Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Call To The Soul Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

 I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Two affirmations For Today
I am a healer through my words, thoughts, and deeds.
I create what I want easily and effortlessly.
I remember my dreams. They show me answers and solutions.
I will to will the Will of God.
A Call to the Soul Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Maria Moss is a road sweeper near American University in the Washington D.C. area. She has two mixed race six year old twin kids who she unintentionally adopted after a loved one unexpectedly passed away. She is a very plain looking woman with naturally pin straight reddish brown hair down to her waist, brown eyes, porcelain white colored skin. However, what Maria Moss makes up for in attractive.  Her husband Brent Moss is an Idris Elba lookalike who is part African American/Black American and Chinese and works as a Chef at a military base in Prince George’s County. Occassionally, Maria and Brent have gotten weird looks from other people of different races because many narrow-minded people have found it hard to believe that Brent would genuinely love Maria because of him being considered much more attractive than his wife as well as the brain trust in their marriage. They live in a nice 3 bedroom apartment in a neighborhood in the Washington D.C. area (just two miles from American University)that is very accepting of mixed race couples regardless of the race combination.
Maria Moss is concerned because she has been at her current job for 18 months but she is still a temporary worker. She makes a decent living from her job, but is unsure if she is going to be allowed to stay at her current job within 3-4 months from now. Even more complicated, is the fact that Maria owes much on her student loans from her attempts at college to become a nurse and is having a knot in her stomach at the reality of having to tell her student loan providers that she is going to have to temporarily take a rain check on paying the minimum of her student loans due to the fact that she has to find out first if she is going to get to stay at her current job at least a little while longer (at least until the end of the current year) in a few months. Maria Moss is watching Dora the Explorer with her adopted twin children when the mailman knocks on her door. An anonymous person from Maria Moss’s new age church has gifted her with a certificate to go to the Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach Virginia. Maria is unsure whether to ask Brent to watch the kids for the weekend so that she can go to the Edgar Cayce Institute. Then Maria realizes from looking at the pamphlet she received that Karen Noe is scheduled to be there. Maria takes this as a spiritual omen that maybe she ought to consider going because she had purchased one of Karen Noe’s books in the past. Even better, her husband Brent was a little guilty of hovering over Maria to see what she was looking at but he reassured her, Maria I have off next weekend plus there is a new movie that I want to take the kids to see,so it is fine for me to watch the kids while you go on the weekend trip to the Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach Virginia that was gifted to you. Both Maria and Brent Moss wonder who from their new age church might have gave this gift. Maria Moss is also pleasantly surprised to see that this anonymous person has gifted her with a one hour telephone reading of an author whose writing she highly trusts and sees as a good person. Maria and Brent figures that both the gift of the Virginia Beach Virginia trip and the one hour phone reading is going to help answer her questions about her professional/career future as well as other questions for her and Brent.
Some websites used from the story
There Is No Death: Our Everlasting Soul Journey from Life to Afterlife and Beyond
Annual Reincarnation and Soul Life Conference

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