Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Take Me On The Floor Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Disclaimer; I must once again emphasize that my writing of the freestyle stories and the articles I share are done with competition free intent. Rather, these activities are done to help provide a safe and creative outlet for my spirit and to help me be the most creative and imagination person I am more than capable of being. Additionally, what I write in my stories is independent from the fact that I feel blessed with my current job and my husband who stands by me through both challenging and good times. I understand that I already stated these things yesterday in longer detail, yet something in me influenced me to emphasize it at least one more time. I am truthfully unsure if he sees my googleplus, but mu intuition  is guiding me to also credit one of my encouraging/supportive online friends (Holger Hildebrand) for giving me the idea to post one of the Daily Meal articles and two of the weight loss stories I found this week into today’s freestyle story.
I successfully tie up loose ends and get closer than ever to an important goal.
I have powerful resources in my arsenal to transform some of what is impossible to possible.
I reach a major milestone and make the right choices.
I get immersed in endeavors that help me grow both mentally and strengthen me physically. I am in the process of rising to the top in all areas of my life.
The Divine Plan of my life is unfolding perfectly.
I am a lucid dreamer.
My third eye is opening.
I am open to receive all the gifts the universe has to give me.
I believe in myself and my path.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
I love and appreciate people for who they are. I have positive thoughts of others.
My future holds joy and promise.
Songs I Used in Today’s Story
Take Me On The Floor by the Veronicas
State of My Head by Shinedown
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
Stranger in a Strange Land by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Available on youtube, and fortunately I have this song from one of the cds I am fortunate to have titled Trance Voices-The New Chapter Vol. 1 (that I admit to have purchased from Amazon Germany on March 14, 2011)
Close Your Eyes by Novaspace
From an playlist I created especially because iheartradio does not always play these songs even with the iheart all access subscription I have with them (one of the reasons why I intend to keep my amazon music subscription as well), anyhow,the title of this Amazon playlist I must keep secret for now
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Ecstasy by ATB
Fix Me by Velvet
Style by Taylor Swift
My Passion by Kris McTwain
Medicine by Kim Leoni
Holy Virgin by Groove Coverage

Take Me On The Floor Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Inspired by the song Take Me On The Floor by The Veronicas

               Martin Foster is a researcher at a weight loss company in Switzerland that specializes in weight loss for people who are looking to lose at least 30 pounds or more. Martin Foster’s company caters both to people who have been overweight all their life and people who were naturally skinny the first 20-30 years of their life and then gained weight and now want to regain their trimmer body despite the odds that they know they must overcome not so much for their skeptics but more for themselves.  Anyhow, one of Martin Foster’s latest clients is named Roxanne Johnston.
               Roxanne Johnston is 24 years old and is a lookalike of the female singer in the online video of Close Your Eyes by Novaspace. Roxanne Johnston lives in Zurich Switzerland and has fortunately a close relationship with both of her parents who are just 16 years older than her. Roxanne’s parents Catherine and Roland fortunately have overcome the odds stacked against them for marrying so young at just the age of 16 for her mom and 17 for her dad (a  month before Roxanne was born)and with minimal support from their families. For years, both Roxanne’s parents worked as school meal supervisors and have fortunately been promoted through various grade and middle schools in Switzerland. Roxanne’s mother looks and dresses like Taylor Swift did for her music videos Style and Wildest Dreams. Meanwhile, Roxanne’s father looks like Jared Ledo from Thirty Seconds to Mars and he was even inspired to become a songwriter after hearing the Stranger in a Strange Land song by Thirty Seconds to Mars.
               Roxanne also feels compelled to lose the weight because she works around very attractive and self-confident coworkers who made her realize that she needs to try harder to get skinnier even 6 months after followed her parents to their new business (more on that later in the story). Anyhow, Roxanne fortunately is able to keep in touch with three of the coworkers. One coworker resembles the lead singer of Velvet who sang the Fix Me song, another coworker who is now a publicist for musicians looks like Kim Leoni who sang the Medicine song. The third coworker of Roxanne is a mother who has had four children but you definitely would not know it unless she told you because she resembles one of the women who seduced a rich playboy in the song Holy Virgin by Groove Coverage.
               Roxanne decides to get some sleep for the next day before her scheduled appointment with Martin Foster (who resembles the lead singer Brent Smith of Shinedown in the video for State of My Head). Roxanne has an interesting dream where she meets Madonna for a fan after concert party and gets to even meet all of her children including her newly adopted twin daughters Esther and Stella. For whatever reason, she also dreams that she goes to her bank and discovers that a long lost relative gifts her with a writing workshop in Nashville, a temporary makeup academy, and is gifted with a trip to Napa Valley in scenes that looked similar to a Robb Report magazine she was looking at while waiting for her groceries to be scanned at one of the grocery stores near where she lived.
               What Roxanne sees next gets crazier and makes her cheeks blush red upon awakening. Roxanne falls through some type of rainbow on a mountain seeing her astral double in some type of adults only club that would make even some viewers of the popular Fifty Shades of Grey series blush (things couples only do in privacy behind closed doors that are best left off this post). Roxanne blushes even further when some man who she has not yet met in her earth life tries to reach out to her as she lands on the ground at the end of the rainbow as he smiles and says you are going to see me again in the future. However, even after waking up five minutes later, Roxanne intuitively understands that she must keep the physical description of the man a secret from even the most well-meaning and kindest psychic who would ask her even with the fact that she has not yet met this person.
               After Roxanne wakes up, she realizes that she has an appointment to see Martin Foster in just 6 hours but she is scheduled to help her parents set up their Sandwich business that is just a five minute walk from the house that she lives in right next door to them (their money investments as school meal supervisors paid off to where they were able to gift her with a paid off house at the age of 23). Roxanne’s mom Catherine has been scouring various articles online for help in ensuring that the new sandwich business is a success (which it has been so far for the 6 months it has stayed open). Additionally, both Catherine and Roland (Roxanne’s parents) decide to take ideas for their sandwich business from the Good To Go sandwich place of Zurich Switzerland and from a U.S. based article via msn-The Best Sandwich of Every State. Both Catherine and Roland even have life coaches who are also psychics who have passed along some articles that have helped in their sandwich business idea while keeping their school meal supervisor jobs regarding financial habits of successful entrepreneurs from Entrepreneur magazine and an article about whether or not to work with coworkers in an Inc. article.
               An hour later, Roxanne has helped her parents Catherine and Roland with the sandwich making of their new business and is excused to go speak to a psychic named Erin Webb who is a recent transplant to Switzerland from the Washington D.C. area. During the phone session, Erin Webb helps Roxanne understand that her dreams are showing her some potential on what can take place if the does at least two goals that she has been waiting too long to do due to waiting for more ideal circumstances. Of course, Erin Webb gives the 24 year old Roxanne much more information that she has to avoid disclosing outside of her reading. 
               Roxanne realizes that she has been putting off writing her book until more ideal circumstances and a trip to the Monroe Institute in Virginia that she has been wanting to do for at least two and a half years but something always came up that allowed her to make excuses on putting off just these two goals alone not to mention other secret dreams. Towards the end of the session Erin Webb emails Roxanne some articles for weight loss encouragement such as the stories of two women who were able to transform their bodies with just walking and a more careful diet.
               Before meeting up with Martin Foster, Roxanne gets to work on at least five pages of her novels using some online article ideas that Webb gave her. Roxanne looks at two different articles from Entrepreneur magazine that give her ideas on coming up with more ideas for her book. Roxanne also looks at an msn article on airport lounges on different ideas to look into for the type of airports to zoom up on when she visits the U.S. Last, but not least, Roxanne looks at a Business Insider article on the best places in the U.S. to live not to relocate from Switzerland (especially from her fantastic parents), only to maybe look at ideas for where to visit in the United States for the summertime either before or after she visits the Monroe Institute.
               Roxanne goes later to see Martin Foster who is able to personalize a meal and supplement plan to help Roxanne reach her weight loss goals in a timely manner. Foster also gave Roxanne an article to give to her parents, which was a Daily Meal article of the Most Powerful People in Food (both for Roxanne for her story ideas and for her parents for business ideas as Foster is also friend of the family). To be on the safe side, Roxanne aimed to achieve her weight loss goals in the span of 9 months. However, Roxanne was fortunately surprised when she was able to achieve fit into her size 2 clothes less than four months after she committed to a meal and supplement plan. Additionally, she was able to get her book completed and published nine months later and she was pleasantly surprised how quickly it was selling on even with the fact that it was not published under her real name but a pen name to disguise her identity Last but not least, Roxanne was able to visit the Monroe institute 10 months after she made a decision on when she was going to aim to do it regardless of at first getting through the initial how. Roxanne was even able to take her parents Roland and Catherine along with her because of the large financial windfall that came after her book was successfully published.
Inspired by the song Take Me On The Floor by The Veronicas

Resources Used for the Story
The best sandwich from every state

The Airport Lounge Scene: What You Get and How to Get In


I admit this story catches my attention because I am a Madonna fan and I am American born but I grew up in a trans-racial adopted family (my late adoptive mother was Caucasian with French and Cherokee Indian ancestry).

Madonna Adopts Orphaned 4-Year-Old Twin Sisters from Malawi

As mentioned yesterday in a msn article that I shared on Madonna's recent adoption, the story catches my attention both because I am a Madonna fan and because I too grew up in a trans-racial family as my late adoptive mother was Caucasian. However, I admit that I did not know until less than 15 minutes ago, the names of the twins that Madonna adopted (their names are listed to be Stella and Esther).
PICTURED: Madonna’s beautiful new twin daughters Stella and Esther cuddle up to Lourdes six months BEFORE star adopted them in Malawi

Read more: 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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Good to Go Sandwich shop based out of Zurich Switzerland

You've just watched America’s 50 Most Powerful People in Food for 2017 slideshow

Monroe Institute link in Faber Virginia

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