Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Revenge Is not Her Middle Name But Getting Even Karma Free is Her Game Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

It was a cold autumn morning and Gaia was listening to some music to calm her nerves.  Less than an hour previously, she was laid off from her job at the knickknack box.  Her boss named Soldier gave justification for why she was being laid off, along with another worker named Redwood present.  The truth was that Gaia knew that she was being let go because Soldier considered her too physically ugly and came from a culture different from his own. However, Soldier shrewdly gave another legal reason that was  just a smokescreen cover. 
The truth was that Gaia previously saw warnings when a majority of the workers and managers from other cultures  and upbringings different from the dominant workplace cultures either quit or transferred.  Gaia was there among the longest of many of the workers and was close to touching increased prosperity. However, she noticed that after one of the strict but fair upper leaders named Unity quit, then Redwood took Unity’s place but was a lot more psychopathic and bullyish.  Gaia witnessed Redwood seducing a boyfriend named Baccardi away from another former coworker named Queen.  Additionally, she watched as Redwood would romantically string Baccardi along at work while also flirting and dating Soldier and Nacho.  Gaia knew that her days were probably numbered when she caught Nacho meeting in private with one of the female subordinates and Soldier expressed hostility towards her  after looking at her appearance and being uncomfortable with the way she talked compared to everyone else at work. Soldier expressed hostility towards her no matter what she did. 
Gaia psychically sensed that Soldier and Nacho were trying to make her quit and push her out partially because sales at the KnickKnack were going down due to less than stellar customer service reports and not enough inventory and variety of items being available or the customers.  Gaia tried to speak up to the managers and explain how too many items of one product was being ordered while not enough items for other products were not being replenished in time. However, Gaia’s pleas fell on deaf ears an the blame was placed  more on the lower paid workers by claiming that they need to stock Knickknack better.  Gaia knew that this was a smokescreen because she noticed too many times, especially after helping customers from the general public, that either enough items were not being ordered for particular products and/or sometimes too much of an item was ordered which she could even see at her employment level was indirectly affecting KnickKnack’s Financial bottomline.
                Besides Gaia understood that she was also being set up because it had taken place right before she was scheduled to go home.  Three days before, Gaia overheard Redwood telling an ally that she was going to go ahead and transfer out of KnickKnack to another location on a particular day and she then got strangely silent when she noticed that Gaia was within earshot.  Redwood enjoyed popularity with both the upper leadership and other workers because of her perceived attractiveness and aggressive nature.  Redwood was also free to gossip about even the managers freely after Unity, one of the other managers quit. For instance, Redwood made fun of the way Nacho talked to other coworkers and Gaia would always wonder why she was so free to be very casual with many of the male coworkers. Gaia later find out that Redwood and Nacho were having an affair but Redwood also had her sights set on Soldier. Soldier seemed to mutually like her back which is why he gave license as much power as Unity had, except, unlike Unity, Redwood  was a mean bully who  liked to push out other females that she perceived a threat, even if they did nothing to offend or disrespect her.
Gaia later find out that part of the reason Nacho and Soldier felt free to bully her and to try to drive her to quit was that they got word from upper level manager Android to cut the Knickknack workforce before Christmas however necessary.  Android was devoid of much compassion and human emotion especially since he was the replacement for previous store manager Aspirin (who Gaia heard was unfairly fired).
Anyhow, Redwood yielded much power and influence with Nacho and Soldier so she was free to do what she wanted at work with an abundance of power. As a result, she was also safe to be promoted and/or transfer without worrying about her job because Nacho, Soldier, Android and the some of the other managers at the Knickknack hung out after work.
Soldier, Nacho, and Android figured out that Gaia was not going to easily quit her job especially because, unbeknown to them, she actually had more drive, ambition, and determination that what she was given credit for.  Both Soldier and Nacho did not like how Gaia learned to be content at Knickknack even with her knowing that they felt justified in bullying her because of her physical appearance and the accent she used when talking.  As a result, Soldier and Nacho purposely came up with other smokescreen reasons to target her.
On the day of being laid off, Redwood already knew-since at least 3-4 days prior- that her boyfriend Soldier was going to lay off Gaia. One would think that Redwood would leave Gaia alone knowing that her life was going to be turned upside down enough. However, Redwood decided to be even more psychopathic than Soldier by bullying Gaia and purposely humiliating her (with one of Redwood’s Allies present who she also hung out with after work) just because she could.  However, Soldier topped Redwood off in the department of being psychopathic by laying off Gaia while admitting that he let other workers stay on and being evasive and only providing general and bare information when Gaia tried to ask what she could have done to prevent being laid off. Soldier was in a hurry to lay Gaia off from KnickKnack because Soldier and Redwood had a secret romantic rendezvous planned once Gaia was out of their sight. Gaia knew this because of the way that Redwood acted when she stayed back in the office after the layoff.  Without their knowledge, Gaia peered back in the office after Soldier thought she left and witnessed Soldier and Redwood talking romantically and arranging the details of their secret romantic date.  Much to Gaia’s surprise she found herself feeling a twinge of sympathy for Redwood’s other lover named Nacho but felt it unnecessary to warn Nacho about what she psychically sees is going to happen to him (because Nacho as well as Soldier and Redwood  ganged up on Gaia to do Android’s bidding to push Gaia out of KnickKnack).

On her way home, Gaia fortunately had great music to listen to to soothe her betrayal and feelings of getting stabbed in the back.  Fantastic songs that were playing on her phone on her walk home were songs such as Unleash the Dragon by Sisqo, Just Fine by Mary J Blige, Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia, and others such as Hayling by FC Kahuna.  Gaia broke the news to her awesome husband Loki. Fortunately, Loki comforted her, and much to Gaia’s surprise, the layoff has brought them closer together and further strengthened their close marriage.
Unexpectedly, less than two nights later, Gaia traveled to a celestial library in her dreams.  A man who referred to Gaia as one of her spirit guides admitted that he is taking Gaia through what is considered an Akashic library. Gaia asked why and her spirit Guides Gregory and Jesse explained that  Gaia will soon know the answer.  Both Jesse and Gregory go up to the celestial library’s entrance and asked the Lord of Records permission to grant them and Gaia access to the Askahic records.  One of the Lord of Records named Seth states permission granted and Gaia finds herself in front of her book of life within a beautifully lit and decorated library as well as Gaia’s book of life that is colored turquoise blue and gold.
Gaia’s spirit guides Gregory and Jesse explain that they are going to another part of the library to attend to another matter but that her higher self will alert them when it is time for them to leave the celestial library.  Less than 88 seconds later, Gaia’s higher self appears right next to her and asks Gaia why she thinks she is here. Gaia explains that she did not do such a great job sticking up for herself and being more assertive at KnickKnack and holding it all in did her no good since she was laid off from her job anyhow. Gaia’s higher self smiled because she was learning her karmic lessons and with that Gaia’s book of life opened.
The first part of the book showed an image of KnickKnick manager Android and Gaia. Both were prominent wizards with magical and psychic powers in a city within Atlantis and both were capable of traveling to worlds of light in their free time involving the heavenly worlds.  However, for whatever reason, Android did not like being the second most popular spiritual lightworker behind Gaia behind the most popular wizard and psychic to the royalty of Atlantis.  Android decided to drive Gaia out by making up a false rumor that she was using dark magic to make the queen sick so that she can marry the king. This was not true as Android was the one who was using dark magic against both the king and queen.  Despite the day of her banishment, Gaia tried to warn the King and Queen about Android but Android used his powers of psychic attack to discredit Gaia (partially due to Android’s jealousy of Gaia’s spiritual power).  They did not listen to Gaia and put her in an isolated room while they figured out how they were going to move Gaia out of Atlantis.  Less than 8 hours later, Android killed both the King and Queen by having their food poisoned.  Android then took the throne and eventually caused Gaia’s death by letting her starve to death via keeping her locked in the isolation room that the now deceased King and Queen put her in.
In another scene of Gaia’s book of life, from 1120 to 1132 AD,  she is a talented chef for the royal court in a region that is now part of modern day Switzerland.  She sees the characters in her lifetime, as a person now reads books and scripts in this day, and notices that both Soldier and her were handsome men working in the prestigious kitchen reserved for royalty.  Both receive attention from many of the affluent noblewomen.  Redwood is the Queen of the royal court, Nacho was her then son, and former KnickKnack manager Aspirin was the king.  Android was the king and Queen’s psychic. Former female manager Unity was one of the popular ladies in waiting known for both her heart of gold and beauty despite having a stern façade.  In defense of Soldier during that lifetime, he did mentor Gaia in the art of royalty cooking and helped teach her many of the cooking talents her knew. Together they were an unbeatable cooking team and were hired to cook for many of the royal celebrations and parties, as well as for other kingdoms. 
As mentioned before, both Soldier and Gaia were equally respected and successful in the Royal Kitchen as well as outside of it.  The trouble started When Gaia noticed that the Queen’s(Redwood) son(Nacho) was beginning to look more and more like Chef Soldier instead of King Aspirin. Gaia enjoyed her job as the royal chef but also yearned to take a temporary vacation to a prestigious school that was training people wanting to secretly learn the occult arts, write music, and write stories. However, the only catch is that this prestigious school in Switzerland was held in 30 day and 7 day sessions.  Soldier truthfully admitted that Gaia was going to have to wait at least 3 more years to go to the 30 day school and Gaia patiently did until Soldier pushed it back 3 more years. Gaia then offered to go to just the 7 day writing school in what was now modern day Switzerland.  Soldier turned that down as well which made Gaia frustrated especially since chef Soldier was taking Vacations with Queen Redwood and her son Nacho at least what was 30-40 days at a time.
Gaia secretly hid from others  during her lifetime as a royal chef in Switzerland that she had psychic abilities that only grow stronger the longer that she is alive because she was aware of the risk of being burned alive as a witch even as a popular and handsome man during that lifetime.  One day on Aspirin’s birthday, he caught Chef Soldier and Queen Redwood having sex under a tree as she gathered herbs for the King’s feast.  Gaia quietly heard them finish and overheard Redwood telling Soldier that he must let chef Gaia go.  Soldier tried to reason with Queen Redwood by explaining Gaia is a great assistant and could not understand why Redwood felt this way.  It turns out Queen Sophia found one of Chef Gaia’s diaries remarking her concerns about Nacho’s growing resemblance to Soldier.  Additionally, Queen Redwood did not like lady in waiting Unity, because Unity was a rival for King Aspirin’s affections. She almost successfully banished Unity from the royal court until Chef Gaia successfully lobbied for Unity to stay. 
Chef Gaia knew that Chef Soldier was on his way to do Queen Redwood’s bidding to let Chef Gaia go but Gaia wanted to put a stop to it because she did not  want to go back to being just a burden on the Swiss government, as she came from a loving but a very poor family.  Chef Gaia shrewdly got to King Aspirin in time to check if he was Nacho’s true father.  King Aspirin consulted in the royal psychic Android who confirmed that Soldier was in fact the father of Nacho and both Soldier and Queen Redwood were forced to admit their affair to King Aspirin. King Aspirin banished Queen Redwood from the court and Queen Redwood committed suicide by jumping off a mountain cliff less than  2-3 days later.  Chef Soldier was banished from the court as well  but later starved to death due to not being able to find employment again after the royal banishment. In that lifetime, Chef Gaia got to keep her job for a while and  enjoy continued success as a royal chef.  King Aspirin got married to lady in waiting Unity shortly after.  However, Nacho never forgot what happened between his mother Queen Redwood and his biological father chef Soldier. King Aspirin kept Nacho as his son after what happened but Nacho was old enough to remember because he was 8 years old when Queen Redwood committed suicide. As soon as King Aspirin died, Nacho fired Chef Gaia less than three weeks before one of Switerland’s coldest winters.  The majority of  friends and family who would have took in Chef Gaia without harsh treatment or judgement passed away.  Additionally, Nacho used his power to prevent anyone else from hiring Chef Gaia. Less than two weeks after being let go as a royal chef in the year 1132 Chef Gaia both starved and froze to death during that lifetime.
Gaia discovered that, as with that lifetime, her psychic abilities are growing stronger the older she gets but this time she is to use them for sticking up for herself because of her soul contract.  Yes, unlike previous lifetimes, she was not in danger of starving to death during her current lifetime due to her living in a time period where she can get food and housing help if she put her mind to it. However, after looking at the big she clairvoyantly picked up that being laid off from KnickKnack served as a soul lesson for her to stick up for herself and being forced to since she was going to have to fight for her financial benefits after being laid off.  This was not so much getting revenge but more learning to stand up for herself to help her learn to survive in the real world as she knew that what happened to her may affect her employment prospects for a while. Soldier and Redwood served as karmic lessons for Gaia’s soul lessons towards learning to be more assertive and speak up about workplace bullying through the circumstance of her having very little to lose and more to gain since Nacho, Soldier, and Redwood ganged  up (via workplace bullying) on Gaia by discriminating against her based on her physical appearance and accent and using their power to lay her off.  Gaia knew that she had to report to the proper authorities what happened instead of keeping silent. Gaia psychically knew that she was not going to get her job back regardless of the outcome of her speaking up.  A sense of determination came over Gaia to speak up anyway  despite the risks of being labeled a troublemaker. Additionally, a sense of increased self confidence and courage came over Gaia. Less than 78 seconds later, her spirit guides Greg and Jesse exclaimed to her that they are infusing her soul energy with the positive purple dragon energy that will assist her to speak up for herself and others more. They both did this by placing an etheric crown around her head.  Seconds later, Gaia’s alarm clock goes off and Unleash the Dragon by Sisqo happens to be playing on the alarm clock radio

Sources I feel Intuitively Guided To Share

The Akashic Records: What Are They & Do They Actually Exist?
November 19, 2015 by Arjun Walia33 comments.

Akashic Records—The Book of Life

How to Access the Akashic Records

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