Sunday, July 16, 2017

Future Pumpkin Love Soup Reimagined Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Start Time Writing Freestyle Story Started After assembling resources and outline points in story as well as main title and greeting
Start time by 1144 pm
End time 1219 am

Future Pumpkin Love Soup Reimagined Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Inspired by the mashup of the songs Pumpkin Soup by Kate Nash and Loveshack by B52

            It is the year 2118 and 55 year old Ruth Berrymore is finished with attending a creative writing class sponsored by the company of Amazon and University of Maryland College Park that is open to both students and the general public on how to write fiction set in the future. The classes are tailored a little different depending on if you are a student andor part of the general public. Less than five seconds later, Berrymore figures out that a sister from California Anita Mythic is calling her. Berrymore asks her sister if maybe they can talk tomorrow after she meets her and her husband Art for her modeling assignment. Mythic agrees but only on the condition that Berrymore invites her twin 38 year old kids along to see their aunt Anita Mythic. Berrymore promises to try as both of her kids Opal Quest and Fred Mythic are publicists to descendants of the musician Madonna. Tomorrow they are helping to set up a large two mile concert open to faculty, students and the general public that is a tribute both Madonna and Lady Gaga. Berrymore has even been asked to help set up the fashion event that is going to be near the main one mile concert hall on the University of Maryland campus and the hybrid theme park hotel that was open to the general public by the year 2100. This is because Berrymore, even in her 50s looks like Lady Gaga in the Bad Romance video  and her daughter Opal is both friends with one of Madonna’s descendants.

            The Creative Writing Class for Future Fiction Writing is popular with both students and the general public because over 90 percent of the men and women who have taken the class have reported great financial prosperity and fulfillment with volunteering after taking the class even for people who have controversial andor less than perfect employment histories. As a result, the waiting list to take this class is usually at least 2-3 months long. One of the 44 year old teachers named Lily Lawrence who has been teaching this course since the year 2108 is a lookalike of the singer Kate Nash of the Pumpkin Soup Song.  Lily Lawrence also makes part of her money catering for the three mile long College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland theme park that is connected by 4 different metro stations and owned by Amazon. The theme park that is pretty much on the University of Maryland College Park campus and is built into both Hyattsville and College Park Maryland is named Loveshack and has many of the rides and theater shows inside of the theme park modeled after the Loveshack song by the B52s.  Anyhow, Lily Lawrence works as a publicist for three of the hotels inside of this Loveshack theme park.

            Additionally, Lily Lawrence teaches a creative imagination manifestation class that is taught at one of the ten new age churches that were built into this area by the year 2095. Naturally, many men and women gossiped about urban planning in College Park Maryland Hyattsville Maryland that connected a three mile theme park from the theme of Loveshack and joined by two new universities, ten new age churches, and four hotels owned by Amazon that are museum, hotel, and mall hybrids. However, the criticism has been offset by the increased job opportunities it has brought to the area for both men and women of various ages by the year 2100. This was significant as bankruptcy was allowed for student loans by the year 2100 and the addition of the three mile theme park, four hotel, mall and museum hybrids pumped billions of dollars into College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland both because of the number of visitors that came both domestically and from around the globe. However, it was also because other cities and states across the United States started to study and duplicate the urban planning model of College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland.

The Hampton Roads Virginia area and West Virginia were actually two of the places that were the first to add their own public transportation hubs, theme parks, universities and mall/hotel/museum hybrids after seeing the models in the Washington D.C. area. An additional positive the churches and Amazon owned department stores are open to accommodate the extra business, jobs, and festivals and parties from the theme parks. As a result, Ruth Barrymore is at a 12 am manifestation class at a new age orange church that is being taught by Lily Lawrence in regards to how to use future fiction writing, map drawing, and music playlist connections in regards to money and career manifestations. At least 57 people signed up for this night class as there is going to be a concert music tribute in the backyard of the college after the class is over (yes at 230 am) that is expected to host various theme park employees and celebrities both across the globe and even from both California as well as the Washington D.C. area. One of Ruth Berrymore’s celebrity crushes from a military themed television show named Andre Holt, a lookalike and descendant of Eric Dane from the Last Ship tv show, is scheduled to be at the concert music tribute. Berrymore is excited because she bought special backstage tickets for a meet and greet in order to get his autograph. The concert tribute goes according to planned but Berrymore does not know what to do when Andre Holt offers her his autograph on the condition that ……

Resources and Affirmations

My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Writers Digest February 2017 page 35 Put Your Workday to Work

Kate Nash Pumpkin Soup
Love Shack by the B-52s

Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

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