Sunday, July 9, 2017

Happiness Awaits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I am in the process of becoming more cool,level-headed, and wise when it comes to how I conduct myself around my current work colleagues and future coworkers as I am now logically and intuitively aware that some of them may follow me to where I may reside within 7 years from now or less regardless if I am a private sector andor a government/military worker/employee.

I am in the process of developing the wise woman within and increasing my creativity.
My life is getting better and better each day.

Start time 12:58 pm
End goal time
Actual completion time; 132 pm

Happiness Awaits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

          40 year old Raymond Marsh and his wife 24 year old Lynda Marsh operate a food truck that is close by the naval shipyard that has aircraft carrier ships such as the John F. Kennedy. They are also able to supplement their money incomes because their two twins 4 year old Ava Marsh and Mandy Marsh make a lot of money from modeling. Lynda Marsh also is able to supplement her income from time to time as she has modeled for such music videos as Bad Man by Pitbull feat. Robin Thicke, Joe Perry, Travis Barker. Lynda Marsh happens to look like one of the starring actresses featured in the Murder She Bakes film who works as a Bakery Shop owner and tries to solve the murder of one of her close friends.Currently, Raymond Marsh and Lynda Marsh are turning a profit of over $40,000 dollars after taxes per month.

          Part of the reason why Raymond Marsh and his wife Lynda Marsh make so much money is because they are known across the shipyard for serving both delicious baked goods and foods inspired by Raymond Marsh’s previous work with Amazon and Lynda Marsh’s employment as a Disney Cast member. Additionally, the couple get a lot of repeat business from music DJ’s that have performed for various alternative and dance events in the area. Much to the shock of many people Raymond Marsh and his wife Lynda Marsh got permission to get even more profitable business by parking their food truck in front of a popular Virginia Beach Maryland mall at least one day out of the week.

          Lynda Marsh and Raymond Marsh celebrate their success in turning a tremendous profit on their food truck business by using the tickets gifted to them by a mutual friend to go see Armin Van Buuren. 44 year old Amy Jay intuitively got the idea to gift 2 concert tickets to see Armin Van Buuren to her friends Raymond and Lynda Marsh after she had a dream which featured the song Great Spirit by Armin Van Buuren  feat. Vini Vinci and the Highlight Tribe. They left the kids with her in order to have a babysitter while they go to the concert. After the concert, both Lynda and Raymond Marsh pick up the kids  from Amy Jay and retire to their 3 bedroom home in Newport News Virginia for the night. That night Lynda has a dream where she is at a convention and event that features various speakers affiliated with some of the richest women in the world and the Amazon company. Lynda asks one of the attendees who looks like a Batman lego cartoon figurine why she is at the attendance and he tells her don’t you know, over on that table is a book that you are going to write that is going to capture the interest of many people. Lynda looks at the table and notices that a Batman miniature figure in reenacting on this orange glass table an event where he is speaking with a Harley Quin figurine resembling Charlize Theron and embracing in a hug a miniature figurine resembling Talia Al Ghul who she intuitively senses has given birth to Damian Wayne. Harley Quin comes to ask help from both Batman and Talia Al Ghul despite their scandalous love history for one major reason; Harley Quinn was kidnapped by a ring leader who is trying to gather other beings with supernatural powers for their own interests that may or may not be for the congruent good for all. Anyone who resists or declines to join this group is murdered. Harley Quinn was kidnapped and almost murdered and was able to get away and seek shelter with her boyfriend the Joker. However, before she left she did warn the ringleader of the kidnapping that they do not realize what they got themselves into by trying to kidnap people against their will. The Batman cartoon figurine and Talia Al Ghul are seen talking to each other as Harley Quinn holds their baby Damian Wayne. Lynda Marsh tries to figure out how she can maybe spin this into a money making story when her daughters Ava and Mandy Marsh ask Lynda if she can reach up to the cabinet for them to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Lynda looks at her alarm clock to see that it is 507 am and that her two daughters actually did her a favor by acting as her human alarm clock as her and Raymond are actually scheduled to host a food truck on the Norfolk Naval Base as the USS Eisenhower pulls into port in less than five hours from now.

I also call upon the influence of the heaven higher planes of reality and the heaven/celestial influence of my heaven higher self, my heaven spirit ally team and my heaven higher self of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness to imbue with heaven’s wisdom and heaven’s spiritual/benevolent light as I type these letters/scripts for both present and future.

My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I Stella Carrier follow my intuition, logic, and bliss to include some of my goals and dreams in my law of attraction scripts
I give thanks that my life is getting better and even more blessed each day.
I give thanks for the multiple blessings in my life that I know are gifts from heaven; my great physical health, my amazing husband Rusty Ridler, the privilege of having been born an American female and getting to enjoy the multiple freedoms of such citizenship regardless of income fluctuations, the ability to follow and adhere to whatever spiritual beliefs that my heart desires etc.

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Great Spirit Song by Armin Van Buuren vs. Vini Vinci  feat. Highlight Tribe
Fever song by Cascada
Something Good 08 by Utah Saints
A storytelling dream that my husband told me about
A dream I had less than 12 hours ago where I was inside a shopping mall
This is your brain on Disneyland: A Disney addict's quest to discover why he loves the parks so much
walt disney map
Walt Disney's Original Disneyland Map Sells For $708,000 At Auction

These Are the 10 Richest Women in the World

Amazon Recruiting

Tompor: How Amazon Prime is selling deals, apps, memberships and more

Massive stern attached to John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier at Newport News shipyard

Murder She Baked film

Batman’s 20 Best Romances, Ranked


  1. Awesome list, thanks for making our life easier. Needless to say many are new to me.Thanks you.คาสิโนออนไลน์

  2. ร้อยไหม
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    คำตอบไม่ว่าจะเป็น ร้อยไหมหน้าเรียว เป็นวีไลน์แบบประเทศเกาหลี





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