Thursday, October 29, 2015

Creativity Rising by Stella Carrier

Creativity Rising

Books My Intuition Guided Me To Share For Inspiration In Relation to This Story
Hiring the Heavens; A Practical Guide to Developing Working Relationships With the Spirits of Creation by Jean Slatter

Secrets of Success; The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity by  Sandra Anne Taylor,  Sharon A. Klinger, Candace B. Pert

Intelligencia is an ambitious woman in the process of learning to control her destiny in a happier and more successful manner. She does not blame others for how her life has turned out and she is one step closer to creating a brighter future for herself. As a matter of fact, Intelligence has a dream where she is effortlessly making over 3,000 dollars a month after taxes and gets both many of her scripts and books published.
However, Intelligencia does enjoy writing regardless of how much she gets published because she knows that prior to incarnating on this earth she actually wrote it into her life contract to be her writer. During the night time, she travels to heaven and communicates with her spirit guides, guardian angels, higher self, and other benevolent spirit helpers in a round table discussion to garner ideas that are in alignment with the authenticity of her soul.  She has successfully turned the criticism of being true to yourself that others say into material for her stories. No, she does not go around telling others how to be true to themselves that is not her lane and she knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of that judgement when many time she has actually been expressing her true self (but unbeknown to her it was as the spirit of a budding writer/scriptwriter aiming to get out.

                Anyhow, during the day, Intelligencia is allowed to be more creative in her work while contributing brilliant insights for both herself in her work as a communications consultant.  The teams that she is assigned to frequently enjoy having her on their team because she has a natural  gift with  having the spirit golden midas touch with her assignments that enable her to professionally shine as well as her coworkers.  Lately, Intelligencia’s assignments have been getting more lucrative and she has even had a say in some of the people at her job getting certain plum assignments and/or winning  public relations/advertising campaigns with certain companies.   Her natural flair for attracting both public and global interest  with impeccable advertising/PR catchphrases evolved a step further after a recent trip to Los Angeles.
A local radio station where Intelligencia was living at was sponsoring an online and cell phone contest were you can win a free trip to be on the Mad Men TV series show and be in the studio audience.  She not only won the trip, but her place of employment gave her an additional bonus because it was increased exposure for their Public Relations type of company. Anyhow, she goes on the trip and has a great time with the people that she was allowed to bring as part of the ticket package.  She happens to be greeted by other Public Relations/Advertising/Marketing Reps who somehow found out about her through her facebook, iheartradio, and Pandora accounts.  Anyhow,  she ends up unexpectedly networking with some of these fellow professionals who invite her to an upcoming Public Relations conference.  The money required to attend the conference costs one weeks worth of her paychecks and she figures out how to legally come across the money.  The reason being; Intelligencia was grateful for the previous job that she had  even though her income was only 980 dollars after taxes  a month due to her tax rate being around 25 percent.  She is now making at least 2500 dollars after taxes even with the same 25 percent tax rate, but she has only been at her new PR job for two months and is finally making a dent in her student loan payments and emergency savings. She now avoids borrowing further money (no she does not judge anyone else for borrowing money whether it be for student loans, car loans, credit cards etc.).
 However, she actually had a dream where  a group of spirit guides made it clear that they were not allowed to tell her if she is going to live past 2040, but that they are at least allowed to confirm with her that her income is going to improve even as she gets older but that she is going to have to meet them halfway by listening to her intuition to avoid borrowing any more money for the rest of her current lifetime, especially for car loans and student loans).  Intelligencia has little problem abiding by the agreement that her heavenly spirit guides gently told her about that her intuition and higher self was trying to alert her too.  This is especially because she recently had to turn to a bowling alley invitation from a kind friend and another social engagement from another friend when she was still making 980 dollars a month after taxes in order to keep the money available for certain necessities until she was able to find a second job and/or higher paying job.  Anyhow, her spirit guides reassure that the opportunity is going to eventually be offered to her to go back to school without borrowing any further for student loans but that she is going to have to let go of the when and where (i.e. possibily opening herself up to attend writing/scriptwriting and/or communication related classes online at a university and/or community college that she has not previously attended). Miraculously, the money for Intelligencia to attend the Public Relations Practitioners’ conference comes from one of her jobs that she is allowed to do on the side when not at work.

At the heavenly, celestial meeting her spirit guides also make it clear that they have already set up agreements with some writers in the higher realms to help Intelligencia in her writing activities. The only catch is that Intelligencia is going to have to meet her celestial helpers halfway by agreeing to write a certain amount of times per week regardless of how other humans judge her and regardless of how much she admires some of the critics.  Intelligencia agrees to those terms and even gets to meet some of the non-physical and benevolent writers in the heavenly higher realms who have agreed to allow her to channel them when Intellgencia commences the writing.

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