Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ambitious And Making Wiser Decisions Each Day Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier Written Saturday January 23, 2016

Ambitious And Making Wiser Decisions Each Day Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier Written Saturday January 23, 2016

Cycla is very grateful at the fantastic week that she had.  Her husband named Amazing and her just celebrated their 17 year wedding anniversary and are hosted a party at their paid off trailer tonight (the trailer has 3 bedroom and one bathroom).  They are celebrating the achievement of having a paid for trailer and a paid off car. Additionally, they are still paying off their student loans, but now they have 2 year financial expense funds. Basically, both Cycla and her husband Amazing have enough money saved in their bank account for at least 2 years to financially sustain them (without  having to turn to food stamps,housing assistance, and/or the financial charity of friends and/or family members) regardless of what happens in their career lives. Fortunately, Both Cycla and her husband Amazing are both in indispensable careers  that are in demand and are highly sought after employees.  Just this year Cycla’s income reached 5000 dollars a month after taxes, a  far cry from the 1,000 dollars a month after taxes that she made 7 years prior.  Cycla’s psychic abilities and creative talents grow stronger each day and she has made profitable investments in the stock market and other sectors.  Even some of Cycla’s critics are amazed at the financial progress she had made in such a short period of time and noticing that her marriage to her husband Amazing has grown stronger because of it.  As a matter of fact, one of Cycla’s most hardened critics is now one of her closest friends and even sticks up for her when she is the target of mean-spiritied gossip and/or jealousy by others. The former critic, Cycla, and her husband are leaving together to go to a midnight mass at Cycla’s favorite church where she is required to share some details of her story to other churchgoers on how she got to where she is today.  Cycla lets her former critic and husband Amazing look at the story and both agree that it is ready to show to the church.  The following are some of the details of the story that Cycla reads to members of the unconventional church that she belongs to as requested.

5 years prior,It was a weekend of a heavily snowed in time and Cycla decided to get some sleep in order to have energy to clean up around her apartment and listen to her soul’s guidance on making more beneficial decisions for her future. Her husband Amazing lived up to his title even then and loved Cycla regardless of how much money she made and even when the future uncertain.  Cycla obviously believed him when he made it clear that he loves her for her spirit and not her bank account balance, and fortunately she believed him but she knew that she had to do better as what was popular to say during this time.  Anyhow, Cycla has a dream where she meets her doppelganger in a heavenly world of light fashioned after a conglomerate of some of Cycla’s favorite uplifting shows and some stories that had not yet been read outside of her apartment.  Cycla’s doppelganger makes it clear that she is in the future where she has already dead and assures her that a happy afterlife awaits her but emphasizes that she is not allowed to tell her when she is going to die. Instead Cycla’s future afterlife doppelganger was tasked by Cycla’s heavenly higher self and other members of her spirit team to help her.  Cycla asked her afterlife doppelganger why her higher self, spirit guide, guardian angels, and/or other spirit helpers are not present to speak with her.  With compassion, Cycla’s afterlife double explained that her spirit team unconditionally loves her, even her spirit guide that was tempted to quit and delegate his job to another spirit guide when Cycla stubbornly refused to relocate to Virginia when her spirit guide was downloading guidance to her to do so through the forms of signs and other people that her higher self knew can be trusted to look out for what is in her best interest in a harm-free manner. 

With firmness and compassion,  Cycla’s double told her the things that she is at least doing right;  She needs to stay in the area that she is living now for at least 4-5 more months regardless of what her critics say.  Additionally, Cycla is right to stick with her vow to be the best wife she can for her husband Amazing and stay married to him for the rest of her current lifetime however long that may be regardless of what even the most spiritual people that she knows says about her decision. Cycla’s afterlife double from a higher world of spiritual light agrees with Cycla that her (Cycla) and husband Amazing are actually well-matched in various areas,are part of each other’s karmic destinies, and are meant to stay married to each other for the rest of their current lifetimes.  Additionally, Cycla’s  afterlife double gives her guidance and confirmation that the marriage between her and Amazing is only going to get stronger and closer even if they have to do a long-distance marriage but she is also going to have to disregard what other people say about their marriage and keep her own mind  about her in regards to her long-lasting marriage goal.
Cycla’s double also reassures her that she is making the right and wise decision by insisting on living independently regardless of critics who claim that she needs to live with adoptive and/or biological family members.  As a matter of fact, Cycla’s double (we’ll call her Sunshine) shows her through an amethyst ball in a colorful garden what would happen if she listened to her critics.  For starters, Cycla is shown the outcome of emotional and/or physical abuse happening with even the most kindest of family members due to feeling the stress and/or frustration of trying to help Cycla when she is supposed to independently live not just on her own with her husband but also far away from even the most well-intentioned family members.  There is even a crazy Jerry Springer outcome of the cops being called in two of the cases. Cycla was shown this on the condition that she not tell any of her family members these dream details or share anymore publicly unless the ones involved want to know (even then she is to keep the findings private).  Sunshine makes it clear with Cycla that is is more than fine that she honors and respects the adoptive and biological family members willing to be in her life out of respect and appreciation for allowing her in their lives either online and/or offline but it is karmically wise and for the better of everyone concerned if she stays living on her own with husband Cycla and/or a long distance marriage if necessary for economic reasons regardless of what Cycla’s most influential and/or popular armchair critics think.

Sunshine takes Cycla inside a purple and gold university library in a heavenly world created by Cycla;s imagination where she gives her a book on instructions from her spirit team on what she needs to heed in order to change her life.  Sunshine makes it clear that she will be back to pick up Cycla in what is around 2-3 hours in Cycla’s earth life. Sunshine telepathically picks up on Cycla’s thoughts and explains that she has a concert date with one of the University’s popular professors but she is not allowed to currently share the name of the spirit with Cycla because it would cause too much unnecessary distraction for Cycla (though Sunshine makes it clear that she will meet this charismatic person  within 7 days of her death after this current lifetime).  Anyhow, Cycla opens the book that her Spirit Team has written for her with insructions that she must keep in mind towards making wiser decisions and information that is going to help change her life.  Cycla is given a gold star to open the peach, green, and red colored book which instantly starts to read among the following points
1.      During Your Time on Earth, start committing to writing stories, song ideas, and/or scripts at least three times a week, in addition to the stories that you plan on publishing. You can even share these stories on your linkedin, twitter page, and blog pages-tumblr, blogspot, wordpress etc. each time you write them. However, only share a story on facebook no more than once every three months from now on until you are intuitively directe otherwise.  Within a year of this dream you are going to understand more why.  Additionally, make more time for comic stories and drawings that you can keep in the safety of your apartment.
2.      As Your Afterlife Double Sunshine Said, Cycla,you are making a most wise decision on sticking with your intent to live on your own and/or a long distance marriage if necessary regardless of what even your most well-intentioned critics think about you living a long distance from your biological and/or adoptive family members.
3.      Your Spirit Team, In Concert With Your Higher Self, are working together to bring you the employment that you seek that is going to be at least 1200 dollars a month or more after taxes, then 2,000 dollars a month or more after taxes within a year or less after that, and then at least $3,000 dollars a month or more after taxes within 18 months or less after that. However, in order to speed this manifestation we implore you to try harder towards losing your excess weight.  Please understand we are not trying to punish you.  We instead you see as a spirit with immense creative talent and untapped unlimited potential that you are in the process of realizing. However, we want you to try harder towards losing the weight because some employers who are kind and open-minded enough to take a chance on you despite your controversial history/unique personality want to take a chance and hire you but have understandable reservations about doing so because of your weight.  Please know that we are not intentionally trying to hurt you and/or sound harsh. Rather we are confirming what you have intuitively suspected, including why your rivals were able to sometimes easily exploit that weakness to your professional detriment via cleverly using other words and/or assumed stereotypes about overweight people.  However, you can emerge less of a victim and more victorious if you focus more energy and attention to lose the weight this year for this helps increase your phoenix-like victorious rise in not just your professional life but other areas of your life as well.
4.      Pay attention to the kid cooking shows that you see online and on television. They hold the key to your financial stock market success and ideas to help you improve your cooking for both desserts and normal meal ideas for your weight loss efforts.
5.      Your husband Amazing and yourself are wise to avoid going into further debt for the rest of your current lifetimes and transforming the focus into becoming more financial free with more robust savings.  Even when you finally make more money, concentrate more on using the extra money to pad your savings account over paying back your student loans early-stick with paying back your student loans by the year 2030-2035 instead even if you attracted an unexpected financial windfall tomorrow.  Additionally, having a paid for house and/or trailer that is $75,000 dollars or less as well as having financial savings to cover at least 12-18 months living expenses needs to take precedence over paying off your student loans early. You are going to get a lot of critics that are going to judge you for this, even possibly among some of your spiritual mentors who you admire and/or family members and/or friends that accept you for who you are but you must stick to your intuitive instincts on this.
6.      The two place/states within the United States of America that you are looking at in settling into for the rest of your current lifetime are two places that your higher self, your patient spirit guide, and your team of other spirit helpers have gave you are divinely inspired ideas for your soul’s contract. Listen to these ideas and understand that your good karma carried over from past lifetimes are one of the major factors that contributed to why you are fortunate to have been born as an American citizen and even contributed to you unexpectedly meeting your wonderful husband Amazing.
7.      We are hearing and answering your requests to bring you increased financial security in your life including being able to build a bigger relationship network and hire multiple coaches to help you stay on the right track (yes it is ok to eventually hire 4 coaches to help you when you have more money).  However, until then look for the coaching and/or free help opportunities where you may least expect them-i.e. listen to the career coach who is patiently making their time to talk to you next week and of course show respect by being there are least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Also, regardless of what your critics think, continue to look for ideas and assistance through articles online (just make a time schedule of your day and be mindful of how much time you spend online). Make sure to join an organization that will help you with your writing and/or speaking skills (such as Toastmasters) and strive to volunteer at least 2-3 times a week within 3-5 weeks of reading this message.
8 Even if you may not always agree with them, try to consider the viewpoints of those who send messages to you in your e-mail and/or facebook feed. Additionally, watch the writing style of both the U.S. astrologers and the astrologers  based overseas from the United States (U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. astrologers that you look at-you may not always agree and/or believe  everything that is said, but always be thankful if a horoscope does happen to pertain to you even if you know that you don’t have to follow and/or believe what is written. Why you may ask-They generously provide writing examples on ways we would want you to approach your writing (though these avenues would not be the only way).  Of course, regardless of what others may say about you doing so, it is ok to continue to look at other tv shows, magazines, newspapers, music, movies, websites and other both mainstream and rare writings for ideas on how to approach your own writing even if what is written does not pertain to the background of where you came from and/or who you are as long as you have harm-free intent. Once again, you will attract  some of even the most high profile, influential and/or wealthy critics who will question and/or judge that what you are not doing is not incongruent with who you are. Go ahead and respectfully acknowledge what they may say and/or write but you do not have to take their words as gospel if it clashes with your own intuitive guidance, you may even ignore what is said at times.  Why you may ask; Prior to you incarnating on earth, you agreed to become a writer regardless of whether it would bring you fame, obscurity, and/or possibly harsh judgement. Your decision to become an author and scriptwriter is actually aligned with your true will and soul’s contract. We Will share more with you on this in your  later days/weeks on this earth and the afterlife.
Last, but not least, we understand that you may feel mildly depressed at times because you know that you have to work harder to prove yourself due to being judged in both professional and personal settings due to your appearance in connection to your weight and being underestimated based on your perceived intellectual intelligence. However, as written earlier, please avoid being a victim even if you unintentionally attract circumstances that confirm you being discriminated against even among some people from other racial minorities. Instead you are to give thanks and focus on the people that do support you from various demographic backgrounds in both your professional and personal life, including family members and/or friends and your husband and his mother who help encourage your unlimited potential. Focus on the achievements that you have made before in your life such as becoming class valedictorian, when you have successfully and legally made at least $3,000 dollars a month or more etc.  Additionally, there are going to be four kids in your future that are not biologically your own but who you agreed to help pay their college educations when they are older. You made this promise during one of your sleep dream visits to heaven around 11 years ago to your late adoptive mother right inside another library of this University, but make sure to keep your promise not just for good karma but out of respect for your adoptive parents (I can’t tell you yet too much more about the kids but only that you will meet them 2-3 years after paying off your trailer and becoming a millionaire making at least 2 million per year after taxes- 2 of the children who identify themselves as American  but acknowledge  and understand why they are considered Black American were born here on the east coast of the U.S.  and have parents who both count themselves as African American while the other 2 children are Caucasian but also consider themselves American and have parents who both identify themselves as Caucasian (the only difference is one parent identifies as primarily American while the other parent identifies as European American), but I promised your spirit team that I would only tell you so much but rest assured more will be revealed in due time). Speaking of the University, it is constructed by your imagination (yes you even attracted via your imagination and spiritual vibration the 20,000 to 30,000 spirits that are roaming in the University with most of them (at least 80%) being humans that have lived on earth that were connected to you either during most recent earth life and/or your other past lives, some spirits from other planets that were following and watching you closely while you were alive on earth (around 5%-10%) and 888 of them being magick servitors that you did not have the heart to just kill off but for karmic reasons and harm-free intent towards  the source where you got the information your higher self  and occultist friends from past lifetimes agreed to help you move these servitors towards their own campus and community once you were karmically finished with them-suprisingly one of the children you agreed to help called upon 2 of the servitors upon your death which fortunately are only bringing positive effects for everyone concerned due to their new home being based in a heavenly world).  Speaking of Servitors at the time you read this, I Sunshine your afterlife double is still at a meeting with the mystery professor because we are gathering in a magick circle inside a colorful forest that is also connected to other Spiritualists and Occultists who identified as such while alive on earth.  Anyhow, you are going to look up and see an occultist named Oval who closely studies the teachings of the  book Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand among other books  and a spirit named Diamond who  who closely studies the teachings of the book World of Archangels by Sufian Chudhaury. They are going to escort you to an outside area and help you perform a ritual/process that is going to be embedded in your soul even after you wake up. However, there is little time to waste because by the time you read this you are waking up within 80-90 minutes of reading this message.
Less, than 20-30 seconds letter Oval and Diamond lead Cycla into a conference room where both books are on a gold and emerald green table (Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand and World of Archangels by Sufian Chudhaury).  Intuitively, Cycla somehow knows to go to work on creating one of her Servitors which both Diamond and Opal confirm that she heard correctly when she decides to create 2 servitors-one for entrepreneurship  and/or making at least 1600 dollars a month after taxes or more within the next 2 years and another for entrepreneurship to be a partner to the short-term servitor while setting the stage for entrepreneurship success in case she lives until the year 2040 and beyond. Diamond and Oval join with Cycla along with 10 other people she recognizes from a past lifetime as a noble woman in a royal court as part of the Group Servitor process in the Magickal Servitors book by Damon Brand.  Fortunately, the book that Cycla read in her imagination library suddenly manifests in front of her (via her thoughts) and she is able to let both servitors know what she wants them to help her with after she rereads the instructions of the book given to her in the University library.

Last, but not least, both Diamond and Opal help Cycla manifest a painting  platform to draw and paint the image of  front cover of the book World of Archangels; How to Meet A Archangel by Sufian Chaudhaury.  Once the white color on the wings are fleshed on, Cycla writes the worlds spirit discernment, worlds of heavenly spiritual light, spirit guides, and guardian angels to help call benevolent spirits that would work in concert with her higher self, her career servitors, and the rest of her spirit team to help her manifest her career dreams and help her to financially meet her requirements for shelter and food to help sustain her and her husband Amazing as she works on her weight and manifests her money and professional goals. Oval and Diamond help escort Cycla to a room to perform the process in the book called How To Meet Your Spirit Guides. Once Cycla is able to do Step 8 of this process she unexpectedly wakes up but makes sure to write down as much as she remembered from her detailed and vivid dream. Multiple members of Cycla’s unconventional church of both which she is a member and person of the board applause her story. Afterwards, one of the members of the church gave her  a gracious compliment that Cycla’s story would also make a brilliant/superb script for a Hollywood movie and/or fiction story featuring  spiritually transforming themes.

Bibliography My Intuition Guided Me To List