Saturday, January 14, 2017

12 Weeks Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier

12 Weeks Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Affirmations For Today
I have all the time I need to accomplish my life purpose.
I work at a calm, steady pace, in the relaxed rhythm of my soul.

My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.
I hear the whispers of my soul. I pay attention to them.

 I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
            Leslie wakes up in a comfortable bed at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg Virginia. He makes a decent amount of money from his part-time job as a model, his job as a librarian at the Slover Public Library in Norfolk, Virginia, his work as an adjunct creative writing professor in Old Dominion University, and as a part time psychic specializing in career and money advice. Leslie is able to successfully parlay his modeling career into a very lucrative one of making at least 2 thousand a month after taxes due to his physical appearance resembling Jared Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars. He got the job through the help of his wife Maisie. Maisie happens to be a lookalike of Florence Welch from the group Florence and the machine. Maisie also makes a decent amount of  money as a model each month (at least 2500 dollars after taxes). Maisie also works as a food publicist for various restaurants around the Norfolk Virginia area and she has also met various private sector chefs/cooks as well as various military chefs/cooks around the Hampton Roads, Virginia area.
            What this has to do with how Leslie got his job was that Maisie was super close to convincing two of her school administrator friends (who work at Georgetown University) to help Leslie get a job at Georgetown University working in the office with them. One friend did financial aid for  students ages 20 and 70 something year old students who indicate interest in enrolling in one of the certificate programs at Georgetown University.  The other friend of Maisie’s is a school administrator working with the public relations and corporate communications section of Georgetown University.  Both friends made it clear that Leslie could get the job but only on the condition that he accept beginning pay of approximately 1500 a month after taxes. Much to Maisie’s surprise, Leslie thanked them for the offer but politely declined because Maisie’s parents was friends with a chef (a mutual friend of Leslie and Maisie)who had a friend at Old Dominion University who was looking for a creative writing assistant. The starting pay for that job was 1800 dollars after taxes. Leslie took this offer because of the higher pay and his logic awareness (even with him being a psychic) that the higher pay would go farther in the Hampton Roads, Virginia. This was important because him and Leslie have two 8 year old fraternal twin children that he and Maisie have to provide for(ironically the boy looks like the mother and the daughter looks the father but both have been approached by modeling agencies for the good looks that they inherited from their parents).  Additionally, both Leslie and Maisie agree that the Hampton Roads Virginia area would allow them to completely pay off their houses sooner especially under a Donald Trump presidency (it is rumored that houses across the United States are going to go up in price, in both high cost and lower cost areas as an indirect influence to Donald Trump’s experience in real estate). Leslie even psychically/intuitively saw that he would be able to have a paid off house for both him and his wife and two paid off houses for the 8 year old fraternal twins Olive and Alan by staying in the Hampton Roads area for the rest of their current lifetimes. However, both Leslie and Maisie fortunately make enough money to where they often visit the Washington D.C. area twice a month. Just two years ago, they were only able to visit the Washington D.C. area once every 3-4 months due to them striving to make the most of their minimum wage from their Norfolk Naval base Mcdonalds jobs (Maisie) and Target (Leslie). They kept costs low by visiting parts of the Washington D.C. area from Norfolk Virginia area via the Greyhound bus, which would only cost them usually 29 dollars online and take just 5 hours and 30 minutes one way.
            Massie originally got started in public relations by taking as many online public relations courses that her budget allowed. She intuitively knew that the fastest way to break into the competitive field was to start her own public relations firm, even if it meant that she had to create that door for herself and regardless of how many times it took her to succeed.  She originally launched her own public relations firm specializing in cookbooks and the gourmet product industry. Massie had went to one of her local community colleges and was inspired to start in this field after seeing Carrie Bachman guest speak at a welcome gathering for new students.
            A month in to Massie’s self-employment attempt she was only breaking even, despite getting work from some of the newer local restaurants opening up in the area. She had only one thousand saved when her intuition was guiding her to go to one of the Thirty Seconds to Mars concerts that was being held in the area and would cost her 100 dollars. Additionally, that night of the concert, Massie promised herself that she would use that night to try to hustle and find more clients. She knew even with already having one bachelor’s degree under her belt but not public relations related that she would have to think outside the box in her efforts to succeed in public relations. Massie had a backup plan to open her own business making sandwiches related to Subway if her public relations business attempts did not work out the way she expected.
            However, Massie was determined  to succeed in her first choice of public relations because she knew that succeeding in the sandwich business would not be easier and would probably require even longer hours than what she was working as a self-employed public relations professional. Anyhow, Massie went to the concert and found herself enjoying the concert more than she expected.  Many of the songs from the This is War collection were played at the Thirty Seconds to Mars concert.
            Unexpectedly, Maisie ran into a janitorial supervisor who remembered her from a church that they attended together when Maisie was living in Bethesda Maryland.  After the concert the janitorial supervisor and Maisie got together for coffee at Starbucks. This janitorial supervisor named Jean had a brother named Alan who almost got a job as a videographer with the CIA due to his experience  working as a freelance photographer  and videographer  for various events. Alan’s most recent job involved being a photographer and videographer for a party involving over 75 people engaged in a horseback riding excursion in Virginia Beach Virginia (for a movie scene).  Alan also had an impressive educational background with his bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University. Alan’s good looks resembling Tom Cruise only helped his cause as well. However, Alan did not pass the financial background check due to his student loans. Alan was able to make payments on time when he was in the military but he had a challenging time trying to keep up with the minimum payments on his student loans when, even as an E-7, he was only able to find and keep employment that paid him about 1600 dollars after taxes.  Alan made too much money to qualify for foodstamps or housing assistance even in the Washington D.C. area where he lived. Alan had retired from the U.S. Navy and fortunately had his pension to fall back on after 20 years in the military. However, Alan was planning on relocating from Silver Spring Maryland to Chesapeake Virginia. Additionally, Alan was still determined to go forward with his videographer career goals and needed a publicist he can hire for a 3 to 6 month trial to help his business that was going to allow him to work with different restaurants for food photography and taking pictures of food for different restaurants and food businesses.
            However, this would require Maisie to attend a Florence and the Machine concert the next day, which would cost her 55 dollars. This was because Alan was going to meet Jean at the party and wanted to see how Maisie is in a relaxed setting. Fortunately, Alan felt comfortable with giving Maisie a chance and Maisie met Leslie because Leslie is a friend of Alan’s. Maisie ended up doing better than she expected. Business is doing well for Alan to the point where 10 other people were hired in addition to Maisie for various roles, and Maisie herself is making at least 3500 dollars a month after taxes with her food publicity work. Fortunately, Alan’s business boomed to the point to where he was able to completely pay off his student loans and completely pay for a $90,000 home within the span of just 3 years. Maisie was able to successfully pay off both the student loans of herself and her husband Leslie in the span of just 3 years as well while also simultaneously being able to build a 2 year financial necessities fund for the both of them. Additionally, Maisie was able to buy a reasonably priced 12,000 dollar car for both her and Leslie in cash.  Right now, Maisie and Leslie live in an affordable 800 dollar a month one bedroom apartment that is less than five miles away from one of the major naval bases in Norfolk Virginia (where the aircraft carriers are homeported). Just three months ago, Maisie and Leslie starting saving to buy a house in either Norfolk or Chesapeake Virginia (and are super close to being able to put an 80 percent down payment on their target home but are thinking of holding off until they can completely pay it in cash).
            Maisie and Leslie get ready to go to sleep in their hotel room at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg Virginia. Maisie’s parents have the twins for the night and took them to nearby Busch Gardens in Williamsburg Virginia for the weekend.  Maisie ponders a listing of her cd collection that she is also doing to indirectly satisfy her passion in music. Maisie has been working as a music DJ once a week playing songs from her various cd collection. Maisie has become popular to the point where she sometimes scores 200 dollars in taxes a night. Maisie sees a text in her cell phone of from one of her music deejay clients asking her to play songs from the following cds; "A State of Trance: The Expedition Episode 600" by Armin Van Buuren, "This is War" (Deluxe Edition), Hits: Disconnected" by Jes, Late Night Tales: Music For Pleasure by Groove Armada, America's Greatest Hits, The Sound of Girls Aloud; The Greatest Hits collection, Party Around the World by, Dreamland Robert Miles, Intuition DJ Encore, X by Kylie Minogue, Hard Candy by Madonna,  Somewhere In The Stratosphere Shinedown, Lungs Florence and the Machine, For Your Entertainment Adam Lambert, Young At Heart Complete Greatest Hits Shinedown. The text reads for Maisie to come to Old Dominion University to audition with other music deejays for the chance to play at a private party of a military officer who is retiring from the navy after 25 years. This officer has been working at Old Dominion University’s event planning department part-time for the last five years of his military career and surprised many people by wanting the event at the college for his 28 year old daughter and her friends ranging in ages 18 to 50.  The event is apparently being held for 75 people. Maisie has been selected out of 2000 people along with 11 other music deejays to audition for the party (with only five of the music deejays being selected for other time slots during the party).
            Maisie has strong intuitive instincts similar to her husband Leslie and notices that someone attached to the music deejay event is calling her right now. Maisie steps outside of the hotel room for privacy but lets her husband Leslie know that she will give him her undivided attention after the phone call. Leslie lays on the bed and allows himself to get comfortable. Leslie also has some work ahead of him when he and Maisie drive back to their apartment in Norfolk Virginia tomorrow. Tomorrow is his day off from his creative writing instructor work at Old Dominion University and is not schedule to go to one of his modeling jobs with the Macarthur Center mall until three days from now.
            The work that Leslie has tomorrow involves psychic readings for four different women from different walks of life within the United States. His online scheduling calendar is filled the names of these four different women; Flora, Bernadette, Audrey, and Pearl. He does not even know who out of all of them are married andor have children. Leslie intuitively senses that two have children and the other two are child-free but do not have anything against parents or children. Leslie still has to at least tune into their physical appearance but he does not yet even know their age or which one of them is married. He only knows that one is married with four children and there is one other woman who is married and is voluntarily child-free. What he does know is that there is an article  from Money & Career cheat sheet titled Avoid a Layoff; 25 Best Employers For Job Security by Megan Elliott in his personalized Yahoo newsfeed.  All Leslie knows is that all four women think that they are going to keep their current jobs for at least another year to two years minimum. Right away, Leslie intuitively senses that he is getting this article not for himself but for maybe one or two of the four women who are confident that they are going to get to keep their current jobs for at least another year. Leslie does not know how he is going to break the news to at least two of the women because all four of the women did not job search during the time with their current employers (even though rivals andor enemies were spreading rumors that they were doing so).
            Looking at their names on the online scheduling matrix, Leslie sensed that all four women actually planned on staying with their current employers for at least another year at a minimum and only planned on leaving their jobs when and if they decided to relocate outside of where they were currently residing. The other details that Leslie figured out is that one of the women liked the musician Basshunter (because he was pondering one of the women’s names as the song Saturday by Basshunter played). Additionally, he saw in his emails a Daily Mail UK article about Lana Del Rey headed to Flow Festival in Helsinki Findland, Oya Festival in Norway, and Way Out Festival in Germany. Leslie senses that at least one of the women dreams of traveling to more music festivals around the world when she has more money saved (across the U.S., Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan etc.).  For whatever reason, Leslie giggles when he sees an advertisement  for an Electronic Dance Music festival in Japan called Ultra Japan and the artist lineup;
            Leslie realizes that he must have accidently went to sleep when he notices that he is at the festival and he hears one of the Ultra Japan organizers announce intermission as they play some songs that are good to listen to but might fall outside the Electronic dance music realm; Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails and then the fun song Saturday by Basshunter. Leslie notices some beautiful green, purple, orange and yellow trees outside of the stage and he follows a female wearing a hooded red, purple, and gold dress and walking towards a platform where a male spirit is swimming in a pool similar to the picture of the cover of the Lounge Paradisiac cd, with even the detail matching the steps and the pool.
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Leslie does not know who these two spirits are only that the male spirit at first does not recognize the female spirit because she is much smaller in bodysize than when he had last seen her in person.  The male spirit tells the female spirit that she looks much different than when he  had last seen her but he loves the difference. The end of the song Ecstasy by ATB plays as the female spirit replies that she understands what he means and that she is happy to finally get just the two of them alone even if it had to be in her dreams.  Even as a psychic, Leslie is watching from the steps of what looks to be the June 2000 release of the Paradisiac cd in order to karmically honor their privacy
Product Details

The male spirit in the pool understandably asks the female spirit what her intentions are and he right away gets an image in his mind downloaded from her mind via the song Lovergirl by Teena Marie. The male spirit is taken aback by the female spirit lifting him towards her by just motioning with her hand (similar to a scene where the singer motions some of the beautiful women towards him in the music video for Saturday by Basshunter). Leslie senses that female spirit is able to lucid dream this and pull him towards her using just her hand because she has found a way to use both life’s challenges and good fortune to greatly increase her imagination power.  A gold curtain pops up in front of Leslie’s face  just as he notices the female spirit straddling herself on the male spirit’s lap and hearing her say I’ve waited too long to do this. The female spirit has successfully utilized her imagination from blocking both enemies/rivals and even highly advanced psychics from seeing certain things in her dreams that she now chooses to keep secret.  Leslie respects this and understands that there are karmic consequences for meddling in someone’s dreams unless there is benevolent intent andor the person meddling in the dream is in love with the person (the power of love andor benevolent intent). Leslie is fascinated by this female spirit because she has also managed to use her rivals/enemies meddling in her dreams to her advantage for her personal goals, spiritual development, and even her financial wealth. As a result, many of this female spirit’s rivals andor enemies let go of interfering in this female spirits dreams because they were unexpectedly being exposed and realized they were helping her in multiple ways more than they expected or wanted to. The female spirit managed to use these meddling to increase her money savings accounts in real life. Leslie closes his eyes and asks his higher self to take him to where he could serve his clients the best. Leslie understands that there are things that even a psychic is blocked from seeing for karmic reasons andor privacy protection reasons for other humans residing on earth.  However, Leslie intuitively sensed that he was being allowed to partially witness what he did as a way to tell at least two of his female clients that they must quit waiting on certain conditions to go after certain goals.
He wakes up and he notices four women sitting at a red and pink table but all four of the women are wearing shades and turquoise blue capes and hoods concealing their appearances. He is only able to tell they are women of different shapes by truthfully looking at their breasts and seeing that they are wearing the hoods as dresses. He notices this as they stand up at the table and tells him we were here for your wisdom. Leslie notices that these four represent the four women he is scheduled to give phone readings to the next day. However, he is figuring out what to tell them because he went to sleep before uncovering more details about them.  Leslie then gets the idea to tell them let me consult with my higher self.
Leslie touches the purple and green chalkboard behind me and decides to write the word higher self on the board. Just then the chalk he writes with slips out of his hand and some unseen presence writes 12 weeks and 11 books. Right then Leslie, realizes that these women require an accountability of giving themselves 12 weeks to achieve their most urgent goal but to strive to only use 11 books while doing so for karmic and creative reasons. Leslie then hears the words whatever it takes. Leslie tries to deciper where this is coming from when he feels a sensation on his stomach as he hears the song Lovesong by the Cure. Leslie wakes up to his wife Maisie straddling him and tickling his hips as she says whatever it takes. It turns out that Maisie turned up the music pretty loud and decided to straddle him in order to wake him up for “couple time together.”

Music and Website Resources Used in the 12 Weeks Story, images from
The song Saturday by Basshunter
Saturday, I Like To Move It Saturday (Radio Edit)

Saturday, I Like To Move It Saturday (Radio Edit)

By Stella Carrier on January 8, 2015
Saturday I like to move it by basshunter is one of those melodies that I first heard on the local radio when my husband and I were driving around a rental car during our time of living in Orlando, florida (from april 2009 until may 2010). Saturday I like to move it by basshunter appears to be about a song about just having a good time and enjoying thrilling moments while at a night out at a dance club.

Page 294 (public relations firm specializing in cookbooks and gourmet food feature on Carrie Bachman and page 298 profile on Ben Fink a freelance photographer for magazines such as Scientific American and Bon Appetit) from the book Culinary Careers: How to Get Your Dream Job in Food with Advice from Top Culinary Professionals Kindle Edition

by Rick Smilow  (Author), Anne E. McBride  (Author)-I admit that I purchased the book December 19, 2015
Product Details
By Stella Carrier on January 2, 2016
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
This book Culinary Careers; How To Get Your Dream Job In Food(With Advice From Top Culinary Professionals) by Rick Smilow (President & CEO of the Institute of Culinary Education) & Annie McBride give an eclectic range of career opportunities within the Culinary industry umbrella. Examples of the diverse careers found in this book; Caterer, Restauarant Publicist, Restaurant Investor, Research and Development Chef, Chef’s Assistant, Private Chef, Wine Importer, Consultant, Culinary School Teacher, Cookbook Author, Food Photographer and so much more riveting information. Additionally, the writes of this book also interview some of the following information/people for this book; details on changing careers (starts on page 37),Michael Ruhlman(starts on page 98)-author of books such as The Soul of A Chef, The Reach of A Chef, Ari Weinzweig (starts on page 100) founding partner of Zingerman’s Community of Businesses and recipient of Who’s Who of Food & Beverage in American award, James Beard foundation award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Bon Appetit award-Joseph Wrede (starts on page 122) Chef and Co-owner of Five restaurants in New Mexico and Colorado, Chris Hanmer(start on page155) pastry chef at Ritz-Carlton hotel in Lake, Las Vegas, Vaughan Lazar (starts on page 196) President-Co-Founder, and executive vice president of marketing Pizza Fusion in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Jon Smith (starts on page 253) Cork & Bottle Fine Wines (wine store owner), and much more
The song Under Your Spell by Desire
The song ecstasy by ATB on A State of Trance 600-I purchased on April 10, 2013
A music snippet sample of Ecstasy by ATB is on this collection of State of Trance 600
On disc two of the first track as an intro-the seductive song of Ecstasy by ATB can also be listened to
Online via, youtube, Pandora radio and iheartradio etc.
State of Trance 600
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Armin Van Buuren Collaborations With Fellow Musicians, April 27, 2013
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: State of Trance 600 (Audio CD)
"A State of Trance: The Expedition Episode 600" by Armin Van Buuren is a five disc set featuring various artists. CD one has 17 musical tracks, CD two has 12 musical tracks, CD 3 has 16 tracks, CD 4 has 17 tracks, and CD 5 has 14 songs. Armin Van Buuren is listed to have mixed the first disc, ATB is listed to have done the second disc, W&W is credited with mixing the third disc, Rank 1 is named for mixing disc 4, and Andrew Rayel is listed for mixing disc 5. At the time of this writing, a complete track listing for this trance/dance compilation is available on Amazon UK and Amazon Germany.

Thirty Seconds To Mars,

This Is War deluxe edition-I purchased on March 6, 2011

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ByStella Carrieron March 9, 2011
"This is War" (Deluxe Edition) is an extremely fun and exciting cd to listen to. I just received this cd yesterday, and I first got a chance to listen to it last night (I enjoy this cd so much that I listened to it again this morning). I am extremely glad that I took a chance on getting this deluxe edition of "This is War" by Thirty Seconds to Mars. I say this especially because I took a chance with buying a ticket to their upcoming concert in April near where I live before actually receiving this cd (I bought a ticket on March 7th, and received "This is War" deluxe edition on March 8th). What this has to do with the greatness of this band (and obviously their music) is that I went to purchase tickets online, and noticed that many of the seats to this concert sold out so fast that only the ground seats are left (even after I slyly attempted to see if different seats available). I went ahead and purchased a ticket to the ground floor seating area of their concert because of the strong sense that their music is going to be good (once again, I took a leap of faith before having this cd in my hands). After listening to this cd, I feel lucky (and happy) that I went with the idea to purchase a ticket to their upcoming concert even before listening to "This is War". The following is a summary of the song and dvd summary to help you see why I enjoy listening to these tracks and my obvious excitement about attending their concert (on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest rating). Please understand that the summary is my own personal interpretation and humble opinions on each of the musical gems of "This is War" (Deluxe Edition) by Thirty Seconds to Mars. I am very understanding and open-minded to the fact that there are going to be different views and opinons on these songs in variation with the person hearing all of these songs.

1. Escape (10 out of 10)- "Escape" is about letting your spirit roam free, living your life with as much freedom as you can allow, and turning over a new leaf in life.
2. Night of the Hunter (10 out of 10)- "Night of the Hunter" is a masterpiece musical creation about calmly embracing both light and darkness in one's life, and bringing together both for a powerful spiritual transformation. This song really resonated with me because it serves as a beautiful and healing reminder to transform all unexpected events and challenges into positive opportunities for increased wisdom and personal power. "Night of the Hunter" is a beautiful fusion of melodic drums, high-energy guitars, and a fantastic hybrid of rock and electronic music. "Night of the Hunter" is my third favorite song after the tracks of "Stranger in a Strange Land" and "Closer to the Edge".
3. Kings and Queens (10 out of 10)- "Kings and Queens" sends the message to always expect the best for your life and future.
4. This is War (9 out of 10)- "This is War" is a powerful musical track about always remaining emotionally strong, and standing up for your rights and what you personally believe in.
5. 100 Suns (8 out of 10)- "100 Suns" is about having self-confidence in yourself, and seeing your own personal greatness.
6. Hurricane: (9 out of 10)- "Hurricane" is about having the passion for life, and helping others to the best of your ability.
7. Closer to the Edge (10 out of 10)- "Closer to the Edge" is a very high-energy song, and is one of the musical tracks that helped convince me to get the cd. I admit that I saw the video to this on tv, and I was convinced to hear more from this band when I picked up on the positive message of this video (follow your dreams and goals), and I noticed the passion and intensity coming from within the lead singer (Jared Leto) to deliver a meaningful and soul nourishing song.
8. Vox Populi (10 out of 10)- "Vox Populi" uses the term soldiers as a creative metaphor/concept to stand up for what you believe in, and follow your personal insights one may receive when they are called to action. In addition, "Vox Populi" contains good electronic music blended wonderfully with the lyrics and vocals of this song.
9. Search and Destroy (9 out of 10)- A catchy, uptempo, and energetic song about embracing change in your life, and to take whatever steps are needed to construct your life that is in alignment with your own personal happiness.
10. Alibi (10 out of 10)- "Alibi" is about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, and picking yourself back up regardless of how many times you may have to do so. "Alibi" is also a great quiet type of song that has a gorgeous blend of drums,piano, and guitar. In addition, this musical track is about embracing life with the energy of creative fire in your being.
11. Stranger in a Strange Land (10 out of 10)- "Stranger in a Strange Land" is a great musical track about the very daring acts that someone would carry through when influenced by the emotions of whatever they are feeling about the person in question. I admit that "Stranger in a Strange Land" is one of my favorite songs in this compilation.
12. L490 (7 out of 10)- I gave this a rating of at least 7 because the chanting in "L490" was harmoniously synchronized, but was minimal on music and words.
13. Bonus Track of "Hurricane" featuring Kanye West (9 out of 10)- This version also sends a beautiful message about loving life, helping out your fellow man, and making the best of your life. I feel that this musical collaboration between Jared Leto and Kanye West was very creative, and great to listen to.
14. Bonus Track of "Stronger" (a BBC live version that I rate 10 out of 10)- I really enjoyed Jared Leto's take on "Stronger". He really makes it his own by making it natural and believable when he sings about seducing the person he desires.
15. Bonus Track of "Bad Romance" (another BBC live version that I enthusiastically rate 10 out of 10)- Jared takes this musical masterpiece and skillfully makes it how own as well. He does a really excellent job of sounding extremely persuasive when he sings about wanting the person he desires, and doing it very admirably (again he sounds very seductive in this song, and the seduction side of him really shines in his version of "Bad Romance")

The dvd version has really good musical videos to "Closer to the Edge", "Kings and Queens", and the making of the "Kings and Queens" video (very exciting and interesting to watch). I say this because Jared demonstrates an abundance of passion and creativity in having everything turn out harmoniously, and it clearly shows when you watch in him action during the making of the video. The fact that he also showed an appreciation for the many fans that showed up to be a part of this was also very touching.

I strongly endorse purchasing "This is War" (deluxe edition) if you enjoy rock, pop, and/or electronic music. This deluxe version of "This is War" is well worth purchasing, and I very much look forward to going to their concert in April.


The Hits – Disconnected-I purchased April 6, 2011

JES (Artist)  Format: Audio CD
Product Details
By Stella Carrier on June 15, 2011
Verified Purchase
"Hits: Disconnected" by Jes is a very "soul-stirring" and calming cd collection. Jes has a very beautiful singing voice that flows perfectly with these songs. In addition, many of the songs themselves have heartfelt lyrics and gorgeous music. I love how she includes the words "Into the Dawn" on the cd cover. I say this because the songs itself give a sense of joyfully facing the dawn of a new day and/or night depending on the occasion. You can even listen to this cd as one of the compilations to relax to. Two of my favorite songs on this cd are "Heaven" (Myon Remix) and "Imagination" (Richard Robson Remix). "Heaven" is a musical creation that is about finding the happiness in many things such as daily walks, and other experiences of every day life. "Imagination" is my overall favorite song on this cd. "Imagination is a gorgeous musical track about pursuing someone that a person deeply cares about, enjoying the many adventures of life with one's personal creative imagination. This message is made clear with the lyrics "Let it run away with me". "Hits: Disconnected" by Jes is great to get if you enjoy vocal chillout and/or trance music.

Late Night Tales Presents

Music for Pleasure

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By Stella Carrier on February 20, 2014
Format: Audio CD
Late Night Tales: Music For Pleasure by Groove Armada contains a wide mix of various soul pop songs from the 70’s. Robert Palmer, Michael McDonald, Toto, Bobby Caldwell, The Steve Miller Band, Bozz Scaggs, Hall & Oates, and other various musicians are on this music compilation. Tom Findlay also teams up with Tim Hutton for the music cover of “How Long” (under the music group name of “Sugar Daddy”). The theme for this compilation is listed to encourage the music listener to think of Laurel Canyon California.

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America - The Complete Greatest Hits

5.0 out of 5 starsThe Magic of America's Greatest Hits-I first discover a collection of Greatest Hits by America around either 2009 or 2010 via a public library in Orlando Florida that was only a few miles away from
The University of Central Florida campus in Orlando, Florida and less than five miles away from a campus of Valencia College
ByStella Carrieron November 30, 2011
America's Greatest Hits contain a mix of life themes that are relatable for many people. Of course, the following well-known hits are on this collection such as: "A Horse With No Name," "Ventura Highway," and "You Can Do Magic". "A Horse With No Name" is an interesting musical tale with vivid descriptive imagery. "Ventura Highway" appears to be about life transitions. "You Can Do Magic" is about a woman who brings healing and positive energies to the singer's life. However, I also enjoyed the following songs that have fun-loving themes: "World of Light," "Paradise," and "Woman Tonight." "World of Light" symbolizes a happy message of unity. "Paradise" is a good musical gem about living in a place that evokes a sense of peace and optimism. "Woman Tonight" is a daring song about someone being asked to be a "night companion." America's Greatest Hits are suitable for the many who enjoy classic rock music.

The Sound of Girls Aloud: The Greatest Hits Import

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Girls Aloud-I purchased The Sound of Girls Aloud; The Greatest Hits collection on January 29, 2010 when I was still living in Orlando, Florida
By Stella Carrier on January 25, 2011
Format: Audio CD Verified Purchase
I was intrigued and convinced to purchase one of the cd's of Girls Aloud after hearing, savoring,and enjoying "Call the Shots". I decided to get this collection, and I feel that this collection is a good selection of their tracks. Many of these songs are very high energy and hit the spot if you want to listen to something fun and exciting. Some of the good songs in this collection are "Love Machine", "Sound of the Underground", "Long Hot Summer", and "I Think Were Alone Now" (a good remake of the 80's version from Tiffany). The track that I enjoyed the most was "Something Kinda Ooooh". "Something Kinda Ooooh" is a very daring and catchy song about someone admitting that they really want the person that they are strongly attracted to. Overall, this is a great dance/pop compilation to own.

Havana Brown One Way Trip
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By Stella Carrier on March 6, 2013
Format: MP3 Music
As with many others, I first became interested in Havana Brown after catching her through an MTV Hits video displaying her excellent music collaboration with Pitbull in "We Run The Night". This five song sampler of "We Run The Night", "You'll Be Mine", "One Way Trip", "Spread A Little Love", and "Banana" is both musically adventurous and bold. All of the songs are good but "One Way Trip" for some reason really pulled my attention because of the daring lyrics and music. There are musical remnants of "Children" by Robert Miles in "One Way Trip" but Havana Brown makes the song uniquely her own with strong vocals and a compelling spin on being slightly aggressive. "When The Lights Go Out" is best for those who like music tunes blended with ambient pop, dance, and electronic elements.

Party Around the World by
I purchased Party Around the World by on December 9, 2008 when I was still living in Norfolk, Virginia and was stationed on the USS Eisenhower.
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By Stella Carrier on January 30, 2011
Format: Audio CD Verified Purchase
I too agree with the reviews that this music on this cd is bubblegum pop at its finest. There are many upbeat and fun dance/pop songs from the Swedish group on here that every song on this quality cd has creative substance. This is one of those rare cds where every song on the compilation stands on its own. The following are the songs that I would recommend listening to first before playing the whole cd:

"Temptation Island"- A very energetic and fun summer themed song about allowing your free spirit to rein, and allowing oneself to experience all the good things that life has to offer.
"Koko Soko"- A very unique song that has a lovely fusion of Japanese, electronic,dance, and trance music fused together. The song is about making a connection with someone that is very special and brings much joy and light.
"Summer Party"- A great summer-themed musical track about dancing, having a good time, and letting oneself act a little wild and uninhibited (with the use of the lyrics used of "acting naughty").
"Hummingbird"- A great melody about finding ways to feel good in your life regardless of external circumstances (the upbeat music used in this really adds to the positive strength of the song)
"Paradise"- This is a more mellow and calm song. However, both the lyrics and music are very beautiful and give you a feeling of being in your own personal heaven. It is a gorgeous song about creating heaven on earth for yourself, and wanting to "give heaven" to the person that gives those positive feelings of being "in paradise".
I have had this cd since December 2008, and I find it even more enjoyable to listen to than when I first purchased it. I was still in the navy at the time, and I was looking for music to play at work that would put me and others who work around me in a good mood. Please understand that I appreciate my time that I spent in the navy, but it was important to me find music that would help add to creating a positive work environment (especially since I was lucky to work in an area that allowed music). I fortunately found what I was looking for in purchasing this cd because even one of the supervisors at the time found this music enjoyable, and asked me who the group was. Listening to this cd (when I first bought it back in December 2008) gave me an emotional boost regardless of whether I was playing it at work or at home. This cd still is great to listen in order to increase euphoric feelings regardless of the location it is being played. This is an all purpose compilation to listen to whether at work, home, and/or excercising (such as walking or running).
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Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails

By Stella Carrier on December 8, 2010
Format: MP3 Music-Regarding the Perfect Drug song by Nine Inch Nails from the Lost Highway Soundtrack
This is a wonderful song about how someone can become addictive to you in a passionate and fun type of way. He sings how his desire is the "perfect drug" for him, and how it benefits him in various ways. The music to this song is very unique in that it is a beautiful and creative musical fusion of dancey,techno, and rock sounds. I also love the music video to this song. He has a very gothic look in the video, and he pulls it off very well. Listening to this song can remind you of someone that is addicting to you in a sensual kind of way, and vice versa (you being addictive to them). In my humble opinion, I only wish that this song got more attention and fame when it came out because it compares to the "Closer" song in a very good way.

For Your Entertainment (EU Edition) (Incl. Bonus Tracks) Import

Adam Lambert  Format: Audio CD-I purchased the EU deluxe edition of Adam Lambert For Your Entertainment on December 19, 2010
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 For Your Eye Candy and Pleasure to Your Ears, December 23, 2010
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
The various happy moods that listening to this cd put me in definitely made it worth it in spending the extra money to get the collection that had the bonus tracks. I have to agree with the reviewers who mentioned that getting the collection with the bonus tracks is definitely worth the purchase. Every song on this cd is a joy to listen to, and I am very happy to have made the decision to buy this collection . I was recently intrigued to obtain this album when I heard his song "If I Had You", and I saw his video to this track. In my modest opinion, it was definitely a good idea for him to do that musical video for this song because it showcased both his vocal talents and his good looks. The video shows him in what looks like a forest having a fun and happy time surrounded by many people partying. I then knew that I had to purchase Adam's album. This collection contains 18 tracks of pleasurable and uplifting music that leave you feeling happy after listening to the whole collection. It is challenging for me to say which tracks were the best because each one had something fun about it. My personal top five were "Music Again", "Whataya Want From Me", "Sure Fire Winners", "If I Had You", and "Fever". My personal favorite track in this musical collection is "Fever". Today, I truthfully remember playing "Fever" at least twice before moving on to enjoy the rest of the remaining tracks. I have read online and with some of these reviews that imply his great talent, and the bright future that he has before him. I have to definitely agree with the talent and the bright future discussion just from having listened to all of the 18 tracks. I have also read online that he is going to release a new collection in 2011. I know for sure that I am going to be on the lookout for when it is released (and I do hope that he eventually plans to make a tour stop in the Washington D.C. area). I endorse purchasing this collection if you at least like the songs "Whataya Want From Me" and/or "If I Had You".

Lovergirl by Teena Marie
When I reviewed the catchy and sensual song of Lovergirl by Teena Marie back on December 10, 2010, she was still alive. I was just as shocked as many other people were when she passed away around 2 weeks after I had written this amazon review song of Lovergirl.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Pleasurelover, December 10, 2010
This review is from: Lovergirl (MP3 Music)
This is a very strong song about someone lusting after someone so much that they only have the best intentions in mind to "rock the world" of the one that they want to give their passionate and physical love to. This is made abundantly clear with the following catchy lyrics: I need your love and I won't bring no pain
A little birdie told me that you feel the same
I'm for the real and for you I'm true blue
Let's make a deal, sugar, all I want to do is be your one and only lover

This also implies that she only wants to give her lover a pleasurable experience. She really puts so much emotion and authenticity in the song that you can easily picture yourself saying this at the same time that the song is playing. She has really good vocals to go with this very classic song. This definitely sounds like "beautiful music" with the way she raises her sensual voice at the end. A very memorable, creative, and passionate song.

Steve Miller-contains the classics such as Rockin’ Me and Abracadabra
I purchased Young Hearts; Complete Greatest Hits by the Steve Miller Band on March 13, 2011
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ByStella Carrieron March 24, 2011
This compilation by the Steve Miller Band is very good to listen to. This cd has a very eclectic mix of fun songs to listen with the 22 songs that were chosen for this cd. My personal favorite songs on this greatest hits set are "Abracadabra", "Fly Like An Eagle', and "Jet Airliner". I enjoy the lyrics and the hard rock song of the guitars that are used in those songs. "I Want to Make the World Turn Around" and "Dance, Dance,Dance" are very great to listen to as well. What I enjoy the most about this greatest hits compilation by the Steve Miller Band is the positive message of making the best of your life regardless of what transpires. For example, to me "Fly Like an Eagle" symbolizes the unlimited possibilities of solutions available to make the world a better place (as exemplifed with the lyrics feed the babies, shoe the children, and house the people). "Fly Like An Eagle" also is a good concept for a musical reminder to always be aware of, and be open to following your dreams with lyrics used in the song such as: "Fly Like An Eagle, Let My Spirit Carry Me". I would say to definitely get this cd if you are open to listening to 70's rock music because the songs have a classic rock type of feel.

Lungs music collection by Florence and The Machine (includes the Rabbit Heart song)
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Raise Up Your Mood with this Collection, December 23, 2010
This review is from: Lungs (Audio CD)
This is a very beautiful and unique music collection by a one of a kind singer. Like many reviewing this collection, I was taken in by her song "Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)". I also saw the video to this song on youtube, and my interest in the song increased even more (the video to this song is definitely worth checking out as well). I admit that I am still making out the full meaning of the "Rabbit Heart" song. The best that I can make from the meaning of the song is that the symbolization relates to some type of passionate love affair that she must be emotionally strong about. She gives reference to King Midas (which many know to be about the story of the king who turned everything to gold with his touch). She mentions in the song "this is a gift", so the meaning of the song most likely implies something positive. There are other gorgeous songs in this collection such as "Cosmic Love" and "You've Got the Love" (which is another song that I like). There is also the catchy and energetic "Dog Days Are Over" (which is a great poppy song). The music to this collection is very original and a great symbol of the eclectic mix of music that is coming out of the current British music scene (as many know the leader singer Florence Welch hails from England). This is a music collection worth checking out if you are open to listening to eclectic music from Europe.
Lovesong by The Cure
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Passionate Song, December 23, 2010
This review is from: Lovesong (MP3 Music)
This is a definite classic alternative rock/pop love song that I first heard in the 80's, and I still enjoy to this day. I read somewhere online that this song was actually inspired by the lead singer's then fiancee, who eventually became his wife, and still is his spouse to this day. I truthfully feel that is a positive and beautiful fact considering I am a romantic at heart. Anyhow, this is a great song about how free and happy someone feels when they are alone with someone that they are passionate about. I also think that the song is intense and deep in a beautiful way when the singer remarks regardless of what he says, he is always going to love the one that he implies makes him feel alive when he is alone with that person.

Second Chance by Shinedown, is available online and from their Sound of Madness collection, they also have live versions of the song. The following is an online review of some live versions of songs from Shinedown.
Somewhere In The Stratosphere [Explicit]
ByStella Carrieron June 28, 2016
Somewhere In The Stratosphere by Shinedown contains a phenomenal mix of Shinedown songs in concert live version. Some of their multiple entertaining songs on Somewhere In The Stratosphere by Shinedown; If You Only Knew (Live From Washington State), 45 (Live From Washington State), Simple Man (Live From Washington State), Second Chance (Live Acoustic From Kansas City), The Crow and the Butterfly (Live From Kansas City), Times Like These (Live from Kansas City and a tribute to the Foo Fighters)and much more. Another good way to determine if you might enjoy this live rock mix is to listen to their songs The State of My Head and Asking For It from their most recent Threat to Survival compilation (because the music on Somewhere in The Stratosphere pushes the envelope musically in a similiar way as those two songs).


2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Follow your intuition and obtain this cd, July 5, 2008
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Intuition (Audio CD)
An easy five stars for the singers beautiful voice and very beautiful, heavenly, and uplifting music. I only wished that I had purchased the cd sooner but needless to say was ecstatic when I did. Every track on this cd is strong, upbeat, and fun to where you can honestly play this whole cd through and through. The duo have good musical chemistry together on this cd. I honestly listen to this cd the whole way through when I play it but some of the songs that I really like are "I see right through to you", "Intuition", "Walking in the Sky", and "High on Life". This is another classic eurodance album that will definitely be remembered as one of the tops. All in all a very joyful and fun album that I would recommend easily.

Artist Robert Miles Amazon review-Robert Miles is an artist that I referenced in the Havana Brown review

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Treat Your Ears to a wonderful dreamland, July 25, 2008
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Dreamland (Audio CD)
I have to agree with the fact that this cd has stood the test of time. I remember when the song "children" by Robert Miles first came out and I was still a teenager then. Fast forward some years later and I decide to take a leap of faith and buy this cd and what honestly helped my decision was overwhelmingly positive reviews. Listening to this cd gives good reason for the numerous positive reviews. Listening to many songs on this cd makes you feel in a positive way that you are in some type of beautiful and mystical dreamland. This cd is a gem because of all the songs on the cd being beautiful, high energy, and upbeat. Some of the most noteworthy songs on this cd are of course the classical "children", "one and one", and both versions of the "fable". This is especially a good cd to listen to during the summer but all year round would still be fine. If you would like to treat yourself to some beautiful music that is a departure from some of the more mainstream music and songs this is one of the cds to go to. Its so unique that I would classify it somewhere between europop and eurodance but in its own category. This is also some good music to listen to if you want to nurture yourself. 

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Sensitized but Sensual, June 22, 2008
This review is from: X (Audio CD)
I would have to definitely say that Kylie Minogue fans would like this cd. I also agree with the other reviewer that this cd is pretty upbeat and will take you to a different dimension. Some of the strongest (and I admit my favorite tracks) on this cd are Two Hearts, Like a drug, Sensitized, and In my Arms. I just wish that this cd would have been more popular in the US. The only reason why I gave it 4 stars over 5 is because of my recommendation for Minogue fans versus non Minogue fans. This cd grew on me after the second listen and I admit that Minogue fans may enjoy it more. However if you are not a Kylie Minogue fan definitely try to check out her greatest hits cd first and then give this cd a listen. However overall I feel that this cd is good and its good to see her back in good form healthwise and producing a sensual and beautiful cd.

This is the very first online review and first Amazon online review that I did which was back in 2008, of the Hard Candy cd by Madonna.
Hard Candy

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Upbeat and entertaining, June 15, 2008

This review is from: Hard Candy (Audio CD)
I personally feel that the cd was overall very strong and entertaining. I admit that I can understand the viewpoints of both the positive and negative reviews. However in my opinion this cd helped solidify why Madonna still is and continues to be a shining example to others to always follow your dreams and that anything is possible. This cd is the type of cd that grows on you each time you listen to it. With that being said here are my opinions on each of the songs

candy shop 8/10 : a very strong song with exotic beats that would be perfect for a dance club.

4 minutes 7/10 a good collaboration with timbaland and justin timberlake with a strong horn.

give it to me 8/10: an excellent pairing with pharell that makes excellent use of the drums and conveys a message that you are here to win in life and that she will continue on regardless of what others may say.

heartbeat 10/10: One of the best songs on the cd in my opinion. I listen to this track alot on my way to work.

miles away 9/10: sounds inspired from love profusion but a beautiful song on how love can be appreciated even more in a long distance relationship.

she's not me 9/10: One of my other favorite songs about a woman telling her man that the other woman doesn't compare to her but does it in a groovy and fun way.

incredible 8/10: This song grew on me after the second listen and I like how the song praises her love in a very sensual way.

beat goes on 6/10: Another song grower but in my opinion is a listenable song about having fun and enjoying the moment.

dance 2 night 6/10: An ok song for mellow slow dancing moments.

spanish lesson 7/10: An interesting song with some spanish words in it that may not compare to la isla bonita but is still very strong and upbeat with singing about a girl who loves to fall in love and adds the catchy phrase "when you do your homework.

devil wouldn't recognize you 10/10 A very strong and magnetic song about her wanting to release her lover but keeps coming back to him more and more.

voices 7/10 A good collaboration with Justin Timberlake. Madonna carefully crafts an original masterpiece with this song with making the listener think about the societal master and slave roles.

All in all I think that this cd is perfect to listen to for a good and uplifting emotional boost.

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