Thursday, October 11, 2018

Married Men Creative Fiction Story Series Part One by Stella Carrier

Start time before starting story and listing a song by the cure; 1209 to 1210 pm
Completion time;1243 pm
It is the year 2093 and various universities around parts of Europe, Canada, and Australia are building some brand new universities with some of them modeled after universities within the United States. This interview covers a University built after a similar model of the University of Maryland College Park campus built a half mile near  Ramstein Airforce base in Germany by the year 2089. A psychic named Karl Gallagher is working as a research consultant for this brand new University and is interviewing  a food service worker named Brett Middleton who is employed in the Chef Table section of this University. In his free time, he volunteers in volunteer programs set up by Amazon, Costco, and a seasonal theme park/museum  that is at least 3 miles long just a mile from his current University  job just a half mile near Ramstein Airforce base in Germany. Part of the volunteering includes helping to set up and serve food at some of the festivals set up in the Amazon Costco and seasonal theme park/museum area as well as sometimes organize the storytelling stages set up for some of the plays that are organized for the thousands of people who attend on a weekly basis (at least over 50,000 people). Karl Gallagher has been told that he resembles the lead singer of the Cure in the Lovesong music video. The psychic research  assistant Brett Middleton has been told that he resembles the musician from the group DJ Encore during their Intuition music era.
3 Question Interview
How long have you done this particular job; 2.5 years;

What are some of the ways you integrate what you do at the chef’s table in your job with your volunteering. Some weekends, I remember some of the foods that were served at the chef’s table and I help prepare some of them for some of the potlucks that the church has on a Sunday. If I’m working that Sunday, I simply go to one of the evening services on one of the weekdays that helps host classes. The church itself is considered controversial even in the year 2093 because in additional to spiritual lessons, a multiple number of psychic classes are taught that are also open to the general public even if you have yet to belong to the church. I also integrate my work at the chef’s table in my volunteering and storytelling in other ways. For instance, 2 weeks ago the companies of Amazon and Costco joined together/joined business forces to host Thanksgiving dinners for families in need and I had plenty of free time to spare and so I remembered some of the recipes that were used from my work as the chef’s table from photos I took and simply asked permission from some of the cooks and chefs to use two of the recipes to which they approved.  I was far from expecting this but one of the fellow volunteers invited me to volunteer with them the following week at another event where many of the food service workers, cooks, and chefs were helping to cook for a game on a Saturday morning and I utilized the chance to develop myself relationship and friendship wise. I also have utilized my job experience in stories that I have self published via a pen name that help me generate at least 10,000 American dollars after taxes every six months.

It says on your online profile that you are taking some storytelling classes, care to share some of your other storytelling classes you have enrolled in; One of my favorite online classes involves ideas for storytelling while working a full time job. I have interacted with men and women from multiple career backgrounds in this online storytelling class.
LOVESONG by the cure
Ramstein Airbase Germany website

songs for me to keep in mind; Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony

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