Friday, April 29, 2016

Lycrah’s Meeting In Heaven With The Assistant Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier-Part Two

Lycrah awakens in a beautifully lit purple, gold, and blue bed. Before she even has a chance to get out of bed a man and woman in red and gold robes approach her. Who Are You Two And Where Am I? Lycrah Politely asks the two people who greeted her.  The two smile at each other and tell Lycrah, who we are has to related to two spirits that you knew from a previous lifetime that we must keep secret for now. However, as you can intuitively sense we are both married but in a different sense that what is going on in your current life. “Just Call Us Hope and Diamond” The Husband and Wife Duo Tell Lycrah as they lead her into a large turquoise blue, yellow, and orange building less than 30 yards from the outside of the bedroom.
Less than 13 seconds later, Lycrah is led into a room that is playing the tail end of the song Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia feat. Sam Martin. The song comes right into the next song Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer. Lycrah has little time to ponder what is going on before Hope and Diamond gently push Lycrah into a middle of what Lycrah figures out is a spiritual circle that has both benevolent and occult qualities. As the group (looks to be about 30-40 spirits gathered around Lycrah) circles around her a man in a red, white, and green robe materializes in front of her. She does not recall seeing the man in the group and less than 8 seconds later both the man and Lycrah are on top of the turquoise, blue, and orange building. The man then explains to Lycrah “You have known me from one of your previous lifetimes as well, but my complete indentity must remain a secret to you for now as well”. Just Call Me Assistant, because I’m training to be a spirit guide and I’m a helper to one of your spirit guides who works overtime to help you on a daily basis and he allowed me to manifest in front of you to impart you some messages that I must get through to you as a spokesman (as they call them on earth) for him.
Lycrah wonders why the main spirit guide doesn’t visit her himself and Assistant explains, as one of the psychics you have spoken to on earth explains, you have at least 33 spirits consisting of Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Ascended masters that are in concert with your higher self that have authorization to help you but you have to ensure that you ask ideally daily but no less than once a week. There are some people on earth that have less and others alive who have more for spiritual and karmic reasons. You actually have permission to at times make successful contact with 10,000 helpers daily but 30-35 helpers is all that is currently necessary to help you on a given basis. It is not my place to explain to you how it works for each person and there is not time for me to explain to you more but understand that a new opportunities are manifesting in your life as we currently speak and you must try to avoid letting the earth based reality of competition distract you too much, instead use competition as a tool to be the best that you can be and disregard what some well-meaning critics say that try to get you to measure up to any professional rivals (they are on their own path as you are on your own path).
Right now, you are in a university in a heavenly world that has been fashioned by your imagination and the drawings as well as the coloring books that you have been secretly doodling on in your apartment. The university consists of occultists and psychic advisors from your past lives who are allowed to help you-in collaboration with your higher self- in your current lifetime but you have to make sure to ask at least 1-3 times a week.  The Assistant then materializes a table and a rainbow in front of some golden orange and pink houses as he then explains via holding up a green and a purple book. Lycrah these are two of the books I need you to add to your emergency collection to start applying. I understand you already have 3 planned but you have time to add these two, but please avoid writing them down in this story. I have implanted the memory in your subconscious so that you can remember to write them down and apply them for the rest of your current lifetime.
Lycrah then is levitated up in the air for a few seconds by the Assistant as he manifests a red, blue, pink, and other colors not seen before on earth picnic blanket before she is levitated back on the ground. The Assistant then gives Lycrah a golden goblet of purple and blue liquid. Less than 20 seconds later, a montage of 30 photo images lay across the picnic blanket and the green and peach colored grass and the Assistant telepathically explains the first photo and his writings to explain each photo;
1st photo; Yes, Lycrah this photo is of your husband holding an urn of the ashes that your body was cremated in the future completely paid for house that you and he are going to live in. Normally we are not allowed to tell our earth based subjects this due to freewill, but you asked to be shown this and your prayers were answered because of the harm-free intent that your soul has in knowing this. Before coming to this earth, you have agreed to die before your husband and it is going to continue to be that way to where you are destined to die before your husband. However, I’ve been sent here by your main spirit guide who wants me to tell you that you are meant to live at least another 24 or more years before dying before your husband. However, you are in danger of dying much sooner than that-3 years of less from now- if you do not go outside more to connect with the outdoors and lose the weight. Regardless of what other well meaning people tell you- yes you are in great physical health but you are not going to lose weight by the best diet. Yes, moderation is important but your body was designed to lose the weight with a great amount of spending time outdoors and exercising. This means that you could still eat the healthiest food around but your body is not going to change if you don’t spend more time outside and walk at least 4-6 miles or more each day. Alternately, you could still eat what is considered junk food, but still lose weight as long as your drink at least 120 ounces of water each day, eat whatever food you choose in moderation, and spend time outside at least one hour each day while walking at least 4-6 miles per day. Please heed this even if you have to dramatically cut back on your time on the internet, your time on the phone or television, as well as even if you have to sleep 5-6 hours instead of 7-8 hours. Yes, there are other people who have to sleep at least 7-8 hours per day, but you are not one of them. 4-6 hours is fine for you as long as you heed our recommendations of water, exercise, and spending time outside (you are actually powered by the outside which has to do with a past life that you had as a successful and wealthy sea-based merchant). Yes, you voluntarily agreed to die before you husband after you are both at least 60 or older. However, you did not sign up to make your husband a widow before you are both 40 years old. Sometimes people return to heaven sooner than what their soul contracts called for and you are in danger of dying well before your original soul contract and making your husband a widower too early due to what I just showed you in the photo. I and your team of 35 other spirit helpers, your late adoptive mother, and two people who were your parents in a earth based life from 100,000 years ago send you much love to heed this advice and succeed in getting down to your ideal body weight.
2nd photo; Lycrah pictured with 8 people surrounding her-You Lycrah are improving each day and know what you have to do to professionally grow. This photo represents the number of advisors who are going to become a part of your life. As you already know, even some of the world’s wealthiest, influential, and/or popular people are surrounded at least 3-9 or more advisors/coaches in their life depending on their fame and/or situation. For even some of the most famous and influential people their team may be a therapist, personal life coach, career coach, psychic, astrologer, church mentor, fitness mentor,and/or other type of mentors life coaches. The 8  advisors pictured with you in your self-portrait represent your future therapist, psychic, career coach, life coach, 1 spiritual mentors from church, career mentor, and your fitness coach. First and foremost get a therapist who is tasked to advise men and women who are working on feeling self-confident enough/smart enough. The real you is cheerful, happy over 90 percent of the time and capable of accomplishing much more than what you realize. In other words you are actually smarter and more powerful than what you have allowed yourself to believe regardless of what is reflected in your external reality. You understand that medications help other people psychologically and you are correct to refuse them for yourself because they would not address the root problem of you needing to actually be more self-confident and believe in your intellectual ability-due to the fact that it is common knowledge that many employment decisions are made by how intellectually intelligent, emotionally intelligent, and self-confident a person comes across in a job interview. I advise you to go back to the people you were seeing 4-5 years ago who were willing to see you without health insurance for therapy and help you on a sliding scale basis financially speaking. I understand you are nervous about being taped and watched for your session but this would actually do you some good and the people guided to help you would actually have suggestions and/or be able to refer you to the people that would help you heal not feeling smart enough and self-confident enough in order to transform the issue to feeling adequate enough intellectually and emotional intelligence enough as well as feeling self-confident enough. Additionally, commit to at least a monthly and/or bimonthly program that is going to help you strengthen your speaking/communication skills regardless of your initial money concerns about getting transportation to such events. The money situation is going to eventually be worked out for this have faith.
3rd photo showing Lycrah’s astrological sign and reading horoscopes;  You are correct to look at various online horoscopes, especially the national and global ones for ideas on improving yourself and manifesting your ideal reality. However, avoid looking at your local newspaper horoscope as gospel to follow.  If you feel that you must look at the local newspaper horoscopes only concentrate on the horoscopes that are positive, yes even if they are from other signs. The reason being-your higher self is manifesting a reality for you that is hidden by most people on this earth with the exception of a few psychics who knew you while they were alive but have passed on and changing your reality and what can be predicted in your life is going to be more influenced by the daily intuitive guidance you follow. Just 3-4 months ago, most psychics and astrologers could pretty much tell what was going to happen in your life by just looking at your photo online. However, for spiritual protection reasons, and to mitigate any negative karma between you and your professional enemies/rivals and to transmute such dark/heavy energy into celestial fuel for heavenly/benevolent purposes we have hidden what is going to happen in your future beyond the next 23 hours to most people on the earth with the exception of a handful of psychics/occultists you have to meet in the future whose identity must be kept hidden for spiritual protection reasons. You are allowed to still talk to any psychic advisors in your life who you already know but you must understand that they could only help you towards shaping your future but not predict it ahead of time past 23 hours. As of 48 hours ago, I and 16 members of your spiritual team were forced to keep your future hidden from most people who would have been able to easily see your future just 2 days ago but as an answer to your prayers to see more pieces of your path to follow in life we were able to use that request as a loophole to block others from easily seeing your future beyond 24 hours. For your spiritual protection and even that of your professional and personal rivals/critics I must avoid disclosing further reasons why I did this. However, what I’m allowed to tell you is that your biggest strength is your originality and do not concern yourself with whether what you are writing and/or discussing is mentioned by millions of others. Understand that, as one of your spiritual advisors stated, you may be doing something, sharing something, and/or writing about else that maybe 4 supporters and 4 rivals are doing simultaneously. However, what matters more for your lifepath, even if 200-300 people or more are also covering, sharing it, and/or discussing it it, is that you are shining a perspective on it through your soul energy for your army/team of supporters who are helped, uplifted, and/or inspired by what you yourself share-which brings me to my next piece of advice.
4th photo-Lycrah sees 4 photos of herself wearing her natural dark brown hair down to her waist. One photo has her wearing her dark brown hair down to the length of her waist with her own hair and it is chemically relaxed but only once a year. The second photo has Lycrah wearing still her own hair down to the length of her waist in the dark brown curly but it hasn’t been relaxed in over 15 years. The 3rd photo has Lycrah wearing a dark brown hair color wig that cascades past her waist that is in a straight hair style. The 4th photo shows Lycrah wearing a dark brown hair color wig that is also down to the length of her waist in spiral ringlets akin to type 3A hair. The Assistant explains to Lycrah-Lycrah regardless of if 200-300 million people have already shared it please understand that there is nothing wrong with you sharing your intent to keep your natural dark brown hair color because your spirit team knows that you understand that beauty can be found in all hair colors (brown, blonde, red), in all skin complexions as well as all hair types and hair lengths. As you know you are very fortunate to have a husband that does not care about what hair length you sport and what hair type you sport (curly or straight). I shared the four photos with you to also demonstrate that you must not allow others to shame you into preferring to wear your hair long. The fact of the matter is that many spirits in heaven do not care or judge a person  and/or regard a person highly by if they are wearing their hair straight, curly, long, short, and/or in a wig and/or if it is colored. However, I did show you the picture to help you understand that you are actually being true to your soul by preferring to wear your hair long and in your natural dark brown color. Additionally, I also showed the photos to help you understand that it does not matter whether you wear your hair long with your natural hair or as a long hair wig.  Tragically, there are many people alive on earth who enjoy shaming other people for wanting to wear long haired wigs and/or extensions but the truth of the matter is that wearing a wig is just another way for a person to style themselves and nothing more. However, I’m personally proud of you for understanding that there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to wear their hair long and that it does not matter if the person wears their hair long whether in a wig or long hair with their own hair, just as there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to wear their hair short whether it is colored, naturally curly and/or straight. Understand that some people who try to shame you and/or judge you for preferring to wear your hair long and/or chemically relaxed are only projecting their feelings and/or baggage on to you and you are correct for ignoring, disregarding, and/or deleting any e-mails and/or messages that try to shame you for doing so.  
5th photo-Lycrah sees photos of herself in Virginia,California,Maryland, the District of Columbia,Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany,and other parts of Europe. I, the Assistant to your main spirit guide, sharing both photos of Virginia and California to help you understand that this is one area where you want to avoid wavering on when it comes to your lifepath/destiny. You are the type of soul that can adjust to many types of jobs but you are happiest when you are living in an area that you like and/or prefer to live as more than just a visitor. You have two areas narrowed down and avoid wavering from those because you are actually following your soul’s guidance by narrowing it to those three. For some people it does not matter where they live because that is part of their soul’s contract. However, for you it actually matters as part of your soul contract in terms of where you live-so please follow your guidance on this regardless of what some of your most well-meaning family members and/or friends say-which brings me to my next point.
6th  photo of Lycrah’s late adoptive mother-Part of your lifepurpose that you wrote in your soul’s life contract was for you to be a financial provider in your life even if you are married-and yes even though you now know that you are going to transition to the afterlife before your husband. Your late adoptive mother actually has been authorized to help connect you to spirits in heaven as well as people on earth that can help make that happen, which is why she sometimes actually shows up in your dreams. Yes, she is also helping and connecting with other family members as you intuitively guessed. However, she has sometimes popped up in your dreams and sent you signs to let you know that she still wants to be there for you to help you fulfill the financial provider part of your lifepurpose but you have ask for her help at least twice a week. Yes, she is also busy with some fulfilling work, relationships, and friendships in heaven. However, she also wants to help you fulfill your career and financial potential as well as helping you continue to stay living independently through connecting you with celestial spirits in heaven who could help as well as having a stronger reception with the messages she is trying to send you through your intuition and higher self to get you back in track in your career and professional life. She also applauds you for doing the necessary inner and spiritual work for forgiving your biological mother. Your late adoptive mother says this is important because there may be times that your late biological mother may step in to transmit you vital guidance on her behalf when your late adoptive mother is attending to other family members and/or her relationships and/or fulfilling work in the heavenly realm that she is currently residing in.
7th photos of Lycrah and her husband driving a Mazda3 car, living in their own paid for house, and having a 3 year financial necessity fund-Dearest Lycrah, I As you may call me Assistant have been authorized by one of your main spirit guides to let you know that within 8-11 months from now or sooner you are going to finally obtain a job that allows you to build up your savings account and repay your student loans. Rule number 1; Yes, I know that you have heard of other people working two jobs to build up their savings account but this is the time to avoid comparing yourself to other people as some of the financial advisors and experts say. Instead concentrate on just that one job that you get to be the best you can and pick up whatever extra hours you are authorized. You are going to be faced with whether to apply any extra money towards paying extra on student loans, building your savings account, saving for retirement, and saving for further education. Other people are going to judge you for this but I’m speaking in concert with your intuition to tell you; Go ahead and continue to pay just the minimum on your student loans when you receive extra money and funnel any extra money (80 percent of the extra money) towards building a 2 year emergency fund/essential financial expenses fund, remaining 10 percent for your continued education, 5 percent for wants, and 5 percent for retirement. The reason being; any unexpected job change making cause a person such as yourself to sometimes take at least 6 months to regain another job not because there is something wrong with you, regardless of what some articles have you believe, but because you must face facts that you are always going to be prejudged on your looks even when you are finally 110 pounds again (yes you are going to reach that milestone but I must hide when this is going to happen). Anyhow, due to you the reality of what I just told you, it is more important for you to funnel any extra money towards a one year financial necessities fund, no less than 6 months regardless of what your critics think for you only continuing to pay the minimum on your student loans and holding down just one job.  Your pursuit of getting a second job actually contributed to you being forced out of your last job because one of the hiring managers at the second job you applied to actually told on you to one of the newer managers at your previous job. The newer manager mistook your pursuit of a second job for your lack of loyalty because he thought that you were planning on leaving the job for the one where the hiring manager told on you (it was because the hiring manager also mistakenly thought you were looking to leave your current job and didn’t understand you were just trying for a second job). Anyhow, I know that some well-meaning experts say conduct a discreet and undercover job search and for most people they are actually correct. However, I must bluntly tell you that there is never going to be such a thing as an undercover job search that you yourself do because you are always going to understandably catch the attention online of whatever supervisor and/or manager at what job you are at because you are conscientious and dedicated to your job. This is why I want you to disregard what others think of you by just holding one job and not doing another job search unless you are actually moving out of the area (after you put in your notice that you are relocating) and/or if you are actually laid off, fired, and/or forced out.  I know that this is not what you want to hear but please know that I’m only giving you this advice to help you for your next job. Once, you have at least 6 months saved, as one of your financial advisors and book author Dain Heer shared- you are actually going to be a magnet to more money and greater opportunities once you have at least 6 months or more saved-which brings me to my next piece of advice for you as appointed spokesperson from your celestial spirit team and higher self. Heeding this advice I just gave you is going to help you become a stronger financial magnet to the paid off home, paid off car, and 3 year financial necessity fund that you seek because at the one year mark you are going to become a stronger financial magnet to both greater prosperity but having the privilege of having a paid off home near an area that you have been wanting to live for quite some time (at least 2-3 years).
8th photo of Lycrah obtaining her bachelor’s degree related to her chosen career field-Yes Lycrah I know that you already have one bachelor’s degree but you must strive to do what it takes to go back to school to get another degree but this time directly related to what you want to do. Due to your situation, you are going to have to find a way to do this online and start over again at a community college. However, keep your educational pursuits lowkey for now but go with the timeline you have set for yourself to do so. Additionally, in order to allow you to work full-time at your next job that you get, only take one class at a time regardless of the temptation to take more. Yes, this means that you are probably going to take about 4-6 years to get your 2nd associates degree and around 10-12 to get both your 2nd bachelor’s degree and then your first Master’s degree. However, this path of you working full-time as you get your second bachelor’s degree is going to help you obtain money for your Master’s degree and help you repay your student loans faster. Watch how some of your friends and/or acquaintances both online and offline pursue their degrees (whether Master’s and/or undergraduate) to help you understand what you must to do in the pursuit of your 2nd bachelors degree and ultimately your first Master’s
9th photo showing Lycrah holding a flashcard titled government benefits and another photo of her sitting inside a church-Please know Lycrah that things are going to get better in all areas of your life for you as well as new opportunities manifesting in your life. However, there is a timeline of this happening that I’m not allowed yet to divulge to you. As a result, I’m proud of you and your husband for not taking on any new debt for almost 3 years know and refraining from taking on even any new student debt for almost a year come 4 weeks from now. However, I know that you have prided yourself on you and your husband for not needing any foodstamps and housing assistance (except temporarily for 2 months over 2 years ago). However, please reconsider applying for foodstamps for the time being until you make an income of at least 1200 dollars or more after taxes. Your resourcefulness in making the food you are able to legally obtain for you and your husband last on your financial resources is admirable. However, there are key nutritional elements that would actually help you lose weight ever quicker than the weight you are already losing if you allow yourself to temporarily get foodstamps until you can obtain a job that would give you at least 32-40 hours or more each week. Yes, there are going to be even some people close to you who judge you for doing so, but please rest assured that you requiring foodstamps for you and your husband is only going to be for 6 months or less during the rest of your whole current lifetime. I want to tell you when you are going to finally have your next job that gives you at least 32-40 hours per week but it is not my place to do so, but know this you are overcoming the darkest period in your life that is the dusk before dawn. If you only knew how much better the rest of your current life for you and your husband is going to be including the bright future for both of you looming you would sleep much better than the 3-4 hours you have been getting and be able to easily sleep 4-6 hours instead of 3-4 hours. With that said, find a church that you can eventually go to regardless of how much money that you have. Yes, I understand that you are scared and concerned about going to a church where you will feel accepted even though you do stick out wherever you go no matter how hard you try to fit in (please also quit trying to hard to fit in and accept the uniqueness and weirdness that make up your personality). Please know that you can even find a church that follows a traditional religion who would accept you even with your new age and occult beliefs. However, you must pray and ask for heavenly help to find the right church that is  walking distance from you and that you can stick with even when money for public transportation ceases to become a factor, which it is going to within a year or less of this message. Eventually you are going to have enough money and time to go to 2 churches a week as well as help out at both of them. However, you must find at least one church-within walking distance of you because being around positive people with a high amount of faith is actually going to be a beneficial teaching lesson for you as well as raise your own spiritual vibration. The way to be able to go to a church and to minimize the karma of going to a church where many members believe differently from you is to obviously show you are there to learn and eventually contribute as well as using your intuitive judgement with public situations that would try to get you to take sides on traditional religion versus current political issues. However, please know that I can’t stress enough how much you must put your fears of being judged aside and go to a church even if the way you act and believe is different from how many of the other members believe. I want to explain more on why you must do this but time is running out on this session for me to do so but I implore to heed this guidance within 10 days of this message. No this does not have to happen this Sunday, but take this Sunday to do your research on places close by you within walking distance that would allow you to walk to church free of concern on how you would pay for public transportation until you get your next job that pays at least 1200 dollars or more after taxes.
10th photo montage/collage showing Lycrah coloring books, drawing, writing, and writing songs under a ghost name for some of her favorite musicians/music groups-Yes, this photo shows some of the techniques that I want you to utilize both to strengthen and harness the uniqueness and creativity that already exists inside of you and to awaken and increase the magic of a very powerful imagination that holds more power than what you are currently aware but I promise you that the more you allow yourself to listen to music, color books, draw, as well as write the more you are going to realize and see this power within yourself reflected in certain ways not just for your benefit but for the benefit of those who surround you. What I’m allowed to say is that your current lifetime is actually helping you to train to be a spirit guide and to be a high priestess in an important occult circle after the end of your current lifetime on earth (yes you are going to train to be a spirit guide and a high priestess in your upcoming afterlife). This is also one of the reasons why I want you to do the coloring books, drawing, writing stories/scripts/comic books, and writing songs under a pen name with little regard for whether this results in public judgement, ridicule, fame, or obscurity. I want to tell you more but time is running out on this session and I must ask you to look away at these photos and look up at me but please know that I am going to meet you again and also send my wishes of well-being to your sweet husband. With that the Assistant gives Lycrah a hug to help her anchor the memory of the other two books that she must add to the other three books-for a total of six. Before Lycrah woke up from the bedroom alarm clock and an affectionate nudging from her husband and as the Assistant hugged her he told her to keep three of the 6 books a secret but told her to share the following  titles;
Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success Paperback – October 2, 2012
by Napoleon Hill  (Author), Sharon L. Lechter CPA (Editor), Michael Bernard Beckwith (Afterword), Mark Victor Hansen(Foreword)

Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real ProsperityPaperback – June 1, 2008
by Sandra Anne Taylor  (Author), Sharon A. Klingler (Author), Candace B. Pert (Foreword)

Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records: Taking Your Life from Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary Paperback – February 3, 2015

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