Monday, November 7, 2016

300 Creative Ideas Freestyle Part Two; Persistence Story by Stella Carrier

The one I'm guided to use daily from now on daily for the rest of my current lifetime on this earth and all of my blog post writings from now on:

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

300 Creative Ideas Freestyle Part Two Story by Stella Carrier

Some Songs of inspiration for today;
Feel Good by the Gorillaz
Team by Iggy Azalea
Point of No Return by Expose

               There are so many things for Izrail and Radueriel to do tomorrow. Izrail plans on voting in the American Presidential Election before her work tomorrow and she decides to take just a half hour to relax with one of her favorite books. Izrail decides to look at one of the places that she intends to purchase a completely paid for house for her and her husband Radueriel which is the Insider’s Guide  to Hampton Roads: Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Newport News by Anthony Germanotta. Izrail opens the book to page 165 regarding the Norfolk Admirals hockey team that is listed to obviously be based out of Norfolk, Virginia and Old Dominion University (also based out of Norfolk Virginia but listed under College Sports). She imagines the large crowds that probably visit both of these games.

Less than thirty seconds after Izrail starts imagining what it would be like to attend the games, she thinks about asking Raduriel if he would like to entertain the possibility of them attending one of the games together when they live in the Norfolk, Virginia area. The only catch would also be deciding which colleges and sports to choose from because page 166 also lists Norfolk State University, Virginia Wesleyan College, Hampton University, and Christopher Newport University in Newport News Virginia. Suddenly, Izrail hears part of the song Feel Good by the Gorillaz and the start of the song Team by Iggy Azalea. She notices that she is in a stadium with thousands of other people and cheering on what looks to be a college basketball team as she looks around to see if her husband Raduriel is nearby.
            However, once Izrail turns around, she notices that she is in front of an outside area filled with two suns and life size replicas of the Old Dominion University building structures in Norfolk Virginia similar to the ones pictured on the website; and the University of Maryland College Park buildings in College Park Maryland pictured on the website; Before Izrail starts to look around for a mentor andor a spirit to talk to she notices some painting easels in front of her on the grass. The first painting easel shows a painted picture of Izrail, Raduriel, and Raduriel’s family members and reads; Understand that Raduriel’s family means well and is only trying to help you both and acknowledge that you care for his family members as you do your own family. Izrail realizes that she does see the good even in the events where one of her husband’s family members attempt to influence them on where to live. The next painting easel shows three images, the first image is of a paid for house the Izrail and Raduriel are going to completely own paid for with cash in Virginia, the second image shows them being able to live in Virginia but still travel in the Washington D.C. area, and the third image shows harmony between Izrail, Raduriel, and Raduriel’s family members through a future photo taken at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg Virginia; the caption reads your dreams on where you live are important because they are rooted in the combination of intuition and logic which are necessary components for your earth lifetime. Follow your ideas on where you would like to live regardless of the judgement you may face from well-meaning critics and even if they question if your dreams matter andor are important.  Take your time on this yet also remember the practical advice to give your current employer at least three weeks notice with maybe even a four week notice depending on when you decide to take action.  Your dreams do matter and are important, especially as it pertains to your writing and where you want to live regardless of whether you are recognized for such endeavors during your current lifetime. The area that you are focusing on relocating by the year 2020 is going to become more popular to reside in because both middle class and upper class people are flocking to that area. However, trust that you are capable of more than you know and realize that your intuitive guidance is correct. The reason for this reminder is because there are an abundance of houses in this area that total to a maximum of 30 months of your projected income which is an important formula to keep in mind for your future travels to this realm. Speaking of travels, start keeping an offline travel diary of at least two to three pages of your real life and imagined travels. Utilize this advice in conjunction with drawing and art towards your manifestation goals. Before Izrail could ask to see someone the song Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by Sting comes on the radio. Izrail’s husband Raduriel gently wakes her up and it turns out that she fell asleep after she had put the Hampton Road areas book down to meditate. Izrail does not hesitate to get up because she has a great job that has helped her manifest at least over a 20 percent financial income since the previous year and she wants to get some grocery shopping and voting in before the beginning of her work shift later in the day. Izrail saw a Virginian Pilot article on Hillary Clinton having a significant chance to win as studied by political analysts at Old Dominion University from the following Virginian Pilot article.

Stakes rise, and so do bets, as Election Day nears by Elisha Sauers

 my public comment on the Virginian Pilot election article

                Regardless of the judgement I may face for posting this, obviously as a Hillary Clinton supporter this Virginian Pilot article caught my attention. I intend to vote by the afternoon tomorrow before my work shift. Please know that I’m grateful for my job and I’m definitely not complaining especially since I’m blessed to be making at least over twenty percent more in money this year compared to last year.  However, I’m excited for this historical election because my husband and I are voting for the same person. Additionally, my birthday happens to be tomorrow which gives the added distinction of my birthday falling on a significant day (culturally speaking for the U.S. as well as politically).


  1. i99bet
    Too good information that you shared.

  2. ฟิลเลอร์เป็นอย่างไร


    ว่า เดอร์มอล ฟิลเลอร์ เป็น

    สารไฮยารูโรนิก แอใกล้

    หรือ HA เป็นสารที่รับประกัน


    แล้ว เป็นสารสกัดธรรมชาติ


    ของคลอลาเจน มีองค์ประกอบ


    ทางเคมี ซึ่งมีอยู่แล้วในเซลล์ผิว มีความปลอดภัยสูงฉีดฟิลเลอร์
