Saturday, May 14, 2016

Learning To Experience Heaven On Earth Part One Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Learning To Experience Heaven On Earth Part One Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Astrala enjoys listening to music and writing her novels as she scans ideas on how to make her writing stronger for both increasing her creativity and creating stories that shine truly from her heart but are still readable as well. She runs a nice hot bubble bath to continue to listen to music and relax. Astrala goes ahead and listens to the online website that is set to her personalized station. Less than three seconds later, the song Devil Inside by Inxs comes on for the beginning of the song.
Astrala likes to think to herself that she is actually a good person whose shadowy side sometimes emerges only when she is trying to protect herself in professional situations and/or when she is flexing her emotional strength. This is due to professional/career situations Astrala remembers where things could have turned out differently had she been more assertive and/or self-confident. 

Astrala shampoos her hair and then starts to run some conditioner through her hair in the bubble bath as the next succession of songs come on through her personalized radio station.  She thinks of the fun party she was at earlier where she was asked to help cater the party and the party host modeled her theme after the music video of  Let Me Blow Your Mind by Eve feat. Gwen Stefani. As soon as she throws the towel around her to reach for some clothes in her closet to put on a female that is a similar physical description down to her hair type hands her some clothes to put on. This female is the exact replica of Astrala except thinner. Who Are You Astrala Asks? The mysterious person smiles back and states I’m your double sent to you from your future to let you know what you are capable of having and just call me Astrala’s future but I have one command for you. What is That Astrala Asks? Astrala’s double replies “I have more instructions to share with you but you must only share your future details and stories on your blogs”. Reading Astrala’s thoughts, Astrala’s double explains what I’m about to share with you are very sensitive details that belong on your blogs but not on facebook for spiritual, personal, and karmic reasons. However, more will be revealed to you 48 hours from now. Astrala’s double then explains “Astrala this concludes our meeting for right now until at least 48 hours or more from now but before I’m gone look to your left and please know I have benevolent intent as I’m your double from your future approved to visit you via your higher self. After this reassurance, Astrala does as she is told and looks to the left which is her bed, on the bed reads a message on her notebook that states the 14 books that you have selected to use before adding more in the timeline you need to publicly keep secret are ideas in alignment with your intuition and higher self. You must keep the other 12 books secret for now and only publicly share them after the timeline given to you via your intuition, higher self, and divine/celestial spiritual team. However, publicly share the following 2 books and cd;
Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real ProsperityPaperback – June 1, 2008
by Sandra Anne Taylor  (Author), Sharon A. Klingler (Author), Candace B. Pert (Foreword)

Adventures in the Afterlife Paperback – June 16, 2013
by William Buhlman  (Author)

Destination: Higher Self! Audio CD – April 1, 2015
by Monroe Products (Author), William Buhlman  (Author)

Even if you only have time to utilize 1-3 of the principles in this book please do so for your own well-being because they not only help with your spiritual and emotional strength but they also help you strengthen your connection to your higher self/soul each time.

Before Astrala got the chance to turn around and ask more questions, her future double was gone. Astrala’s loving husband went to go check on her because he made her some hot cocoa with a Peppermint and a Girl Scout thin mint creamer. He went into the bathroom to wake her up out of concern as to how she is doing. The song Heaven Is A Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle is playing on Astrala’s personalized radio station as her husband wakes her. As Astrala’s husband handed her the hot cocoa in the tub, she realized that she met her future double in a dream. Astrala realized it was a good thing that the bubble bath she had drawn was at a water level that made it safe for her to fall asleep without it endangering her life.

To Be Continued

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