Monday, January 2, 2017

Love Runs Magical Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

 I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future

Love Runs Magical Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

Affirmations For Today
I focus steadily on my vision, higher purpose and goals, knowing that as I do, I create them.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I interpret my dreams accurately and receive guidance from them.
I receive revelations and insights.
The magic is within me and I’m more than capable of making my dreams come true.
I explore my fantasies to become braver and reveal ways to transform obstacles/setbacks into opportunities.
I wisely use play as a serious business to fuel my confidence.
I’m more than capable of growing my visions over time.
I set goals that surely get me going in the right direction.
I use my intuition and empathy to attract various types of encouragement  andor support in my life
as well as being a source of encouragement andor support when I am called andor asked to do so.
I get better at meeting my deadlines and goal timeframes with plenty of time to spare.
I’m becoming a more psychic and wiser person each day.
I’m becoming more creative each day.
I’m becoming more self-confident and tapping into my multidimensional nature more and more each day.
               Adrienne and Angus Wilson have been happily married over 14 years now and have been living in England for at least two of the 4 weeks that they have planned to do so. What has helped is the fact that Adrienne received a $125,000  after taxes windfall from her book writing that allowed her to study creative writing for 3 weeks at Oxford University in England from June 2017 until July 2017. Angus and Adrienne have planned to budget  a maximum of 3500 dollars maximum for living expenses for the 4 weeks in order for them to keep the remainder money for their living expenses when they return to the United States.  Adrienne and Angus Wilson crunched the numbers  to ensure that they would still have over 123,00 dollars after taxes left to carry them over for at least 2-3 years when they return to the states. Adrienne and Angus Wilson made sure to save at least over $15,000 dollars for living expenses when Adrienne and Angus Wilson got the unexpected $125,000 windfall.  Adrienne Wilson was pleasantly surprised by this due to the fact that she intentionally wrote a popular book under a cleverly disguised penname. Adrienne was actually perusing a an online link involving top colleges for aspiring writers when she got the news of her large check for her book writing.
During this time, they have had the chance to see the various sights of Europe and England during just the one week. For instance, Adrienne and Angus Wilson visited Germany during one of their weekends and met up with an online penpal of Adrienne’s. Fortunately, the visit went well and Adrienne had a chance to take in some sights of Germany. Both Adrienne and Angus plan on enjoying various sights of England during the week and to briefly visit a part of Switzerland this Saturday. On a Wednesday night, Adrienne and Angus even plan on going to a concert together. They were able to score reasonably priced tickets from the school to see a concert that features both One Republic and Robbie Williams. Adrienne looks at the online concert playlists that Robbie Williams and One Republic have already played at their previous concerts from the week before. Apparently, Robbie Williams played a well-received performance of Feel at one of his recent concerts. Meanwhile, at the same concert, One Republic enjoyed a positive reception when they opened with the songs Counting Stars, Love Runs Out, and Good Life.
Adrienne and Angus go back to their room and decide on their next strategy. This is because Adrienne got out of her creative class early today and has five hours before the concert to get ready.  Adrienne comes back to the modern private suite that Angus is waiting for her in.  Adrienne walks in and notices that the song Have I Told You Lately by Rod Stewart comes on.  Adrienne is curious which channel Angus is watching  because the song Sweet Dreams by Beyonce comes on. Angus invites Adrienne to sit with him and catch some music videos that are featuring on the television. Adrienne is curious to see which channel Angus is watching Adrienne cuddles up to Angus on a very comfortable silver, gold, and red velvet couch.
However,  Adrienne realizes that she must have went to sleep because she sees a professional rival from her past appear in her dream via an airplane while the song is still playing. For whatever reason, Adrienne feels guided to tell the rival that she just wants to put the past behind both of them.  Adrienne’s rival agrees because she is now happier in her life. Adrienne’s rival makes it clear that she wants to be considered her ally. Adrienne’s newfound ally tells her that she has been granted permission to let her know that Adrienne has inspired her when it comes to her writing and career goals. What this has to do with them seeing each other is that she has been sent to encourage her to keep going with those goals.
Before Adrienne, could ask more questions, the background turns into a flying school bus taking her into a different world similar to the Halloweentown movie featuring  the late Debbie Reynolds.  Whatever world she just entered in actually looks like a related replica of the world featured in Halloweentown just with more recent music than when the movie was released. For instance, she notices that many of the female and male high school children are gathering costumes and a theatrical stage together as she hears the end of the song Dreams by Beck, which enters into Anubis by Mike Candys.  The students all dance in Anubis inspired costumes similar to the Anubis music video with even one of the students acting in the role of Mike Candy.  However, what is strange to Adrienne is that the students (who look to be around 18 years old) seem to partake in a ritual that involves them skinnydipping  into a clear blue lake as part of their high school graduation ceremony and a ritual into an occult society very secret even in that world. There are adults (seemingly with benevolent intentions) dressed in gold and pink robes standing by ready to hand them aqua blue robes as they step out of the pool.
Adrienne looks at herself and noticed that she is dressed in a purple and peach robe for whatever reason. Adrienne then wonders what is the purpose of her both being there and what she is to do next when a male spirit with a white porcelain mask and a bright silver robe comes up to her.
Without hesitation, the male spirit tells her to just call him Dorian. Dorian explains to Adrienne that she has not yet met him during  her lifetime and he is not allowed to tell her when she will meet him, only that she will. Dorian is only allowed to tell her that the Halloweentown image that she is seeing holds a clue to her life purpose that he has to let her figure out. However, Dorian makes it clear that they are going to see a lot of each other during her 1400 years in the afterlife before she reincarnates back on earth or into another world.

Without delay, Dorian hands Adrienne 5 different pictures to interpret under the words one key, two key, three key, four key. The first picture is of a house under the one key label. The second picture is of money with the bank account and the words at least $13,500 dollars on top. The third picture is of Adrienne and Angus’s apartment being completely immaculate and with things packed, almost ready for moving to an upgraded apartment. The fourth image involves a picture of the words music, writing, and power.  The fifth key involves the words follow your passion when choosing where to live long-term, and then great power with intent.
Dorian then explains to Adrienne, there is only a limited time for communication. As a result only three of the five keys could be explained for now. Dorian then explains to Adrienne, for success in living in alignment with your life purpose, these keys must be followed regardless of what other well-meaning people say. Key two with the $13,500 symbol signifies that the money goal of building and maintaining at least two years of savings must take precedence over other goals. Dorian then admits to Adrienne that her celestial spirit ally team is still trying to work out whether to let her live a long life or allow her to die early via a mercy death. Dorian then briefly explains that a mercy death sometimes happens to someone who dies before they are 55 years old not so much to punish them but more if they are not living in alignment with their life purpose and they do not financially have the chance to resolve what they created in their lifetime. For instance, he gave a case study of a woman who unexpectedly died at the age of 34 in her sleep even in good health, a year after she succeeded in paying her student loans on time. Fortunately, there was not anybody who cosigned on her student loans and so the student loan debt died with her.  Dorian then explains that tragically more people are going to pass away before they would even come halfway close to repaying their student loans. Dorian then made the prediction that eventually legislation is going to be passed in the U.S., Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia by the year 2150 or sooner that allows a person to declare bankruptcy on their student loans for at least one time in their lifetime. The caveat is that the person is not going to be allowed to borrow money again for their current lifetime. However, Dorian makes a prediction to Adrienne that this is actually going to be a major boost to the U.S. economy when it happens. This is because more people are going to be more careful with their money to the point that more money goes back both into savings accounts,  more houses bought, more groceries bought etc.
Dorian explains that what this has to do with Adrienne is that her fate is still up in the air when it comes to whether she sees her 50th birthday or 90th birthday. Dorian explains that Adrienne is going to die in good physical health, but that her celestial spirit ally team is trying to help her focus more on building her savings account to at least a six to two year living fund as she pays at least the minimum on her student loans. Dorian then bluntly explains to Adrienne that she increases her chances of living a long life if she could boost her savings account to at least a year or more living expenses (plus a paid for house) because she will then be able to at least consistently pay the minimum amount on her student loans while having plenty of money left over for living expenses and savings. Dorian then explains that Adrienne will also have more energy to focus on fulfilling her life purpose. Dorian truthfully tells Adrienne that building at least a one year living expense fund would accomplish her to be able to consistently pay back at the least the minimum on her student loans and spare her from a karmic mercy death.
Dorian explains to Adrienne that the first key involving a home denotes that greater prosperity and the essence of peace of mind would more easily magnetize to her and Angus. This is because they are in a generation where apartment rents are only going to continue to increase, some even double the amount they are in various U.S. cities within the next ten years with housing vouchers becoming greatly restricted for people who are child-free even in old age and even limited housing vouchers for people with kids. Dorian bluntly tells Adrienne that the happiest way to secure greater prosperity for herself and her husband Angus (even if they stay in the same house for life) is to focus on purchasing and paying off a home as soon as possible and simultaneously with building her savings. This too would help reduce the risk of a mercy death for herself and help her be a better financial provider for her husband Angus.
Dorian then brings Adrienne to a table that is orange and violet with a group of spirits disguised as dolls yet with what Adrienne senses benevolent eyes. On the table Adrienne then sees the Hiring the Heavens book by Jean Slatter. Dorian explains to Adrienne that they are witnessing her taking in the lesson/key that she is about to be given. With that explained, Dorian explains that part of her life purpose in the stage of her life is to pick a place that she is passionate about for both her and her husband to settle down for the rest of their lives. The place would be a base for them to live and return to even after they travel. Dorian explained to Adrienne that this must be a place where she truly wants to purchase a completely paid for home for both herself and her husband. Dorian then bluntly explains that the length of her lifespan partially depends on her following this guidance regardless of how her intent and decision is received by others.
Before Adrienne can ask more questions, Dorian hugs her and explains that he must let her figure out the other keys on her own. For whatever reason, Adrienne asks Dorian if her celestial spirit ally team could show her another part of her life purpose puzzle even if she is left to figure this piece on her own. Much to Adrienne’s pleasant surprise, Dorian cheerfully exclaims “Permission Granted” as  he hugs her one last time.
Adrienne opens up her eyes as she lands on a pier where a hospital looking naval ship is based. This hospital looking naval ship looks like the USNS Comfort and Adrienne catches the end of a song mashup involving the songs Hurricane and Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars which leads to the beginning of the song Time of the Season by the Zombies. For whatever reason, Adrienne sees her husband Angus surrounded by spirits in zombie dressed costumes. She is given the ability to fly towards rescuing him. 
Angus then politely tells Adrienne it is sweet of you to try to rescue me but I am in part of a play with some of your coworkers that are dressed in zombie costumes. Adrienne looks at herself dressed in a navy uniform with her last name on it and feels a slight twinge of embarrassment. Luckily, three of her coworkers along with her husband laugh and playfully jab her. An intuitive awareness comes over Adrienne that she was the one who actually asked her husband Angus to volunteer in a theater play that is going to be reenacted on the USNS Comfort as a practice warm-up (for a theater play that they all agreed to do on one of the military bases).  Towards the end of the Time of The Season song by the Zombies, Adrienne looks up and sees what looks to be members of the group performing the song on the USNS Comfort ship. Adrienne tries to decide what type of job she must be holding (even in her lucid dream) because she picks up in this dream that she is back in the U.S. Navy andor doing some civilian work affiliated with them.
Less than a few seconds later, she feels a warm tingling sensation on her forehead. Adrienne’s husband Angus wakes her up from her 2 hour slumber so that they have time to shower together, eat a nice meal at one of the nearby restaurants, and make it to the Robbie Williams/One Republic concert in time before the long lines form at the concert.  Angus informed her that he helped Adrienne rest on the couch after she got done listening to Sweet Dreams by Beyonce. A few seconds later, Adrienne realizes that the Time of the Season song in her dream (by The Zombies) connected to the key that Dorian was giving in the dream involving the fourth key-words, music, writing, and power.

Love Runs Magical Freestyle story
Inspired by the Love Runs Out song by One Republic
Resources and Songs Used In This Story
Songs Used in the Story
Love Runs Out by One Republic
Good Life by One Republic
Counting Stars by One Republic
Feel by Robbie Williams
Have I Told You Lately by Rod Stewart
Sweet Dreams by Beyonce
Dreams by Beck
Anubis by Mike Candy
Time of The Season by The Zombies
Hurricane by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars
My Halloween Town Movie Review Via Amazon on January 8, 2015
Product Details

Halloweentown / Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge (Double Feature)
Debbie Reynolds (Actor), Judith Hoag (Actor), Duwayne Dunham (Director)  Rated: 
  Format: DVD

ByStella Carrieron January 8, 2015
I admit that it was eerily fascinating to me when I unintentionally saw on the website her campus an article titled that’s so throwback Disney stars then and now by alex amato on January 1, 2015 at 12;30 pm. The story had a link that showed halloweentown being screened on the Disney channel on January 2, 2015. Mind you, I stumbled across this Disney affiliated article sometime around late night January 1/early of January 2, 2015 after I previously ordered this halloweentown/Halloween II dvd from amazon on Thursday December 18, 2014. Currently this dvd set sells for twelve dollars and 96 centsf but I am lucky to purchase a great copy of halloweentown/halloweentown II at just eight dollars and 93 cents. Halloweentown is a movie that deals with the plot of gwen (Judith hoag) doing her best as a single mother to her children marnie Cromwell (kimberley j. brown), Dylan (joey zimmerman), however she is also shielding her children from their magical heritages. Gwen Cromwell’s mother Aggie Cromwell (Debbie Reynolds) wants to train her grandchildren in the magickal arts and take them to halloweentown. Gwen tries in vain to stop marnie from following Aggie, but marnie successfully finds a way especially after hearing and being intrigued by halloweentown. The second movie Halloween town; kalabar’s revenge was completely different from the plot of the first halloweentown movie but deals with a family member who was related to the villain from the first halloweentown. The halloweentown and the halloweentown 2 dvd set comes with these bonus features; trailer promotionals for the greatest game ever played, shaggy dog, that’s so raven disguise the limit, phil of the future gadgets and gizmos, kronks new groove, the magic of the halloweentown movies, twitches, and backstage disney. Both Halloweentown and halloweentown 2 are good for those who like family friendly fantasy films.

My Hiring The Heavens by Jean Slatter book Review Via Amazon from July 30, 2008 (when I was still in living in Norfolk Virginia and stationed on the USS Eisenhower through the U.S. Navy).,204,203,200_.jpg

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A Heavenly Read, July 30, 2008
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This review is from: Hiring the Heavens: A Practical Guide to Developing Working Relationships with the Spirits of Creation (Paperback)
This is a very creatively written book by I am for certain a very creative author. I enjoyed reading this book especially because it helps remind one that spiritually there is always help for one in the spiritual realms. This is a very creative and enlightening book on connecting to the spiritual/celestial realms for help and using your imagination to hire the celestial helpers for your everyday concerns to tap into the universal energy for assistance. It is a very brief but informative and entertaining read. Admittedly I was also persuaded by Janet's positive review of the book (thank you Janet) and am glad to have purchased it. I would definitely have to agree that this is a practical guide to developing working relationships with the spirits of creation and it gives interesting ideas on names to give for committees that you would hire based on concerns and holding "meetings" regarding the help you need. I personally have used some of the suggestions in this book and it has helped make my life easier. Definitely consider this guide if you are in the process of deciding.

Sweet Dreams by Beyonce Amazon Review from August 22, 2012
Sweet Dreams
By Stella Carrier on August 22, 2012
Format: MP3 Music
"Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce first came into my awareness during the winter season of late 2009, when I was still living in Orlando, Florida. The song grew on me after I listened to it many times on the radio stations that were playing it. I also enjoyed the video to this song and highly recommend it for those who may be undecided about purchasing the song. It is a heartwarming love song and communicates a message of lasting love with the lyrics "Not Even Death Can Make Us Part". Please know that my husband and I have a healthy partnership and that we both actually encourage each other to move on to the next realm whenever we both pass away. It is just that from my subjective but humble perspective,the lyrics of "Not Even Death Can Make Us Part" symbolize a message of a powerful love that withstands any mortal challenges and only gets better. "Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce is great for either those who enjoy Beyonce's music and/or tracks containing musical hybrids of hip hop and dance.
Mike Candy Anubis Amazon Review
Anubis (Mike's Mummy Mix)

Top Customer Reviews

By Stella Carrier on November 20, 2015
Format: MP3 Music
I admit that I actually accidently came across this musical gem of the tune Anubis by Mike Candy when I was trying to click on another link while online and my computer mouse unexpectedly clicked on the YouTube link to this song (I had previously known of Mike Candy’s music from 2012 music collection titled Smile especially with the song One Night In Ibiza feat. Evelyn & Patrick Miller yet I Admit that I did not previously know About Anubis). Anyhow, Anubis has some strong music elements of house and electronic music throughout the song-more of a tune with minimal vocals in a similar superb vein As Wizard by Martin Garrix. There is also a fun music video of Anubis by Mike Candy online that shows three museum patrons dancing with what looks like the Egyptian/Greek mythology god Anubis.

Website Links Used

7 Resolutions to Make If You Want to Get Rich

Self-made millionaire: Not buying a home is the single biggest millennial mistake

The Key To Being A Good Storyteller? Create An Inspiring Future

20 musicals that have won or been nominated for a Golden Globe

Saving lives on the world's biggest hospital ship

Navy prepares Norfolk-based hospital ship, aircraft carrier to render aid after Hurricane Matthew

Top 20 Colleges for Aspiring Writers

Creative Writing Summer School 2017

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