Monday, July 17, 2017

Move Your Life Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier Inspired by the thrilling and fun song Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba

Start Time Writing Freestyle Story Started After assembling resources and outline points in story as well as main title and greeting
Start time by 1102 am
End time 1207 pm

Move Your Life Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Inspired by the thrilling and fun song Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba

The year is now 2230 in the city of Washington D.C.. Tacha Fehis has just got down teaching a class pertaining to late 1900s and 2000s music with the subject of the artist Iggy Pop being covered and his Lust For Life song. Tacha Felis works as a college instructor less than a half mile  from the White House titled Creative Writing and Theme Park Employee University. Tacha Felis grew up in a United States that had theme parks, universities, museums, public transportation, and other business all across the United States by the time she was born in the yar 2295.  As a matter of fact one of Tacha Felis’s college level classes required her to compare and contrast the limited public transportation options for people living in the United States during the late 1900s and part of the 2000s unless they lived in certain areas such as the Washington D.C. area, New York city, parts of California etc. In Tacha Felis’s time most people get around via flying cars, the vast public transportation options, and some extremely wealthy people have a hybrid airplane/car that is similar to the flying cars owned by many middle class but slightly different.

Tacha Felis is happily married to another college professor 27 year old college professor named Bavvar Humor who works at a university in the Norfolk Virginia area part of the week and a Hotel employee training university near Bethesda Maryland that is just a quarter mile away from a hybrid theme park that combines Universal Studies Orlando, Walt Disneyland, Great America, and Busch Gardens Williamsburg Virginia. These four theme park Amalgam opened in Bethesda Maryland in the year 2223 to great controversy and debate among various people within the Washington D.C. area. However, the theme park and Amazon owned four mile shopping center have brought even more business to the two universities that are just in Bethesda Maryland alone. This is significant as Bethesda Maryland went through some growing pains for over a hundred years as over 90 percent of their educated population died before repaying their student loans by the year 2060. A great great great grandchild named Jamor Guvor of a politician whose wealth was tied in student loans became President and allowed bankruptcy to occur on student loans on the condition that the student does not ever borrow again for college and that they carried their student loans for at least five years or longer before filing. He also noticed that many military dominated areas of the United States did well economically and so he passed a controversial measure that even allowed private sector employers to mandate that their employees serve four years with the company in a similar way as the military had contracts. At first only managers who were descendants of controversial politicians Steve Bannon and employers affiliated with the Games of Thrones television show mandated that their private sector employees serve at least four years, even the minimum wage employees who normally worked as just temporary employees.

However, many wealthy and middle income businessman noticed that the areas where the employers mandated this did well economically and so pretty soon over 90 percent of the employers across the United States passed similar measures. To prevent and mitigate potential backlash, tax credits and monthly stipends were given to American citizens who agreed to reside in an area long-term on the condition that they would stay with their employer for a minimum amount of time.

Tacha Fehis is a major fan of the Games of Thrones stories and military themed movies/shows shares her passion for this tv show with all of her siblings and her 12 year old twin triplets who she adopted from a college professor friend. As a matter of fact, Tacha Felis has received countless letters of gratitude from her career coaching customers, a lucrative business she does on the side from hundreds of men and women who have tripled their income after enlisting Fehis’s guidance on qualifying and getting selected for various jobs that have at least 4-6 year contracts that are closely related to military contracts.

One such success story are the twins Brusha and Presha Cruva who are both 28 years old and resemble their twin females from the music video Move Ya Body feat. Jabba by Nina Sky. Countless friends and family members who believe in past lives, afterlife, and reincarnation have joked with Brusha and Preva on if they are truly sure that they are not reincarnations of the Nina Sky twins. Brusha lives in a two story house in College Park Maryland that she shares with her husband of 2 years 22 year old Aralor Dovvar and their twin  1 year old female children Farra and Drella. Brusha works as a fiction book author inspired by Mayim Bialik’s writings, runs her own finance podcast due to her financial success investing in various business around both Maryland and Virgina. At least once a week, Brusha and her husband Aralor work out together and attend any of the music festivals and concerts that are going on at the hybrid theme park area, 2 hotels, and a hybrid community college and university building built just a mile from the University of Maryland College Park campus by the year 2170 that was modeled after Star Wars Disneyland theme park in California.

Brusha’s twin sister Preva works as a former housekeeping supervisor turned hotel inspector for various hotels across Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia along with the 70 various theme parks now open year round in just these three areas alone. Many of them generate business in colder months by hosting events, parties, and business conventions/presentations sponsored by Amazon and other companies that work in partnership with Amazon and various  other businesses. Preva has a ten year old child who goes to a private boarding school in the Virginia Beach area, and she makes time to see her at least twice a month or more. Preva’s typically week could involve visiting College Park Maryland and inspecting the 16 hotels within the four universities and 2 theme parks just in a two mile radius alone. College Park, Maryland was known for just one university and one adult commuter college up until the mid 2000s. However after the year 2183, a savvy businessman saw money potential in adding more universities and theme parks to this area, which understandably created initial controversy among long-term residents. However, tension decreased and returned to harmony when over 98 percent of the adult population just in the Washington D.C. area found legal employment opportunities through the additional universities and year round theme parks built by the year 2203. The area experienced so much success that at least 75 percent countless other cities and towns across the United States replicated what College Park, Maryland was doing by the year 2210.

The improved public transportation system is now also the center of more harmony as of the year 2200 but from the mid 2000s until the mid 2100s many men and women had mixed feelings about some of the richest areas in the United States and various hotels even across Europe, Canada, and the U.S. now being accessible to people of various socio-economic classes that were previously more exclusive. However, tension around that decreased and turned to harmony when many open-minded and compassionate men and women noticed how increased wealth and money making business ideas flowed from opening up more areas to even men and women from modest socio-economic classes. More modest income houses and apartments were built to house these residents in affluent areas including jobs in major transportation hubs. For instance, last week Preva rode a train that took her from College Park Maryland to Canada within 40 minutes even with the few stops that were made and from College Park Maryland to Europe also within 40 minutes with just four stops to pick up other residents in certain parts of the U.S. This resulted in some people being able to commute from either Canada,Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia etc. to the United States and vice versa. Racial relations and harmony were greatly improved during this time and quality of life was improved to the point due to some of the other countries now becoming more popular places to live as quality of life improved for all residents. However, to ensure good quality of life conditions for all citizens in the U.S., Europe, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and other countries controversy was ensuing due to the fact that most governments, the U.S. included had to take necessary measures of only covering monetary government assistance for the first two kids that a woman had out of concern to ensure that each child now born would get the care and attention they need. Presha was watching a United Nations debate on television about this issue but she was grateful to have been born in a time where every American citizen born had a job after the age of 18 for a minimum amount of time.

While the debate was going on, Presha sees that her bank account has received a deposit of 90,000 dollars in today’s money for a freestyle short story that she wrote just last week about businessmen and businesswomen with their shocking erotic lives on airplanes and trains in the 2000s. Nobody in her family knows of Presha’s secret career as an erotic author who combines business adventures as she discreetly writes under a pen name unique from pen names used by other men and women.

Move Your Life Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Inspired by the thrilling and fun song Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba

Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview: Everything Essential to Know Before the Premiere

La Quinta Inn and Suites Norfolk Virginia

for my personal reference today Monday July 17, 2017 part one by 808 am

Health Is Wealth — How Good Health Can Increase Your Net Worth

July 17, 2017 by
for my personal reference part two Monday July 17, 2017 by 808 am

Mayim Bialik's Advice For Her 22-Year-Old Self: "Your Gut Instinct Is Always Right"

July 16, 2017 by
for my personal reference part three Monday July 17, 2017 by 808 am

8 Female-Led Podcasts to Fire Up Your Professional Life

July 13, 2017 by 

I have to know what some of my critics think of me for practical reasons, and I have a feeling that some of my critics may believe in a similar way as suggested in this article, as crazy as it sounds
Both my logic and intuition are influencing me to check out this Steve Banoon article and maybe the kindlebook of the Devil’s Bargain by Joshua Green .  I do not see Steve Bannon going away anytime soon one reason;because of how the middle class and the lower class seem to be pitted against each other across both socio-economic and racial lines and then pitted against sympathetic men and women from the upper middle and upper classes through certain mainstream online articles. I do believe that racial open-mindedness is winning out against racism but even in my idealism I see classism emerging even in the Washington D.C. area, However, despite my observing this I do believe that it is my destiny to reside long-term at least close to the Washington D.C. area regardless of what some of my critics think (which is partially why I have my sights set on the Norfolk Virginia area by 2020, I could live there long term even as a private sector worker but close enough to the Washington D.C. area to visit at least 3-4 times a year, the Washington D.C. area that I love despite the obvious classism that even I can clearly see).  For obvious reasons if I decided to purchase and eventually online review the Steve Bannon book online,I would restrict the review to my googleplus, tumblr, and wordpress andor my own personalized website that I decide to purchase and start. I’m intuitively aware that some critics and maybe even some concerned supporters may judge me for even considering this but I need to understand the mindset of men and women who believe completely different from me for practical reasons and I need to understand the mindset of Steve Bannon in order to help me understand how he was able to help Donald Trump win the 2016 President election on November 8, 2016. Yes, I do acknowledge that Kellyanne Conway had a role in helping Trump win the 2016 election, and if not for her help my preference in wanting Hillary Clinton to win the presidency could have had a better chance in becoming reality. However, I do believe and reluctantly share that I think it was Steve Bannon who gave additional political weight to Donald Trump winning especially because of Bannon having friends in high places such as this online article the tie Steve Bannon to billionaire Robert Mercer and from what appears to be his politically influential daughter Rebekah Mercer. Yes, I understand and agree that it is important to be jealousy-free when it comes to how someone comes into their wealth whether you consider them a friend, acquaintance, andor enemy especially because many times a prosperous person has attracted their financial/money prosperity through an abundance and prosperous consciousness mindset andor business, money, andor career savvy intuition. Rather, I am just illustrating through online evidence why I believe that Steve Bannon actually runs the Presidency from behind the scenes, why he probably is here to stay politically for years for as long as he is alive for the rest of his current lifetime on earth, and why I must consider getting Joshua Green’s book to understand Steve Bannon’s mindset even if the idea seems beyond crazy to even a woman such as myself.  First the Vanity Fair article by writer Joshua Green that gave me the idea to do so


The chief strategist of Trump’s triumph reveals his strange brew of intellectual influences, including a French-Egyptian Muslim occultist guru, and his apocalyptic view of history.
JULY 17, 2017 5:00 AM
All I had to do was follow both my logic and intuition to google steve bannon party billionaire friends

Inside the Wealthy Family That Has Been Funding Steve Bannon’s Plan For Years

Billionaire father and daughter linked to Trump shake-up


The idea to hire Breitbart’s Stephen Bannon reportedly began with two conservative mega-donors in the Hamptons last weekend.

Lust For Life by Iggy Pop from Amazon’s music playlist of Classic Rock For Your Weekend
Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba
I acknowledge that Pandora radio gave me the idea to play this song today, however the following is my Amazon review on this catchy song that is Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba. This song also motivates me even more to ensure that I get some fitness walking done as these two happy looking women from Nina Sky remind me of the thinner body I use to have when I was stationed in California (through the U.S. Navy) from October 2003 until early 2005.  I intend to legally do what it takes to regain this thinner body by summer 2018 (June 1, 2018) or sooner. However, the following is my Amazon review to this catchy song
ByStella Carrieron January 17, 2016
Move Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. Jabba is a rousing club song that appears to just be simply about having a good time at a party and/or dancing club. This is another music gem that I first heard in 2004 when I was living in California (through a local radio station that played a fun blend of American top 40 music and Reggaeton/Salsa hits).

The Mercers and Stephen Bannon: How a populist power base was funded and built

The wealthy GOP donors and Trump’s chief strategist collaborated on at least five ventures.
March 17, 2017
Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview: Everything Essential to Know Before the Premiere
For today’s freestyle story writing, plus to be fair this Forbes article of  the 10 Richest Counties in America 2017 by Rebecca Lerner does shine a positive spotlight on the positive benefits of residing in the Washington D.C. area.

The 10 Richest Counties In America 2017

The Robb Report 100 Hotels: United States & Canada

The Robb Report 100 Hotels: Europe

Resources and Affirmations

My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Writers Digest February 2017 page 35 Put Your Workday to Work

The amazon kindlebook of

Making Therapy Work: A Client's Guide to Healing and Growing In Therapy Kindle Edition

by Michael Elliot (Author)
I am keeping this career coaching article for my personal reference in what to expect and do when asking for help from a career coach. I fortunately know what I want to do in my life when it comes to both career and money, it is the realization that I know that I probably need help in ensuring that I am doing all that I can to get a seat at the table andor the correct table.

10 Things You Should Know About Career Coaching by Learnvest

9 strategies to save a fortune, from real people who bank half their income

 Saturday, 15 Apr 2017 | 10:00 AM ET

Trust In Your Inner Wisdom

We have an inner guide we can trust to steer us in a direction most aligned with who we are.

·        Emily Madill, Author, coach, mom. Contributor @HuffPost and @thrive

EasyJet passenger flying from Manchester to Alicante is stunned when the couple next to him start having SEX (while other passengers ask him to move his head so they can get a better view)  Oh My Gosh, this article link cannot go on my facebook or even my twitter or linkedin feed for obvious reasons. I must give anyone looking at this link a fair heads up, this article link may not be safe for most work computers as the article link shows a couple having sex on the plane-yes the image of a woman riding her man on the seat of the airplane while they are being filmed. Eerily, I had a dream less than six months ago where I was on a train that traveled across the United States and I had seen a young couple who resembles a couple in this article also having sex as Gary Powers did-the couple even my train dream even had a similar physical appearance-the only main difference was that the woman was faced in the opposite direction of the woman having sex with her man in this article. I am an open minded woman but Gary Power is justified in being shocked at this couple having sex on the plane. I am wondering why they could not at least wait to privately express their desire for each other in a secret hotel room well after their plane touched down.

EasyJet passenger flying from Manchester to Alicante is stunned when the couple next to him start having SEX (while other passengers ask him to move his head so they can get a better view)

·        Passenger complains to airline after having to sit next to a couple having sex
·        Gary Power said two elderly passengers sat in disbelief as the couple engaged
·        easyJet said they have apologised to Gary but that the incident went unreported
·        Do you know the couple? Email
Disney has unveiled a preview of their Star Wars Land theme park and fans just w THE PARK SIDE 

Disney has unveiled a preview of their Star Wars Land theme park and fans just want it to be 2019 already

ant it to be 2019 already

Theme park bosses have built a 50-foot model of the two upcoming Star Wars lands at Disneyland and Walt Disney World
Theme park bosses have built a 50-foot model of the two upcoming Star Wars lands at Disneyland and Walt Disney World
By Caroline McGuire, Digital Travel Editor
14th July 2017, 2:16 pm

Updated: 14th July 2017, 2:16 pm;400866419;90710932

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Future Pumpkin Love Soup Reimagined Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Start Time Writing Freestyle Story Started After assembling resources and outline points in story as well as main title and greeting
Start time by 1144 pm
End time 1219 am

Future Pumpkin Love Soup Reimagined Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Inspired by the mashup of the songs Pumpkin Soup by Kate Nash and Loveshack by B52

            It is the year 2118 and 55 year old Ruth Berrymore is finished with attending a creative writing class sponsored by the company of Amazon and University of Maryland College Park that is open to both students and the general public on how to write fiction set in the future. The classes are tailored a little different depending on if you are a student andor part of the general public. Less than five seconds later, Berrymore figures out that a sister from California Anita Mythic is calling her. Berrymore asks her sister if maybe they can talk tomorrow after she meets her and her husband Art for her modeling assignment. Mythic agrees but only on the condition that Berrymore invites her twin 38 year old kids along to see their aunt Anita Mythic. Berrymore promises to try as both of her kids Opal Quest and Fred Mythic are publicists to descendants of the musician Madonna. Tomorrow they are helping to set up a large two mile concert open to faculty, students and the general public that is a tribute both Madonna and Lady Gaga. Berrymore has even been asked to help set up the fashion event that is going to be near the main one mile concert hall on the University of Maryland campus and the hybrid theme park hotel that was open to the general public by the year 2100. This is because Berrymore, even in her 50s looks like Lady Gaga in the Bad Romance video  and her daughter Opal is both friends with one of Madonna’s descendants.

            The Creative Writing Class for Future Fiction Writing is popular with both students and the general public because over 90 percent of the men and women who have taken the class have reported great financial prosperity and fulfillment with volunteering after taking the class even for people who have controversial andor less than perfect employment histories. As a result, the waiting list to take this class is usually at least 2-3 months long. One of the 44 year old teachers named Lily Lawrence who has been teaching this course since the year 2108 is a lookalike of the singer Kate Nash of the Pumpkin Soup Song.  Lily Lawrence also makes part of her money catering for the three mile long College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland theme park that is connected by 4 different metro stations and owned by Amazon. The theme park that is pretty much on the University of Maryland College Park campus and is built into both Hyattsville and College Park Maryland is named Loveshack and has many of the rides and theater shows inside of the theme park modeled after the Loveshack song by the B52s.  Anyhow, Lily Lawrence works as a publicist for three of the hotels inside of this Loveshack theme park.

            Additionally, Lily Lawrence teaches a creative imagination manifestation class that is taught at one of the ten new age churches that were built into this area by the year 2095. Naturally, many men and women gossiped about urban planning in College Park Maryland Hyattsville Maryland that connected a three mile theme park from the theme of Loveshack and joined by two new universities, ten new age churches, and four hotels owned by Amazon that are museum, hotel, and mall hybrids. However, the criticism has been offset by the increased job opportunities it has brought to the area for both men and women of various ages by the year 2100. This was significant as bankruptcy was allowed for student loans by the year 2100 and the addition of the three mile theme park, four hotel, mall and museum hybrids pumped billions of dollars into College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland both because of the number of visitors that came both domestically and from around the globe. However, it was also because other cities and states across the United States started to study and duplicate the urban planning model of College Park Maryland and Hyattsville Maryland.

The Hampton Roads Virginia area and West Virginia were actually two of the places that were the first to add their own public transportation hubs, theme parks, universities and mall/hotel/museum hybrids after seeing the models in the Washington D.C. area. An additional positive the churches and Amazon owned department stores are open to accommodate the extra business, jobs, and festivals and parties from the theme parks. As a result, Ruth Barrymore is at a 12 am manifestation class at a new age orange church that is being taught by Lily Lawrence in regards to how to use future fiction writing, map drawing, and music playlist connections in regards to money and career manifestations. At least 57 people signed up for this night class as there is going to be a concert music tribute in the backyard of the college after the class is over (yes at 230 am) that is expected to host various theme park employees and celebrities both across the globe and even from both California as well as the Washington D.C. area. One of Ruth Berrymore’s celebrity crushes from a military themed television show named Andre Holt, a lookalike and descendant of Eric Dane from the Last Ship tv show, is scheduled to be at the concert music tribute. Berrymore is excited because she bought special backstage tickets for a meet and greet in order to get his autograph. The concert tribute goes according to planned but Berrymore does not know what to do when Andre Holt offers her his autograph on the condition that ……

Resources and Affirmations

My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Writers Digest February 2017 page 35 Put Your Workday to Work

Kate Nash Pumpkin Soup
Love Shack by the B-52s

Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Happiness Awaits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I am in the process of becoming more cool,level-headed, and wise when it comes to how I conduct myself around my current work colleagues and future coworkers as I am now logically and intuitively aware that some of them may follow me to where I may reside within 7 years from now or less regardless if I am a private sector andor a government/military worker/employee.

I am in the process of developing the wise woman within and increasing my creativity.
My life is getting better and better each day.

Start time 12:58 pm
End goal time
Actual completion time; 132 pm

Happiness Awaits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

          40 year old Raymond Marsh and his wife 24 year old Lynda Marsh operate a food truck that is close by the naval shipyard that has aircraft carrier ships such as the John F. Kennedy. They are also able to supplement their money incomes because their two twins 4 year old Ava Marsh and Mandy Marsh make a lot of money from modeling. Lynda Marsh also is able to supplement her income from time to time as she has modeled for such music videos as Bad Man by Pitbull feat. Robin Thicke, Joe Perry, Travis Barker. Lynda Marsh happens to look like one of the starring actresses featured in the Murder She Bakes film who works as a Bakery Shop owner and tries to solve the murder of one of her close friends.Currently, Raymond Marsh and Lynda Marsh are turning a profit of over $40,000 dollars after taxes per month.

          Part of the reason why Raymond Marsh and his wife Lynda Marsh make so much money is because they are known across the shipyard for serving both delicious baked goods and foods inspired by Raymond Marsh’s previous work with Amazon and Lynda Marsh’s employment as a Disney Cast member. Additionally, the couple get a lot of repeat business from music DJ’s that have performed for various alternative and dance events in the area. Much to the shock of many people Raymond Marsh and his wife Lynda Marsh got permission to get even more profitable business by parking their food truck in front of a popular Virginia Beach Maryland mall at least one day out of the week.

          Lynda Marsh and Raymond Marsh celebrate their success in turning a tremendous profit on their food truck business by using the tickets gifted to them by a mutual friend to go see Armin Van Buuren. 44 year old Amy Jay intuitively got the idea to gift 2 concert tickets to see Armin Van Buuren to her friends Raymond and Lynda Marsh after she had a dream which featured the song Great Spirit by Armin Van Buuren  feat. Vini Vinci and the Highlight Tribe. They left the kids with her in order to have a babysitter while they go to the concert. After the concert, both Lynda and Raymond Marsh pick up the kids  from Amy Jay and retire to their 3 bedroom home in Newport News Virginia for the night. That night Lynda has a dream where she is at a convention and event that features various speakers affiliated with some of the richest women in the world and the Amazon company. Lynda asks one of the attendees who looks like a Batman lego cartoon figurine why she is at the attendance and he tells her don’t you know, over on that table is a book that you are going to write that is going to capture the interest of many people. Lynda looks at the table and notices that a Batman miniature figure in reenacting on this orange glass table an event where he is speaking with a Harley Quin figurine resembling Charlize Theron and embracing in a hug a miniature figurine resembling Talia Al Ghul who she intuitively senses has given birth to Damian Wayne. Harley Quin comes to ask help from both Batman and Talia Al Ghul despite their scandalous love history for one major reason; Harley Quinn was kidnapped by a ring leader who is trying to gather other beings with supernatural powers for their own interests that may or may not be for the congruent good for all. Anyone who resists or declines to join this group is murdered. Harley Quinn was kidnapped and almost murdered and was able to get away and seek shelter with her boyfriend the Joker. However, before she left she did warn the ringleader of the kidnapping that they do not realize what they got themselves into by trying to kidnap people against their will. The Batman cartoon figurine and Talia Al Ghul are seen talking to each other as Harley Quinn holds their baby Damian Wayne. Lynda Marsh tries to figure out how she can maybe spin this into a money making story when her daughters Ava and Mandy Marsh ask Lynda if she can reach up to the cabinet for them to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Lynda looks at her alarm clock to see that it is 507 am and that her two daughters actually did her a favor by acting as her human alarm clock as her and Raymond are actually scheduled to host a food truck on the Norfolk Naval Base as the USS Eisenhower pulls into port in less than five hours from now.

I also call upon the influence of the heaven higher planes of reality and the heaven/celestial influence of my heaven higher self, my heaven spirit ally team and my heaven higher self of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness to imbue with heaven’s wisdom and heaven’s spiritual/benevolent light as I type these letters/scripts for both present and future.

My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
I Stella Carrier follow my intuition, logic, and bliss to include some of my goals and dreams in my law of attraction scripts
I give thanks that my life is getting better and even more blessed each day.
I give thanks for the multiple blessings in my life that I know are gifts from heaven; my great physical health, my amazing husband Rusty Ridler, the privilege of having been born an American female and getting to enjoy the multiple freedoms of such citizenship regardless of income fluctuations, the ability to follow and adhere to whatever spiritual beliefs that my heart desires etc.

I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Great Spirit Song by Armin Van Buuren vs. Vini Vinci  feat. Highlight Tribe
Fever song by Cascada
Something Good 08 by Utah Saints
A storytelling dream that my husband told me about
A dream I had less than 12 hours ago where I was inside a shopping mall
This is your brain on Disneyland: A Disney addict's quest to discover why he loves the parks so much
walt disney map
Walt Disney's Original Disneyland Map Sells For $708,000 At Auction

These Are the 10 Richest Women in the World

Amazon Recruiting

Tompor: How Amazon Prime is selling deals, apps, memberships and more

Massive stern attached to John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier at Newport News shipyard

Murder She Baked film

Batman’s 20 Best Romances, Ranked