Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Somebody Told Me Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Affirmations For The Day
I can experience almost anything I choose to
I come into a situation that provides me with an outlet that is beyond my wildest imagination, and it can serve me well right away.
What I have to offer is far more valuable than I realize
I have unlimited options to choose from in all areas of my life for both present and future
My life has themes of both exploration and adventure.
I put my creativity to the test for good each day.
My creativity and intuition expand more each day.

Preface; I must make it clear that I acknowledge and feel blessed for all of the people who visit my blogs and look at my writings online. However, I must make it clear that I am not preaching on how anyone must live. Additionally, I am not trying to compete with anyone in my personal or work like. I write these freestyle stories and post links online with a compete-free mindset and as a way to often constructively and creatively channel unconventional andor controversial emotions andor thoughts coursing through my spirit/soul.  Last, but not least, I must make it clear that my husband and I intend to stay married to each other for the rest of our current lifetimes regardless of whether we ever do a long distance marriage or not. My plans on where I would aim to purchase a home for my husband and I are separate from my intent to be a better wife for my husband and a stronger financial provider for our marriage. This also includes my intent to improve myself and have a thinner body. I am fortunate that my husband sees the beauty in me even when I weighed at my heaviest (I was once around 217 pounds but now I am fortunately in the 180s with an intent to get much skinnier). My determination to get thinner is separate from the fact that he fortunately treats me as a queen and more to do with me doing what I legally have to do to get back to a similar bodyweight that I had when I first met my husband. Last, but not least, I acknowledge responsibility in any gossip that I may have brought upon myself by opening up my mouth about my confession in regards to missing military life. However, I must make it clear that my missing military life,temptation to rejoin the military once I reach a certain goal weight, and if andor when I would relocate have little to do with my current job at University of Maryland College Park, little to do with even my previous job at Walmart, and even less to do with my husband Rusty Ridler who means the world to me. I do not know how often andor if my husband, my mother in law, andor other family members look at my googleplus blogs. However, I felt it necessary to set the record straight that my goals around my weight loss, my military life nostalgia, my long-term residence dilemma have little to do with my husband and my current job (which I happen to appreciate having despite my at times zany behavior). For instance, a recent conversation with a family member I trust made me wonder what other people who do not even know me but know of me outside of my apartment are thinking.  A family member I trust was naturally concerned that my letting go of a number of books had to do with my marriage and possibly other areas. My letting go of extra items in my apartment truthfully has little to do with my marriage and more to do with my weight loss goals and other certain goals I need to keep to myself for now. I am tempted to say more but I must refrain from doing so out of concern of giving too much power to certain rumors. However, I must repeat that my writings and what I post online are posted with competition free intent and are in no way meant to preach to anyone. Rather, my writings and what I post online are just a more healthy and constructive way for me to channel my sensual, unconventional, and creative spirit in a less controversial manner to the general public. Additionally, some of my short and long-term goals that I shared in my last freestyle story Weight Loss Outcome are independent from the fact that my husband and I intend to stay married to each other for the rest of our lives and have little to do with my current job which I would prefer to stay employed at during my time of residing in the Washington D.C. area. The goals I mentioned the other day have actually been harboring in my mind since early 2013. However, I have finally taken successful action on at least one of the goals (weight loss) since late 2016 after realizing that I am subconsciously committing a slow suicide to myself by not trying hard enough to get skinnier.  Additionally, as a mixed race woman with an eccentric personality (no matter how hard I have tried to blend andor fit in my immediate environments), I have realized that my success in getting back down to my goal weight is going to indirectly affect me both personally and professionally (career wise, schoolwise) for the rest of my life whether I accept this truth or not and regardless of how others judge my weight loss efforts (even I know as a woman who respects other women and men that many men can get away with carrying some extra weight in their career lives but for a woman especially a woman of my personality not so much). Last, but not least, I also acknowledge that my writings and behavior have been more shocking  as of lately andor probably give fuel for the many people looking at my writings room to gossip (both critics and maybe even some well-meaning andor concerned supporters). However, I confess that part of my crazy and shocking behavior has stemmed from me feeling different and changed after recently picking up (less than two months ago)that there has been outside influence that I sense from at least one other person andor other people coming into the dreams of both not just myself but my amazing husband Rusty Ridler as well (a woman such as myself prefers to keep secrets on how I have logically and intuitively figured this out). The positives; I have been able to parlay this situation into creative fuel for some of my freestyle stories. The caveat; this dream realization coupled with my awareness that I may have to reincarnate back on earth in a future lifetime has caused me to go after what I want with more gusto while also realizing that I am attracting judgement from others on how they feel I should act. However, this new realization of me having to potentially reincarnate back on earth in a future lifetime has made me more determined to live my life to the fullest even if it means I make some controversial andor unconventional moves to do so. Additionally, I am proud to have been adopted around the age of 11-13 years old. However, I accept and know that I am far from the golden sheep in my family and my long-term plans involving where I live, career take that into account especially with the fact that I have to accept the eventual reality that other people face of living without both of their parents (my adoptive father is fortunately still alive at 78 years old but the truth is that he is fighting for his life/battling cancer and might not see the year 2020 much less 2019, a fact that work to keep to myself on facebook to not anger andor hurt my family members who look at andor read my facebook posts, my adoptive mother already passed in 2002).

Somebody Told Me Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Inspired by the song Somebody Told Me by the Killers
               Bert Cooper is driving around in his Smart Fortwo model car while listening to the Somebody Told Me Song by the Killers. Eerily Enough, this song is sometimes somewhat a reality for him because he actually receives a lot of intuitive insights from his late wife Carla Jackson. Bert has to keep many of his insights a secret andor discreet because he knows that a lot of people would think that he is crazy if he shares how he went from being owing quite a bit on his student loans to debt-free, almost being a millionaire (his current networth is $880,000 dollars), and owning both his home in Beverly Hills California and a car outright in the span of just a year. Bert Cooper and his wife Carla Jackson met when she was 19 and he was 20.
               Bert Cooper is currently 47 years old and wishes that he was able to share his newfound wealth with his late wife. Carla Jackson died just two years earlier when they both owed on their student loans but she managed to save up enough money to buy a cheap home for them mortgage free on the east coast. Bert Cooper stood by her throughout their numerous career and financial setbacks but things mysteriously turned a positive corner when Carla Jackson got a job as a postal delivery worker in Arlington Virginia. Carla Jackson was frequently gifted with intuitive dreams to benefit both her and her husband and by the age of 37 she was gifted at even turning around the crazy things coming into her dreams from both supporters and rivals as well as intuitively seeing the hidden financial andor spiritual gold  whenever supporters andor critics came into her husband’s dreams. Anyhow, after a career setback, Carla had a dream involving her working at a post office labeled North Virginia and for whatever reason seeing a house parked right near a building that said Navy Exchange servicing the needs of Old Dominion.  Less than 48 hours later, Carla got a job as a postal delivery worker in Arlington, Virginia and immediately went to work saving up for a house that she found online and intuitively acted on a whim to purchase. The only caveat is that Carla had to coordinate with her employer to give her enough time to drive from Norfolk Virginia where she bought the house to drive up to Arlington, Virginia (which fortunately they did).
During this time, Bert Cooper was staying with a magician friend in Bethesda Maryland and he was looking into going to nursing school in Virginia for the sake of eventually joining his wife Carla. Carla Jackson won a contest that involved her being able to attend an Oscars Nominee luncheon event in California. Carla did not expect to win it as she entered the contest for fun around the time she enrolled in an online hybrid writing/screenwriting class just for fun. Bert Cooper and Carla Jackson even coordinated their travel plans to include Disneyland. Tragically, Carla Jackson was on her way to visiting Bert Cooper in Bethesda Maryland on the metro train when it unexpectedly derailed and killed her and 3 others on it.
After she died, one of the first places that Carla Jackson visited was the Akashic Records library where she discovered that her short and unexpected death was actually from accomplishing what her soul set out to do earlier than expected. However, Carla Jackson chose a difficult life in order to train to be one of the most psychic and highly intelligent people existing in one of her future lifetimes. Training was to begin a week after her arrival in her new home in heaven. However, part of Carla’s work in bringing her intuition to a more advanced level involved helping her husband Bert Cooper with his financial needs. To do this, she had to train with certain members of her spirit ally team and go to one of the schools in the afterlife realm that specialize in intuition and imagination power training.
From a library setting, Carla was able to transmit to her husband Bert ideas for a story to write in at least two hours of his free time (which brought him to Beverly Hills). She was also allowed to give information on five companies that are due to expand in the future which allowed Bert Cooper to act on the information to invest and pay off the rest of his student loans sooner than expected. The cheap 40,000 dollar house that Carla Jackson bought for her and her husband appreciated to $120,000 dollars in the span of just 3 years. As a result, Bert Cooper was able to parlay this appreciation to getting extra income to temporarily rent the home  while he was temporarily away to California.
Bert Cooper loved his wife Carla Jackson dearly but was sometimes naturally skeptical of her studying up on expanding her intuition and other new age books and joked with her about marrying a crazy woman who he still loved dearly. However, he became more of a believer after the intuitive dream she had involving her purchasing the paid for home and upon her death when her psychic abilities increased over tenfold. One of Carla Jackson’s spirit guides explained to her that her intuition increased even more after her death and not while she was alive more for karmic reasons. Carla’s main spirit guide and her main spirit ally team were happy at the progress she was making in expanding her intuition and they wanted to help her expand it along quicker. However, progress was controlled not to punish her but more to keep Carla Jackson from giving in to temptation to take revenge at those who wronged her in her personal andor professional life when she encountered setbacks. Carla Jackson unintentionally carried heavy karma from a previous lifetime where she used her gifted intuitive, imagination power, and intellectual abilities towards revenge for those who did her wrong. Carla Jackson ended up having to repay that karma in the next life (which she had just left after dying) by allowing her intuition to expand but more at a gradual level than her previous lifetime and her imagination power and intellectual abilities were still there but would be dialed down to where they would only more rapidly expand when she tapped into her intuition on putting herself in the external environment and professional situation that she was meant to be in (which was why Carla Jackson died less than five years after intuitively finding the right livelihood and environment for her as well as finally expanding her imaginative and intellectual abilities even further as an aspiring writer). The day of her sudden death, Carla Jackson was joyfully listening to Steps by Pop Evil, Magic by Robin Thicke, Waiting For A Girl Like You by Journey,  and My Best Friend by Tim McGraw while she was in the shower. The Steps and Magic songs reminded her of the spiritual power she was finally able to access after so many attempts made in the previous years and she was finally able to tap into that spiritual power for what she correctly guessed were karmic reasons. The My Best Friend song and Waiting For a Girl Like you reminded Carla Jackson of the strong spiritual and romantic bond that her and her husband Bert Cooper share.
Speaking of past lives, intuition, and aspiring writers, Bert Cooper was also invited to an event at Santa Monica college where 25 psychics were gathering and giving talks on different subjects ranging from creativity in writing to past lives. One of the psychics was even going to deejay one of the catering events/dinners that was going to be held to provide dinner to the attendees. Bert Cooper was invited to one of the events as a book that Carla Jackson was trying to get published while she was still alive finally got approved for publication just 11 days after her death. A psychic that was an understanding supporter of Carla’s outlandish behavior saw a manuscript for her book that caught the attention of her twin girls who happened to be 11 years old and were born less than one hour apart from each other. Bert had to go to the psychic gathering in order to provide information on how Carla was when she was still alive in order to understand the writing rituals she went about doing while she was alive and juggling a full-time job. This interview had to be done as soon as possible as Carla’s book was also going to be made into a movie due to be released a year from now.
Bert Cooper gets inside the building to find the psychic that he is meant to see and to understand Carla’s inner world better to see what helped her intuitive abilities blossom. Something guides him to check out various rooms first, which he is allowed to do since the unlimited guess past was sent to him through the mail. Anyhow, Bert Cooper peeks through one room and sees that a person listed as one of the most powerful people in food through the media is giving a talk on how imagination power ties into weight loss. Two of the women who lost weight through walking and a more careful diet are featured.
Bert Cooper then peaks through another room where a speaker is using images of cars that he remembers being used in the media through the links car and driver mentioning top cars of 2017 to purchase. The psychic in that room is explaining how to harness the connection between picture images and intuition for greater manifestation. However, what Bert Cooper peeks through the next room really gets his attention going.
The room has a wide audience of various people looking and listening to a psychic husband and wife team named Kirsten and Marcus Paterson. The audience looks to be a wide range of over 70-80 people of single people, married people, heterosexual couples, LGBT couples etc. The first couple that Bert Cooper notices is two women with blonde hair who resemble actress/celebrity Kristen Stewart and Victoria’s secret model Stella Maxwell. Another couple resembles singer Michael Buble and Luisana Lopilato. A third couple resembles singer Flo Rida of the song Right Round and what looks to be the man’s wife who resembles celebrity/singer Ellie Goulding.
The psychic husband and wife team Kirsten and Marcus Paterson are reading up on the life purpose charts of the couple who resemble Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell. They explain the both women are more powerful imagination wise and intuition wise than they may realize. Marcus admits that they are not sure yet which of the women had a scandalous and yet super interesting past life. What they do share is that one of the women was a talented sorceress and psychic in a past lifetime in the mid 1900s in what is now Australia who was so eager to reincarnate back on earth to where she only spent 10 years in the afterlife realms when her karma earned her the right to where she could have waited at long as 2000 years before reincarnating back on earth. This woman was a sorceress known for her charisma and was blessed with the good looks and a physical appearance similar to the Veronica sisters who are known for the songs Take Me to the Floor, Untouched, 4ever, Popular etc.
Anyhow, the woman’s named was Veronica and she was a powerful psychic and intuitive in a past lifetime had the time to practice and hone her abilities because both her parents were very wealthy and she was a golden sheep of the family. She even married an excellent man who treated her with much kindness. However, both her and her husband spent a considerable time despite loving each other so much for financial reasons after her parents died. As a result, both the woman in this past lifetime and the husband turned to other people but their marriage managed to stay intact. Veronica unexpectedly met her death one day when she tried to pursue someone outside of her husband who did not seem to be interested in her and so she used her intuitive abilities to attract another man who would interest her just as much andor even more.
Veronica thought nothing of this until a month later when the man who seemed to reject her unexpectedly showed up at her house door only minutes after her and the other lover she attracted after the rejection were intimate. The sorceress expressed remorse at not realizing that maybe he liked her more than she had initially thought but patiently explained that she was too tired to do anything at this point and time without rubbing it in too much what she got finished doing. She closed the door and wished this other man well thinking that would be the end of it and she did not lock the door as this was in a good upper income/wealthy neighborhood in mid 1900s Australia.
Much to her surprise, the man named Colin who previously rejected her did not want to harm her but he felt so strongly about her that he ran up to the steps rapidly and wanting to follow her into her bedroom as he correctly sensed that the other lover named Evan had already left the house. Veronica politely asked Colin to leave and truly wished him well to find another woman. For whatever reason, Colin was hoping that the feelings that Veronica had for him less than two months earlier could reignite. Veronica was flattered by Colin’s interest but she explained that she is too tired to do anything with Colin even if she wanted to because Evan wore her out and she needed some rest. Veronica opened the door to her bedroom  and was about to shut it hoping that Colin would get the hint and go. However, Colin did not and grabbed Veronica’s arm with such force that she slammed against the wall and fell down the steps before Colin could grab her. Veronica unintentionally died from this fall because part of her abdomen landed on the shattered wine bottle that her lover Even left on the middle stairwell before Veronica and him started making out against the steps. The vision for the psychic and wife team closed after Marcus saw the scene where Colin was in tears after unintentionally/accidently killing Veronica and a horrified Evan came into the house to see what happened to Veronica.  Veronica did not know it but Evan planned on coming back to the house ready for another round of private time with Veronica but he temporarily left her house to check in with his sugar mama (Colin was in his 40s and his sugar mama was a wealthy older widowed woman in her 50s who owned a bar just two blocks away that she inherited from her businessman husband after he unexpectedly died in a car crash).
Marcus told The lookalike Stella Maxwell and Kristen Steward couple that the purpose of him and his wife Kirsten sharing the vision was not to shame them but to instead illustrate that both of their intuitive instincts are  more powerful than they realize and that sometimes who they tap into as kindred spirits intuitively the first time are more correct than not but that sometimes who they perceive to reject them are not rejecting at least one of them at all but rather testing to see if they can be emotionally strong even if they get differently from what they initially wanted.
Bert Cooper is shocked by this and proceeds to go into the next room where a conglomerate of Santa Monica college food service workers and catering workers from the other are setting up a grand dinner and tables for both the psychics and the attendees. One of the catering workers come up to Bert Cooper and tells him even without him having to ask I recognize you and I know who is looking for you as the following controversial song starts to play in the background (Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots), along with a less controversial song but still expressive Carryout by Timbaland feat. Justin Timberlake.The catering employee explains to Bert Cooper that there is a reason why this shocking song is playing that is going to be explained by the music deejay within the next five minutes. As one of the catering workers shows Bert Cooper to the psychic asking for him he sees a neon screen of the other songs and artists that the deejay is going to feature andor some of the musicians andor groups are schedule to perform live (the who of the people showing up in person versus who is to musically deejay is kept a surprise for a good reason until the end). The music list reads as follows as the combo of people featured in the music deejay lineup andor who are set to perform live;

 Magic by Robin Thicke
Footsteps by Pop Evil
Under The Influence by Elle King
No One Like You by Scorpion
Sure Shot by Beastie Boys
Somebody Told Me by The Killers
My Best Friend by Tim McGraw
Shakin by Eddie Money
No One Like You by Scorpions
Take Me To The Floor by the Veronicas
Right Round by Flo Rida
Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding
Carryout by Timbaland by Timbaland feat. Justin Timberlake
Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots
The Possum Kingdom by The Toadies

Possum Kingdom Toadies song

Website Resources
Michael Bublé's wife Luisana Lopilato 'returning to work on Argentina film set'... following news that 'brave' son Noah, 3, is 'progressing well' during treatment for liver cancer

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4199126/Michael-Bubl-s-wife-returning-work-Argentina.html#ixzz4Y0EDSy73 
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How this mom lost almost 80 pounds without surgery or joining a gym
Coloma woman shares secret to weight-loss success: 'I walk every day - no excuses'

America’s 50 Most Powerful People in Food for 2017 slideshow

Smart Fortwo car

How to Act Self-Confident

Kristen Stewart takes 'girlfriend' Stella Maxwell on a shopping spree in New York

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4198462/Kristen-Stewart-takes-Stella-Maxwell-shopping-spree.html#ixzz4Y0oaojXJ 
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I used the idea of the late departed wife being the husband’s spirit guide in reverse form from the book Love Ever After; How My Husband Became My Spirit Guide by Joy Mitchell Lisker I also used the idea that changes are forced upon us if we avoid making the changes ourselves-please know that I am definitely not preaching, rather I am just saving this statement as a reminder to myself why I have to eventually make changes that I feel hesitant to make even as small as letting go of extra items in my apartment that are challenging for me to part with. Additionally, it is also because I have picked up on the truth of changes being forced upon me if I myself avoid making the changes I need to make the challenging way in my past.

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