I seek and I shall eventually find. It is only a matter of time before I uncover what I am looking for regardless of how long it takes for me to do so.
My natural magnetism and charm come in handy in both familiar and even challenging and beneficial situations.
I put my best foot forward as I have a lot to offer.
I trust in my bright future and the goodness of the universe as I have powerful spiritual helpers and a resilient higher self who watch over me.
I benefit both from familiar venues and a change in venue. I also attract/manifest inspiration from the most unusual sources.
I am in the process of becoming a fast learner who comes to understand multiple things presented to me quite well.
I wisely take advantage of opportunities both created by my creativity, imagination, and intuition as well as those uncovered for me by others.
Unique and Beneficial Opportunities in Various Forms Come My Way.
Information at my fingertips provides me answers both questions I have asked recently and for a while.
What I accomplish on my own and through positive inspiration from others makes a positive difference to everyone around me, regardless of how I am perceived.
I successfully use yesterday, today, and tomorrow to think about what’s next in my bright future.
I start strong and as early as possible to ensure a superb and clean finish.
I forge a new path in a unique way.
I wisely know when to make decisions that will send me in a new and beneficial direction and when to persist and stay the course.
I rationally and intuitively am in the process of learning how to use both the possible and impossible to my creative advantage.
I wisely know when to take charge of my destiny and shape things and circumstances towards my goals and when to adjust accordingly and allow situations to take shape naturally in an organic fashion.
I am in the process of learning how to both be a better friend and attract an abundance of both spiritual and resilient friends into my life.
My psychic and intuitive abilities are expanding each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am in the process of learning to love my work.
I draw to myself many wonderful opportunities to make a difference in the world.
I support other people in feeling good about themselves.
I honor my dreams.
I lift the veils of illusion. I can see clearly.
I am linked with the higher forces of the universe.
I have all the energy I need.
I have joyful pictures of the future.
I accelerate my spiritual growth by living in higher purpose.
I ask for and receive a seed of inspiration that brings courage and fearlessness. I now act with courage and create my goals.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
I choose to follow my higher path today.

Emma Roberts’ Décor Habits; Michelle Obama Is Paddleboarding

Selena Gomez and the Weeknd Get Cozy at Coachella

Coachella 2017: Vanessa Hudgens, Alessandra Ambrosio and more stars

Georgetown University Executive Master of Professional Studies in Strategic Communications
Georgetown University Applied Intelligence Program
University of Maryland College Park Robert H Smith School of Business Washington Posts Capital Business Links;
chef jobs in yahoo search
Food Services & Hospitality

I know about the religious program specialist field from my time in Yokosuka Japan. I admit that there was a time that I wanted to go into this field (around 2000/2001)but the CMC of my ship (Command Master Chief (E-9) at the time told me that he would have a hard time letting me go to school in the states for this field if I tried to pursue it because there were no religious program specialists that were permanently based on the destroyer class ship that I was stationed on. He did let me know that he would consider sending me to school for the supply rating (storekeeper) if I made E-4 my first time taking the navy advancement test. When I did actually achieve making E-4 my first time up (including scoring among the top 32 percentile navywide in the test) the CMC took back his word with the similar reason that he gave me for why he could not let me train to be a religious program specialist (even though he let a male who had about the same time on the ship as me and was even the same rank permanently leave the ship and cross completely over to another rating). It was then my 21 year old mind realized the hard way that nothing truly has to be honored unless it is in writing and maybe even then the person will change their mind depending on the law. Anyhow, I eventually forgave the CMC who took back what he said, but at least on the bright side, I met my now husband a few months after I made E-4 so at least what was a setback at that time turned out to be a blessing for my personal/love life. On additional positive note, that experience also taught me to understand and see that both good fortune and challenging circumstances happen for reasons that facilitate a person’s positive spiritual growth, which is why I do believe strongly that things happen for a reason and when  one door closes multiple and other beneficial doors open.

I confess that I easily know about this job field in the navy because there was a first class (E-6) intelligence specialist on the ship (USS O’Brien) that I was on when I was stationed in Yokosuka Japan. Around 2001, this E-6 saw potential in me and did his best to try to encourage me to consider going into the Intelligence Specialist field. However, I admit that I did not and went into the storekeeper rating  by the summer of 2002(which is now logistics specialist) because I admit that I was unsure if I was ready for that job and I was hesitant about the time that it might take away from my then fiancée (I admit not the same man that is fortunately now my husband). Looking back, I admit that I now realize that if someone sees potential in you and offers you an important professional opportunity that you must seriously go after it because of the chance to be regret-free that you at least went after it.
I googled intelligences specialists navy
Bernat Bogner
Old Dominion University Norfolk Virginia

Idea Hacks: Come up with 10X More Creative Ideas in 1/2 the Time Kindle Edition

by I. C. Robledo  (Author)

This Stay-at-Home Dad Writes Hilarious Parenting Observations on Sticky Notes

Some of the tents look similar to the tipis that I saw Yesterday at the Smithsonian American Indian Museum
On-Site Camping
Inspiration Info from the Museums I Went to Yesterday
Just yesterday, around early Saturday afternoon, was when my husband and I visited the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. One of the things that I enjoy about the visit is that there is so much to see, a variety of exhibits to see each time I visit. Among some of the multiple sights available that my husband and I had a chance to see; First Ladies exhibit including the inauguration gowns of Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama and of course there are also the other inaugural gowns from other first ladies including a 1990’s quote by the Washington Post pertaining to the inaugural gowns, Julia Child’s exhibit including a kitchen pertaining to her life, supermarket exhibit within the Food section, Women in Uniform exhibit, Wizard of Oz exhibit inside the museum store, Innovations in the Vineyard, Innovations in the Wineyard, stories on Money exhibit, an display where a person can drop a penny and vote on whether or not the penny needs to be kept as U.S. currency, Women on American Money exhibit, American stories, and of course much more exhibits available. My husband pleasantly surprised me by getting me a Smithsonian ball cap and t-shirt from the museum store.

My husband and I just went to the National Museum of the American Indian yesterday; Among some of the following sites that I had a chance to take photos of and see; Horace Poolaw exhibit, Future Clone exhibit by Fritz Scholder, Imaginations Activity Center for kids including a model of a tipi and a model of a stilt house, Global Conflicts in the 21st Century exhibit feat. the late Lori Ann Piestewa (she was a member of the Hopi tribe) and the late Joshua Wheeler, Our Spirits Will Protect You exhibit, World War II exhibit all in the Patriot Nations section, and more. I mean only disrespect-free intent  with saying this; However, one of the caveats of this museum is that not every American Indian tribe is featured in the museum. I was curious to see if the Menominee Indian was featured inside this museum (my late maternal grandmother and my late biological mother had Menominee Indian ancestry) since the museum seems to pertain to different Native American tribes across the U.S. , but it was not yet listed at the museum from what I saw.

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