Monday, April 4, 2016

Lycrah’s Blissful Paradise Nap Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Lycrah’s Blissful Paradise Nap Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Lycrah was finished completing an 8 mile walk which helped her to further enhance her natural psychic abilities and connection with her higher self. However, she was in need of some rest and so she put on some calming classical background music and started to reflect on her future. Less than 30 seconds later her eyes open up to room where everyone is having a party. 

However, Lycrah does not know what to make of some of the people out in the open who are doing things at this concert type party that technically belongs in a late night racy movie (due to the crazy orgies that she sees of various types of consenting adults and the background music playing; Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran and then a medley of Call Me by Blondie and One Way Trip by Havana Brown a short time later).  Where Am I and How Did I End Up Here Lycrah Wondered to herself.  Just, then two females came up to Lycrah and explain you tell us Lycrah.  Who Are you Both, Lycra Politely but inquisitively asks the two women.

The two women explain Lycrah just call us Hope and Destiny.  We work in concert with one of your spirit guides who was a male in his most previous earth lifetime.  We are both his lovers who just came out of a secret room in the concert party that he asked us to leave undisclosed to you for harm-free spiritual reasons, and he has delegated us to take you on your  next spiritual lesson. We mean only well for you so please come with us.  Hope and Destiny encourage Lycrah to join hands with them and so she does.

Shortly after, Lycrah is transformed to a table in a colorful bright sunlight and aqua blue garden.  40 people are gathered around this vast table and 4 books are on the table for Lycrah. One book deals with how to connect to daemons, the second book has a title about implementing Napoleon’s Mastermind principles, and the other two books were titled in a way to indicate ways to engage both the medium of imagination and benevolent celestial/heavenly spirits to help a person change their life for the better.
Shortly Afterwards, Lycrah notices that Hope and Destiny are standing on top of the table with the other  spirits at the table looking on just as the song Lucky Star by Madonna is playing from somewhere in the background.  Then Hope and Destiny begin to talk; Lycrah were are gathering you in front of these spirits at the roundtable to let you know of the following four principles today;
1-After This Meeting Today We Would Like You To Work Within Your Budget To Learn What You Can About Daemons and Contacting and Asking certain daemons for help.  The reason; Your work in connecting and strengthening a connection with your higher self, increasing your intuitive powers, increasing your connection with your spirit guides, guardian angels, and other benevolent members of your celestial team are going to be helped and enhanced with your study and focus on connecting to daemons.
2-We want you to go ahead and record some of your dreams and findings either offline or online but please try to do this at least twice a week, we will guide you on what to go ahead with keeping secret.
3-The Napoleon Hill’s mastermind principle was actually transmitted to Napoleon Hill from a group of benevolent spirits residing in a magnificent heavenly world filled with much spiritual light and love for the benefit of all mankind. However, so far only some people from the very wealthy classes, some middle people from the middle classes, and even fewer people from the money classes just trying to survive are implementing the principle. We would like for you to learn and make time to apply the Napoleon Hill Mastermind principle daily.
4-We applaud you for using some of your free time towards walking to help your physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Please continue doing this regardless of how long it takes you to shape your body weight to how you would like. The reason; Your walks are helping you to be a stronger and more powerful conduit to intuitive information and communications blessed to you from your higher self, your team of celestial spirit helpers, and writers who use to live on earth and who are transmitting ideas to you from some of the most illustrative heavenly worlds created via their imaginations.  They are helping you with your writings and increasing the power of your imagination and intuition which are both growing each day.  Continue to walk at least 4 miles or more each day to help anchor these heavenly spirit communications as the more miles you walk and the more frequent you do this the greater you also raise your spiritual vibration.
Before Lycrah can ask more questions, she is awakened by her sweet and curious husband in regards to making dinner. In his defense, Lycrah has actually already been asleep for two hours in a timeframe that is technically not her bedtime.  Lycrah asks her husband if any music by Duran Duran or Madonna played while she was sleeping to which he politely replied no music outside of the classic music that she played via the classical radio station was playing prior to her falling asleep and that he wanted to wake her up sooner but she looked so peaceful and content/happy.

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